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Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 27 (2011) 808–817

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Improving the fine-pitch stencil printing capability using the Taguchi

method and Taguchi fuzzy-based model
Tsung-Nan Tsai n
Department of Logistics Management, Shu-Te University, 59, Hun Shan Road, YenChau, Kaohsiung 82445, Taiwan, ROC

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents industrial applications for improving the capability of the fine-pitch stencil printing
Received 18 March 2009 process (SPP) based on the DMAIC framework and using Taguchi-based methodologies. SPP is widely
Received in revised form recognized as the main contributor of soldering defects in a surface mount assembly (SMA). An
22 September 2010
inadequate volume of solder paste deposition or poor printing quality can cause soldering defects and
Accepted 13 January 2011
Available online 12 February 2011
lead to significant reworking and repairing costs. In practice, both the desired amount of solder paste
volume (quantitative index) and printing quality (qualitative index) are preferably used to monitor the
Keywords: SPP for the reduction of soldering defects during the statistical control process (SPC), particularly for a
Surface mount technology fine-pitch solder paste printing operation. To continuously improve SPP capability, the DMAIC frame-
Stencil printing
work is followed and Taguchi-based methodologies are proposed under the considerations of single
Taguchi method
characteristic performance index (SCPI) and multiple characteristic performance indices (MCPI). The
Process capability
Fuzzy inference system SCPI is optimized using the conventional Taguchi method. Then, a Taguchi fuzzy-based model is
developed to optimize the SPP with the MCPI property. Optimizing a multi-response problem by the
Taguchi method involves the engineer’s judgment which tends to increase the degree of uncertainty.
The performance of these two approaches is compared through the process capability metric, and the
material and factors significantly affecting the fine-pitch SPP performance are reported.
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction To improve the overall SMT production yield, much efforts have
been devoted to enhancing the process capability, particularly for
1.1. Surface mount assembly SPP [1,2]. Studies have reported that approximately 60% of solder-
ing defects originate from poor SPP performance [3,4] because
Surface mount technology (SMT) is a significant development in of nonlinearity. The multiple performance characteristic indices
the electronics industry and is now used to fabricate many types of (MCPI) involved are shown in Fig. 1. Controlling the amount of
electronics products. The surface mount assembly (SMA) process is solder paste deposits can prevent the failure of solder joints during
comprised of solder paste stencil printing, component placement the statistical control process (SPC) activity [2]. The closer the
(Pick and place, P&P), and solder reflow process steps. A squeegee amount of solder paste is to a nominal value, the better the stencil
is employed in the stencil printing process (SPP) to deposit solder printing performance. The presence of printing defects (such as
paste into the stencil openings and to leave the desired amount of bridges, slumping, incompleteness, or shifting) also has a signifi-
solder paste on the PCB pads where the SMCs will be placed. cant influence on the SPP performance and solderability [5]. If the
The entire assembled board is heated in a reflow oven to form printing defects occur they will potentially lead to soldering defects
strong solder joints between the PCB pads and the SMCs. The SMT during the downstream processing stage. For example, incomplete
production yield becomes increasingly important to fabricate more printing defects can cause solder voids in the solder joint, whereas
reliable modern 3C products because the products’ functional the bridge and slump prints can cause ‘‘short’’ solder joints after the
scopes are more diversified and sophisticated. This issue is parti- solder reflow process. These increase productivity and quality
cularly important in producing telecommunication products, due losses which can lead to the necessity of significant cost expendi-
to the reduced size of the device, extended board complexity, and ture later on to correct the soldering defects through extra
increased product functionality. reworking and repairs [6,7].
The smaller the product design, the greater the pin-count of the
components on the PCB, and the poorer the stencil printing
performance will be. Therefore, improvement of fine-pitch stencil
Tel.: +886 7 6158000x4511; fax: +886 7 7801946. printing capability is necessary so as to increase first-pass yields and
E-mail address: product reliability, supply conforming parts to other downstream

0736-5845/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.-N. Tsai / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 27 (2011) 808–817 809

Qualitative index – Printing quality

Standard Bridge Slump Incomplete Shift

Solder paste


Laser H Solder paste
W Quantitative index – solder paste volume

Fig. 1. Multiple quality characteristics of SPP (Compiled from Lathrop [31]).

