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PHILIPINE MANUAL OF © LEGAL CITATIONS MYRNA S. FELICIANO. aMrvErstry oF Hur COLLECT 3" viatsrepom Dinas Cuma Se College of Law University of the Philippines 199% UP, | cnusseor ut AMAT CAN Fl COPYRIGHT, 1999 By the Authors ty ISBN Ng, ye ’ 4a s “ery h Pubishod by #4 * INFORMATION ANO;PUBLICATION DIVISION UP. LAW COMRLRK \ Primed oft yet + - PREFACE ‘This Manual is @ response to a long-felt need in legal research and writing, “it should be stressed thet, on the whole, the working rules it contains have been evolved in practice, In mimeographed form. the Manual has been usedin the legal writing course at the U.P. Collage of Law and the Conter’s continuing lagal education program. The method of citation in the Philiogine Law Journal is based on this Manual This present work would not have been possible without the initiative of the former Dean of the U.P. Collage of Law, retired Supreme Court Justice Vieenta Abad Santos, who in 1987 constituted the three of Us into a committee to prepare a uniform system of legal citation. This Manual grew out of that assignment. The publication of this Manual was made a project of the U.P. Law Center by the then Director Froilan Bacungen, in the furtherance of logal scholarship. Legistative and judicial changes necessitated the fith revision of this work, and the additonal ‘consideration that the previous edition has gone out of print. IRC. MSF. MMM CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER mw PRIMARY SOURCES A. Court Decisions... B, Statutory Materials... SECONDARY SOURCES ‘A. Books and Pamphlets B. Collection of Essays or . Periodical Articles 1D. Newspapers E, Annotations... F Letters, Speeches and interviews. G. Encyclopedias H. Looseleat Services |. Book Reviews J. Internet Sources: FOREIGN SOURCES ‘A, Court Decisions B. Statutory Materials . Secondary Materials UNITED NATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS SOURCES: ‘A. United Nations ... B. League of Nations . Intemational Court of Justice D. Permanent Court of Intorational Justice .. E International Arbitrations so F. Other Intornational Court G. Other Intemational Bodies... 40 44 44 45 45 46 46 V. REPEATING CITATIONS. APPENDICES U Appendix A — Sample page showing Footnotes Appendix 8 — Sample of Bibliography ‘Appendix C — List of Repotts em rmnemnm Appendix D — List of Legal Periocicais ani Their Abbreviations val 51 55 87 60 83 PHILIPPINE MANUAL OF LEGAL CITATIONS |, PRIMARY SOURCES ‘A. COURT DECISIONS 1, Case Nawes 1, General Rule Cito cases by giving the sumame of the patios, the volume, ste ‘and page of reports, and the year of promulgation in parenthesis ‘Abbreviate versus oF contra as v. When used in the text, undor- ‘score the tile of the case (it printed, italicize); and pace the source fof citation in the footnote. Example: Aviaga v. Javellana, 92 Phil, 330 (1952) It two or more actions are consolidated in coe decision, cite only the first listed b, Exceptions— () Cite Islamic and Chinese names in ful. As to those with Christan frst_names, follow the general rue Examples: Um Sian Tek v. Ladislao not Lim v. Lacisiao Wong. v. Dizon_not Joseph Wong v. Dizon Una ‘Kibad v. Commission on Elections not Kibad v. Commission on Elections (21 Giter compound names in full Examples Poople v. De ta Cruz not People v, Cruz de la Avad Santos v. Auditor General not Santos v. Audi- tor General Galeos-Valdehuesa -v. Republic not Valdehuesa v Republic (3) Aways ate names of corporations. associations, business firms and partnerships in full. Words forming pan of such names may be abbreviated, except the first word, Examples: Mata v. Rita Legarda, Ine Allied Workers Assn, of the Phil. v. Republic Trading Corp. (4) Cit cases involving the Govemment of the Philippines and criminal cases as follows Government v. Commonwealth y. Republic v. _ US. ¥. People v. ‘depending upon the ti Examples: Government v. Abadinas Commonwealth v. Corominas Repuihlie v. Carpin US. v, Jaranila People v. Santos (5) Cite cases involving pubiic officers or offices as follows (a) Where the person is named in his official capacity, give the name of the person only. Examples. iy 0! Manila v, Subidy ot City of Manila v. Subido, in bis capacity as Civil Service Commissione’ Gonzales v. Hechanova not Gonzales v. Execuive ‘Secretary (0) Where the offce is named, give the complete name of the office. Examples. Collector of Internat Revenue v. Tan Eng Hong Chiet of Phil. Constabulary v, Sabungan Bagong Silangan Board of Electon Inspectors of Tolosa v. Piccio Assistant Executive Secretary v. Sarbro & Co. (6) Aways cto Municipality of __ Ciyol_, Province of | as they appear in the decisions Examples: Province of Rizal v. RT.C. City of Cebu v. Ledesma Municipaliy of Mandaluyong v. Bautista (7) Cito case names beginning with procedural terms like Ex parte, Ex rel and In re as they appear in the decisions Use in re instead of In the mattor of Examples: Ex parte Miligan in re Garcia US. ox rel Greathouse v. Smith 2. Case Retonrs ‘Supreme Court Decisions— When the decision is already found in the official und in the ofcially published Philippine Pepons, indicate only the Philippine Reports citaton, iy (i) Preupeme Reronts— Cito as: yaluine Phil gage (wear) Example F Diaz v. Esirera, 78 Phil. 637 (1947) (2) Orrem, Gazer Cin GIR. docket no. and dato of promulgation bet O.G. citation, . ee ee me Cite as: G.R. No. date promulgated, yolume 0.6. sans (onth & year ot Issue) | Example: Espintu v. Rivera, G.A. No. 17092, September 30, 1963, 62 O.G. 7226 (Oct, 1966). It the decision is found in a supplement, indicate sup- plement number, page and date of issue. Example: 46 OG. Supp. No. 11, 22 (Nov, 1986). (9) Gevena, Resisren (GA) —Advance decisions of the Supreme Cite as: GA, No. date of promulgation, omit ———— romuigation, omitting the L—which refers to post-liberation decisions Example EStepa v. Diansay, GA. No. 14788, September 1960, vee a (a) For disciplinary cases against attomeys-ataw Cite as: GR, Adm. Case No, dato of ‘promugation. Example: In re Mallare, G. R. Adm, Caso No. $33, April 29, 1968. Note: For unotfcial reports of cases, see Rule 1, A. (b) For disciplinary cases against judges: Cite as: G.R. ‘Adm, Casa/Mater No. , date of promul- gation Example: ‘Secretary of Justice v. Catolico, G.A. Adm. Case) No. 203 & Adm. Matter No. 625-CF, November 18, 1975. b. Court of Appeals Decisions, 1996— (I) Appewate Court Reronrs (v. 2, 1937 and v. 8, 1947 are the only ones published) — Cite as: yolume C.A Rep, gage (waar) Example: ‘Chunaco v. Singh, 8 C.A, Rep. 488 (1947) (2) Count oF Appenis RePonrs, Second Series Cin as. oluna CA. Rap. 20 nage (usa) Example: Flores v. Valpefa, 2 C.A. Rep. 20 64 (1962) (3) Count oF Arpenis Genenat Recisren (C.A-G.A)— ‘Advance decisions of the Court of Appeals, Cite as: CA-GR. No -R, CV, CR or SP, date of promulgation. Example Caliboso v. Bueno, C.A-G.R. No. 20401-R. Apel 8," 1960, (4) Orticus Gazerre— Cite as: C.A-SP or OR oF CV No. (dato of promulgation, volume 0.6. paye (month & year of issue) | Exampw: Manila Electric Co. v. Allarde, CA-SP No. 11850, May 15, 1987, 860.6. 3447 (May, 1990). ©. Other Courts— (1) Sanovoaneavan Prosone Cito as: Sandiganbayan Crim, Case No,_ date of promulgation, yalume Sandiganbayan Rep. gage (year of issue) Example People v. Sabarre, Sandiganbayan Crim. Case No, 001 December 12, 1979, 1 Sandiganoayan, Rep. 305 (1979), (2) Count oF Tax Appeats Decisions— Cito as: CTA Case No, date of promulgation. Example: ‘Abad v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, CTA Case No. 717, June 4, 1963. (8) Recionat Tawar Count Decisions— Cite as: RTC (Place & Branch No.) Crim. Case or SP No R. date of promulgation Example People v. Johnson, RTC (San Jose, Occidental Mindoro, Br. 45) Crim. Case R-1681, August 6, 1984 In ro Morales, RTC (Dagupan City, Br. 43) SP-2472, Decem- ber 7, 1989. s (4) Metnopourran Tat Courts Decisions —Cite as: MeTC (Place {& Branch No.) Civil or Criminal Case No, date cf promulgation, Example: Shell Distribution Co., Inc. v. Balmaceda, MeTC (Manila, Branch X) Civil Case No ‘59563, July 20, 1982. (5) Moniciea, Trial Counts and Municirar Gimcurr Tria COURTS Decisions Gite as: MCTC or MTC (Place) Crim. Caso No date of promulgation Exampl: People v. Soliven, MCTC ( Paoay—Curimao, locos Norte) Crim. Case No, 992-C, November 11, 1989, (6) Suanian Disricr ano Gircurr Courts. Cito as: Shariah Dist/Circ, Ct. (place), date of promulgation Example: Al-Awadhi v. Rulona, Shari'ah Dist. Ct. (Marawi City) Special Proceeding No. 011-87, September 15, 1968. 4, Administrative Decislons— Cite by the name of the agency (when there is an_ abbraviated Gin ee abbroreton er Scroryny case number and dato of promulgation Ex trio’ v. Dizon, DAN Case No. 2734, April 24, 1967. In re Cojacado, CSC Adm. Case No. R-27182, Sep- tember 29, 1964 Wintnrop-Sterling Employees Ass'n (FFW) v. Winthro Steams. 6 Steing Product ingrnatona)” WG Gase No. (R081, January 26. 