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Rishabh Experience - Human Revolution | Sep, '20

Ikeda Sensei says, ​“No matter how hopeless or bleak things appear, the moment always
comes when suddenly our spirit revives, and hope is reborn. That is why we must never
give up.” – This guidance has encouraged me to continue to create hope and conduct myself with
courage and wisdom in times of critical adversity.

Good day! I am Rishabh Sonkar and I started practicing this philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism while I
was a student 9 years ago.

In 2009, I settled for a Bachelors in Commerce to serve family ego to pursue a Degree also from a
renowned college like my schooling. I sacrificed my own interests in Economics or Marine Biology or
Medical Science. Then, I completed 2 Masters degrees In Management in Mumbai with distinction and
went on to work in multiple startups, receiving national accolades for my hard work in leadership roles,
with incomes growing fourfold in just 5 years. I frequently shared experiences of conspicuous victories
in discussion meetings like these today. I joined a great startup in Bangalore in 2018, initially
performed well, but lacking focus due to personal issues, was evicted later in 2018. Externalizing these
reasons, I complained about work politics without looking inwards. I lost my most recent job in an
early-stage startup before the lockdown, for demotivation arising out of non-payment of full salary
since my joining. I have been extremely interested in environmental affairs as a career but with no
educational or professional backgrounds in that area, been rejected by several sustainability

With lockdown, I took to refreshing my faith, practice and study by almost tripling my chanting and
buddhist study time. While striving my best in attending group e-meetings and online Buddhist study, I
struggled and hesitated to maintain a personal connection with YoungMenDivision members. I chanted
to realign myself with the BSG faith-based campaigns in March, May, July and November.

Having more time-in-hand without a job, I enrolled in free online courses in areas of my student-day
interests like environmental sustainability, foreign language, neuroscience, nutrition and different
branches of psychology. I mystically bumped into a course from an American university offering
certification in environmental courses. One thing led to the other, and with intensive research, I started
exploring my eligibility in full-time Masters degree courses in environmental studies from a top
university. I continued to chant to clarify and acknowledge this life purpose with COURAGE and
WISDOM to act rightly. On the eve of my birthday in July-end, I sulked, and broke down repenting my
wrong decisions of pursuing all my degrees and a career from a herd mentality and of others’ opinions
and judgments. I got angry with myself for wasting 11 years in studying/working in what never gave
me TRUE HAPPINESS and that aggressive-capitalistic nature of my sales career only made me
transiently happy.

Choice of simply continuing with the safer and mainstream sales/business career as Environmental
Sustainability may not have enough scope in India led me to self-doubt.

Meanwhile, Ikeda Sensei’s UN Peace Proposal 2020 reshaped my perspective on my role as a global
citizen and a genuine Bodhisattva of the Earth. With guidance from seniors in faith, I have consciously
started to chant to overcome my tendencies of deep-rooted procrastination, jealousy,
attention-seeking, complaints and arrogance. I continuously had dialogues about the power of Buddhist
practice with my friends, ex-colleagues, extended family members, acquaintances not only in India but
with those across other countries. I participated in BSG meetings, supporting and encouraging as many
leaders in different districts, chanting for their happiness and breakthroughs in health, finances and
relationship – all this despite reduced time with more research, online studies, and job search while
being constantly racked with self-derogation, anger, doubts and anxiety about my chosen uncertain
future, however all thanks to each member and Ikeda Sensei’s timely guidance that have continued to
encourage me to keep advancing and not give up in this journey of human revolution and rebirth. I am
immensely grateful to my parents and partner for supporting me financially and emotionally when I
have had minimal or no income source for about 1.5 years.

Sensei says, ​“If you lose today, win tomorrow. In this never-ending spirit of challenge, lies
the heart of a victor”.

I am happy to report that since April this year, with my consistent encouragement, a minimum 2 new
friends of mine attended in each monthly meeting online and with chanting Nam-Myo-Ho-Renge-Kyo
have reignited fresh hope, and already reporting victories of happiness at such times of global and
emotional crisis. Many of my divisional members are also reporting victories in their own districts.

Though I took a while to bring forth courage, I am happy to report that I have FINALLY DECIDED to
pursue my MS degree in Environmental Sustainability focused on Policy-Making, Circular Economy and
Conservation, and possibly joining an international agency in the future with a heart to impact the
entire planet. Also, because of the lockdown, shockingly, even the world’s top universities are taking
applications in this area without any GRE/English Test Scores. This would save me additional money
with my unemployment.

Sensei Ikeda says, “​ In life when we feel we have reached a limit, that is when the true battle
begins. Just when you despair and think it is impossible to go any further, will you become
apathetic, or will you say it’s not over and stand up with an unyielding spirit? The battle is

I hereby, VOW to share Sensei’s vision of Worldwide Kosenrufu, cultivate sincerity, integrity and
compassionately cherish each person as my highest behavior as a human being, by always being one
with the SGI. I determine to take admission in the world’s topmost universities for the autumn 2021
physical intake and with my own life, create impact in the earth ecosystem towards Sensei’s global
vision for 2030 and hundreds of years to come. This is my vow and I will never forsake it!

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