stages, and thus reduce manufacturing costs. In recent years, consists of a set of IF-THEN production rules. The fuzzy inference
manufacturers and researchers have attempted to ascertain the engine then performs the inference procedure to generate a fuzzy
desired stencil printing control factors for improving the SPP value based on IF-THEN rules. Finally the defuzzifier converts the
performance based on their accumulated field experience, operation fuzzy value into a crisp output.
manuals and failure symptoms. A typical fuzzy rule ‘‘IF (x is Ai and y is Bi) THEN (z is Ci)’’ used
Bao et al. [8] reported the rheology of the solder paste, particle in a Mamdani inference system, can be implemented via a fuzzy
size in the paste, and its distribution all affect the consistency of the relation Ri with membership function mRi, as defined in Eq. (1):
printing pattern and the performance. Owczarek and Howland [9]
mRi ¼ mðAi and Bi -Ci Þ ðx,y,zÞ ¼ ½mAi ðxÞ and mBi ðyÞ-mCi ðzÞ, ð1Þ
revealed a strong connection between the snap-off distance and the
volume of solder paste deposited. Pan et al. [10] declared the where Ai and Bi is a fuzzy set Ai  Bi in X  Y; Ri ¼(Ai and Bi)-Ci is a
aperture area and stencil thickness to be the two SPP variables fuzzy relation in X  Y  Z; and (-) represents the fuzzy implica-
having the most significant influence on obtaining the appropriate tion function. Considering the simplest fuzzy rule, ‘‘IF (x is Ai)
amount of solder deposition. On the other hand, Whitmore et al. [11] THEN (y is Bi)’’, the MBF, mRi is shown in Eq. (2):
declared the volume of the solder paste deposited to be unconnected
mR ¼ minfmA ðxÞ, mB ðyÞg,x A X,y A Y: ð2Þ
to the designated stencil thickness. Mannan et al. [12] observed that
the height of the paste deposited is proportional to the printing Given the relation R, of X to Y where the fuzzy set for X is
speed during the stencil printing process. Apparently controversies denoted by A0 , the fuzzy set for Y, denoted by B0 is inferred from A0 .
and conflicting results exist between the various studies. Based on the Mamdani implication method of inference reason-
Besides, researchers have usually focused on how to optimize a ing, the aggregated output for the set of disjunctive rules using
single quality or property using various methods and have not the max-min compositional operation is
provided a long-term SPP control framework. Studies include those mBu ðyÞ ¼ maxfminðmA’ ðxÞ, mR ðx,yÞÞg,x A X,yA Y: ð3Þ
on artificial intelligence [7], the Taguchi analysis method [13], and
data mining [14]. Furthermore, these research results may involve The center-of-area (COA) defuzzification method is frequently
mathematical complications that make it difficult for the process used to compute the weighted average of the MBFs. Assuming a
practitioners to have prerequisite knowledge, although proportional discrete universe of discourse, the crisp output Z is produced by
improvement is considered significant. calculating the COA of consequence for fuzzy subsets according to
Eq. (4):
1.2. Fuzzy inference system Pm
z m ðz Þ
Z ¼ Pi ¼m 0 i C i , ð4Þ
i ¼ 0 mi ðzi Þ
Fuzzy set theory has been widely applied to solve problems
involving vague expert knowledge, uncertainty or imprecise data [15]. where m is the number of quantization levels of the output; zi is
Fuzzy inference systems (FIS) derived from fuzzy set theory can be the amount of output at the quantization levels I; and mi(zi)
used to easily transform the linguistic expressions of the experts into represents its membership value in C.
a rule base for the controlling of complex systems, and is suitable for
formulating the relationship between system inputs and responses. 1.3. Taguchi method
An FIS is comprised of a fuzzifier, a fuzzy rule base, a fuzzy inference
engine and a defuzzifier. The fuzzifier transforms the crisp (nonfuzzy) The Taguchi method is a cost-effective quality improvement
inputs into fuzzy sets using membership function (MBF). Currently methodology which has been widely applied in a variety of
there is no universally accepted criterion to properly define the shape industries for the purpose of achieving robustness in manufactur-
of the MBF for the fuzzy subsets of the control variables. The ing processes and design [16–19]. The Taguchi method provides a
Mamdani implication method allows easier interpretation of the systematic scheme for determining the effects of various factors
relationship of inputs and responses to the fuzzy rule base, which and their possible interactions. The results can help to design a
810 T.-N. Tsai / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 27 (2011) 808–817

