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A quick look at the

country and culture of Cambodia

Name: OENG Han Huor (Huor)


Full Country Name: Kingdom of Cambodia

Capital: Phnom Penh
Language: Khmer
Population: Approaching 16 million
Currency: Riel
(approximately 4000 riels to 100 yens)
Area: 181.035 km2
(approximately half of Japan’s area)
Ways to respect in Cambodia

• There are 5 ways to respect in Cambodia:

• God • King • Grandparents • Elderly • The same age

• Monk • Parents • Senior • Friend
Water festival

• Name: Water festival (Bon Om Tuk)

• Date: 22-24 November, 2018 (three days)

The day may vary every year
Water festival
• Boat racing

 Bon Om Touk is an annual water festival in Cambodia, marking the end

of the rainy season and the reversal of flow of the Tonle Sap river.

 The history of the festival can be traced back to the 12th century when the naval
forces of the Angkorian king Jayavarman VII defeated his Cham rivals.
Water festival

For three nights during November's full moon, villages send teams with their
dragon boats to compete from around noon until sunset.
Water festival

 For three days, workers from every province join with the city's
residents to celebrate by night and day
Water festival
• The Festival of Illuminated Floats (Bondet Protib)

 Illuminated floats: (bɑndaet protip) begins around 7 pm with illuminated

boats taking to the water. Each boat represents a government ministry.

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