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OCTOBER 19, 2020


We are now 8 weeks into the semester, just about halfway through Fall semester 2020! In many ways it has
seemed to fly by and then in other ways, and on certain days, the road has seemed a long one. Each of us are on
our own journey, navigating each step with consideration and constant mitigation, but the road we are traveling
intertwines and I am grateful for each connection that we are able to make with one another along the way.
I would like to share this poem taken from a book gifted from a dear
the shifting between space + season
it’s all movement
Page 1: A Message from Julia into what’s new
Page 2: Dates to Note, CCE and possible
Programming News and do not fast forward
Updates into something you’re not ready for
or allow yourself
Pages 3-5: Social Justice to shrink back
Spotlight into what’s comfortable
Page 5: Social Justice Events growth lives in
the uneasiness
Page 6: CCE Bulletin Board the in-between
the unfinished sentence
you are a season of becoming
It would be wonderful to spend some time with as many of you as is possible ahead of the Thanksgiving break. A
survey was sent on Tuesday in the hope that you can share your availability the week of November 16. The original
survey did not allow for you to select both times, this one will allow you to do that.
Should you decide to return home at Thanksgiving, and in doing so spend the remainder of the semester studying
from home, I will do my utmost to provide opportunities for remote work. Unfortunately, I will not be able to
guarantee a continuation of the hours that you are currently working. The opportunity to work additional office
hours ahead of the break is open to you, please call me on (509) XXX-XXXX if you would like to coordinate
additional hours, that way we can ensure that we maintain social distancing in each of the suites.
Thank you to Nicole, Allison, Alyssa, Luisa, Miranda and Carly for sharing your plans, if you are planning to head
home can you please let me know, much appreciated!

Wednesday, 10/22 – CCE Meeting 10-11:20 am
Monday, 10/26 - The CCE offices will be closed for Founder's Day
Tuesday, 10/27: Julia on vacation
Tuesdays: Student Staff Check-Ins 3:30-4:15 pm



If you are interested in living in intentional
community while engaging with the Logan OPPORTUNITIES FOR
neighborhood, all while living a few blocks from
campus then consider applying for the Logan LEARNING ABOUT
We are accepting applications until November 6, TOPICS
apply here.
The opportunity is extended to all student
CEL staff to participate in a Social Justice
event/webinars and be paid through your
The CEL team are up and running and offering work study hours for one event per month.
both the opportunity to support students in
person and via Zoom, please refer to the Carly will be sharing information weekly with
information that is posted to each of the us all on opportunities to attend events,
Reception desk for hours. these will mainly be virtual. If you learn of an
event please share the details (link etc) with
Carly (
All programs are now in full swing! Unlike previous semesters there is not an
expectation to attend, more an opportunity
Please remember that the CCE website is a great for you personally. Appreciating that being on
resource for helping students determine the Zoom can be tiring on the eyes, event
opportunities available for service this attendance will not be tracked, but if you do
semester. attend an event please let Julia know the
date so that your timesheet hours will make
On the website there is also a link for an interest sense.
form should the program the student is
interested in be full or if students are seeking
other ways to connect with our office.

By: Sophie Elliott, CCE Student Staff (
Quote of the Week: “Here is what we seek: a compassion that can stand in awe at what the poor have
to carry rather than stand in judgment at how they carry it.”- Father Greg Boyle

Topic of the Week: Homelessness in Spokane The National Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) defines homelessness as “people
Being a student, it can be very easy to stay in the who are living in a place not meant for human
Gonzaga bubble and not see or explore much of habitation, in emergency shelter, in transitional
Spokane. I sometimes think Spokane is really small housing, or are exiting an institution where they
because I only associate it with Gonzaga and the temporarily resided” (Changes...). Now this definition
small area surrounding it, but then I am reminded that defines what homelessness is, but it doesn’t talk
Spokane is the second largest city in Washington. about what factors cause homelessness.
Since Spokane is a very large city, it also means that An article on the homelesshub uses the factors of
its homeless population is very high. According to homelessness in the definition and although it is, in “January of 2017, a total of 1,090 based off of Canada, I think it can still be applied to
persons or 879 households were homeless in the United States. It defines homelessness as “an
Spokane County” (Homelessness FAQ’s). To put this extreme form of poverty characterized by the
into perspective, it is said that of 59 communities instability of housing and the inadequacy of income,
similar to Spokane across the country, Spokane had health care supports, and social supports” (What is
the fifth-highest homeless population in 2018. Homelessness?). The article continues to state that
homelessness isn’t just a lack of shelter, “but rather
Honestly, I don’t find these statistics surprising the intersection of a range of social exclusionary
because more often than not when I am walking factors that exacerbate poverty, limit opportunities,
downtown, on the Centennial trail, or even in the and create barriers to fully participate in society”
Logan I come across someone who is homeless. (What is Homelessness?).
Although I wish this wasn’t the case, my immediate
reaction when I see someone who is homeless is to When talking about homelessness it is important to
avoid having any interaction with them. recognize the idea of intersectionality and how
different aspects of people’s identities are more
When reflecting on this, I have realized that the main likely to cause them to experience homelessness.
reason I do this is because I am afraid. I am afraid
because society has painted people who are When looking at homelessness in Spokane we can see
homeless with such a negative light that I don’t truly that there are many social factors that have led to
understand the complexity of what it means to be the 14% increase in the homeless population from
homeless. 2014-2019. A recent survey done in Spokane stated
that “100 people cited alcohol and drug use as their
I am often times too quick to blame people for their primary reason for homelessness, but more reported
situations, when research has shown me that most of an eviction, a lost job, a lack of income or a lack of
the time it isn’t someone’s personal fault that they affordable housing led them into the shelter system
are homeless, it is the systems fault. or to the street (Shanks).
Most of the time we assume that the reason people
are homeless is because they suffer from an
addiction or can’t hold a job and although those