process for achieving the particular output and quality character- and (5) the relative weights and ranking of the decision alter-
istics, as well as uncover important factors that have an influence native are synthesized.
on the qualities and characteristics of interest [16]. Two impor- In AHP, reciprocal relationships are adapted so as to compare
tant tools provided by the Taguchi design are the orthogonal array m elements under given conditions, and the response is trans-
(OA) and the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio. The OA can be used to formed into a nine-point scale. The results of the pairwise
control experimental errors, so as to allow engineers to study comparisons are constructed as a judgment matrix. The max-
many parameters of influence simultaneously, in order to better imum values, lmax, are then calculated. The consistency index (CI)
estimate the effects of independent factors and their interactions. of the judgment matrix can be calculated using Eq. (8):
In the Taguchi design both the mean of the performance lmax m
characteristic and its variance are considered. The S/N ratio is CI ¼ : ð8Þ
employed as a performance measure for evaluating the robust-
ness and variation of a system [20]. A higher S/N ratio represents The consistency ratio (CR) allows us to measure the consis-
better system performance and lower variation. Three types of tency of the pairwise comparisons, as depicted in Eq. (9). A CR of
S/N ratios were classified by Taguchi [21], based on the quality 0.1 or less indicates a consistent judgment [26]
characteristics of the response: (1) the smaller-the-better (STB); CI
CR ¼ : ð9Þ
(2) the larger-the-better (LTB); and (3) the nominal-the-best (NTB), RI
as shown in Eqs. (5), (6), and (7), respectively: The random index (RI) is the consistency index for a randomly
 X n generated reciprocal comparison matrix based on the nine-
S=NSTB ðZÞ ¼ 10 log10 y2 , ð5Þ point scale.
n i ¼ 1 ij
Applications of AHP have been dominant in manufacturing and
 X n
other fields [27]. The printing quality is judged subjectively by
1 1 human-inspectors with/without the aid of an automated visual
S=NLTB ðZÞ ¼ 10 log10 , ð6Þ
n i ¼ 1 y2ij inspection (AVI) system. The AHP method is suitably employed in
  order to derive the relative weight of each printing defect
m2 subjectively judged by engineers according to the severity of
S=NNTB ðZÞ ¼ 10 log10
s2 PCB functionality.
y1 þ y2 þy3 þ    þyn
where m ¼
n 1.5. Six sigma management and DMAIC
Pn 2
2 i ¼ 1 ðyi yÞ
s ¼ : ð7Þ
n1 Six-sigma quality management strategy follows the methodol-
ogy inspired by Deming’s Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle, which
In the application of a Taguchi design, the main focus is on has been widely implemented in many industries. Six-Sigma uses
improvement of the product and the process [22–24]. However, a set of quality management tools to identify and remove the
most previous applications of the Taguchi method have generally causes of defects and errors in both manufacturing and business
emphasized optimization of a single response. Consequently processes. The acronym Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Con-
simultaneous optimization solutions on the MCPI property have trol (DMAIC) is used for projects aimed at improving an existing
been scarce. The optimization of an SPP involving multi-response process. The basic DMAIC deployment roadmap consists of the
characteristics, including the desired amount of solder paste following five steps [28]:
deposited (quantitative index) and the elimination of printing
defects (qualitative index). Optimizing the multi-response pro- (1) Define: define the related improvement goals pertaining to
blem using the Taguchi method involves the engineer’s judgment customer demands and the enterprise strategy.
which often increases the degree of uncertainty [20]. Traditionally (2) Measure: measure the current process capability and collect
this sort of problem has been solved by assigning a weight for relevant data.
each response. However, the weighted S/N ratio does not agree (3) Analyze: analyze the process data to ascertain the cause-and-
with the viewpoint of the Taguchi quality loss function. Therefore, effect relationships of interest, and ensure that all system
we alternatively converted a multi-response index into a single factors have been considered.
synthesis performance index using an FIS to investigate relation- (4) Improve: optimize the process based on data analysis using
ships between the multiple responses and the SPP performance DOE, process capability analysis, and other statistical
and this way determine the efficiency of each parameter in the techniques.
design of the Taguchi experiment. (5) Control: conduct pilot runs to achieve desired process cap-
ability and make advances to the mass production, establish
long-term process control mechanisms, and execute contin-
1.4. Analytic hierarchy process
uous monitoring of the process.

The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) [25] provides an intuitive The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section
multi-criteria decision-making framework that allows decision- 2 the proposed methodology is outlined, followed by a step-by-
makers to transform subjective judgments into objective mea- step discussion. Section 3 discusses the findings and results. The
sures, for the solving of complex and subjective decision-making concluding remarks are presented in Section 4.
problems based on the principles of decomposition, comparative
assessment and synthesis of priorities. Typically a five-step pro-
cedure is used for tackling multi-criteria decision-making or 2. The proposed methodology
ranking problems: (1) the problem is discomposed into a hier-
archy of decision elements; (2) inputs are gathered through a In this study, we work with the DMAIC framework to improve
pairwise comparison of decision elements; (3) the consistency of the SPP capability, as shown in Fig. 2. This main effort is to reduce
the judgment matrix is verified using a consistency ratio (CR); variation in the volume of solder paste deposits from a nominal
(4) the relative weights of the decision elements are calculated; value and eliminate printing defects under the considerations of
T.-N. Tsai / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 27 (2011) 808–817 811

Collect statistical Perform Gage R&R

process control data study

Analyze control chart

and process capability

Determine critical to
quality (CTQ) of SPP
Database Rule base A
Fuzzy knowledge base
Determine key SPP
factors for •Solder paste volume
investigation •Printing quality Fuzzy inference
Fuzzification Defuzzification
Method #2 engine
Fuzzy inference system
Design and conduct a
L18(2 1×37) experiment Multiple characteristics
Performance indices (MCPI)
•Solder paste Method #1
Taguchi method – Taguchi fuzzy-based model- I
SCPI optimization MCPI optimization

Confirmation test, and

performance comparisons

Long-term process control C

Fig. 2. Roadmap for SPP optimization and capability improvement.