1956 The following is a list of some administrative agencies and boards exercising regulatory and quasi-judicial functions Agricultural Inventions Board. cn. Armed Forces of the Philippines, Office of the Judge Advocate General Board of Communications, Board of Investments . Board of Liquidators Board of Pardons and Pare. Bureau of Agrarian Legal Assistance Bureau ot Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Bureau ot Food and. Drugs. Bureau o! Forest Development Bureau of Higher Education Bureau of Hospitals Bureau 6f intemal Revenue Bureau of Labor Relations Bureau of Lands Bureau of Local Employment Bureau of Mines Bureau of Patents Trademarks and Technology Transler Bureau of Physical Education and Schoo! Spens Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education Burau of Trade Ragulaton and Consumer Protaction Bureau of Women and Young Workers Bureau of Working Copditions Cite As AI JAGO BoC 801 BOL. BPP BALA 8FAR BFAD 8FD BHE 8H BIR BLA aL BLE 8M BeTT aPEss ere aTRop awyw awe Central Board of Assessment Appeals... Civil Aoronautes Board Civil Service Commission Commission on Immigration and Deportation Commission on Audit Commission on Elections Commission on Higher Education ‘Commission on Human Rights. Commission on the Settement of Land Problems Construction industry Arbitration Commission... Dangerous Drugs Board Deparment of Agriuiture, Office of the Secretary Deparment of Energy Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Deparment of Finance, Office of the Secretary Department of Foreign Atairs, Office of Consular Services Deparment of Interior and Local Goverment Department of Justice, Office of the Secretary Deparment of Labor & Employment, Offce of the Secretary Deparment of Natonal Detense Deparment of Public Works, Trans- Portation and Communications, Office of the Light Rail Transit Authonty Deparment of Science and Technology Che As CBAA CAB csc cop COA COMELEC CHED CHR csLP ciac 0B DA DE DENR OFA. DG Dos DOLE OND Dpwrc Dost Employees Compensation ‘Commission Enorgy Regulatory Board Environmental Management Bureau, Fair Trado Board .. _ Fertlizer and Pesticide Authority Fiber Industry Development Authority Fiscal Incentives Review Board Food and Drug Administration Games and Amusements Board Garments and Textie Export Board Gold Mining Industry Assistance Board Government Service Insurance System. Housing Land Use Regulatory Board Iron and Steel Authority Insurance Commission Laguna Lake Development ‘Authority Land Registration Authonty Land Transponaton Franchising and Regulatory Board ... Local Water Utities Administration Maritime Industry Authority, Mont Systems Board Metropolitan Waterworks & Sewerage System Mindanao Development Goarc Monetary Board Movie and Television Review and Classification Board National Bureau of Investigation National Commission en Indigenous Peoples, Cle As Ecc | ERC EMB FTB FPA FIDA FIRS FOA GAB GTEB GMAB sis HLURB ISA Ins. Com LLoA LRA LFRB wu. MARINA MSB MWss MoB Me MTRCB NoIP National Conciliation and Mediation Board, : : Natonal Cottage industry Development Authority . National Economic Development Authority, Office of the Director Gonoral National Electrification ‘Administration National Food Authonty National Grains. Authority National Historical institute National Housing Authority National. rigation Administration National Labor Relations ‘Commission National Library (Copytight Office ) National Manpower and Youth Cound National Mapping and Research Information Authority National Meat Inspection Commission National Museum... National Nuvition Council National Parks & Development Corp National Police Commission National Quarantine Offce National Resources Development Corp. National Seamen Board National Telecommunication Commission National Tobacco Administration National Wage Council Che As Noms, NACIDA NEDA NEA NFA. NHI ~-NHA NA NLRC NL NMYC NAMRIA Nuc NNC NPOC NAPOLCOM Noo) NROC NSB NTC NTA, NW. National Wator Resources Council fe National Youth and Sports Development Board Nuclear Indemnity Board! Office of the Solicitor General tice of the Ombudsman Office of Government Corporate Counsel Office of Transpon Cooperatives Office of Tourism Standards. Olt industy Commission Overseas Workers Welfare Administration, Philippine Aerospace Development Corporation aos Philippine Atomic Energy Commission Philippine Coast Guard Philippine Coconut Authority Philippine Constabulary Philippine Convention Bureau Philippine Copyright Offico Philippine Export Zone Authority Philippine Fisheries Oevelopment Authority Philippine Gaming Semmission Philippine Inventors Commission Philippine Medicare Commission Philippine Merchant Marine’ Aczdemy Philippine National Lines Philippine National Raiways Philippine Overseas Employment ‘Administration Philigpine Racing Commission Che As NWR NysoB Nig osc Ovsuosman occe ore ors ore owwa Paoc PAEC PCG POA PC PCB PCO PEZA PFDA Pac Pic Meoicane Com PMMA PNL. PNR POEA PHILRACOM Philippine Sports Commission Philippine Tobacco Board Philippine Tourist Authonty Phiippine Veterans Administraton.. Philippine Virginia Tobacco Administration Plant Quarantine Otfice Pollution Adjudication Board Population Commission Price Stabilization Council Professional Regulation Commission Reparatons Commission Securities & Exchango Commission Social Security Commission ‘Small and Medium Industries Commission Sugar Regulatory Administration Tarif Commission .. Textbook Board ‘oll Regulatory Board Video Regulatory Board B. STATUTORY MATERIALS 1 Cons ti1uiom— The Constitution is cited by reteronce to artide, section and Paragraph. When the Constitution is no longer in force, put the year in parenthesis, Examples: PVTA PAB POPCOM Psc. PRG REPACOM SEC ssc smc SRA To TEXTBD TRB vRD Const. (1995), art J, sec. 1, par. (3) Const. an. Vil 2. Session Laws— Citation of source, &.g., Public Laws, Laws & Resolutions, Vial Documents or Official Gazorte is not required bul may be added. Reference to section, artcie or paragraph should follow not recede the main citation if the citation is in the footnote, Public Laws, 1900 to 1934. Cita as: Act! No. (year of ettectivy) volume Pusuc Laws gage: Example: Act No. 1160 (1904), art a Commonwealth Acts, 1995-1945, Cie as: Com, Act No. — (year of effectivity, volume Pusuc Laws Com, page Example: Com. Act No. 5%, (1936), soc. 2 (b) Presidential Decrees, September 21, 1972 to February 20, 1986 City as: Pres. Degree No. (Year of effectivity), volume Vira Docs. pag Example: _| Pres Decree No, 603 (1975) . Balas Pambansa July 23, 1984 to February 1, 1966, Cite as: Batas Big — (year of eHfectivity), volume Acts 8 Res. page Example Batas Big. 60 (1981), Acts & Res, 1980-81, 1-30 Executive Orders, February 23, 1986 to July 26, 1967. Soe Rule 1.B. Ge) 1. Republic Acts 1946 to 1972; July 27, 1987 to date Cito as: Rep. Act No. (year of effectivity), volume Laws & Res. Ga08. Example: Rep. Act No. 1792 (1957), sec. 4 3. Coves— ‘As a general rule, cite the name of the paricular code, arsclo ‘Umber oF gecton umber (if any) witout any indication of date But when the code is no longer in force of has been subse- ‘quently revised, put the year of offectiviy in parenthesis, Examples. Chr Cooe, an 297 Gi Cook (1889), art. 67. ‘The following is a list of Philippine Codes and how they are cited: Che As Agricultural Land Reform Code ‘as amended by the Code of Agrarian Reforms Child and Youth Weltare Code. Agrarian Cooe Cu & Yours Wewrane Cove iv Code. Crm Cove Coconut Industry Code Coconut Inous Cove Code of Commerce Conmercial Cove Cooperative Code Cooperative Cone Corporation Code Cone. Cove. Family Code Fauny Cone Fire COd@ vo Forest Relorm Code Irsurance Code Intellectual Property Code, Is. Cove IwrewecTuaL Paop. Cone Che As Labor Code en Lasor Cone Land Transportation & Tratfic Code Cove Local Government Code Muslim Code of Personal Laws Musum Cove Natonal Building Code Bios. Cone National Code ct Marketing of Breast. ik Substitutes & Supplements. Mix Cooe Natonal Internal Revenue Code Tax Cove Omnibus Election Code Etecr. Cove Omnibus Investments Code Investments Coot Philippine Environment Code Envinon. Cove Revised Administrative Code Revised Penal Code Sanitation Code Rev. Ao, Coe. Rev. Pen. Cove Saurtation Cove State Auditing Code ‘Avoit Cove. Tarif! and Customs Code Taniee Cove Water Code Water Coot 4. Bus, Resovunions ano Comuirtee Reronts— ‘8, Congress of the Philippines, 1946-1972; 1987 — Cite bils, resolutons or committee reports in the following manner: House whore tha bill, resolution or committee reports originate serial report number, the Congress, sassion, and year in paren. thesis. For committee reports, give the name of the committee Examples: S.No. 5, 6th Cong, Ist Sess. (1966) H. No, 15085, Sth Cong, 4th Sess. (1965), S. Res. 1, 4th Cong., 1st Session. (1958). H, Res. 2, 6th Cong. 3rd Sess. (1966), Comm. on National Detense and Security, H. Apt 28, Sth Cong., 1st Soss. ( 1962} 16 Transe, & Trarric Loca. Govr. Cove Other abbreviations: Che As Senate or House of Representatives Concurrent Resolutions 8, Con Ras, Senate or Houso of Representatves Joint Resolution S.J. Res Senate or House Committee Reports H. Rot. Resolution of both Houses when sitting... S. pt together but voting separately RBH Batasang Pambenss, 1978-1986. Cito bills in the following manner: Origin of bil, bill aumbor, tho umber of the Batasan, number of the session and the year in parenthesis, Examples: P.8, No. 2878, Ist Batasan, Sth Sess. (1963) .B. No. 54, Ist Batasan, Sth Sess. (1963) For Committee reports, cite name of Committees, Serial report umber, number of Batasan, number of the session and the year in parenthesis. Example: Committee on Civil Service Rot. 545, Ist Batasan, Sth Sess, (1863) Abbreviations Che As Cabinet Bill 68. Journal of the Batasan JB. Leners/Annual Reports Transmined Communication Parliamentary Sills PB. Records of the Batasan AB. Resolutions Res, Written Answer WA, 7 5. Trearies ano Intemnamionat Aoneewents— ite the name of the agreement and tho exact date of signature by the Philippines. The etfectivity date or date of entry into force may be given parenthetcally at the end of the citation. Shorten the tite of the cited agraement by substituting "with" lor “Botweon, the Republic of the Philippines anc" Give the source of the xt of the meaty Example: Treaty of Friendship with India, July 11. 1952 (1953), I2! OFATS 1, 2 PTS. 797 203 UNTS. 73. Troaty Sources: Cite As Deparment of Foreign Atfairs Treaty Series OFATS, Philippine Treaty Series PTS League of Nations Treaty ‘Senos LNTS United: Nations Treaty ‘Series ONTS. Treaties and Other Intemational” Act, TIAS. United States Treaties and Other Intermatonal Agreements scm UST, ©. Pacsioenriat Acrs— Presidential acts are cited in the following manner, giving the source of publications, (2) Executive Orders— Cito as: Exec, Order No. (year) Examoles. Exec. Order No. 329 (1950), 46 O.G, 2036 (July 1950) (b) Proctamations—, Cite as: Proc. Nb, _______ (year). Example: Proc. No. 784 (1961), 57 O.G, 7122 (September, 1961) (©) Administrative Orders— Cite as: Adm. Order No. year. Example: Adm, Order No. 21 (1966), 62 0G. 7194 (Cotobor, 1966) Presiventiat Acts Unoen Martian Law: (d) General Orders— Cite as: Gen, Order No. (year). Example: Gen. Order No, 39 (1972) {e) Letters of Instructions— Cite as: LOL, No. (year) Example: LO! No. 230 ( 1972) (f) Latters. of Implementation— Cito as: L.O. Impl. No. (year) Example: 1,0. Impl. No. § (1972) (9) Letters of Authority— Cite as: LOA. No. _ na, Example: LOA. No. 1 (1972). 