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1. The part of computer that allows user to enter data into computer.
a. Output devices b. Processing unit c. Input devices d. Memory unit
2. The output device of computer that allows user to print graphs and maps.
a. Scanner b. Speaker c. Plotter d. Monitor
3. An input device which is used to read marks at designated positions.
a. Barcode reader b. Mouse c. Optical mark reader d. Microphone
4. In computer terminology, compiler means
a. A person who computes source program
b. The same as a programmer
c. A program which translates high level language program to machine
d. None of the above
5. Operating system is
a. Collection of hardware components
b. A collection of input output devices.
c A collection of software routines .
d. All of the

6. Which of the following is an operating system?

a. Microsoft word b. Microsoft excel
c. Microsoft PowerPoint d. Microsoft windows
7. Which of the following is a spreadsheet program?
a. Microsoft word
b. Microsoft Excel
c. Microsoft PowerPoint
d, Microsoft Access
8 The two major categories of software include
a. Operating system and utility
b. Personal productivity and system
c. System and application
d. System and utility.
1. __________________________ refers to the parts of the computer that you
can see and touch.
2. The input device that can point, click, drag, and scroll is the
3. The output device that will make a hard copy is the __________________
4. ____________software helps you carry out tasks, such as typing a document
or creating a spreadsheet
5. ____________ is the set of computer instructions or programs that enables the
hardware to perform different tasks.
6. _______________key brings you back at the beginning of a page.
7. The operating system is the most common type of ____________ software.
8. A compiler translates a program written in a high level language into
9. __________________is the conversion of electronic data into another form,
called cipher text.
10. _______________ is a translating program that translates the instructions of a
program written in assembly language into machine language.
1. Differentiate between Hardware and Software.
2. What is an operating system? What is its role?
3. What is encryption and decryption?
4. What are the three main categories of application software?
5. Explain any 2-output devices.
6. What is bar code reader?
7. What is pointing device? Name a popular pointing device.
8. What are the various categories of software?
9. What is motherboard?
10. Define Scanner and its types.
11. What is the difference between digital camera and web camera?
1. What is the importance of utility software? What are language processors? Explain:
a. Spreadsheet b. Presentation Software c. DBMS
4. What is Cipher text?
5. What is the difference between Interpreter and compiler?
6. What is the use of antivirus software?
7. Explain Operating System. 8. Explain the devices used both as a input and output
device 9. Explain System Software and its types. 10. What is the role of kernel of
operating system?

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