II. Communicative Iii. Aural IV. Direct Phonetics: I. Classical Method

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Another name for GT method is ………

I. Classical Method
II. Communicative
III. Aural
IV. Direct
2. According to Bloomfield, the organization of sounds into patterns is called….
I. Phonetics : (singular sounds. How sounds r produced. Physical properties)

II. Phonology (how sounds are combined / organized into patterns)

III. Antilogy: The definition of antilogy is an opposition in thoughts, views, statements,

and/or words. An example of an antilogy is the word “clip” which on one hand can mean
“bring together” as in a hair clip or barrette, and on the other hand it can also mean “to
separate” as in clip hair with a scissors.

IV. Lexicography : the activity or occupation of compiling dictionaries.

3. Phonemes, phones and allophones are the concepts of ……………..
I. Phonetics
II. Phonology
III. Antilogy
IV. Lexicography
4. The study of hearing and the perception of speech sounds is called ………
I. Articulatory
II. Acoustic
III. Auditory
IV. None of these
5. Linguistics which investigates how people speak and use language in a given speech
community at a given time is called ………
I. Diachronic linguistics
II. Synchronic linguistics
III. Comparative linguistics Comparative linguistics, or comparative-
historical linguistics (formerly comparative philology) is a branch of
historical linguistics that is concerned with comparing languages to establish
their historical relatedness.
IV. All of these
6. On linguistic map, a line indicating the degree of linguistic change is …………..
I. Dialect a particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region or social group.
Upper class dialect. Lower class dialect etc.
II. Register a register is a variety of language used for a particular purpose or in a
particular communicative situation.
III. Isogloss An isogloss, also called a heterogloss (heteroglossia) is the geographic
boundary of a certain linguistic feature, such as the pronunciation of a vowel, the
meaning of a word, or the use of some morphological or syntactic feature.
IV. Idiolect An idiolect is the dialect of an individual person at one time. This term
implies an awareness that no two persons speak in exactly the same way and that
each person's dialect is constantly undergoing change—e.g., by the introduction of
newly acquired words.
7. A contact language is a mixture of elements from different natural languages is called ………
I. Idiolect
II. Dialect
III. Diglossia a situation in which two languages (or two varieties of the same
language) are used under different conditions within a community, often by the same
speakers. The term is usually applied to languages with distinct ‘high’ and ‘low’
(colloquial) varieties, such as Arabic.
IV. pidgin

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