7. Opimions oF THE Secnevany Or Justice— Cite as: Sec, of Justice Op, No. s. Year) Example: Sec, of Justice Op. No. 271, s. 1982. 8. Aoumisrnariwe Rutes ano Recuvations — ules and Regulations promulgated by administrative agencies 19 are cited by name of agency (where there is an abbreviation for the ageney, use abbreviaton or acronyin) together with the designaton employed in the rules (‘administrative order,” ‘order’, “citcular “bulletin, “rules and regulations’, ete), serial number ‘and year af promulgation in parenthesis. The designaton “Rules ‘and Reguiatons” is abbreviated as “Rules & Reg." or “Rog.” followed oy a reference to secton or paragraph Where tho promulgating agency is a Department, incicats, whore appropri ate, the implementing bureau or tice ' Examples: OCI (Cooperatives) Adm. 0. No. | (1863), ONR (Forestry) Adm, 0. No. 25 (1976) | Labor Employment Sevice Reg. No. 3 (1966) ABBREVIATIONS: Department of Cite As Agreculture DA Agrarian Reform DAR Budget and Management eM Education, Culture, and Sports DECS Energy. DoE Environment and Natwyal Resources. DENR Finance DOF Foreign Alfairs OFA Health 00H Interior and Local Governments ous Justice Dou Labor and Employment DOLE National Dofonse ND Public Works and Highways DPWH Science and Technology. Dost ‘Scoial Woltare & Development Dsso Tourism oT Trade and Industry - om Transportaton & Communications bore 20 9, ORDINANCES— Cito provincial and city ordinances in the following manner: Name of the municipal or provincial Unit, serial number of ordinance, and date of adoption Example: Manila Ordinence 6120, Jan 26, 1967. 10. Court Rus — Rules of Court is cited as a code. When the rules are no longer in force, add year of eHfectivity in parenthoris Examples. Ruces oF Court, Rule 130, soc. 2, par. (a), Rutes oF Court (1940), Rule 19, sec. 7, par. (b) Il, SECONDARY SOURCES* ‘A. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 1 Generally cited as: volume (it more than one), author (initial of first name and sumame), tite of book, page, section or para graph, edition, and date in parenthesis. Formally printed works of general orelaton are cied in large td sal caps Works net nomaly pond a ind opr roman with fhe. ile cf he, bock underscored, Alays. ct the number of the volime in Araic. Where fo. eton ol @ work is know by he name ol the edo, of Pansat, bob he number of to esSton and the name oho Gans ae gin In eng an insttional-auor, name, tho booy preparng he work Gt government agency, alvays Indude “Phi hrs) This $0Gion adopt come of horn nthe Urora Sve ce Cran With pormislon gare lythe Harvard Law Reviw Associ, ay iis THE ones, Comwente on He tes e# Counr 195 ed, 1963), a P. Femandez' & ©. Quiason, Labor Standards. and Weltare Legislation 173 (' 1964) 9-4. Mehrens, Tne Law oF Feoemat ncoue Taxarion, Sed, 49.124. (1965) , Puiu. Cone Comassion, Cove 19 (1948) ‘ORT ow THE ProPoseD Civ. AR. Maxuvenko, THe State Law oF THe Sociatisr Countmes 271-3 (Stashun ed. 1976), For bibliographical purposes, include the fist name of the author. (in inverted form), place of publication. publishes, and date in parenthesis, and inclusive pages, b. For unofficial reports of cases, cite by 6, cite by volume, abbreviated Gtation of the Reports as indicated by pubisher. page and year Example: 4 SCRA 160 (1972) Some unofficial Philippine reports: Cite As Coun of Appeals Reparts Anntated. CARA NITAFAN'S Supreme Coun Unpublished _ Decisions SUD Philippine Decisions Phi. Dee. Philippine Law Decisions PLO. Philippine Law and Jurisprudence PHILAJUR Philippine Repons Annotated PRA Supreme Coun Decisions SOD. Supreme Court Reports Annotated SCRA, 2 ‘&. For unottcial collection of treaties and other documents, cite by volume, tive, page and year Example: OPTS. 161 (1969), 4. For unofficial collection of statutes, cite by volume, title or abbreviated citation as indicated by the publisher, page, Example: CPS, 586, ‘Some unofficial Philippine Compilations Cite As Commonwealth Acts Annotated Com. AA, Philippine Annotated Laws PAL Compilation of Permanent Statutes (Philippine Permanent and General Statutes) oon i CPs. Public Laws Annotated — Pub. LA Vital Legal Documents r VLD. B. COLLECTION OF ESSAYS OR ARTICLES 1. If all essays or articles are by the same author, his name {inital of first name and surname) and the tite of the book are printed in large and small capitals and the tie of the essay of article in italics, it essays are by various authors, their names are printed in regular roman. For typewritten manuscripts, the preceding rule, Examples: Launei, THe Crisis oF Qua ConsrtuTionat Systew, in BreAo ANo Faeeoom 25 (1959) J. Ponce Enrile, The Tax Treatment of Real Estate Transactions, in 1964 Aspects oF Pupene Tax lw 81 23 ©. PERIODICAL ARTICLES |. Materials published in periodicals which are paged consecu- tively tHroughout a volume are cited by the inital of frst name followed by the surname of the author in regular roman, tile of the article in italics (underscored it typewritten), volume, name of periocical in large and small capitals using the standard ab. breviaton, page and year in parenthesis. Ifthe part being quoted 's found in the middle of the aricie, always cite the first page of the article and then the particular page where the quoted pet 's located. For tiliographical purposes, the inclusive pages should be cited, Examples: J. Lum, Intemational Law Standards and the Philippine + Law on Deportation, 1 Pr. Int. LJ. 347 (1963). TR Castro, The Legal Basis of Military Tribunals in a Marti! Law Situation, 2 J. Insc. Ban Pau, 126, 135 (1964), 8 It the periical has no ‘volume number, use the year of Publication as a volume number. Example: E* Abello, Consttuton under the Commonwealth and Under the Reoublic, 1965 Puiconsa Yuen 67 ». Periodicals paginated only within each issue are cited in regular roman’ by date of period of issue. Example: F. Medalla, Judicial Review and Cautionary Considera: ton, of its Exercise, NOBA LJ. Sept. 13, 1908, p. ©. Ilan article appears in'2 or more parts, indicate and give the first page ot each par. 28 Example: G. Gonzalez, A Critical Survey of Legal Education in the Phiippines (pis. 1-2), 22 PHIL, U3. 84, 102 (1887) 4. Symposia or long, mutt-authored, student-written works are ited as one work, using the tila designated by the pub- lishing periodcal Example: ‘Symposium on the Anti-Graft Legislation, 98 Pr. L. J. 1471 (1960) ©. Notes and comments sections ara cited by author, tite of article, notes or comments in parenthesis, volume, name of periodical, page and year of publeaton Example: V. Alrica, Liabiliy of Estafa for Breach of Trust v. Re- ‘coigt (Comment), 43 Pu. Lv. 567 (1966) List of Philippine legal periodicals and their abbreviations: Tite Abbreviation ‘Ateneo Law Journal Ateneo LJ Baguio Colleges Foundation Law Joural BOFL v, Commission on Audit Journal - 7 C.OAM, Court Sysioms Joumal.. Ct Systems J, Criminal Justice Joumal Cam Just. J. Diplomats Review Diptowars Rev, Far Eastem Law Review Fan East, L Rev. Furino Law For. Ret. J. Founoation L. Rev. 25 Tle Francisco College Law Joumal Journal of the Consstu- tional Convention of the Philippines Journal of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Judges. Journal Jurisprudence Labor Review Law: Journal and Magazine of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, Lawyers. Raview Lycoum of the Prilippines Law Review ; M.LQ. University Law Quantorly Mindanao Law Joumal Monthly Business & ax Bulletin PHILCONSA Jounal Philippine Joumal of Industral Rolatons Philippine Journal of Librarians Philippine Jcumal of Public Administration Philippine Labor Relations Journal Philippine Law Gazene Philippine Law Joumal Philippine Law Report Philippine Yearbook of Intemational Law... Philippines Judicial Weekly, San’ Beda Law Joumal SEC. Bulletin 26 Abbreviation Francisco CL J, JCC. Pan, J tres, Baw Pr, wunces J sua, Lis. Rev, BP LJ. & Mag, Law, Rev. Ly. Pa. L. Rev. MLQU La. Minoanao Li Mon. Bus 8 Tax Buu. PHILCONSA J, Pra J. ious, Ret, PILL Pan. J. Pus. Aow. Pr. Las, Ret. J Pan L. Gua, Pra. Ly, Pui. Lee. Pun. Yrex Ww Puiu. duo. Weex, ‘San Beoa LJ, SEC. Buu. Title Abbreviation Siliman Law Journal ‘Suuman Ld. Studies on Philippine Labor Stuo. Pa. Las Tala Indusvial Relations Tata tous, Rev Bulletin L Tax Monthiy Tax Mon, University of San’ Carlos Law Review . USC. L. Rev, University of Santo Tomas’ Law Review UST. L. Rev. University of the East Law Journal VEL University of Mania Law Gazette UM. L. Gaz World Bulletin Wom But D. NEWSPAPERS 1. Titles of newspapers are printed in raguiar roman and are. Gited with the date of issue, page and column Example: Manila Times, Dec. 9, 1966, p. 5, col 1 2A signed article (but not a news report) is cited by author and tite, Example: Arroyo, 2 Months.s Behind the Iron Curain, Manila Times, December 12, 1966, p. 1, co. 2 . ANNOTATIONS. Discussions in caso reports are cited by volume number, tile of case report, page number of the beginning of the anno. tation, date of publicaton of the volume. If the annotation is signed and has a distinctive tie, folow the nude on periockca! article, ILC. 1 Example: ‘Annet, 19 SCRA 280 (1967), 27 F. LETTERS, SPEECHES AND INTERVIEWS 2, 3 Indicate the name of the letter writen and his comespon- ent and the date the letter was written. Aways include tation to a printed work if available and follow rule IiB ' Bxample Lotter of Apolinario Mabini 10 Emilio Jacinto, December 17, 1898 in Lerrens oF APounamio Matin’ 81 (1968). For interviews, cite the person interviewed, his designation, it any, place of interview and date. Example: Interview with Manuel C. Roura, Chief of the Pol raph Division, National Bureau of Investigation, Meant February 18, 1970. ‘For