single and multiple performance indices. The sub-goals include Table 1

the following: (1) comparing the optimization performance Summary of the data for the Gage R&R study.
attained by the Taguchi method and Taguchi fuzzy-based model;
Source StdDev Study var Study var
(2) identifying the factors having significant effects on the (SD) (6 SD) (SV) (%)
fine-pitch SPP performance; and (3) enhancing the SPP capability
for fine-pitch SMCs with minimal defects. The ‘‘define’’ phase of Total gage R&R 21.845 131.073 15.32
DMAIC is outlined in this section and Section 1.1. The other Repeatability 21.845 131.073 15.32
Reproducibility 0.000 0.000 0.000
phases are described in the following subsections. Part-to-part 140.924 845.545 98.82
Total variation 142.607 855.644 100.00
2.1. Instrument accuracy
Note: number of distinct categories (NDC) ¼ 9.
Data analysis and the calculation of processing capability can
be error-prone without a precise measurement system [23]. In Xbar-R Chart
the ‘‘measure’’ phase, the SPC data was collected for further 6200 UCL=6168.0
Sample Mean

process capability analysis. A gage repeatability and reproduci- 6000

bility (Gage R&R) study for an automated optics inspection (AOI) _
5800 X=5762.2
is performed to minimize the variability in the measurement 5600
system and operators before the experiment was launched. In the 5400 LCL=5356.4
experiments, the volume of solder paste was measured with an 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
AOI system, and printing defects were identified based on the Sample UCL=1021
subjective judgment of human-inspectors using the automated
Sample Range

visual inspection (AVI) system. Ten bricks of solder paste deposits

were measured with three replications and four operators. The 750
500 _ R=397
results of the Gage R&R study are shown in Table 1. The operators
exhibit a consistent measuring stability and reproducibility. The LCL=0
total Gage R&R accounts for 15.32% of the study variation ( o30%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
showing that the AOI system is acceptable for the purpose of
distinguishing 9 types of parts and to adequately categorize
said parts. Fig. 3. XR control charts for stencil printing process status.
Fifteen PCBs with five thin mall outlined package (TSOP)
(lead-pitch: 0.5 mm) components on each board were sampled. The 1021.0 mil3. Viewing the control charts, it can be seen that the
volume of solder paste deposits was measured for each component process has an ‘‘in-control’’ status.
(three samples each) (15  3¼ 45). Thereafter, the mean (x) and R The SPP capability analysis is shown in Fig. 4. The upper
control charts were constructed and are shown in Fig. 3. In this figure, specification limit (USL), Target and lower specification limit (LSL)
the lower control limit (LCL), center line (CL), and upper control limit for 0.5 mm pitch printing process employed by the subject
(UCL) are computed to be 5356.6, 5762.2 and 6168.0 mil3, respec- company are 65003, 5850 and 5250 mil3 for day-to-day process
tively. The LCL, CL, UCL control limits of the R-chart are 0.0, 397.0, and control. The Cp computed for the initial stage (with a process
812 T.-N. Tsai / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 27 (2011) 808–817

mean (x) of 5762.2 mil3) is 0.89 and Cpk is calculated to be 0.73. substantially critical. Various factors of influence must be considered
Notably both the Cp and Cpk values show that stencil printing in the design of a robust fine-pitch solder paste deposition process.
capability is not sufficient to meet industrial requirements. We considered a continuum of factors from previous stu-
dies [9,10,12] that impact the measured characteristics, as well as
2.2. Analysis and improvement the expert knowledge of the experienced process practitioners who
work for company V. Important input factors taken into considera-
tion are shown in Fig. 5 in red.
Proper selection of the factors and factor levels used in the
In the ‘‘improve’’ phase, the experimental design is used to
experiment is an important issue during the ‘‘analyze’’ phase if one
reduce SPP variation and move the design towards the desired
is to achieve the appropriate design space. The performance of
printing performance. Full factorial experimental design requires
stencil printing is influenced by the geometric properties of the
a number of experimental runs which makes the process time-
stencil design, stencil printer, characteristics of the solder paste, the
consuming and cost-ineffective. To effectively ascertain the key
product configuration, and the printing parameter settings [1]. As
stencil printing factors, a fractional factorial experimental design
indicated in the literature review in Section 1.1, there is no rule-of-
uses a portion of the full factorial columns to estimate the main
thumb to help selecting key SPP factors. There is a dearth of relevant
factor effects and their interactions.
knowledge and a number of controversies and conflictions
The settings for each printing factor are shown in Table 2.
among previous studies. Accordingly the selection of process factors
Factor (A) has two levels (component lead-pitch), whereas seven
for robust process design and optimization of fine-pitch SPP is
other factors (B, C, D, E, F, G, and H) each possess three levels. The
initial factor level combination is B2C2D2E2F2G2H2. The Taguchi
Stencil Printing Process Capability Analysis
method relies on the assignment of factors into a specific OA to
LSL Target USL determine which test combinations use minimal resources,
Process Data Overall thereby reducing the experimental design complexity. For exam-
LSL 5250
T arget 5850
ple, an examination of eight factors (21  37) requires a total of
Potential (Within) Capability
USL 6500 Cp 0.89 4374 trials. Taguchi OA L18 is selected due to fitting the experi-
CPL 0.73
Sample Mean 5762.18
CPU 1.05
mental requirements and only needing 18 experimental runs. A
Sample N 45 Cpk 0.73 three-level L18 (21  37) orthogonal array with eight factors is
StDev(Within) 234.285
StDev(Overall) 326.599 Overall Capability employed in order to maintain the current process settings in the
Pp 0.64 middle level and improve SPP capability. The optimal stencil
PPL 0.52
PPU 0.75
Ppk 0.52
printing parameters are determined by examining the experi-
Cpm 0.59 mental data acquired by using the OA. The stencil printing factors
and the levels considered in the experiment are shown in Table 2.
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Three customized laser-cut stainless stencils were selected
50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64
with different stencil thicknesses (1.0, 1.2, and 1.5 mm) and
Fig. 4. Capability analysis for SPP. aperture sizes (based on pad area ratio, 85%, 100%, and 115%),

