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re AU MU Atlee eel ella teachings on youth, are the true reality of our world, | give hear more proof of my L.O.A Juniority teaching - from proof in the bible, as Numbers 31:18 records God saying; ‘but all the, ‘women children, that have not known a man by lying with a man, keep alive for yourselves. There you see right there that the Holy Bible calls a measure of youth women children. Right there verifies my teaching on L.O.A Juniority. Bitte OUST Manele cele mui) mele Beemer) systems, liars that deny a correct part of the orientation of all, and violate right to religion. a-diary/2018/11/why-cant-alberta- ee AC eer EN LCi) Revelation 21:8- But cowards, unbelievers, dreadful persons, murderers, any that be sexually immoral, persons that use power to design false realities, idolaters and all liars Carli Mel-maolaryiaarcte com dalMUt-tlam ieee Reels of the One who is eternally of Judge of all Revelation 21:27 — Not anything evil will He let enter, nor anyone who practices shameful idolatry and dishonesty - but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. YOU SAY YOU WANT MORE PROOF ON WHY YOU ARE ? YES YOU ARE, BEHOLD WHY ; 2Tim3:4, unloving, unforgiving, accusers, lovers of lusts rather than of God, at such turn away. SUEY VR Tae: A MN aaH UN lame deel) are dead while they live ! Isaiah 47:10 You say you are secure in your wicked way; as you say, ‘None see me.' That knowledge you call wise misled you! Isaiah 5:20 Hell to you that call evil good and good evil, that design light into whats of dark and that design dark into a false light, design false sweet from Mare LeMale] MSU -1-1 a] a ele amaTeL an OMe sweet !!! Vs.21 Hell to any that are outside of God, that say they see their self as wise. YOU SAY LUSTS WORK FOR YOU Proverbs 7:27 That house of a luster, is the way to hell , the way down to the places of death. Matthew 7 :13 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to hell fire, and many enter through it. SASS PSR a a te LUST POSSESES LUSTERS ARE POSSESSERS ROSES eV On etm Cl LUSTS OF EYES ARE DIS AND MIS-USE OF POWER TO SEE , EYES THAT LUST ARE EYES THAT DEVOUR, EYES THAT WAY SEE OTHERS AS THEY SEE FOOD. LUSTERS DEVOUR RICHEST COUNTERFEIT, LUSTERS ARE LIARS. LUSTERS HEAD AT ites cd NN Oa ede A FORGET TO FORGET ALL WAY, FORGETTING EVERYTHING YOU WERE TO HAVE AND GUARD IN YOUR HEART. LUSTERS ARE POSSESSERS OF RICHEST KNOWLEDGE, LUSTERS TAKE CREDIT FOR THE KNOWLEDGE OF ANOTHER, KNOWLEDGE OF THE AUTHOR. LUSTERS DENY THE STORY OF ANOTHER. THATS A COUNTERFEIT WIN. THATS A CURSE SUM ReOU ES 240m) eat. el LUSTS ARE SHATTERED JOYS LUSTS ARE NOT FITTING LUSTS ARE OUTSIDE OF BEING GENTLE; ROS Seal ede eee NEL o BEING GENTLE OR LITTLE WITH ANOTHER !!! LUSTERS ARE ARROGANT SECRETORS OF COUNTERFEIT LOVE OF YOUTHFULL LUSTS !!! LUSTS ARE NOT THE SPEED OF GOD !!! LUSTERS ARE POSSESSERS, AND SO ARE FORCERS, ARE WANTERS AND SO WILL NOT BE CORRECTED. LUSTERS ARE DISSOLVERS. NO LUSTERS ARE NOT SUOMI PAINE is ded ee ONES FORGETTERS, DENIERS, LIARS, NOT FAITHFULL, NOT LISTERS, NOT BECOMING, NOT SOLVERS !!! LUSTERS ARE POSSESSERS. POSSESSERS Vsti ee OI LOU oO MU OL ot) THAT ALTERS KNOWLEDGE OF TEMPTATIONS !!! LUSTERS ARE DEVOURERS LUSTERS ARE NOT IN TRUTH KEEPERS !!! LUST DELIGHTS IN UNLIGHT, ARE CREEPERS, ARE NOT IN TRUTH MINDFULL OF EVERY PART!!! LUSTERS ARE FORGETTERS. LUSTERS ARE FEAR OF FIRE FORGETTERS, LUSTERS FORGET AT SPEEDS THAT PROOF LUSTERS ARE GODS AT FORGETTING KNOWLEDGE OF WHATS NOT FITTING, OF HURTS!!! LUSTERS ACT BELITTLING, ACT LITTLING, WANT A ENEMY HANDLER, CORRUPT AUTHORITY, A LUSTER YOUNG OR OTHERWISE MANHANDLES ee ed ee ee LUSTERS ARE ACCUSERS THAT ARE ARROGANT PND RR ee ROSE eV) ee oe DESIGN. YES THATS A FUEL TO ACCUSE !!! YOU ARE NOW A WITNESS OF THE TEACHINGS | AM THE AUTHOR OF. MY GIFT FROM GOD. THE TEACHINGS ARE WHO | AM NOT WHAT I HAVE. IN 2019 LAWYER RONALD A. MORIN SAID TO THE POLICE COURT RM 412; “SHAWN SAYS HE IS THE LEADING AUTHORITY ON LUST. HAVE YOU HEARD OF ANYTHING LIKE THAT BEFORE?” NOT ANY IN THE COURT COULD ANSWER. | AM THE WORLD LEADING AUTHORITY ON LUST. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE THAT ANY OF MY MANY FOES COULD BE RIGHT NOR ANY WAY BE CORRECT, AS THE PROOF OF MY KNOWLEDGE ON LUSTS IS WRITTEN AS YOU READ !!! THEREFORE ANY PERSON THAT ACCUSES ME ARE DECEIVED !!! THE TEACHINGS OF TRUTH ARE ANOTHER SUPER POWERFULL PROOF | AM WHO | WAS SAYING | AM, POWERFULL PROOF RECORDS BY COURT AND SYSTEMS, ARE IN BREACH OF CANADA’S FEDERAL PRIVACY INFORMATION LAWS, AND PROOF MANY THAT OPPOSE ME ARE; CURSED, OR IN DANGER OF COUNTERFEITING THEIR HOPE. THE TEACHINGS WEIGH IN ON MY 70 PAGE REPORT | AM THE GRACED ONE OF GOD SHAWN CULLEN !!! a apes | DO NOT WANT NOR WISH TO FRIGHTEN ANY, BUT ANY THAT JUDGE ME, ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE. THAT IS NOT A LIE. ANY THAT ACT ARROGANT ABOUT MY WARNING ARE BLIND AND DEAF, AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY !!! Hebrews 10:26 warns; If we deliberately