speeches which have no tile, cite the speaker, occasion, place and date. I! found in a printed work, include the citation to it For speeches which have ties, follow the rule on periodical arid, I 6 Examples: ‘RBdress, by Justice Cesar Bengzon, 7h Anniversa Ceiebladon of ths Bacon Be heer afonersany November 8, 1952, 2 AteNeo Lu S07-a14 (1983) JN. Bollosilo, Challenges tor the Judiciary in the 21st Century (8th National Convention - Seminar of the Philippine Women Judges Association, Mania Hotel, March 12, 1999), 4 Cr, Svsrews J. 1 (June, 1999) G. ENCYCLOPEDIAS 1 Indicate the volume number in Arabic, the ttle of the ene yclopedia as abbreviated in the form stated by the publisher, the topic (in italics or underscored), the section number oF page number and the date of publication in parenthesis Examples: ' Paw. Law Jur., Administrative Law , 339 (1978), 81 Au. Jun, 2d Wills §7 (1976) H. LOOSELEAF SERVICES 1. Gita by volume number (i any) and name of services in abbreviated form, including publisher whon necessary), the page number or the subdivision recommended, by the publisher. If cing text material original in the service, use the date of insertions in the service, Example: PAR Las. Man. Rep. 38.12 (March 15, 1975) 1. BOOK REVIEWS 1. Cit by name of the reviewer, book review, volume number ‘ile of periodical (in abbreviated form) page number and year of publication in paronthesis. Example: JR. Coquia, Book Review, 48 PHIL. LJ, 696 (1873) Tie par aGap he guidlines crate by Acce Conmigo tet Source, 1888. 29 J. INTERNET SOURCES* a, Periodical Anicles Journal articles that are only available on the world-wide-web are cited as follows: Author(s), ‘ttle of article’, volume, Journal ttle, article refer- fence (year < Journal Uniform Source Locator> [paragraph pinpoint Note that the article reference is an identifer that some electronic journals use in addition to the article tite, Exanple Lary Innes ‘Aboriginal Rights and Interpretative Responsibility, 4 €. Law (1997) < hitp:// www murdoch edu. au/elaw/>[15- 18}. 2.1 Where an anicleis published on the web butis notpart of a journal, it should be cited as follows Author(s), "tite of article’ Homepage Title relevant organization, article reference (year), << Uniform Resource Locator > (Copy on fle with ‘uthor) [paragraph pinpoint), Example Vince DiStépano. ‘Guidelines for better writing’ Available http://_ usa.nev-vinced/home/better- writing html. January 9, 1996 [1-5]. Cases published in Electronic Form Decisions published in electronic form should only be given i the cases has not been published in print form. Such cases are citod as fol 30 ‘Sumame of partes, (Court Identitier] G.R. docket number and date of promulgation (Unreported, po- frente) < uniform resource lacator > at date file retrieved [pinpoint] Example: People v. Alquizalos [Supreme Coun} G.A. No, 128386, March 25, 1989 (unreportad, Quisum- bing, J.< > November 48, 1999 (11-12) Statutes/Rules published in Electionic Form Statutes or rules published in electronic form should be cited as follows: State/country, Title of statutes/rules, date adopted ‘or promulgated by name of authority < uniform resource locator > at date file retrieved [paragraph pinpoint} Example Hawaii, Rules of Civil Procedure, adopted by the Supreme Court of the Statw of Hawai, as ‘amended April 7, 1980 September 9, 1999 [3-7) E-mail E-mail is cited as follows: Author of e-mail message.Subject.ine of the message [online] available e-mail: name of re- cipient @ author @ address of message. Example B, Taylor, Childron and teleconferencing {online} Available mail: mya @ Claw > Taylor@ 31 lll. FOREIGN SOURCES* A. COURT DECISIONS 1, Cace Mawes. 8. Genera! Rulo— Follow Rule IA... or cite cases as they may appear at the beginning of the opinion in the offcial report. When in doubt ‘a8 fo how forvign names should be cited, the running tiie appearing on the top of the page in the otfcial report may be followed. It two or more actions are consolidated in one decision, cite only the fist listad. In extremely long case ‘names, the running head at the top of each page of the case may serve as, guide Examples: Shoppard v. Maxwell, 384 US 333 (1966), Burns v. Graham, 4 D.LR, (Ontano Supreme Court ) 111 (1823) Roshan Lal v. Union of India, A.LA. 1987 S. Ct. 1989, b. Exceptions— () Cito administrative actons by the reported name jin full of the first listed private party or by the oficial subject matter ttle if no pary is named. Examples. Alabama Invasisto Faros, 2S- 1.0.6. 199 (1944) 1 (2) For Islamic and Chinese names, see Rule LAIb. (1) “The secon adopt ua inne Uns San cr Ganon (0h, atarwite Krom as the Huw Bue oom 32 (3) 1f_no name or party is given in the report, use “Judgment of, and the exact date (month, day and year) after the seat of the cour. Give the name and seat of court in the original language in all cases. If the name is not in English, German or a Roman language and there is a useful transliteration, sive it parenthotcally together with the name of the county Examples: ‘Judgment of February 11, 1911, Cour de Cassation Judgmont of February 7, 1969, Span, Supreme Ct (4) If the sovereign is a party, uso the appellation found in the first cited report, whether *R’, “Rex.” “Rogina,” “The King,” or “The Queen" Example: The King v. Casement, 1. KB 98 (1917) (5) For American citations, omit the name of a state and “ol” following "State", “Commonwealth” or “People” when citing ecisions of the court of that Stats. In Federal and U.S. cases, tho rule is just the opposite wherein the name of the state Is retained but ‘People of” “State of," or ‘Commonwealth off ‘are omitted Examples: State cases— State v. Brown ‘ot State of Florida v. Brown People v. Witenski ‘not People of the State of New York v, Witenski Commonwealth v. Negh not Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Negri US. & Federal casos— Arizona v. Caliornia not State of Arizona v. State of California Alaska v. K & L Distributors, Inc. not Stato of Alaska v. K&L Distributors, inc. 33 (6) For names of corporations, business firms, ete., flow Rule LALD.8). For labor unions, cite fhe first words which indi- ‘cates a craft or industy of the union membership and all roceding words. are retained except that “Local Union No. 874" is writen “Local 974." All folowing words are omitted ‘except one for such as *Union,* “Dept”, “Workers’ Asc” oF “League” when needed to complete the names Example: Local 20, Teamsters Union v. Morton, 977 U.S, 252 (1964). mot Local Union No, 20, Teamsters, Chautfers and Helpers Jnion, etc. v. Morton, a Always Gite an official name in lieu of a popular name, but tho latter may be given parenthetcally at the end of the citation Example: National Labor Relations Boerd (N.LAB) v. Brown, (8) Numbers 1-10 in ttles of cases are spelled out Figures are used for numbers 11 on. Street numbers aro indicated in figures. Examples: (One 1938 Plymouth Sodan v, Pennsylvania 443 Cans of Frozen Egg Products v. United States 14 Diamond Rings v. United States 87 South Munn v. Public Utity Comrs (9) Always retain the beginning word “he” when the tile rolors to the name of a vessel or in order to be sure that the name is not mistaken for a personal name. Example. The Exoolsior, LA..2 A. & E, 268 (1898) 34 (10) For cases beginning with procedural terms, soe Rule LA1b(7), *On Relation of," For the Use of and similar expressions are always abbreviated to "ex rol” 2, Case Aeponrs, ‘a. Publications which print only cases are considered reports land are cited in roman, Publications which contain other textual materials, such as articles or newsnotes, are not cited ‘as reports but as periodicals in large and small capitals, Examples: ‘Am. St. Rep. US. LW. b. A case should be cited by the offical report before the Lunotfcial reports with the dato the decision was promulgated in parenthesis. It a case is not printed in offical or unofficial Fepor's, cite to a service, periodical or newspaper (in that ‘order of preference) always. Examples. Engol v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421, 82 S.Ct 1261 8 LEd 2d 607, 86 ALR. 2d 1285 (1962) Powell v. Dowoy, 123 N.C. 103, 68 Am, St Rep, 818 (1898), © Whenever a report has been renumbered in conformity with the offcial named series, cite the official report and indicate the original volume and the name of the reporter in paren: thesis Example: Marbury v. Madison, § US, (I Cranch) 137, 2 LE (1803), 60 J. It a report uses a bracketed date as part of the volume designaton, place it before the tite of the case report When 35 ‘he case report does rot indicate the jurisdiction, the county (in abbraviated form) must be sited parentheticaly, Examples: [1926] S.c.A, 412, [1949] Dalloz Jurisprudence 105. 