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3/21 Determine the initial acceleration of the 15-kg block if (a) T = 23 N and (b) T = 26 N. The system is ini- tially at rest with no slack in the cable, and the mass and frietion of the pulleys are negligible. @® If Tees ce N+ Tsingo 2159 Ne 15(4-31)-23 Smze 2/35.65N + a q a 8 ae 2 nag 7 15M 2 0.5(/35.65) fe. ee Ae ea = 6f.€25N) ee Mk 2 = oe N\| Koy © 2TH Teste = 2(25)423 cory 159 6 = 65.97 wy max S 2 THTeosto =D No Motion =D G26 &b) TE Te 26N ive ve = oS N +26Sn30 PIS =B Ne IZ4ISN “§ mast ©. SCIIVIS) = 67. 095N T+ Woszo= 2626-126 (Coss0) . 34,5, a) <. 2T+T7eoszo + Teos ee Jee ii ae =man es o I) S266 3/29 The system is released from rest with the cable taut. For the friction coefficients ., = 0.25 and py = 0.20, calculate the acceleration of each body and the ten- sion T in the cable. Neglect the small mass and fric- tion of the pulleys. JMS = Os Law sot Lire! 49 Pam Sowhlen~ Sor Body A Sa ooNe Seqcosse = 509F4N Fre 2 PAN 50.215(50991) - 127.430 F299 Sint0 — T ZT 220g CE? aks t/e Ce Te eg 60 g8mzo —109 = 1962N wR Snr0 - een de A fe EFoma ee Sor Bete a | na leray =p mg Simao —-T-& B09 Simse — T — 0.2 (502.94) = Soag ~ 192.382 - T= Soaq Sor =i & Mes Ei pe D POS a Ae -209 = 200, —f HY q+, tconst ae a3) 192-387 - T 2 (204q zie ee: 204g — Sole Wis ears 3/23 Small objects are delivered to the 72-in. inclined chute by a conveyor belt A which moves at a speed v, = L.2 ft/sec. If the conveyor belt B has a speed vy = 3.0 ft/sec and the objects are delivered to this belt with no slipping, calculate the coefficient of fric- tion j, between the objects and the chute. y= ek Ve 2 2d#/s SobAL— Efye0o => Nemaceszo fu sk © tk macesse ear AK qcoss =~ icp) 4g Sim 30 - gpk esto 2 wha BAS 4 (Sm secu Cos 30) = Cons}- - - + m (a zcemfJoB\ eX Suh oO (bs 49 seine :) 4 a (Sy DCS EE As vieyt +2eS yet ae a x =p a@e20-63 my? ORB is 32.2 (Sin so ~Ap Cosse) 3/24 If the coefficients of static and kinetie friction be- tween the 20-kg block A and the 100-kg cart B are both essentially the same value of 0.50, determine the acceleration of each part for (a) P = 60 N and ()P=40N. Aa Aa =05 nd Pa, at @Ap=éenw «(BD P= Yon) Seluffio~ @ Pséon A ae = Wz eps Ab = 0.5 (20). ney oS Ta eo 2p re (45d A4-) Se a A Ee A yack |" eee Rag #9 Fog. Nok Be m~ ep yaa Ma 2P— fa = ma [Mee 78 2 Ge) — 981 s20ay =D Wp = 1.095 ne Je der Gt B ate |Wa ES x «gag ce fusmpag => 96.) = (0 apg “= 4B = 0.98) macct aay P= 40N Sy ee (acc 55.1) (SOL Bus dur, — ff =a 2400 Tb ap + v0 Pe hz Spy Y os Sresg p> Ge -2 5p on ema Peg a7 Shy era eT Cie oc ee, q os aie a fo y -5 2T- loo ¢ cee (i) foov Ib (2 es-29rb SMe eo teuety 24003) + 685.08 (ler/9) = yo Ra 3/11 Calculate the vertical sceleration « of the 100b cglne foreathof th wo cass usted. Ne het tim andthe mass of he pales 4 Case @ feel Af) Ble ‘$0 -T ama $0 -T 2 152 q, ma 1S0 20) TER ve, eyo oeeeccion a Bom) ‘ A,za, =a Sab eH, ® Im “® Me 1$0 ~ ( Broa +too) = / a Ba. Roe cir celck 150 4 