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Local Culture & Language

Although the Philippines is located in Southeast Asia, its people are commonly
deemed to be significantly “less Asian” than those from other Asian countries. This
is due to the myriad of inhabitants the country has had throughout the years,
including Chinese, Malay, and Islamic peoples to name a few. The Philippines prides
itself in its rich cultural history, influenced most notably by Spanish and American
colonialism. In a sense, Philippine culture can be said to be a marriage of the East
and the West.

Spanish influences on Philippine culture are most evident when it comes to religion
and religious practices. As the slogan suggests, “It’s more fun in the Philippines”.
Numerous “fiestas” or religious festivals are celebrated year-round, mostly in
honour of their respective patron saints. Fiesta celebrations involve whole
communities, with locals decking the exteriors of their houses in crops and
decorations and opening their homes to neighbours and tourists alike to partake in
sumptuous feasts.

In some rural areas of the country, Filipinos are still superstitious despite this
clashing with religious beliefs. It is also in these parts that preference is given to
alternative medicine and even faith healers called “albularyo”, perhaps due to lack
of access to modern hospitals or to avoid incurring the higher costs of seeking
professional medical help. At any rate, if the elders swear by it, then it would still be
widely practiced by members of their family.

On the other hand, urban life buzzes and thrives in Metro Manila. It is here that the
American impact on Philippine culture is evident, what with imported fast food
chains and brands. It has also permeated Filipino pop culture, and younger
generations are quite familiar with Western trends and ideals.

The official languages in the Philippines are Filipino and English. Filipino is widely
referred to as “Tagalog”, as this used to be the country’s national language, being
spoken by over half of the population. Aside from Tagalog, there are 18 other
recognised regional languages and over 180 indigenous languages.
English is used as the medium of instruction in the educational system. It is also
used professionally across different fields, such as business, broadcast media,
government, and medicine. 2016 statistics show that 52 million Filipinos are English
speakers, and about 36,000 Filipinos named English as their first language. This
puts the Philippines in the Top 3 English-speaking countries in the world. People
from neighbouring Asian countries often go to the Philippines to learn English.

Etiquette & Customs

When encountering acquaintances, Filipinos will often touch cheeks or “beso” (from
the Spanish term for kiss). The beso is a single cheek-to-cheek kiss, although some
would do “beso-beso” or offer both cheeks in more familiar and affectionate
relationships. It is more common as a casual greeting for members of the upper
class, while it is generally used during family gatherings across classes. Cheek kisses
are exchanged between a male and a female or two females, never between two
males as in that of Arab countries.
Filipinos typically get awkward when subjected to small talk. When asking “How are
you? (Kamusta?)”, be prepared, as you may actually end up in a long conversation
instead of the usual exchange of customary pleasantries.
On a similar note, because they love food, a Filipino will often greet you with a
“Have you eaten?” or “Let’s eat!” (“Kain!”), whether they simply chanced upon you in
public, are meeting you at the office, or inviting you into their home.

Business Meeting & Management Advice

Power distance is apparent in Philippine culture. This means that subordinate

employees generally accept the hierarchy in companies and have no qualms about
being told what to do by their superiors. They will more often than not refer to their
higher-ups as “Sir” or “Ma’am”, as opposed to being on a first-name basis.
Employees of more prominent multinational companies will try to observe a more
Western, egalitarian culture. However, do not be surprised if you are still addressed
as such out of habit and as a form of respect.

Despite the power distance, managers or bosses are still expected to have a level of
cordiality in their dealings. Because Filipinos value interpersonal relationships, they
will respond well to positive reinforcement whether verbally or through simple pats
on the back. On the other hand, a manager who is too socially detached from his or
her team may experience difficulty getting its full cooperation.

As mentioned earlier, food is a huge part of Filipino culture and socialisation, so

expect business meetings to be conducted over lunch, afternoon snack known as
“merienda”, or dinner. When it comes to meetings, the one who initiated or invited
is usually expected to foot the bill. You will also definitely encounter the term
“Filipino time”. Punctuality is not one of the Filipinos’ strongest suits, and
professionals try their best to shake this notion and make a good impression.
However, people you will be meeting with may not arrive until half an hour after the
set time. This may irk you, but still arrive on time yourself.


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