1 Sup. Ct A & (india), ©. For English repors, it it does not clearly indicate the court deciding the case. the name of the court should be cited in parenthesis Example 11 & H. 40, 70 Eng. Rep. 653 (Ch. 1860), For a list of tho more trequentiy cited reports together with their abbreviations, see Aopondix *C* 9. For citation of U.S. and other foreign sources, consult A Unitorm System of Citation. (13m ed} otherwise known as the Harvard Blue Book B. STATUTORY MATERIALS 1. Consriturion Follow Rule |\B., but indicate the country et state in abbreviated form, Examples: USS. Const. amend, XX, soe. 3. Sean. Const. rar. 21 Gen. Feo. Ree, Basic Law art. 21, par, 2 2. Starures 8. General Rule— Always identity the country when citing statutes and give the official name stated in the statute if any; otherwiso, give the popular namo. If both names are significant, the second name 26 ‘may be given in parenthesis, The official compilation from where the text of the law may also be indicated, Examples. US. Givil Service Act. (OMahoney-Ramspeck Act) 52 Stat, 1976 (1998) German Judges Law of September 8, 1961 b. Exceptions— () It the statute does not give the official name but indicates the date it was promulgated, cite the date of promulgation land when available, give citation 10 collections and comp lations where the text of law could be located, Example: Ital, Law of March 20, 1865. (2) Statutes from Commonwealth counties are cited to the official codifications or consolidations with the year of effectivity in parenthesis oon Tees 1 ae 3. Coves Seman rec mets sone iene ee rasan Examples. Be. C. Pen, art 346. Gen. Buaceauicnes Geserzeven, sec. 324 (10th ed. Palandt, 1952), or 5. if tiie of the code is not in Engtish. German or a Reman Cite As language, cite the ato as vans Unitod States Treates and Other ae anni Fonsias International Agreements UST. 4. Treanies United Natons freely Sans UNTs Follow Rule 1.8.5 and always cite to an official ‘source, if available, 5. For citation of U.S. and other foreign sources, consult A with a paralet cation w the Leagua c/ Nalions Treaty Saree Unter System of Graton or The Harvard Blue Book oF Unite Naions Treaty Series C. SECONDARY MATERIALS The following is a list of some treaty collections Cee Tie cite As Folow Rule ILA‘. Consut A Union Sym of Gatien ote Great Bish Tina sare Gt ont Ts, Harvard Biv Book for more tale Fors Wt hoe a De Clereg, Recueil des traites - eioceoale ace] ADOC ob is Fares * 0» Circa 4 When he porodcal or pamphlet i natin Englth or French Te ot Nators Tray Sets NTS or nen te county ef Signe nat Goieus san We Seen acts, protocols, and ‘agreements between itself, indicate the county of publication. te Grud Stage of anaes ane een . eaten Maloy : Example Manone, GF Rosia os taba . erceolUrenernan coment Spihanees oe pal, ot ave Martone, R Re De Coron nee ee Mariens. G.F. Nouveau recueil de taites Irenwationates Recut Uno Dipvomanic (W. Ger.) dalliance de paix, de treve. Martens, N.S. . Martone, GE howeou foal ©. Wn a pubaton lcs a personal autor, oat he ising Sener oe tates Manns, NA gery, price rashton at sufer ster seve tanner nes GE, Nesrank sens 8 any ater work. Howaver fe mall e poohes oa Nona Hote ee Martone, N. government agency always include the jurisdiction or country jrway, Roel See rad aes gant ney eye a Norvege RIT. dela Norvege “ Panrhmercan Trey Sas Panam TS cramole Parr (ed), Consolidated Treety *eNATIONN. Reva MERCHANTS Associ4TiOn, Srupy oF art conse, Ts Teena Rerax. Menouanrs Assos , ConsumeR Costs in Deanuent Srones 3 (1963), Tresten and Other leveriaorat US. DePantuent oF THE INTERIOR, SURFACE MiNING AN Series, Urited States TIAS. (Our Envinonwenr 42 (1967). 38 39 IV, UNITED NATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS SOURCES: A, UNITED NATIONS* 1 ‘Symbols ot (United Nations documents are made up of juxta posed elements tat dantiy the authority under which they are 'ssued, These elements which are separated by oblique strokes are composed of capital leters and figures. usually Arabic numerals. When roman numerals are used they usually indicato the number of session or the number of subsidiary organ (e.g WG.1l-), Documents of two or more organs may carry two or more symbols, one for each organ. If a document is reissued in the Printee Offical Records or as a series publication, it retains its symbol. A sale publication normally carries a symbol and a sales code. Each language version of a mimeographed document carries the same symbol and date. @ The leading elements of the U.N. documentation system ilustrate tho series elements of the five principal United Nations organs and the special corios symbols established {or contain bodies. The following is a listing of some of these primary elements: Name of Body ‘Symbol Genaral Assembly Ny Economic and Social Counci & ‘Security Council Ss Intemational Coun of Justice. Kes Trusteeship Councit v Secrotanat sv Administrative Committee on Co-ordination Acer reo Nanos Donen (1978, 40 Name of Body United Nations Administrative Tribunal Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Agains: Women, Human Rights Commitee Ehmination of Racial Ciscrimination Conference on Oisarmament Disarmament. Commission Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Paci Intemational Narcotics Contr! Board, (Office of the United Nations Disaster Rolie! Coordinator Review Conterance of the Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition ‘of the Emplacement 2f Nucloar Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Sea-bed and the Ocean Floor and the Subsoil Thereof . Special Political Commitee of the General Assembly. United Nations. Development Programme United Nations Industral Development Organization United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea Trade and Development Board of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Develepment United Nations Environment Progremme ‘i United Nations Institute for ‘Training and Research World Food Council 4a ‘Symbol At CEDAW) copy CERO’ cor oc EESCAPY INCE: UNDROY sav ASPCI oF 1 wos Tor UNEP/ UNITARY WFC/ The seconcity elements of tte U.N. documentation system consist of the acronym of the subsiciary organ of the parent body or one or more of the: following elements Name of Body Ad hoc committee or similar body Standing permanent main committee Commission Conterence Governing Council Preparatory Committos Preparatory Commission, ‘Sub-commites ... ‘Sub-commission Working group Working party Symbol AC, eh ION... CONF, . GCL IPC... “PON, I SO. “Sub. -WG, WPL l 12 other elements may denote the nature of the document and the modifications of the text such as Name of Body ‘Addendum ‘Amendment i Comigendum Reproduction of part of a text General Committees documents Inlormation series. Mimoographed Tex's of adopted docisions Minutes Umited documents not available for distribution 42 Symbol “1A Amend. Cont. FExcenpt “(BUR “INE. DECI “MIN. At Name of Body Documents containing communica tions from non-governmental organizations Potions Verbatim records of meetings (proces verbaux) Resticted documents Mimeographed toxts of adopted resolutions Record of Testimony Resticted documents Revision of text Statements. by non-governmental organizations ‘Subcommitee ‘Subcommission Summary records of mosiings Summary of a reper, propared specifically to facitate its con- sideration by an organ Working paper Documents issued for technical reasons. 2. Gewenat Rue — Symbol NGO JPET. pV oR. RESI- Rs mR Re. INGO 130. 1Sub../ Summary WP, U.N. documents are normally cited by the document or code number. Treaties, surveys and other works follow the form ot government publications as found in ule li.Ce, Examples: Report of the Working Group on the Charter of Eco- nomic Fights. ard Duties of States, UN. Doc. TDIBVAS.12/4 (1974). EIRES! 163 9 (1971) AC2.1376 (1974). 43 a. Exception: Example For U.N. Official Records, cite the session number, plenary TPBancevone Traction, Licht ano Power Case or committe meetng, supplements or annexes, and the UW Te assgO Ancuuenes Avo Documents 4 Document number ‘in parenthesis and the date of the (LC. 1968), > ocument parenthetical 9 Aapual Reporte ot th lowmatonl Coun of Wustee ex y Examy a Gen Ass. Orr Rec. 20th Soss Plenary 6 Published in the yearbooks and ere cited with year enclos <> (NPV 1108) (1968) in brackets before the publicaten Report of the Special Commitea on Principles of (Geumatonal Law Conceming Frandy Rolavons and Cooperation Among States, UN. Gen Ass, Gre Rec. 25th Soss., Suppl. 18 (ao18) 1870) ‘Commission on Human Rights, Repo, so0s0¢ Gounall Rec. 54th Sess, Suppl 6 ( EIGN 4/ 1127) and page number Example: [1973-1974] Levy, 61 D. PERMANENT COURT OF INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE 1973 (1973) Publications of te Pamanent Cour of intimation Jit, BISEmeeaS cited ‘by the ‘series and the number with year endoced UTS Winaeee seNtcal wheter pleadings or advisory opinig!”? Cito the diferent assemblies of the League of Nations to its Offcia’ wherever perinent to he dacussion m the text ” Joumal. Examples: ne : German Settlers in Poland, P.C.I.J, ser, B, no. 6 (1923) League oF Nations Ore. J, 13th Ass. 42 (1992) The Paizs. Csaly, Esterhazy Caso, PLC.” ser, os 79 at 10 (1997) . ° . INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE £. INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATIONS 1. Publications of the International Court of Justice are cited by indicating the year of the report in brackets after the name GaP ihe namo ol the case, th international partes in paren of the case, abbreviated form of the report and the page. Sk the tfcial source of the arbitral award and the year ® anion parontetcaly tt tbunal eal docdod th gt Example: 's the Pamaneni Coun of Arbivaton, indeato tat te ont! auiers and Ecrohos Case, [1953] LJ. Ree. 47 the cation tgetor wth ho year ncesed in parntesie Pog 2 Documents collateral to judgments which are pubished Salons may ba gen bu 3 rat ge mora ry dy Shor sao, Se an tn ie re Sa Be a ed loa Peet than three citation, 44 45 Examples Name of Orgenizatlon/Body Che Ae The Island of Palmas Case (U.S. v. Netherlands) in 2 J. Scott, Hacue Couat Rerorrs 84 (Perm Ct ‘Arab League Economic, Cultural Arb, 1928), ‘and Scientific Organization. ALECSO The Tinoco Concessicns (Gt Brit. v. Costa Rica), 1 UN ‘Asian Development Bank ADB Rep. intl Arb, Awards 369 (1923) Asia-Pacitic Economic Cooperation APEC Associaton of South East Asian F. OTHER INTERNATIONAL COURTS Nations .... ASEAN ' Council for Mutual Economie For decisions of other international tribunals, follow Rules Ill. i ‘Assistance... MEA and IV-D. Common Register of Development Aativities... a coRE G. OTHER INTERNATIONAL BODIES Commission on Special Application of ‘Metoorology and Climatology ‘samo. 1. Constituent acts of intomational organizations are cited by Commonweaith Scientiie and induswial reference 10 the article, section and paragraph, Citation to ‘Research Organization sino the League of Nations ‘Treaty Series or the United Nations ; Economie Coal Organization... Eco Treaty Series may be given. Economic Commission for Africa (United Nations : ECA Example: Economic Commission for Europe (United ‘OAS. Cranren, art. 9 ‘Nations) ECE Economic Commission for Latin American and 2. For publications of other international organizations, folow the tho Ganbbean (United Nations) - ECLAC rule on goveriment publications, Rule l,C.l.b, with an Economie