100 ie Gse a (Pete a ne -) => ae i LY () les y chen Piso Tb '$0-— (00 = ae s \ tooth | 3/8 The 180-Ib man in the bosun's chair exerts a pull of 50 Ib on the rope for a short interval. Find his acceler- ation. Neglect the mass of the chair, rope, and pulleys. We /go [bh emoiorts Solutip— + Vey me ST Ro) = ae #0) — igo «= 112 Ca * as 3.599 bie f t 3/5 During a brake test, the rear-engine car is stopped from an initial speed of 100 km/h in a distance of 50 m. If it is known that all four wheels contribute equally to the braking force, determine the braking force F at each wheel. Assume a constant decelera- tion for the 1500-kg car. Magy = (TooKy Assume acowst. checelerahi~ an So tutte 1 = 100 kav 7 mu az Const- - op Bee A Vv he foot © = (FO) +24 (se) FE “2 FFL mh? a |Tv y Ser mney ES y s may ns pe js00 (7-9) 2 15724 * braking teen Be lishy 3/3 The 100-Ib crate is carefully placed with zero velocity on the incline. Describe what happens if (a) @ = 15° and (6) # = 20° 1, = 0.30| My = 0.25 Up al Beve Velo ee eer) OS) OQ O-20° SolAte a ay , ZA 9 Sate fal «Hee AA hele ph S28 | F. P78 ay” Pa UN 5822 OLY, dg =f > eg) fi m9 = teork eo = N= mg (oO 100 CoO £ Moo * “sN = 0.3 (100) CosP = 30 CosO ea : , 2 i as Jk = mgs oe >t. @ 100 Sn > Fo Cos O ets Ke wooSr-ts = 25.88 Th Po cesiS + 28.99 Tb oe fan S omg Sn@ => No Motic © Cette ee 34.2 Tb 30 Cocge © 28.19 Tb ‘ * fawan Coy SeP ae DHS : ae ; ae Mae GSI = aN = ma 3/2 The 50-kg crate of Prob. 3/1 is now projected down an incline as shown with an initial spoed of 7 m/s. Invos- = omy, tigate the time ¢ required for the crate to come to rest sl and the corresponding distance x traveled if (a) @ = 15° 2 and (b) @ = 30°. a £ APR ot yao my, Sobdim alee @ if O21 « QO-z28 [> S EG é =oeleg Oe reo => mglsoe N ee . £. mg Sin fase = ix mg cos aioe a Aya Ke Man ap mg S~B- fs ma Je mg mg SO — 41m "YI CSO =ma Ss a) CO Rhnema 6 42452 ag p- f =ma => 27- a1 (130) = a =p ae il. aatcigs = bi Hf? ( APBS andl jal) eet! ) 2 PE Ase DB Olere Aged me een L Brock fay _ wn, ge Oy co os E2,49 © = LHL? soy "On 2a, 2 C4 ferne sipping Bonk f Ne i for Weta cap ,er4 ah p-F = lrysmpa =D f- 2: L180) 2182 (és) i ee oh eee AE ERA eS Rie A aoe a ie aes 3/45 The system is released from rest in the position shown. Calculate the tension T in the cord and the acceleration @ of the 30-kg block. The small pulley attached to the block has negligible mass and fric- tion. (Suggestion: First establish the kinematic rela- tionship between the accelerations of the two bodies.) ened Yorn —s per ed block A” SSyso=b Nad Bog - TSO +159 =, sf O= han 7 5 36.57 Nes 30g —1S9 Sn 8657 4 159 3 397. 1N * Gamane WsNa 5 0.25 (I82M) = 98.290 Teresi « ISI COS FEY? = HPPON “ Tees > ee =p Jet Syed ae “by ‘ ee Pay 6 T X=eVy_ 6 x =a b T CDS 75 (0k = AXK =e ~ oe fox "2. i 2 Be OL Ms YX 0 (Xt 4'v0) Qa B eZ at Firet estabyh 8 f 2 BAX a9 4. tay —O _ eo _ bov Block A 154 Zhy-0 = Na = 309- TSKOLT =p Ny 2294.2 404 7 - an =MkKN, = 0.25 (29y-3¢ 0-47) = ZS. SPS 4047 they a9 =p Teoso— (BSPS 4047) s2099 0 ne oF 7 —FI- 57S s20q6 —@ Se at . 