Type design
Type process

Down-stop Wiping Working

speed frequency environment
Snap-off Squeegee Squeegee Alignment
Stencil printing

distance speed pressure accuracy


Types Lead-pitch

shape Thixotropy Supplier
Solder Particle Solids Storage
paste distribution content
Type Viscosity
Flux Solvent evaporation
content rate

Fig. 5. Stencil printing factors (for interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).
T.-N. Tsai / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 27 (2011) 808–817 813

Table 2
Stencil printing parameters and levels used in the experiment.

Stencil printing parameters Level I Level II Level III Descriptions

A: lead-pitch (mm/mils) 0.4/16 0.5/20 Distance between the centers of the two component
leads in the IC package
B: paste particle size (type)  200+ 325 mesh (II)  325 + 400 mesh (III)  400 + 500 mesh (IV) Diameter of the solder paste particle
C: squeegee pressure (bar) 1 3 5 Amount of air pressure applied on the squeegee
D: squeegee speed (mm/s) 20 40 60 Squeegee traveling speed
E: snap-off height (mm) 0 1 2 Distance between the PCB and the stencil
F: stencil aperture area (%) 85 100 115 Ratio of stencil aperture and area of pad pattern
G: stencil thickness (mm) 1 1.2 1.5 Thickness of the laser-cut stencil
H: paste viscosity (kcps) 800 1050 1300 Solder paste viscosity

Note: each initial factor level is identified by an underscore.

Table 3
1005 R R1
Summarized weighting data for evaluating printing quality.
15.4 Alternative Bridge Slump Incomplete Shift
1005 C U1 mm

(CR¼ 0.02)
SQFP-128P P=0.4
15.4 Priority 0.261 0.169 0.451 0.119

factor in terms of its effects on the quality characteristic(s). The
Tolling Hole ANOVA analysis branches the total effect of the averaged output
U3 quality characteristic and variability to each factor in the OA. The
SOIC-32 P=0.65 SOIC-32 P=0.65 TSOP-32 P=0.5 TSOP-32 P=0.5 significance test is based on the F distribution, which is a ratio of
the degrees of freedom (DoF) for the factor divided by the DoF of
the experimental error. Taguchi suggested adopting percentage
Fig. 6. Customized stencil. contribution (r%) to evaluate the factor’s degree of importance on
the quality characteristic, which can be expressed as
as shown in Fig. 6. We particularly consider the impact of the rð%Þ ¼ SSFu =SST  100%, ð10Þ
solder paste transfer rates as derived from the various combina-
tions of stencil thickness and aperture area. Some of the noises in where SS’F ¼ SSF Verror  DoF is the modified sum of squares for
this experiment arise from (1) working temperature and humility each factor; and SST is the total sum of the squares for each factor.
(2) variations in the stencil printer; and (3) dust. In the preliminary ANOVA analysis, the factors paste particle
The focused printing defects are shown in the top part of Fig. 1, size (B), squeegee speed (D), and snap-off height (E) are insignif-
which include bridge, slumping, incompleteness and shifting, and are icant since their F ratios have a confidence significance of less
subjectively identified by human-inspectors using AVI equipment. than 95%. Consequently these three factors are pooled and
The relative weight for each type of printing defect was ranked by considered error terms. The summary of the ANOVA analysis of
experienced engineers based on the severity of its impact on PCB the S/N ratios and the results is shown in Table 5. The component
functionality using the AHP method, as shown in Table 3. Note that a lead-pitch (A), stencil aperture area (F), and stencil thickness
CR value of less than 0.1 indicts a consistent judgment is obtained. For (G) account for approximately 83.66% of the total variation in the
example, there are bridge and shifting defects in the experimental SPP. Specifically the lead-pitch factor represents about 55% of the
run, the printing quality score is (1-0.261-0.119)  100¼62 calcu- variation. This indicates that the product configuration and stencil
lated using a hundred-point scale (multiplied by 100). design have a significant effect on the amount of the solder paste
The experiments were conducted in a random order to eliminate deposits and the overall printing performance considering the
bias. The responses used for further analysis included the volume of single characteristic performance.
the solder paste deposits and printing quality score. Three repeti-
tions were performed for each experimental run. The amount of 2.2.2. Optimizing SCPI of stencil printing using the Taguchi method
solder paste deposit was measured at the four corners of the shrink The conventional Taguchi method is employed in order to
quad flat pack (SQFP) and TSOP packages. Hence, eight solder optimize the SPP with a single response using the experimental
paste bricks were measured for SQFP and four bricks for TSOP. The results shown in Table 4. The main effects of the S/N ratios and
S/N ratios were computed for both quantitative (solder paste mean are shown in Fig. 7(a). The variation is reduced by selecting
volume—Z1) and qualitative (printing defect—Z2) indices for each the factor levels in order to maximize the S/N ratios. During
of the 18 runs, are given in Table 4. The solder paste volume is an ANOVA analysis of the S/N ratios, the main contributors are
NTB type quality characteristic (calculated using Eq. (9)) because factors A, F, and G. The ‘‘A’’ factor (lead-pitch) is categorized into
different lead-pitch printing processes require different amounts of 0.4 mm (ultra-fine-pitch) and 0.5 mm (fine-pitch) printing pro-
solder paste during deposition, whereas the printing defect is an LTB cesses which identify the different lead-pitch printing require-
type quality characteristic (calculated using Eq. (8)). Greater S/N ments. Consequently for the 0.4 mm lead-pitch process, the
ratios correspond to a better printing performance. optimal combination of factor levels will be A1C3F3G3H3. For the
0.5 mm lead-pitch process, the optimal combination of factor
2.2.1. Statistical analysis levels will be A2C3F3G3H3.
For statistical analysis of the DOE, the analysis of variance To improve SPP capability, two important parts need to be
(ANOVA) was performed to determine the significance of each focused upon: (1) reducing the variation of solder paste deposits;
814 T.-N. Tsai / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 27 (2011) 808–817