and Social Commivein indication of the document number, it any, at the end of the ‘Western Asia Sitation. (United Nations) ESCWA Economic and Social Commission for Asia Example: and the Pacific (United Natons).. ssn ESCAP Councit oF Eonore, PROCEDURE AND JURISPRUDENCE OF Europoan Eoonomie Community EEC ‘we Eunopean Cowmssion of HuMAN PioiTs Ecropeanl lnvecaneart ean zip Respect oF INowiouat Appucarions, 31 (H [87I1) European League for Economic tes) COOpFALON. nnn a vee ELEC Eu Patiamentary Union... EPU ‘The following isa list of some international organizations/bodies Food and Agiaulure Crpanceion together with their abbreviations or acronyms: (United Natons) FAO Global Atmospheric Research Programme... GARP 46 a7 Name of Orgenization/Body GARP Attantic Tropical Exoeriment General Agement on Tari and Trade Global Environmental Monitoring System Joint Group of Expens on the Soenstic ‘Aspects of Manne Polluton (IMCOIFAO, UNESCOWHOVAEAUnited Nations) Global Investigation of Polution in the ‘Marine Enviranment Intematonal Association of Hydrological Sciences Iniematonal Assocation of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics Intematonal Atomic Energy Agency ‘ntematonal Court of Justice Intemational Bank for Reconstruction and Development Inter-Seeretanat Commitee on Soontie Problems Relating to Oceanography, Intemational Courel of Scentife Unions nter-American Development Bank Intematonal Chamber ot Commerce, Intematonal Civil Aviation Organization intomatonal Fodoration of Inettutes for Advanced Study Integrated Global Ocean Station Systom. Intergovernmental Martime Consultative Organization. Integovernmental Qaeanographic Commission Intomatonal Criminal Police Organization. Intemational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Intomatonal Hydroiogical Decade Intematonal Hydrological Programme... Intematonal Labour Crganizaton 48 Cite As GATE GATT GEMS GESAMP GIPME AHS, IAMAP IAEA ley 'BRO IesPRO lesu 108 Ice. ICAO IFAS Igoss IMco. loc INTERPOL, ASA KO TH Ito Name of Organization/Body Intemational Mantime Organization Intemational Monetary Fund Intemational Narcotics Control Board. Intemational Refugee Organization. Intemational Registty of Potentially Toxic Chemicals. Intemational Reterral System, Intemational Standards Organization, Intemational Society of Soil Science International Telecommunication ‘Satelite Organization Intemational Telecommunication Union. Intemational Trade Centro UNCTADIGATT. Intemational Trade Organization. Intamatonal Union of Biological Sciences. Intemational Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Intemational Union of Geclogy and Goophysicr Man and the Biosphere Programme (UNESCO) Non-Aligned. Counties. : Nonh Atfantic Troaty Organization. ‘Organization of American States. Organization of Alrican Unity Organization for Economic Cooperation ‘and Development ganization ‘of Petroleum Exporting Countries Office of Overseas Scientific and Technical Research (France) ... Crganizaton for Tropical Studes.. Palestine Liberation Organization. 49 Cho As IMO IME INcB RO IRPTC IAs Iso sss INTELSAT. mu Te ITO uss IUCN luce Name of Organization/Body Scientific Commitee on Problems of the Environment of ICSU (qv) Scientific Committee on Ocean Research, Swedish International Development Authority ‘South West Alrican National Union ‘South West Attica Poople's Organization, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development United Nations Development Programme, (Otfice of the United Nations Disaster Raliet Coordinator. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural. Organization United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund United Natons Commission on Interna: tional Trade Law. . United Nations Emergency Force Unind Natons Fund tor Population Activitios United Nations High Commissioner for Flofugoos oe United Nations Industrial Development Organization United Nations Institute for: Disarmament Research, United Nations Research Insttute for Social Development, Unitod Nations Social Defence Research Institute United Nations University Universal Postal Union, World Science Information Syston. 50 Cite As Scope SCOR SIDA ‘SWANU, SWAPO UNCTAD UNDP UNDRO UNESCO. UNICEF UNCITRAL UNEF UNFPA UNHCR UNIDO UNIDIR UNRISO UNSOAI UNU UPU UNISIST A Nemy of Organization/Body Cite As World Food Programme... wep World Health Orgarizaton,. WHO World Intellectual Property Organization, WiPO World Meteorological Organization... ww World Trade. Organization wo \V. REPEATING CITATIONS “Supra” (above) — Use the word “supra” to identify a case or publication previously cited on the same or preceding page. It is not used if more than ‘one page intervenes between the citations. It should not be used to reler to cases, statutes or constitutions excapt in extraordinary circumstances, such as when the name of the authority is extremely long. it is always italicized. (Underline, in case of ‘ypewntten work) 1. I the case or other publication has been previously cited on the same footnote, a dictum or another reference may be indicated. Examples: Lae Ichong, v. Hernandez, supra at 27. N. Gonzales, supra at 188, 2. Use “suprar where reference to a complete footnot is made, However, it should not be used when the full citation is too far removed trom the shortaned citation, In which case, the full citation should be repeated Example: See note 15, supra 51 8. Yinka” (below) ‘Seldom used for citation cross-references because it is consid fered best to put the full citation frst. However, when it is used for this purpose, the rules are the same as those indicated for “suprat cross-reterence ©, “Ibid* (the samme reterence)— Where a reference to a citation is immediately repeated with the same volume and page number, the successive designation should read only: Ibid It is always italicized and not to be used to cite primary sources 0. It is used in citation sentences and clauses for any kind of authority. in briefs, jegal memoranda and similar materials, use ig, when citing 10 the imniediately preceding authosty. in’ por odical anicle footnotes, use “id” when citing to the immediately Preceding authority within the same foctnote or within the immediately preceding footnote when the preceding footnote contains only one authority. If the first citation is to only part of an authorty, do not use ‘id." for a subsequent citation: to the entire authority. If the successive citation is to a different page of the same case or publication, use Jd. and indicate page. It is also italicized and not 10 be used to cite primary sources Examples: WV. Sinco Puiuipdine Poumicat Law, 551 (11th ed., 962) id, at 555. "Op ait” (work cited) and “Op. cit. supra’ To avoid repeating ties of books and periodical articles, use op cit. supra , preceded by the author's name and folowed by the eatiar footnote reference and page number. For treatise or scholarly writings, tke word supra is generally omitted. Example F. Capistano, op. cit. supra note 15 at 198 V. Sinco, op. cit, note § at 133. F. Ita source is cited several times, use the complete citation of the source once and thereatter, abbreviate the citation either to the first words of the tite of the publication or to the commonly used designation. Such abbreviation must be enclosed in brackets in the first Citation and must be used consistently thereattor. Example InvennaTionat Lagoua OrFice, Suaning iN eveLoPMent, ‘A Programme oF Eup.oywenr, Eourry ano Growr Fon THE Paiurewes 304 [1974] [hereinafter referred to as the Ranis Reront] G. Signals are used to indicate supporting, contary and other positions Tolating to the propositions of law or fact. It indicates the dstnctons and gradations of authorities and arguments. Examples ‘Accord, Manila Trading Co. v. Reyes, 62 Phil 416 (1935) Contra, Selznick’s Estate v. Commissioner, 15 7.0. 716 (1950) See 3 L, Loss, Secunmmes ReauiaTion 1948-67 (2d od 1967), | But see Lim v, Registrar of Deeds, 82 Phil, 789 (1949) | Eg, Cat Pen Cont sec. 647 (10) 83 ‘The following is a list of standardized signals used trequently and their expianation: Signal Explanation “Accord” (in talics) Indicates substantial support of a proposition although there are differences in tacts “Contra” (in italics) Indicates a holding which contradicts or opposes the proposition ‘eh7 (in tales) —_Incieates a case which is parallel t or supports the proposition but contains substantially cter- ent facts “See" (in itaies) _Incieates a dictum which supports the proposition Soo" (in oman Introduces secondary authonty which suppons. the 1y92) proposition “But see" (in tales) Indicates a dictum which opposes or contracts the proposition But see" (in Roman Incicates secondary authonty which contradicts or) the proposition “£9 (in iaics) Indicates suppor of @ proposition by numerous holdings but ilustrated by a selective citaton of fone or a few cases proceded by “Eg.” 54 APPENDIX “A” SAMPLE PAGE SHOWING FOOTNOTES In another case** where an employer denied a woman promotion to a position requiring the liting of 50-pound objects on a regular basis, the court found that being a malo was not a reasonably necessary pre- requisite to being able to lit SO pounds. “On the contrary, there are without doubt a substantal number of women who could litt over 50 pounds and a large number of men who could not” Republic Act No. 679 provides inter alia that (a) No woman, regardess of age, shall be employed in any shop, factory, commercial or industrial establishment or other place of labor to perform work which requires the employee to work always standing or which involves the liting of heavy objects." How heavy is heavy, the law does not say In New York State Division of Human Rights v. N.Y. Pa. Protes sional Baseball League", the court decided that the height requirement for baseball umpires could not be appliod to deny the positon to a woman sinca it was not job-related and it ‘operated inherently to discriminate against woman.” It can be gathered from these cases that for sex to be the basis of classification for purposes of employment, it must be relevant