sometimes are the reason, it is a misconception that operated by the Salvation Army and will hopefully
those issues are strictly their fault. Because our serve as stable place for the homeless to stay during
government doesn’t provide enough resources for this pandemic.
people with mental illness, disabilities, and other
vulnerable groups of people, they are more likely to The social and economic factors that cause
experience homelessness at some point in their life. homelessness have only been emphasized by the
pandemic. Just like how the pandemic and every
More than 30,000 of Spokane’s 220,000 residents other social issue is more likely to impact people of
live below the poverty line and with a rental vacancy color, homelessness is as well. A heartbreaking
of 3.3% in 2018 it is almost impossible for those statistic states that African Americans make up 40
with a less than average income, to find somewhere percent of the homeless population, despite only
to live. The income required to afford fair market rent representing 13 percent of the general population.
also increased by nearly 20% for a one-bedroom
apartment and 17% for a two-bedroom apartment. This statistic only reaffirms how the system is what
For every 100 tenants who are eligible to receive causes homelessness and not the people. The
subsidies for housing, there are only 12 units of intersectionality of people’s identities, especially
affordable housing available (Shanks). These those of minority groups, causes people to be
economic factors are infuriating and show how our oppressed in different ways and being more likely to
society has created this cycle of poverty that is experience homelessness is just one of them
almost impossible to break. (Changes...).
On top of these economic factors, the homeless My hope is that reading this better helps you
population in Spokane is primarily unsheltered. The recognize the humanity in those who are facing
city chose to end the 24/7 service provided by the homelessness and the complexity of their
House of Charity in September of 2018 because it situations. It might be easier to assume that the
was becoming overcrowded and causing many health people who are homeless have put themselves in
and safety issues. This 24-hour shelter was launched that situation, but really it is our system and our
as an experiment to see if it was a safe and effective society that has failed to give them the proper
way to provide emergency housing and unfortunately, support and resources they need to lead full lives.
they learned that it was not.
CCE’s vision statement is “We believe every person
This change displaced many people who were staying has infinite worth and together we can create
at House of Charity overnight, therefore making them as more just and equitable world.” we need to
turn to the streets. Although this decision was very continue to live out this vision statement by
unfortunate, the city worked on building another recognizing the infinite worth in people who are
shelter during this time and it officially opened its homeless.
doors on Thursday the 24th of September (Hill). This
shelter is called Mission Avenue Shelter, and it is Next time you see someone who is homeless, instead
located on Mission and Division. The shelter will be of avoiding them I encourage you to say hi and start a
conversation, you never know what kind of difference
it can make in your life and theirs.

Action items:
1. Donate to shelter’s that help support the “Homelessness FAQs.” Homelessness FAQs - City of
homeless. Some of these include the house of Spokane, Washington, 7 Sept. 2017,
charity, catholic charities, and second harvest
you can also look up drives that are going on /.
around you Roth, Author: Sara. “Why Spokane's Homeless
2. Volunteer at one of the shelter’s or food banks Population Is More Visible than Ever.”, 3
3. Educate yourself through reading and research Feb. 2019,
a book that I found to be super impactful and
informative about poverty is Evicted which can be your-side/why-spokanes-homeless-population-is-
found in the CCE library more-visible-than-ever/293-2b191003-c1b5-45f4-
4. Be kind to the people you see on the streets 8c1c-f126aeb2bb15.
here is a link to an inspiring video of The Voices of Shanks, Adam. “As Economies Grow, so Does
the City Choir (a choir for people experiencing Homelessness in Cities like Spokane, Evidence
homelessness in San Diego) who performed on Suggests.”, The Spokesman-Review,
America’s Got Talent 29 Oct. 2019,
Works Cited economy-grows-so-does-homelessness-in-cities-li/.
“Changes in the HUD Definition of ‘Homeless.’” “What Is Homelessness?” What Is Homelessness? |
National Alliance to End Homelessness, 19 Oct. The Homeless Hub,
2016, homelessness.
the-hud-definition-of-homeless/. White, Rebecca. “'The Door Is Open': New Homeless
Hill, Kip. “House of Charity, City of Spokane Agree to Shelter Opens in Emerson/Garfield, as Arena Site
End 24/7 Shelter, Citing Health and Safety Shuts Down.”, The Spokesman-
Concerns.”, The Spokesman-Review, Review, 14 Aug. 2020,
24 July 2018, door-is-open-new-homeless-shelter-opens-in-eme/.


The opportunity is extended to all CCE Student Staff to attend a social justice event/webinar once per month,
these will be paid hours. For timesheet purposes, please let Julia know when and which event you attended.
Zoom Event: “Examining the Impact of Race on Mass Incarceration and Excessive Sentencing”
October 21, 12:15-1:15 pm
Register with this link to be sent a Zoom link
Description: A part of the Social Justice Lunch Series. Professor Emeritus and author George Critchlow will
be discussing the topics of race, white privilege, and the criminal justice system with special guest
Jeremiah “JJ” Bourgeoisand moderator Professor Mary Pat Treuthart.
Hosted by: Center for Civil and Human Rights


Don't forget to submit OPEN STUDENT
timesheets by midnight DON'T
on 10/31! Payday is CHECK-INS
Tuesdays 3:30-4:15 pm and FORGET
Fridays 12-12:45 pm. Check
your Work Study calendars TO
for Zoom invitations.
Next week's
Newsletter will be
published on
Friday, 10/23 due VOTE
to Founder's Day. Keep safe and ZagOn!

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