Table 4
Experimental results and performance evaluations.

Exp. Control factors Solder paste volume (quantitative) Solder paste printing quality (qualitative)
A B C D E F G H yi1 yi2 yi3 yi si Z1 (dB) vj1 vj2 vj3 vj sj Z2 (dB)

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3255 3354 3248 2582.7 46.76 34.84 100 100 88 96.00 6.93 39.60
2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2325 2298 2409 3072.7 50.16 35.74 83 74 88 81.67 7.09 38.17
3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 2945 3043 3023 3654.0 32.05 41.14 100 83 100 94.33 9.81 39.39
4 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 2635 2595 2646 3447.3 37.07 39.37 100 74 55 76.33 22.59 36.90
5 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 4185 4201 4156 3135.7 48.88 36.14 88 83 100 90.33 8.74 39.04
6 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2480 2467 2511 2895.0 37.80 37.68 55 38 62 51.67 12.34 33.69
7 1 3 1 2 1 3 2 3 3875 3910 3777 3664.7 36.61 40.01 88 88 100 92.00 6.93 39.23
8 1 3 2 3 2 1 3 1 2015 2098 2139 3379.3 43.32 37.84 55 55 43 51.00 6.93 33.97
9 1 3 3 1 3 2 1 2 2790 2856 2734 3247.0 48.14 36.58 100 83 100 94.33 9.81 39.39
10 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 6045 5945 5978 5869.0 57.97 40.11 100 100 88 96.00 6.93 39.60
11 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 5735 5784 5701 6480.7 46.20 42.94 83 74 88 81.67 7.09 38.17
12 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 4185 4089 4209 4907.0 50.57 39.74 43 43 55 47.00 6.93 33.27
13 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 2 4960 5089 4912 5438.7 45.61 41.53 100 100 88 96.00 6.93 39.60
14 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 3 6510 6477 6539 5262.3 44.84 41.39 100 83 88 90.33 8.74 39.04
15 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 1 6355 6262 6401 6263.3 47.06 42.48 100 88 83 90.33 8.74 39.04
16 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 2 7250 7209 7289 5963.3 50.95 41.37 83 100 74 85.67 13.20 38.46
17 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 3 5425 5380 5445 5542.3 55.05 40.06 100 74 55 76.33 22.59 36.90
18 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 1 5270 5243 5290 6030.0 42.72 42.99 100 88 83 90.33 8.74 39.04

Table 5 board are utilized for the confirmation experiments. Experimental

ANAVA analysis results for S/N ratios. process conditions include using C3F3G3H3 for both the 0.4 (A1)
and 0.5 mm (A2) pitch printing processes for consideration of the
Source DoF SSF Adj MS F ratio SS’F r (%)
SCPI (solder paste volume). The volume of solder paste bricks
A 1 61.432 61.432 75.36 60.62 55.41 was measured for each component. The analysis results for the
C 2 3.523 1.761 2.16 1.89 1.73 original and the optimum settings shown in Table 6 show that the
F 2 13.106 6.553 8.04 11.48 10.49 S/N ratios improved for both the 0.4 and 0.5 mm cases at 5.11 dB.
G 2 21.053 10.527 12.91 19.42 17.75
H 2 4.977 2.488 3.05 3.35 3.06
The mean solder paste volume is increased by 21.2% and 11.7% for
Residual error 2 0.411 0.206 the 0.4 and 0.5 mm lead-pitch printing processes, respectively.
Pooled error 6 4.891 0.815 11.55 The closer the solder paste volume is to the nominal value, the
Total 17 109.393 100.00 better the SPP performance. The mean of the solder paste volume
must be adjusted to agree with the nominal value. According
Note: factors B, D, and E are pooled into error term.
to Fig. 7(b), the solder paste volume increased monotonically with
respect to factors F (stencil aperture size) and G (stencil thick-
ness). Thus, another confirmation experiment was conducted
A B C D E F G H using the setting C3F2G2H3 and S/N ratio (42.31 dB) to obtain
S/N ratio (dB)