to the job, as an occupational qualification, Reasonable classifications based on characteristics that are unique to one sex would not be objectionable. Falling into the same category of unlawful discrimination were cases of an airing requiring that a stewardess be unmaried while male fight "cal 246, Uilty WrkarsUninel Amare. Southam Calloia don Co, 820F. Supe, 1262 (1970, Sit 1285 op. At No, 679 (1882), sc. 7). M220 NYS. 38788 (1975), 55 attendants and other employees wore not required to De unmarried'® ‘or a company’s relusal to accept employment applications from mothers with pre-school childran when the (ule cid not apply to a man with pre- schoo! children §* {cases of a similar character were to be instituted in this jurisdiction would our courts decide in a similar manner? For example, the retirement plan rules and regulatons of cabin attendan's of Philippine ‘Air Lines are covered by this provision in the Flight Attendants and Stewardees Association (FASAP) collective bargaining agreement for 1972-1975: The compulsory retirement is thirty-five (35) for Female Cabin At. tendants and fory—five (45) for male cabin atendants"*"* "sprog v. Unies Ailines, 44 F_2¢ 1198 (1971). "SBhipe v- Marin Maia Cor, 400 US, 542,27 L. Ee 24613, 91 S. i. 496 1971) "Soc", ropoad in Trevi Soarea, Waren in Labor Pans na, 9.26 56 APPENDIX “B” SAMPLE OF A BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS Asueco, Jose. Twe Frawina oF THE PuiipPINe ConstrTurion Manila, University Pub. Co. {c1936- 97] 2 v, Bun, Ewwa H., Eo, THE Peiuippine IstaNos, 1493-1803, Eo, Awvor. By ELH. BLAIR Avo J.A. Rosentson. Cleveland, Ohio,, A. H. Clark, 1503- 08. 55 v. Brenton, Myaov. The Privacy INVADERS. N.Y., Coward-McCann Ine. [e1964) 2409. CooLeY, THOMAS. A TREATISE ON THE Law OF ToRTS, 2d ed. Chicago, Callaghan, 1888. 2899p, Dask, SaMuel, THe Eavesonoppers [By] S. Dash, Rcnano F, Schwaarz ‘xo Orvens, New Brunswick, NJ. Rutgers Univ, Prass, 1959. 484p. Dovetas, Wun O. A Livite Buu OF Riokrs. Garden Ciy, N.Y. Doubleday, 1961. 72p. Enwst, Monnis L. Pawacy: THe RiaHT To ee Let ALone, ay ML. Eansr ‘ano ALAN U. Schwantz, N.Y., Macmillan [61962] 218p. ‘Gross, Hyun. Privacy— Irs Leaat Prorection. Dobbs Fery, N.Y., ‘Oceana [c1964] 8p. (Legal almanac series, no, 54) MeLunan, Henecnt Marshaut. THe MeoiuM is THe Messace BY HLM, MeLukan [ano] Quen Fiore. Co-ordinated by Jarome Angel. N.Y. Random House (c1967) 159, Navanao, Ewiuiaso A. A TaeaTise on THE Law oF Crmival Proceoune WW THE Priuipines. 2d ed, Manila, Diliman Pub., 1960. 5259, 87 ‘OnweLt, Geonce. 1894, N.Y., New American Library [1954] 2360. Pacano, Vance O. THe Naxeo Sociery. N.Y., D. McKay [c1964] 3699, Fonertson, James, A. A Sociat StucTURE oF AND IDEAS OF Law AMONG: Eanvy Puiuippine Peortes; ano A Recentty Discoveneo Pre-HisPanic Crmnar Coot oF tHe Puiuireines. Reorinted from "The Pacific Ocean fon History,” by H. Morse Stephens and Herbert E. Bolton. N.Y., MacMillan [cI917] p. 160-191 Westin, ALAN F, Pawacy ANDO FRcesom, Foreword by Oscar M Ruebhausen N.Y., Atheneum [cI967} 487p, PERIODICAL ARTICLES Administrative Inspections and the Right to Privacy: The Frank Com: promise, 11 Vu. L. Rev. 357-969 (1966) Advertising, and the Right of Privacy, 9 Vis. L. Rev, 274-283 (1964) Anthropotelemtry: Dr. Switzgebels Machine, 80 Haav, L. Rev 403- 421 (1988) Beaney W.M, The Right to Privacy and American Law, 31 Law & Conte. Pros.. 253-271 (1966) Blabey, R.G. See and Camara: Their FarReaching Effect on State Regulatory Activities and the Origin of the Civil Warrant in New York, 33 Aveany L. Rey. 64-85 (1968) Camara _and See: Accommodation Between the Right to Privacy and the Public Need, 47 Nes. L. Rev. 613-639 (1968) The Constitutional Law of Defamation and Privacy: Butts Walker, 53 Convene L. Rev. 649-662 (1968) 58 Constitutional Rights of Privacy, 40 N.C.L, Rev. 788-817 (1962) Cones, 1.R., No Invasion of the Right of Privacy, 95 Pun. Lu 1496-1 506 (1960) Credit Investigation and Right of Privacy: Quest for a Remedy, 57 Geo. L. J. 509-532 (1969) Creech, W.A., The Privacy of Government Employees, 31 Law Coneue. Pros. 413-453 (1965) Diton, A.G., The Griswold Penumbra: Cénstitutional Charter for an Expanded Law of Privacy, 64 Mew, |. Rev. 197-218 (1965) Dowd, D.W. Introduction: The Prass Privacy, and “Public” Figures,— A Symposium 12 Vai. L. Rey. 725-729 (1967) Duplication of Damages: Invasion of Privacy and Defamation, 41 Wasi. L Rev. 370-377 (1966) Eavescropping, Informers and the Right of Privacy: A Judicial Tightrope, 52 Convent’ LQ. 1975-1001 (1967) Edelman, S, Search Warrants and the Sanitation Inspectors —The New Look in Enforcement, 45 Denver LJ. 296-310 (1968) The Extont of the Exclusionary Rule, 9 W. & M, L. Rev. 199-204 (1967) The Fourth Amendment Right of Privacy: Mapping the Future, 53 Va L Rev. 1314-1359 (1967) 59 APPENDIX “C’ LIST OF REPORTS Title of Report Abbot's Appeal Decisions Abbott's New Cases Abbot's Practice Reports Agriculture Decisions Alabama Appellate Court Repons Alabama Coun of Appeals Repors Alabama Reports Alaska Reports Alberta Law Reports All England Law Reports All india Criminal Decisions All India. Reporter All Pakistan Legal Decisions American and English Annotated Cases American Bankruptcy Reports: American Bankruptcy Reports New Series American Bar Associaton Reports American Decisions ‘American Federal Tax Repons ‘American Federal Tax Reports Second Series Americar! Jurisprudence Americar Jurisprudence, Second Series 60 Cite As ‘Abb. App. Dec. Abb. N. Cas. Abb. Pr. Agri. Dec. Ala. App. Ala. App Ala. Alaska Ata, ALE. R, All India. Crim, Dec, All India Rpt. All Pak. Leg. Dec, ‘Am. & Eng. Ann. Cas, Am. Bankr. R. ‘Am. Bankr. R. NS) ABA. Rep ‘Am. Dec. ‘Am, Fed. Tax A. Am. Fed. Tax R. 2d Am, Jur Am. Jur. 2d Title of Report American Labor Arbitration ‘Awards (P-H) American Labor Cases (P-H) American Law Register ‘American Law Register, New Series American Law Register, Old Series ‘American Law Reports American Law Reports Second Series ‘American Law Repors, Third Series American Law Reports, Fourth Series ‘American Law Reports Federal ‘American Maritime Cases American Reports ‘American State Reports Annotated Tax Cases Appeals Cases, District of Columbia Appellate Division Reports. NY. Supreme Court Appellate Division Reports NY. Supreme Court, Socond Series Argus Law Reports Arizona Reports Arkansas Reports Atlantic Reporter Atlantic Reporter, Second Series Atomic Energy Law Reporter (cece) Atiomey General 61 Cite As P-H Am, Lab. Arb. Awards P-H Am, Lao, Cas. Am. L. Reg ‘Am. L. Reg, (NS) ‘Am. L. Reg., (os) ALR ALR. 2d ALR. 3d ALR. 4th ALR. Fed. AMG. Am. Rep. ‘Am. St Rep. Ann, Tax Cas. App. 0.6. App. Div. App. Div, 2d Argus LR An Atk A A2d CCH Atom. En. L Rep tly. Gen. Title of Report Atomey General's Opinions, United States Attomey General's Reports, United States Australian Bankruptcy Cases Australian Law Joumal Reports Austrian Tax Decisions Automobile Cases Automobile Cases, Second Series Aviation Cases Aviation Law Reporter (CCH) Bankruptcy Law Reporter (cc) Barbours Supreme Cour Repons Blue Sky Law Reporter (CCH) Board of Review (Army) Board of Review and Judicial Council of the Army Board of Tax Appeals Report British Columbia Law Reports Calcutta Weekly Notes Calitomia, Appellate Reports California! Appellate Reports, Second Series Califomia Roportur Califomia Reports Calitomia Reports, Second Series Cameron's Privy Council Decisions Cameron's Supreme Court Cases Canada Exchequer Court Reports Canada Law Reports, Exchequer 62 Cite As Op. Atty. Gen Aty. Gen. Rep. Aust, Banks. Cas. Aust. LJ. Rep. Aust. Tax Dec. Auto. Cas. ‘Auto, Cas 2d Av, Cas. CCH Av. L. Rep. CCH Bankr, Rep. Barb. Blue Sky L. Rep. BA. (Amy) BRIC. (Amy) BTA BC. Calcutta Waly, N Cal. App. Cal. App. 2d Cal. Rpt Cal. Cal. 20 Cam Cameron Can. Exch, Can. Exch, Tie of Report Canada Law Reports, Supreme Court Canadal Supreme Court Reports Ganada Tax Appeal Board Cases Canada Tax Cases Canada Tax Cases ‘Annotated Canadian Bankruptcy Reports Annotated Canadian Bankruptey Reports Annotated, New Series Canadian Commercial Law Reports Canadian Criminal Cases, Annotated Canadian Criminal Cases, New Series Canadian Labour Law Cases Canadian Patent Reporter Canadian Railway and Transport Cases Canadian Railway Cases Canadian Reports, Appeal Cases Cassels’ Practice Cases Cassels’ Supreme Court Decisions. China Law Reporter Civil Asronautics Authority Reports Civil Aeronautics Board Reports Civil Liberties. Reporter Colorado Court of Appeals Reports Colorado Reports Commercial and. Municipal Law Reporter Commercial Cases 63 Can, Fy, & T. Cas. Can. Ry. Cas Can. App Cass. Prac. Cas, Cass, S. ©. Cama Lo Ree. CAA, CAB Cy. Lib. Rpt. Calo, App. Calo. Com. & Mun, L Rep. Com. C Title of Report Commissioner of Patents Decisions Common Market Law Reports Common Market Reporter (CCH) Common Pleas Reporter Commonwealth Arbitration Repons Commonwealth Law Rapons Comptrolier General Decisions Comptrolier of Treasury Decisions Conditional Sale-Chattel Mortgage Reporter (CCH) Connecticut Reports Connecticut Supplement Court of Appeals for District ‘of Columbia Court of Claims Court of Customs and Patents ‘Appeals Reports Court of Customs Appeals Repons Court of Miltary Appeals os) Court Martial Reports, Court Martial Reports of the Judge ‘Advocate Goneral of the Air Force Cox's Criminal Cases Cranch Criminal Appeal Reports Criminal Law Jourmal Reports Criminal Law Reporter Criminal Reports (Canada) 64 Che As Dec. Com. Pat Comm. Mkt. L. Rep. CCH Comm, Mi. Rep, Pa CP Commw. Arb. R, Commu. LR. Comp. Gen. Comp. Dec. CCH Condit Sale-Chat Mort. Rep, Conn. Conn.. Supp. DC. cir ct cl COPA Ct Cust. App. USCMA OMR, CMA. (Air Force) Cox Crim. Cas. ranch Crim. App India Crim, LJ. R Crim, L. Apt. Can. Crim Title of Report Criminal Reports, New Series Cushing Customs Court Reports Dakota Reports (Teritorial) Dallas Decisiones de Puerto Rico Delaware Chancery Reports Delaware County Reports Delaware Reports District Court, District of Columbia District of Columbia, Cour of Appeals Casos Dominion Law Reports Dominion Law Repors, ‘Second Series Dominion Law Reports (Third Series), 1969-Prosent Dominion Tax Cases East Africa Law Reports Eastem Law Reporter English Reports—Full Reprint English Ruling Cases (1892. 