3432 The sliders A and B are connected by a light rigid ‘ bar of length /— 0.5 m and move with negligible friction in the slots, both of which lie in a horizontal plane. For the position where x4 — 0.4 m, the veloc- ity of A is v4 — 0.9 m/s to the right. Determine the acceleration of each slider and the force in the bar at this instant. _ be osm 6 nephnible frchio. ¢ lie tn Hov iz cxthal ee ert soyn7 ¢ — Vaz o9ml)s ¢ Peyor Selufio~ Ue vay? “02 PX ayy Pata MK a ayy ay?) = Ky << Oa XB 4A by ag + Ve" 4 \ ERs os XVA+Y Va <> Vp aH Va ‘ ! “Ste 0 oP? Hb ye osm et Se er , = Bea ot (0.9) altima laa a Sena Ayano at tay ey O2FO-2R+ (02) => oe aA + O9SG, S625 afy =o => T3inGe Ra Sub examen. @ Za rag P- Tose = 24a A Oe den 23. 9g 99 ea Oy @ | : ~|4o+ Yaz zs “ 40-7 ces8 2244 —® I" ois) oe 2o+ 74R 2 aq——- be~ ep. ap/2 -0FSan — Se ont Da atag a Zc ESx20 =p Re-TosEe Syoms ee = TS6 Oe OES SEG) . eae ee 3/35 The nonlinear spring has a tensile force-deflection relationship given by F, = 150x + 400x2, where x is in meters and F, is in newtons. Determine the accel- eration of the 6-kg block if it is released from rest at (a) x = 50 mm and (6) x = 100 mm. Fs = ISOX+ Yoox? Bot sosam “ai a eP (22) + 400 sy a = $.5N an = N=63 amend | Tag Ole naleala (7.1810 fhe : on Dh =D No Mobiow , a : ETS 2 ts0 (2S) +¥00(FE)* = 19N = Famax =b Shera “e GS = ma 19 — o.25(6 4) = La 19- orcs b}(4.s1) 28 a 3/42 For what value(s) of the angle 6 will the acceleration of the 80-Ih block be 26 ft/sec” to the right? a= 26 Bk cea P=1001b Cs loaae 80 Ib x Sok tir — *eCys 0 : NpPSi~Gs olb cate ff SE Nicaglol= acs S oF ae Bo = At Aw E wv Su = 0:S(80 —fe08-) 3014 = 40 -sOoSWD <8 Ree sayy Pese— ta = 32% 2:0CS8 —-Yort SOS\~O = eS (6) ~» (06 COSOHSO WO = (04.6 3/37 Compute the acceleration of block A for the instant depicted. Neglect the masses of the pulleys, Te foon Thy + MV 4eg 27S), 502 a - M = 40(481) 20) Gnyo = 292.4N Ft /6 Ne OS(s een ¥ 2TC0s30 = 20005I0 = /732N as a aC ee —- BA, max 2 Tcosto—Men = ma 2 (100) Ces%0 — oY (292.4) 240 a Sa 1.406 m/s? — ~ 3/20 The block shown is observed to have a velocity v, = 20 ft/sec as it passes point A and a velocity Uy = 10 ft/see as it passes point B on the incline. Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction yu, be- tween the block and the incline if x = 30 ft and 6= 15°. ee Sa = MK (mg cose) — ™ EX c max 0g SO - ay Ygcor8 = rhe 429 (SiO ~Mn Cos) 76 O ime = const: “as Const: wer} “a 2 Vas ye tax (0 22042070) =D ac et ree Wein gn) Giana. ec (Couisp) 3/9 Aman pulls himself up the 15° incline by the method shown. Ifthe combined mass of the man and cart is 100 kg, determine the aoceleration of the cat if the man exerts a pull of 250 N on the rope. Neglect all friction and the mass ofthe rope, pulleys, and wheels. — s oe a7 - 100458 = ma 3250) — 1009.81) Semis = fo 08 One a7 ee a (OIC trclne t =

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