the mean (5819 mil3). The mean approached the CL value

(5850 mil3) that is used by the subject company (company V).
Nevertheless, for the 0.4 mm pitch printing process, the optimum
39 settings needing to acquire the appropriate amount of solder
38 paste deposits should be kept at A1C3F3G3H3 which is closer to the
37 nominal value (CL)—4850 mil3 used by the subject company. For

the mixed lead-pitch printing process (i.e., PCB is designated

Factor levels with 0.4 and 0.5 mm pitch components), larger stencil apertures
(115% pad area) and a 1.2 mm thick stencil are needed for the
0.4 mm lead-pitch components, to deposit the proper amount of
Solder paste volume (mil3)

solder paste, whereas stencil apertures with a 115% pad area

6000 and a 1.0 mm thick stencil are suggested for 0.5 mm lead-
5500 pitch components in order to deposit the appropriate amount of
5000 solder paste.
3500 2.2.3. Optimizing MCPI using the Taguchi fuzzy-based model
3000 A Taguchi fuzzy-based model is developed to optimize the stencil

printing process with the MCPI properties. The experimental results

Factor levels (shown in Table 4) are used for the analysis. The S/N ratios for the
solder paste volume are found to be between 34.84 and 42.94 dB.
Fig. 7. Main effects plotted for S/N ratio and mean. The S/N ratios for solder paste volume are lower for experimental
runs 1 and 2 have lower and higher printing quality, respectively.
This indicates that the volume of solder paste deposits is insufficient,
and (2) to adjust the process mean so that it is close to the but a good shaped brick is formed. However, the stencil printing
nominal (target) value. Fifteen PCBs with two TSOP (lead-pitch: performance is still doubtful in its ability to obtain good solder joints
0.5 mm) and one SQFP components (lead-pitch: 0.4 mm) on each after the solder reflow process.
T.-N. Tsai / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 27 (2011) 808–817 815

Table 6
Predicted results for original and optimum settings.

Lead-pitch A1 (0.4 mm pitch) A2 (0.5 mm pitch)

Settings B2C2D2E2F2G2H2 C3F3G3H3 B2C2D2E2F2G2H2 C3F3G3H3 C3F2G2H3

(original) (1st (original) (1st (2nd
optimized) optimized) optimized)

S/N ratio (dB) 36.42 41.53 40.11 45.22 42.31

Mean (mil3) 4116 4778 5536 6198 5819

Table 8
Multiple characteristic performance indices (MCPI).

Run (no.) I-S/N V-S/N MCPI

1 0.198 0.000 0.078

2 0.470 0.110 0.282
3 0.845 0.772 0.895
4 0.003 0.555 0.333
5 0.912 0.159 0.500
6 0.066 0.348 0.209
7 0.942 0.634 0.780
8 0.111 0.368 0.221
9 0.967 0.213 0.213
10 1.000 0.646 0.788
11 0.775 0.993 0.898
12 0.000 0.601 0.361
13 1.000 0.820 0.938
14 0.912 0.803 0.923
15 0.912 0.937 0.950
16 0.820 0.800 0.904
17 0.573 0.640 0.624
18 0.912 1.000 0.950

Fig. 8. Membership functions of inputs and MCPI.

Table 9
Table 7 ANOVA analysis results for MCPI S/N ratios.
Fuzzy rules for multiple performance indices.
Source DoF SSF Adj MS F ratio SS’F r (%)
Stencil printing process: MCPI Normalized printing quality
(qualitative) A 1 296.205 296.205 55.38 290.857 41.53
D 2 46.895 23.448 4.38 36.198 5.17
VL L M H VH E 2 25.474 12.737 2.38 14.777 2.11
F 2 216.51 108.255 20.24 205.813 29.38
Normalized solder paste volume VL T VS S SM M G 2 61.676 30.838 5.77 50.979 7.28
(quantitative) L VS S SM M ML H 2 29.709 14.855 2.78 19.012 2.71
M S SM M ML L Residual error 2 2.539 1.270
H SM M ML L VL Pooled error 4 21.394 5.349 11.82
VH M ML L VL H Total 17 700.403 100.00

Note: factors B and C are pooled into error terms.