1916) Environmental Law Reporter Environmental Reporter Cases Exchequer Court Reports (Canada) 1923-prosent Exchequer Reports of Canada Federal Banking Law Reporter (CCH) Federal Carriers Cases (CCH) Federal Carriers. Reperter (CCH ) Federal Cases 65 Chie As Crim. Rep. (NS) Cush, Cust. ct Dak. Dall OPR Del. Ch Del. County Del DDe. De. cir (year) DLA lyear] DLA, 2d lyear] DLR. 3d (year) OFC. E. Afr. UR. ELA. Eng. Rep, Eng. Rul. Cas. Env. L. Rptr. ERC lyear] Ex CR Can. Exch CCH Fed. Banking L. Rep F. Cart. Cas. Fed. Car. Rep. Fod. Cas, Title of Report Cite As Title of Report Chte As Federal Communications Haywood Hay. Commission Fcc. Heiskell Heisk, Federal Estate and Gitt Tax Fed. Est & Gift Hempstead's Circuit Court Reporter (CCH) Tax Rep. Reports Hemp. Federal Law Reports Fed. L. Rep Howard How Federal Power Commission FRC Humphrey Humph Reports Hun Hun Federal Reporer F. Hunters Torrens Cases Hunt. Torrens Federal Reporter, Second Series F.2d Idaho Reports Ideho Federal Rules Decisions FAD ilinois Appellate Coun Reports MW. App. Federal Securities Law Reporter CCH Fed, Sec. L. ilinois Appellate Court Reports, (CCH) Rep. Second Series I, App. 2d Federal Supplement F. Supp. Ilinois Court of Claims Reports I Ct Ol Federal Trade Commission inois Reports Ui Decisions FTG. Immigration and Nationality Fire and Casualty Cases Fire & Casualty Decisions 1. & N. Dee. (CCH) Cas, India Supreme Court Reports India S. Ct Florida Reports Fla, Indian Cases Inefan Cas. Florida Supplement Fla. Supp. Indian Law Reports, (0.9.) Indian LR. (e.g) Food, Drug Cosmetic Law CCH F.0. Cosm Allahabad Sories Allahabad Ser Reporter (CCH) Rep Madras Series Madras Ser. Fox's Patent, Trade Mark Indian Rulings Indian Rul. Design and Copyright Cases Fox Pat, C Indian Territory Reports Indian Ter Gazette Law Reports Ga LS Indiana Appellate Reports Ind. App. Goorgia.a Appeals Reports Ga. App. Indiana Reports Ind, Georgia Reports Ga. Inheritance, Estate, and Gitt CCH inh. Est. & Government Contracts Reporter Govt Cont. Rep Tax Reporter (CCH) Git Tax Rep. (CCH) Insurance Law Reporter (CCH) Irs. L. Rep. Greene Greene Insurance Law Reporter (Can.) LR Harrington Harr Interior Department Decisions Intenor Dé. Harrington, W. W. W. W. Harr Interstate Commerce Commis- MC. ¢. Harrison & Hodgins’ Municipal Hart. & Hodg. sion, Motor Carrier Cases Reports (Ont) Interstate Commerce Commi- Lee. Hazzard & Warburon's’ PEL. sion Reports Reports (P.E..) : Interstate Commerce Commis- ‘Val. R. (1.0.0,) Hawaii Reports Hawaii sion, Valuation Reports 66 67 Tile of Report lowa Reports Irish Jurist Reports lish Law Times Reports Irish Reports Irish Reports, Common Law Series fish Reports Equity Series Johnson's Cases, Johnson's Chancery Reports Johnson's Reports Justice of Peace Justowry Cases Kansas Reports Kentucky Law Reporter Kentucky Repors Kenya Law Reports King’s Counsel Knapp, Privy Council Knight's Industial Reports Labor Arbitration Awards (CCH) Labor Arbitration Reports (BNA) Labor Cases. (CGH) Labor Law Reporter (CCH) Labor Relations Reference Manual (3NA) Labor Relations Reporter (NA) Labour Arbitration Cases Lansing's Supreme Court Law Journal Reports, New Series Chancery Law Journal, Now Series ‘Common Law, Magistrates Cases (discontinued) 68 Cite As lowa Ir, Jur. R. UTR IB RCL IR. Eq Johns. Cas. Johns. Ch. Johns. uP. dust. Cas. Kan Ky. L. Rot. ky. Kenya LR K. Counsel Kn. PC. Knight's Ind. CCH Lab. Arb. Awards BNA Lab. Arb CCH Lab. Cas. CCH Lab. L. Rep RM Lab. Rel Rep. LAC. Lans Ly. 2 Ch. LJ. Mag. Title of Report Law Joumal, New Series Exchequor Law Journal, New Series House of Lords Law Journal, New Series Privy Counail Law Journal, New Series Queen's Bench (or King’s) Law Journal, Old ‘Series (1822-1830) Law Journal, Reports, (2.9) ‘King's Bench, New Series Law Reports Law Reports Appeal Cases, Second Series Law Reports Appeal Cases, Third Series Law Reports, Chancery Law Reports, Chancery Divi sion, Socond Sorias Law Reports, Chancery Divi sion, Third Series Law Reports, Common Pleas Division to 1880 Law Reports, Equity Law Reports, Exchequer Law Reports, Exchequer Divi sion to 1880 Law Reports, House of Lords Law Reports, Indian Appeals Law Reports, Irland Law Reports, King's Bench, Third Series Law Reports, Probate and Divorce 69 Che As Lu. &. LHL. Lupo. LO Bo LKB Lio, (eg) LJ. KB. (NS) LR. App. Cas. AC. LR Ch, LR. Ch. D. 24. ch. D. ad oxprFanv7 Z°mppo Aree LRP 8. Title of Report Law Reports, Probate, Divorce '& Admiralty Division, Second Series Law Reports, Probate, Divorce & Admiralty Division, Third Sonos Law Reports, Queen's Bench Law Reports, Queen's Bench Division, Second Series Law Reports, Queen's Bench, Third Sevies Law Reports, Weekly Law Reports Law Times Reports, Now Series Lawyers’ Editon, U.S. Supreme Court Reports Lawyers’ Edition, U.S. Supreme Coun Reports, Second Series Lawyers Reports Annotated Lawyers Reports Annotated, 1915A1918F Lawyers Reports Annotated, New Series. Letroy and Cassels’ Practice ‘Cases (Ont) Lite (Health & Accident) Cases, (CCH) ile (I Heth & Accklenty Cases, ‘Second Series (CCH) Uoyd's List Law Repors Local Govemment and Magistarial Reports Local Government Report of Australia Louisiana Annual Report 7 Cite As PO LROB 8D. 8 LR z9 © TR INS) Ed. L. Ed. 26 LRA year] LRA LRA (NS) Lac. ite Cas. Life Cas. 2d Uoyc's List LR, Local Govt Local Govt, R, Aust! La. Ann, Title of Report Louisiana Courts of Appeals Reports Louisiana Supreme Coun Reports Lower Canadian Roports Magisterial Cases Maine Reports Manitoba Law Reports Manning's Unroported Cases Maritime Law Cases, New Series Maritinie Provinces Reports Martin Mining Cases Maryland Reports Massachusetts Appellate Decisions Massachusetts Appellate Division Reports Massachusetts Reports Metcalf Michigan Reports Minnesota Reports Mississippi Reports Missouri Appeal Reports Missouri Reports Montana Reports Montreal Law Reports (Queen's Bench) Montreal Law Reports (Superior Court } Moore, New Series, Privy ‘Council Moore, Privy Council Motor Cariar Cases Interstate ‘Commerce Commission nm Che As La. App. ivy Low. Can, R Mag. Cas. Me. Man, Mann. Unrep. Cas. Mar, L Cas. (N.S.) Mar, Prov. Martin. Mining Md, Mass. App. Dec. Mass. App. Div. Mass. Mot Mich, Minn Miss. Mo. App. Mo. Mont MLR (QB) MLR. (SC) Moo. P. C. (N.S) Moo. P. 6. MCC, Title of Report Muntord Municipal Law Court Decisions Navonal Labor Relations Board Decisions Natonal Railroad Adjustment Board Awards Nebraska Reports Negligence & Compensation Cases Annotated Negligence & Compensation Cases Annotated, New Serios Negligence & Compensation Cases Annotated, Third Series Negligence Cases (CCH) Negligence Cases Second Series (CCH) Now Brunswick Equity Reports New Brunswick Reports New Hampshire Reports New Jersey Equity Reports New Jersey T Law New Jorsey Law Reports Now Jersey Miscellaneous Reports Now Jersey Reports Now Jersey Superior Court and County Courts Reports New Jersey Superior Court Reports New Jersey Supreme Court Reports New Mexico Repons Now South Wales State Reports Now York Court of Appeals Reports 72 Cito As Mun. Mun. L. Ct. Dec. NUR B N RAB Neb. Negl. & Comp Cas. Ann, Nogl. & Comp. Cas. Ann, (N.S) Negl. & Comp. Cas. Ann, 3d Negl. Cas. Negl. Cas. 2a. z x The of Report New York Criminal Reports Now York Department Reports New York Miscollaneous Reports Now York Miscallaneous Second Sories Now York Supplement New York Suppiemont Second Series New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Reports New York Supreme Coun, Appeliata Division Reports, Second Series New Zealand Law Reports Nevada Reports Newfoundland Reports Newfoundland Supreme Court Decisions Nigeria Law Reports North Carolina Reports North Dakota Reports North Easter Reporter North Easter Reporter, Second Series North West Tomtories Law Reports North Westom Reporter North Western Reporter, ‘Second Serios Norther Ireland Law Reports Northwest Territories Supreme Court Reports Nova Scotia Reports Office of Contract Settements 73 Title of Report Ohio Appellate Reports Ohio Appellate Repors, ‘Second Series Ohio Circuit Court Reports, Ohio Circuit Court Repons, New Series Ohio Circuit Decisions Ohio Courts of Appeals Reports Ohio Decisions Ohio Decisions, Reprint ‘Ohio Miscellaneous Reports Ohio Nisi Prius Reports Ohio Nisi Prius Reports, New Series Ohio Opinions Ohio Opinion, Second Series Ohio Reports Ohio State Reports Ohio Stata Reports, Second Series Chio Supplement Gil and Gas Reporter Oklahoma Criminal Reports Oklahoma Law Review Oklahoma Reports ‘Ontario Appeal Reports Ontario Election Cases Ontario Law Reports 1901- 1900 Ontario Reports, 1882-1900 Ontario Reports, 1931 to present ‘Opinions of the Attomey General, United Statos 74 Cite As Ohio Apo Ohio App. 2d Ohio . 0. Ohio 6. 6. R (NS) Chio C. Dec. Ohio Ct. App Ohio Dec Qhio Dec. Reprint Ohio Mise ‘Ohio N. P. Ohio N. P. (NS) ‘Ohio Op Ohio Op. 2d Ohio Ohio St. Ohio St. 20 Ohio Supp. il & Gas Rprr. (Okla. Crim. Okla. L. Rev, Okla Ont A. R. Ont Elec, on LR, Ont. R. year] OR, Op. Atty, Gen, Tile of Report Oregon Reports Pacific Reporter Pacific Reporter, Second Series Pakistan Law Reports, Lahore Series Papua and New Guinea Law Reports Patents, Decisions of Commis- sioner and of US. Courts Pennewil Pennsylvania County Coun. Reports Pennsylvania District and County Reports Pennsylvania District and County Reports, Second Series Pennsylvania District Reports Pennsylvania Fiduciary Reporter Pennsylvania Miscellaneous Reports Pennsylvania State Reports Pennsylvania Superior Court Reports Penrose and Watts Peters Pickering Pinney PlPlaning and Compensation Reports Practice Reports (Ont) Prices Mining Commissioner's Cases (Ont) Prison Law Reporter 75 Che As Ore, Pp P. ad Pak. LR. Lahore Ser. Papua & N. G. Dec. Com, Pat, Penne. Pa. County Ot Pa D. aC. Pa. D. & ©, 24 Pa, Dist Pa, Fid Pa, Misc Pa Pa. Super. Pen, & W. Pot Pick. Pin, Plan, & Comp. A. PR Price Prison L. Row.

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