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had leucocyte counts of 2,000 or more, with more than 5 per necessary to apply forceps to effect delivery, and I am
cent. granulocytes, and only one of these died. Of those who sure that without this manceuvre the inspiratory efforts of
had a total leucocyte count of less than 1,000 the mortality the two infants would have come to an untimely end.-
was 55 per cent.; thirty of these had a total count of below I am, etc.,
500, and seventy-four had complete agranulocytosis. Of
sixteen cases recorded in the Lancet and British Medical Herne Bay, June 5. QUENTIN F. EVANS.
Joiurnal from July, 1934, to July, 1936, only three recovered
(one of these three owed his recovery to the spontaneous
evacuation of toxic material from a nasal sinus); the mortality Xenopus Test for Pregnancy
was 82 per cent. In the majority of these cases the diagnosis
was made too late for effective treatment. Three were only SIR,-Professor F. A. E. Crew in his article on biological
diagnosed shortly before death upon admission to isolation pregnancy diagnosis tests in your issue of April 15
hospitals as supposed cases of diphtheria. (p. 766) proposes that the xenopus test should be known
At the present time agranulocytosis is more often as the " Hogben test," and states that it was in Professor
recorded when resulting from treatment of acute bacterial L. Hogben's laboratory in Capetown that it was first shown
infections by sulphanilamide or one of its derivatives, that this anuran might with advantage be used for this
though the number of cases is still relatively very small test. He refers to a note by Hogben to the Royal Society
in comparison with the number treated. In a case recorded of South Africa in March, 1930. In this communication-
quite recently (Lancet, 1939, 1, 1208) the recommendation " Some Remarks on the Relation of the Pituitary Gland to
is made that " since agranulocytosis cannot be definitely Ovulation and Skin Secretion in Xenopus laevis "-an
diagnosed without a white cell count, frequent blood important contribution to the comparative physiology of
examinations should be made in all cases where the drug reproduction is made by showing that injection of extracts
is continued for more than a week and large doses are of the anterior lobe of the pituitary of the ox into the
given." All would agree with the soundness of this advice, female Xenopus laevis produces extrusion of the ova
and since the new chemotherapeutic treatment has given through the cloaca within eighteen hours. There is no
such startlingly successful results there seems to be every suggestion, however, that xenopus might be used as a test
probability that it will to a great extent supersede other animal for the presence of an anterior-pituitary-like
methods of treatment, with a possible increase in the hormone found in the urine of pregnancy.
number of cases of agranulocytosis. In 1933 xenopus was first shown to be a suitable animal
Surely it would be of the greatest advantage if every for pregnancy diagnosis by Drs. H. A. Shapiro and H. J.
medical practitioner were competent to conduct a thorough Zwarenstein in the Physiological Laboratory at Capetown,
blood examination and were willing to spend the time long after Professor Hogben had left South Africa. The
required. Why should not medical students be instructed results were communicated to the Royal Society of South
to undertake complete blood examinations and include Africa in October, 1933. Further papers by these authors
them in the notes of every case allotted to them as clinical appeared in Nature (1934, 133, 762) and the South
clerks? Many would find it an interesting and fascinating African Medical Journal (March 23, 1935). In the latter
occupation.-I am, etc., paper the technique of the test is very fully described.
HERBERT H. BROWN, M.D., F.R.C.S. The authors look on this xenopus test as a modification
Worthing, June 5. of the Aschheim-Zondek test, and have not considered it
necessary to label it with any name. If, however, Pro-
The After-coming Head in Breech Delivery fessor Crew wishes to bring the nomenclature of this test
into line with that of the mouse and the rabbit tests, it
SIR,-1 do not propose to discuss the causes and pre- should obviously be referred to as the " Shapiro-Zwaren-
vention of impaction of the after-coming head, but in two stein test."
recent -cases of breech presentation with extended legs to Although the name of Hogben is associated with a great
which I was called this emergency occurred during delivery deal of valuable research on xenopus, there is no justifica-
under my supervision. In each case I was fortunate tion whatever for attaching it to this pregnancy test.
enough to prevent death of the foetus by means of a Since there seems to be considerable misconception about
manceuvre which I cannot find mentioned in any of the the history of this test it is necessary to make the position
few books I have searched. In my opinion the cause of unequivocally clear in the interests of scientific accuracy.
death in this condition is usually (1) the cord being com- -I am, etc.,
pressed, thus cutting off placental " respiration," and University of Capetown, June 2. J. W. C. GUNN.
causing inspiratory efforts by the increase of carbon
dioxide in the child's blood-respiratory movements are
also stimulated by exposure of the baby's wet body to Reconstruction in Vaginal Atresia
the air unless the usual precautions are taken; (2) respira-
tory efforts are useless as the child's face is smothered by SIR,-In your issue of May 27 (p. 1113) Mr. H. P.
the soft tissues of the maternal perineum; (3) if the child Pickerill joins issue with Dr. V. S. Counseller of the
manages to expand its lungs they fill with amniotic fluid Mayo Clinic for describing as new a method of recon-
or blood, and death ensues from drowning. struction of the congenitally absent vagina which he
The procedure I adopted, after failing to get the head himself claims to have performed in 1922. Mr.
through by abdominal pressure, forward and upward Pickerill is quite correct in stating that I suggested the
traction, and so on, was to insert two fingers of the left, particular technique of the method used by Dr.
or free, hand between the child's face (as far as the mouth) Counseller, but he is wrong in feeling that either of
and the mother's perineum and separate the fingers, thus us ever claimed priority for the use of Thiersch grafts in
allowing foetal fluids to run out and, still more important, this situation. If Mr. Pickerill will refer to the articles
providing an air-way to the baby's mouth. In each of by the late Mr. J. Bright Banister and myself in the
these two cases the abortive attempts at inspiration by the Journial of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British
baby were changed at once into full, useful expansion of Empire (45, No. 3, 490) and Zentralblatt fur Gyna-
the lungs and lusty crying. In each case it was eventually kologie (1939, 63, No. 1) he will see that priority for

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