A triangular MBF is the easiest way to approach the convex



function and the simplest way to explain system behavior [29]. In


the MCPI optimization strategy, the S/N ratios are first fuzzified
using triangular MBFs. Five fuzzy subsets are assigned for the two
inputs (The S/N ratios for both solder paste volume and printing -3
quality are normalized as two input variables), including very_- -5
low (VL), low (L), medium (M), high (H), and very_high (VH), as -7
graphically depicted at the top of Fig. 8. Nine fuzzy subsets are -9
assigned for output (MCPI), including Tiny (T), Very_small (VS), -11
Small (S), Small_medium (SM), Medium (M), Medium_large (ML),
Large (L), Very_large (VL), and Huge (H), as shown on the bottom Fig. 9. Main effect plots for S/N ratios of MCPI.
of Fig. 8.
Twenty-five possible fuzzy rules (see Table 7) are derived synthesis index (MCPI) using the COA defuzzification method, as
directly according to the criterion that the larger the S/N ratio, the shown in Table 8.
better the performance characteristic will be. Next, the inference The greater the MCPI value, the more optimal the combination of
engine performs a fuzzy reasoning on the fuzzy rules to generate SPP parameters obtained is (under the considerations of solder paste
a fuzzy value. The fuzzy reasoning of these rules then yields a volume and printing quality). The S/N ratios for MCPI computed for
fuzzy output using the max-min compositional operation [30]. each level of the factors are shown in Table 9. The component lead-
Finally the defuzzifer converts the fuzzy value into a crisp pitch (A) and stencil aperture area (F) account for 70% of the total
816 T.-N. Tsai / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 27 (2011) 808–817

variation in the SPP. The main effects for MCPI S/N ratios are shown optimum parameter settings derived from this approach show
in Fig. 9. The optimum parameter setting of 0.4 mm lead-pitch that the S/N ratios improved for both the 0.4 and 0.5 mm lead-
stencil printing process is A1D3E3F3G3H3, while the 0.5 mm pitch pitch stencil printing cases at 5.11 dB. Two additional suggestions
stencil printing process is set at A2D3E3F3G3H3. The factor levels for used to acquire the optimum volume of solder paste for different
D, E, F, G, and H are identical and are considered simultaneously for lead-pitch printing processes are as follows:
the both 0.4 and 0.5 mm lead-pitch printing processes.
Unfortunately the condition A2D3E3F3G3H3 for MCPI can produce  The 0.4 mm lead-pitch printing process: A larger stencil aperture
excessive amounts of solder paste. This result is analogous to (120% pad area), higher squeegee pressure (5 bar), larger snap-
those found in a previous study considering the SCPI property, as off distance (2 mm), thicker stencil (1.2 mm), and higher paste
discussed in Section 2.2.2. Fifteen PCBs (each having three SMCs) viscosity (1300 kcps) are recommended to make it closer to
were utilized in the confirmation experiment under the condition- the nominal value.
A2D2E3F2G3H3 to achieve appropriate solder paste volumes closer to  The mixed lead-pitch printing process: A larger stencil aperture
the nominal value (5850 mil3). The results of the confirmation (115% pad area) and a 1.2 mm thick stencil are needed for the
experiment for MCPI optimization are shown in Table 10. The S/N 0.4 mm lead-pitch printing process to deposit the proper
ratios for both the 0.4 and 0.5 mm cases improved at 9.51 dB. amount of solder paste, whereas stencil apertures with a
The optimum parameter settings gain improvement (6.22 dB) is 115% pad area and a 1.0 mm thick stencil are suggested for
comparable to the original setting for the 0.5 mm lead-pitch printing 0.5 mm lead-pitch printing instances.
process. In addition, both the 0.4 and 0.5 mm lead-pitch printing
processes can deposit more appropriate amounts of solder paste. In the MCPI optimization stage, the main factors lead-pitch,
squeegee speed, snap-off distance, stencil aperture area, stencil
thickness and paste viscosity are reported. The parameter settings
3. Results and discussions to deposit appropriate amount of solder paste for both the 0.4 and
0.5 mm lead-pitch printing processes are as follows: a medium
Following the DMAIC framework, the real SPC data collected squeegee speed (40 mm/s), larger snap-off height (2 mm), larger
from the subject company were analyzed and the SPP capability stencil aperture (120% pad area) (1.0 mm), and higher paste
improved. In the SCPI optimization stage, we found that the main viscosity (1300 kcps). All are recommended to approach closer
factors affect SPP performance are the component lead-pitch, to the nominal value. However, after the confirmation experi-
stencil aperture ratio and stencil thickness. The conclusion of the ments, the condition (A2D2E3F2G3H3) can lead to improvement
factor analysis is identical to the previous study [10]. The (6.22 dB) when compared to the original settings. The S/N ratios

Table 10
Summary of optimization performance for MCPI.

Lead-pitch A1 (0.4 mm pitch) A2 (0.5 mm pitch)

Settings B2C2D2E2F2G2H2 D3E3F3G3H3 B2C2D2E2F2G2H2 D3E3F3G3H3 D2E3F2G3H3

(original) (1st optimized) (original) (1st optimized) (2nd optimized)

S/N ratio (dB)  8.82 0.69  0.71 8.80 5.51

Mean (MCPI) 0.29 0.85 0.71 1.28 0.97
Mean (volume) (mil3) 4135 4822 5505 6218 5835

6100 x control chart

6000 UCL = 6065 CL = 5818 LCL = 5572 UCL = 6078 CL = 5835 LCL = 5592
Cp = 1.463 Cpk = 1.33 Cp = 1.485 Cpk = 1.38
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

700 R control chart

UCL = 621 CL = 241 LCL = 0 UCL = 611 CL = 237 LCL = 0
500 σ = 142.39 σ = 140.26
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Single characteristic index optimization Multi-characteristic index optimization

Fig. 10. XR control charts and capability analysis.

T.-N. Tsai / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 27 (2011) 808–817 817

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