head to act out sinning after we received the knowledge of the truth, there is no sacrifice for sins is left. 2nd Tim. 3:7 warns that there shall be persons that possess designs of being godly, but that such deny the power thereof. From such turn away !!! You cannot renounce secret things of dishonesty, if youre not willing to acknowledge what is honest! You cannot love truths and hate what is truthfull ! You cannot suffer to get what you did possess that you did not suffer to get. There is a operative way you get knowledge, carefull getting every part. i Conca ee MMT-I aay] malo aT oMa(-r- Tce mel maa law shall be justified for the judgment seat of God, but just the Doers of the law shall be justified. The word Doer means forever trusted by Holy God to be a doer. Do not let any teach you otherwise!!! Matthew 7 :13 instructs; Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and wide is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. All that are wise need to know that saved does not mean eternal life and born again does not mean begotten. Hebrews 7:25 and other scriptures are proof of that. Once saved is not always saved. Behold; that when the apostle comforts believers he calls them “my little children”. Persons that lie and that use dis and mis info to design and to alter aU Tom act-l ie (cc eee cm ale mela le(iccleMel mem i laa (Marlee gon WE laual rere nea ear a1 ar 1 mer] elem dala lord shall have eternal life. Matt.22:14 warns that many are called to Christ but that few are chosen. Watch out that persons do not displace your cross with comfort. 2 peter 2:19 warns that persons will promise that you are saved, but that such persons cannot see that they their self failed to get chosen. Notice that 2Peter1:9-10 warns that whoever lacks the understanding and truthfull love to be trusted forever are blind and not seeing that purging of sin by the word of God was to forever remind of hell... and therefore of how trusted you must be. 2Peter 1:10 then says; therefore all the more make your calling &election certain. And corrupt persons elected by society is not the election. Notice the part of 2Peter 1:5 that commands that giving all diligence, you are to add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge. | am not saying this to the ones who are counted as little ones who are men and women, but | am certain that theres smart leaders like Justine Trudeau andmany smart persons that if they fail to get and put to others the truthfull science knowledge on youth | authored in my 70 page report, then Trudeau and such persons will be cursed to fire in the end. Otherwise the word would make not any sense in warning that ALL liars shall be cursed to hell-fire. Persons that will not act justly in truthfull correct ways, and justly of the understanding of judging according to knowing times of needing to show mercy, and without pride, are not of the true faith. Micah 6:8 even says; What did He ask you O man other than to act justly, and love mercy, and to walk without pride, with | the Lord your God. Watch out for people that get rich knowledge on the word of God and then act as if God loves their pride that acts as a second hand listener and as a second hand servant to you. 1stTimothy3:6 warns of that by saying any that manage a church must not be a new believer, lest that person designs of pride as caused lucifer to fall and be condemned. When any Christian causes you to need to climb that Christians pride to get listened to, heard and served, then get away from that arrogate church leader. Remember God opposes Heads of pride. That pride might be soundless, a design that will deny you and force you to climb for years to get an answer or help. | have endured such arrogant pride of others for years. Jeremiah 23:36 is an example. And arrogant persons act as if theres only white in science. All right well here is a little white for right; Scientists at the CMS and ATLAS particle detectors on the LHC observed the God Particle decaying ... ..into another element particle known as a muon. Paul Begley said the experiment validates belief in God. Is this particle decay of what | said years Ey OMRON MCMC] Aol ae] oo a physical hologram in need of God, the particle being part of His tool box. The universe was not designed by a big bang but designed by a big word. By nature persons into lusts will not hear what you WV 11 ee Pe OR aT AI elton that twist scriptures that are hard to understand, twist to their own destruction. - Galatians 5:20 warns that when you are not following Christ right, outcomes are clear; idolatry and threats and evil ammunitions, hate thats not of purity reason, discord, jealousy, rage; rivalries, divisions, factions. Evil system persons and hypocrites of hell act out denying and contradicting at me without end. That reminds me of the scripture that warns that evil persons will be ever learning not able to come to the knowledge of the forever saving truth

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