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Clustered Nursing Nursing

Rationale Outcome Criteria Rationale Evaluation
Cues Diagnosis Interventions
2/22/20 Risk for Risk of infection is 2/22/20
8:00 AM infection a nursing diagnosis which 9:30 AM
is defined as "the state in Independent:
Subjective: which an individual is at
Verbalized risk to be invaded by 1. Prevented/reduce Explained disease Provides emotional 1. Goal partially met.
“sakit” an opportunistic or patho d risk of infection course and treatment support, which can Instructions understood/
genic agent to parents reduce fear, lower followed by parents.
(virus, fungus, bacteria, p anxiety levels, and
Objective: rotozoa, or other parasite) help minimize pain
from endogenous or exog (Doenges, 2016).
lethargic and
fatigue; enous sources"
wheezing; (Carpenito, L J Prevents cross
Emphasized to parents
(ed.). Nursing diagnosis:
forceful the importance of contamination and
breathing; application to clinical
handwashing before reduces risk of
shortness of practice, 9th ed.).
contact to patient infection (CDC,
breath; pallor; 2018)
easy bruising; The risk of infection
Informed and
decreased depends on a number of
instructed to report Promotes
RBC, WBC, endogenous sources.
symptoms of infection participation in
HgB and Hct Skin damage from
such as fever, chills, decision making
incision as well as very
T-38.90 C, coughs and sore throat process (Doenges,
young or old age can
BP-100/60 increase a patient's risk of 2016).
mmHG infection. Examples of
PR-140 bpm Provided calm quiet
risk factors includes Promotes relaxation
RR-57 bpm environment for
decreased immune and feeling of well-
adequate rest and
system secondary to being and may
disease, reduce need for
compromised circulation  analgesic and
secondary to peripheral anesthesia. Position
vascular disease, change can also
compromised skin 1. Reduced signs of
enhance circulation
integrity secondary to facial grimacing and
and decrease
surgery, or repeated grunting during labor
muscle tension
contact with contagious contractions after (Doenges, 2016).
agents nursing intervention.
(Spry, Cynthia. Essentials Although fever may
of Perioperative Nursing. accompany some
Jones & Bartlett. p. 80., Closely monitored forms of
2008.) temperature. chemotherapy,
progressive hyperth
ermia occurs in
some types of
infections, and
2. Must have
fever (unrelated to
performed deep-
drugs or blood
breathing exercises products) occurs in
properly after guiding most leukemia
and demonstration. patients.
Septicemia may
occur without fever.
Doenges, M., et, al.
(2016). Nurse’s
pocket guide

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