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1.Climate change Quantity of greenhouse Extreme weather events. The
gases in the atmosphere. best example for this are the
farmers. If theres extreme
rising of temperature the
fields will get dry that will
cause the plants to get dry
2.Global Warming Global warming occurs when Forests, farms, and cities will
carbon dioxide (CO2) and face troublesome new pests,
other air pollutants and heat waves, heavy
greenhouse gases collect in downpours, and increased
the atmosphere and absorb flooding. All those factors will
sunlight and solar radiation damage or destroy
that have bounced off the agriculture and fisheries.
earth’s surface. Normally,
this radiation would escape
into space—but these
pollutants, which can last for
years to centuries in the
atmosphere, trap the heat
and cause the planet to get
3.Acid Rain Healthy lakes have a pH of
Rotting vegetation and
6.5 or higher. As acid rain
erupting volcanoes release
raises the level of acidity, fish
some chemicals that can
tend to die off. Most fish
cause acid rain, but most
species can’t survive a water
acid rain is a product of
pH of below 5. When the pH
human activities. The biggest
becomes a 4, the lake is
sources are coal-burning
considered dead.
power plants, factories, and

When humans burn fossil

fuels, sulfur dioxide (SO2)
and nitrogen oxides (NOx)
are released into the
atmosphere. Those air
pollutants react with water,
oxygen, and other
substances to form airborne
sulfuric and nitric acid.
Winds may spread these
acidic compounds through
the atmosphere and over
hundreds of miles. When
acid rain reaches Earth, it
flows across the surface in
runoff water, enters water
systems, and sinks into the
4.Ozone Layer Depletion Ozone depletion is primarily Reduction in plant
caused by human activities. productivity, including
The main effect of ozone agricultural crops, due to
depletion is an increase
in UV-B rays reaching the increased UV-B radiation and
earth's surface. tropospheric ozone
chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs), formation.
halons, and other compounds
deplete the ozone layer.
These chemicals are found in
cleaning agents, aerosols,
insulating foam, and
refrigerants. CFCs and
halons break down into
chlorine and bromine which
in turn destroy the ozone
5.Man made disasters Terrorism/war If theres a war, business
establishments cant operate.
There are cases also that
business will permanently
close if the war last a period
of time.

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