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We are creatures who had our responsibility that is given to each of us.

We are assigned in every section and instructed

what part we should done. But instead of doing it, laziness takes place.

Social responsibility is an ethical theory in which individuals are accountable for fulfilling their civic duty, and the actions
of an individual must benefit the whole of society. In this way, there must be a balance between economic growth and
the welfare of society and the environment.

Being responsible means being dependable, keeping promises and honoring our commitments. It is accepting the
consequences for what we say and do. It also means developing our potential. People who are responsible don't make
excuses for their actions or blame others when things go wrong.

Superwoman is supervillain appearing in stories published by DC Comics.

Superwoman is strong, resilient, and can tackle anything that comes into her way with strength and grace. Powerful:
Superwoman is powerful. She confronts obstacles, tackles them and keeps her power all at the same time.

“I will fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.” “Now I know, that only love can truly save the world. So I stay, I
fight, and I give, for the world I know can be.”

Transport is important because it enables communication, trade and other forms of exchange between people, that in
turn establishes civilizations. Transport plays an important part in economic growth and globalization, but most types
cause air pollution and use large amounts of land.

If the instructions were changed to “evaluate the efficacy of the leader development program used in Reserve Officers
Training Crops Leader” then the adjusted thesis statement would be, “Socialized Leader Development: A
Phenomenological Qualitative Study.”

The poem describe how the people suffered from the hand of the abusive government. It also depicts the poverty,
hunger and the utter agony of the people but it also talks about hope and how people clung onto that hope waiting for a
day that a miracle will happen.

This poem was written to raise awareness on mental health because, in Japan, where he was exposed as a professor, the
mortality rate of persons committing suicide is high. This poem can show a light on the mental health of Filipinos.

Third World Geography become an eye opener for me, millennials and to those who didn't know Martial Law regime or
to those who wasn't born yet in that era. This poem shows how the society suffered from poverty in the hand of Marcos.
It depicts the selfishness of the government; selfishness in human rights and freedom.

The persona can be a character in the poem who is involved in the dramatic situation, or the persona can be an observer
who is watching the situation unfold. The poem presents us with a situation that is allegorical, or not literal but rather
representative of other ideas or personalities.

The poem tackled about the sufferings of Filipino people who fights for their rights. I like the poem because it make me
realized on what happen on past back then. It touched my heart because without the people who fight for the Marco's
Administration maybe we are still in their power and administration.

"Freedom is the right tobe wrong, not the right to do wrong"- John G. Riefenbaker. It make me feel sad and happy in the
same time. Sad because of the cruelty and inhuman deeds by Marco's administration. Happy because we got our
freedom through the help of Corey Aquino and the unity of the Filipino people to stop the Marco's administration.

The message that I've got on the poem is we must treasure, proctect and fight for our rights. And to be grateful for
having our freedom.

"The past is contained in the book where all things are written. We cannot blot out the record; but if we choose to learn
them, the past will teach us its lessons. As we make it our monitor, we may also make it our friend."- Elllen G. White. All I
can say is the past is pillar of present and future.

A poem of Cirilo Bautista entitled "Third World Geography" was about the dictatorial government of the late Ferdinand
Marcos. His strict ruling called Martial Law.
I do like this poem because it is not just an ordinary poem. All poems have their own feelings, message and content
but this one was used to say our own history, history that is noted in our minds yet seen. This poem stated the struggles
and pains that the Filipinoes suffered during the Martial Law. It is a piece of awakening our minds ( millenials ) towards
the kind of ruling of Ferdinand Marcos back then. Through reading the lines of the poem until ended it, I realized that we
millenials were blessed because we didn't experience the government like that. And we lived in the time when laws are
on the ground level, not above nor under.

I appreciate the sacrifies of our late countrymen for sacrificing their lives to fight for their rights back then. Sacrificing
their lives for their families and for us( new generation ) to have a better government, better nation that have respect
and love for each other and for our beloved country. But it saddens me whenever I saw the news in the televesion the
killings and the issues of our government nowadays, what happened to us? Does the sacrifices of our countrymen will be
a waste? If today is better, tomorrow let's make it best. Lets unite again for our brighter future.
ANSWERS: a) & b)

The number of people forced to flee their homes across the world has exceeded 70 million for the first time since
records began, the UN’s refugee agency has warned. About 70.8 million – one in every 108 people worldwide –
were displaced in 2018. This includes people who were forced to flee their homes last year, as well as people
who have been unable to return home for years.
The figure is a conservative estimate, according to the study’s authors, because the impact of the crisis in
Venezuela is still not known.

The dramatic attempt by over a thousand Africans being held prisoner by the Zionist regime in Israel to flee
across the border into Egypt rather than face continued Jewish racism, has once again highlighted the incredible
hypocrisy of the Israel-supporting Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which has demanded an “open border”
policy for America.
The Africans, all being held at the Holot detention center in southern Israel, have announced that the racism and
hatred which they encounter from the Israeli state and public is so bad that they would prefer to be sent back “to
be shot” or at the very least sent to another country.

- This picture speaks about our society and the politics, where people are suffering from poverty and the
government abuse them.But then,people keep holding on and hoping one day everthing will be fine.. This also
describes that many filipino suffer and sacrifice their life for the sake of the human rights as a human.
Answer: c)
The poem describe how the people suffered from the hand of the abusive government. It also depicts the
poverty, hunger and the utter agony of the people but it also talks about hope and how people clung onto that
hope waiting for a day that a miracle will happen. It was written to raise awareness on mental health because, in
Japan, where he was exposed as a professor, the mortality rate of persons committing suicide is high. This poem
can show a light on the mental health of Filipinos.

Answer d)
Third World Geography become an eye opener for me, millennials and to those who didn't know Martial Law
regime or to those who wasn't born yet in that era. This poem shows how the society suffered from poverty in
the hand of Marcos. It depicts the selfishness of the government; selfishness in human rights and freedom.
The persona can be a character in the poem who is involved in the dramatic situation, or the persona can be an
observer who is watching the situation unfold. The poem presents us with a situation that is allegorical, or not
literal but rather representative of other ideas or personalities.

Answer e)
The poem tackled about the sufferings of Filipino people who fights for their rights. I like the poem because it
make me realized on what happen on past back then. It touched my heart because without the people who fight
for the Marco's Administration maybe we are still in their power and administration.
"Freedom is the right tobe wrong, not the right to do wrong"- John G. Riefenbaker. It make me feel sad and
happy in the same time. Sad because of the cruelty and inhuman deeds by Marco's administration. Happy
because we got our freedom through the help of Corey Aquino and the unity of the Filipino people to stop the
Marco's administration.
The message that I've got on the poem is we must treasure, proctect and fight for our rights. And to be grateful
for having our freedom.

Answer: BLOG

A blog (a truncation of "weblog") is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web
consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries
A website where the content is presented in reverse chronological order (newer content appear first). Blog
content is often referred to as entries or “blog posts”. Blogs are typically run by an individual or a small group of
people to present information in a conversational style. It aid marketing to a point where the content you deliver
is targeted specifically to the wants and needs of your audience. Provide answers to their most commonly asked
questions or provide advice to areas within your niche that your business is an expert on.
This focus on better understanding privilege and oppression in U.S. society while having you consider some of
the identities you carry. Additionally ...

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