Student C: Mental-Well-Being Community

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Student C

Stakeholders are critical for the effectiveness of our iSmart Interactive Games which

aims to help dyslexic children socially and emotionally.

A strength of our proposal is that we carefully select relevant stakeholders to support

critical aspects of our iSmart Interactive Games. The games aim to evoke empathy

in non-dyslexic children for their dyslexic classmates using a series of empathy

quizzes which both play together. Hence, the design and planning of this game must

be by someone who really understands the struggles of the dyslexic child. Hence,

we proposed that proactive parents with dyslexic children be our stakeholders.

These concerned parents have set up businesses which provide special

programmes to help other dyslexic children to learn and play 1.They have also

reached out to other parents and created social media platforms through formation of

self-help community groups with Facebook pages and Instagram accounts to help

others. Hence, they would be ideal to help plan and design our games as this

goodwill would also promote their businesses. 2The role of proactive parents are

essential to our project as with the help of them, the dyslexic child would be able to

learn and play in a better environment, reaching out to not only one, but various

dyslexic children, who are suffering from similar problems such as discrimination and

ostracization. As parents of dyslexic children they are more knowledgeable and

experienced in the field of helping other students of special needs. Hence, these

parents can make our iSmart Interactive Games more effective in targeting their

social needs, making it easier for them to make friends.

However, a limitation of our proposal is that it showed little consideration for these

children’s real need for parental love and care. They might want to receive more

attention from their parents rather than just from their peers as parents are the only

people from whom a child can expect unconditional love 3. Hence, we have failed to

consider the role of the dyslexic children’s parents for the iSmart Interactive Games,

in which they are a major factor in influencing their child’s emotional mindset 4. This

parental concern for the dyslexic child is important since playing games to make

friends might be new for them and being young, parental support is important to

master something new. Hence, we could have proposed the involvement of the

dyslexic children’s parents for the iSmart Interactive Games, helping them whenever

they are in need. Parents' relationship with their child is very important in order for

them to do well and feel better emotionally 5 . However, a danger is that over-

protective parents might deter their classmates from bonding with them, which is the

whole purpose of these empathy games. Hence, we could suggest that teachers

work with parents as facilitators helping all children in the classroom rather than just

their own. This parental support would be sufficient to demonstrate to the dyslexic

child that his parent cares for him.


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