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Local Public Transportation Route Planning & Management Course

QGIS Exercises

Study Team

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Installation of QGIS Ver. 2.14

• GIS Files in Card USB

– Province
• All LGUs of the province
• All roads from OSM (2016)
• National roads within the province from DPWH (2016)
– LGUs
• All barangays of the LGU
• All roads within LGU from OSM (2016)
• National roads within the LGU from DPWH (2016)
– QGIS version 2.14 installer
• QGIS installation in participants’ laptops
• Downloading Province files from PhilGIS Website

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Basic Navigation
Basic navigation/creating new project

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Key Steps
1. Down load Occidental / Oriental Mindoro Province GIS
files from
– Unzip Oriental Mindoro.7z
2. Open layer > Oriental Mindoro.shp
3. Activate Plugins
– Plugins icon > Manage and Install Plugins
– From Plugins box, select OpenLayers Plugin > Install
4. Access Open Street Map
– Web > OpenStreetMap
– Show Oriental Mindoro map by changing order of display
5. Using Layer Properties >Style, change transparency to

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Philgis Website

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Oriental Mindoro.shp

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Key Steps
1. Down load Occidental / Oriental Mindoro Province GIS
files from
– Unzip Oriental Mindoro.7z
2. Open layer > Oriental Mindoro.shp
3. Activate Plugins
– Plugins icon > Manage and Install Plugins
– From Plugins box, select OpenLayers Plugin > Install
4. Access Open Street Map
– Web > OpenStreetMap
– Show Oriental Mindoro map by changing order of display
5. Using Layer Properties >Style, change transparency to

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Plugins

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Open Layer Plugin Display

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Key Steps
1. Down load Occidental / Oriental Mindoro Province GIS
files from
– Unzip Oriental Mindoro.7z
2. Open layer > Oriental Mindoro.shp
3. Activate Plugins
– Plugins icon > Manage and Install Plugins
– From Plugins box, select OpenLayers Plugin > Install
4. Access Open Street Map
– Web > OpenStreetMap
– Show Oriental Mindoro map by changing order of display
5. Using Layer Properties >Style, change transparency to

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Show OSM

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – OSM on Map

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Map on OSM

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Key Steps
1. Down load Occidental / Oriental Mindoro Province GIS
files from
– Unzip Oriental Mindoro.7z
2. Open layer > Oriental Mindoro.shp
3. Activate Plugins
– Plugins icon > Manage and Install Plugins
– From Plugins box, select OpenLayers Plugin > Install
4. Access Open Street Map
– Web > OpenStreetMap
– Show Oriental Mindoro map by changing order of display
5. Using Layer Properties >Style, change transparency to

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Transparency

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Transparent Map

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Key Steps
6. Create Nodes layer for Oriental Mindoro Road
– Layer > Create Layer > New Shapefile Layer
– Save under Nodes.shp
7. Zoom in on Mindoro map and OSM overlay
8. Select Node 1, Node 2,... and Node n
– Edit mode (press edit icon)
– Add node: Edit > Add Feature
– Use pointer to select nodes
– Show node label (Id no.): Properties > Label
9. Save Nodes shapefile
– End Edit mode and save as Nodes file
Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – New Shapefile Layer

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Point Shapefile

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Save as Nodes.shp

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Zoom In

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Key Steps
6. Create Nodes layer for Oriental Mindoro Road
– Layer > Create Layer > New Shapefile Layer
– Save under Nodes.shp
7. Zoom in on Mindoro map and OSM overlay
8. Select Node 1, Node 2,... and Node n
– Edit mode (press edit icon)
– Add node: Edit > Add Feature
– Use pointer to select nodes
– Show node label (Id no.): Properties > Label
9. Save Nodes shapefile
– End Edit mode and save as Nodes file
Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Edit > Add Feature

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Node 1 Id

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Show Id Label

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – With Node No. (Id)

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Key Steps
6. Create Nodes layer for Oriental Mindoro Road
– Layer > Create Layer > New Shapefile Layer
– Save under Nodes.shp
7. Zoom in on Mindoro map and OSM overlay
8. Select Node 1, Node 2,... and Node n
– Edit mode (press edit icon)
– Add node: Edit > Add Feature
– Use pointer to select nodes
– Show node label (Id no.): Properties > Label
9. Save Nodes shapefile
– End Edit mode and save as Nodes file
Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Save Nodes Edit

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Key Steps
10.Create Links layer for Mindoro Road Network
– Layer > Create Layer > New Shapefile Layer
– Save under Links.shp
11.Prepare links by pointing on one node (i) then
to connected node (j)
– Edit mode (press edit icon)
– Add link: Edit > Add Feature
– Use pointer to select node (i) and node (j) – right click to
select link
– Save Links edit

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Links Shapefile Layer &
Add Link Field

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Save Links Shapefile

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Key Steps
10.Create Links layer for Mindoro Road Network
– Layer > Create Layer > New Shapefile Layer
– Save under Links.shp
11.Prepare links by pointing on one node (i) then
to connected node (j)
– Edit mode (press edit icon)
– Add link: Edit > Add Feature
– Use pointer to select node (i) and node (j) – right click to
select link
– Save Links edit

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Define Link Id & Link Name

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Define Link Id & Link Name

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
QGIS Display – Define Link Id & Link Name

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Save Offline Raster map area
1. Select Area (scale is big enough to see
intersections and road)
2. Click Project > Save as Image
3. Save Image name and TIFF file

Important Note: Image file and tiff file via save as image has
two files

TIFF file and .tfw

TFW is a coordinate file of the image

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Select Area

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Click Project > Save as Image

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Alternative Offline Map area layer
1. Look for Municipality TIFF File in GIS folder
2. Add Raster Layer
3. Select TIFF / JPG File
4. Change CRS of layer to show the map area
- Right click Layer
- Click > Select CRS
- Select CRS: WGS 84 / Pseudo Mercator EPSG: 3857
5. Move to the layer down the panel to show
Nodes and Link layers

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Add Raster Layer

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Select TIFF / JPG File

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Change CRS of layer to show the map area

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Change CRS of layer to show the map area

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Offline Map Area

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]
Move to the layer down the panel to show
Nodes and Link layers

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]

Local Public Transport Route Planning & Management Training Course | [TITLE OF LECTURE]

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