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Tomas del Rosario College

San Jose, Balanga City, Bataan

Accountancy Department


Art Appreciation

Prepared by:

Wee, Alexandra Mikaella D

First Semester – BSA - 2A

A.Y. 2019
1. The Necklace ( Short Story)

Mathilde Loisel longs to live a life of rich opulence in France during the 1800s. Her
husband, however, is a simple clerk, and though he works hard to provide for his wife, his
earnings only provide for the basics in life. While her husband sees joy in the simplest of things,
Mathilde only sees the things she doesn’t own.One evening, the husband comes home full of
excitement. He’s been given an invitation to the Minister of Public Instruction’s fancy ball.
Mathilde’s husband is glad to be able to offer her such an extravagant experience, but she dwells
on lacking an appropriately fancy dress. She doesn’t want to be embarrass.Her husband offers
Mathilde the 400 francs he was saving to buy himself a hunting rifle. Mathilde buys a lovely
dress with the money, but she still feels unfulfilled. A few days before the ball, Mathilde laments
to her husband that she lacks jewelry to wear.Her husband suggests that Mathilde borrow some
jewels from her friend, Mme. Forestier. Mme. Forestier happily lends Mathilde a spectacular
diamond necklace, and Mathilde goes with her husband to the ball.
Mathilde and her husband have a fantastic time at the party. Mathilde is nearly drunk on all the
attention she receives for her appearance. She parties until four in the morning, while her
husband has been asleep in a coatroom since midnight.They leave the ball, and when they get
home, Mathilde realizes she’s lost the necklace. They retrace their steps, meet with police, and
offer a reward for the necklace to no avail.The Loisel go deeply into debt to purchase a
replacement necklace. Mathilde takes on odd jobs, and her husband works a second job at night
to repay the loans. Mathilde ages quickly during the ten years it takes to pay back the loans, and
her appearance suffers greatly.One afternoon shortly after finishing repaying the loans, Mathilde
meets Mme. Forestier in the street. Mathilde is unrecognizable she has aged so much. Mathilde
explains the reason for her appearance, and Mme. Forestier takes her by the hands.“’Oh, my poor
Mathilde!’” explains Mme. Forestier. ‘Why, my necklace was paste. It was worth at most five
hundred francs!’”
1.1 Main Characters :
Mathilde Loisel, Her husband and Jeanne Forestier
1.2 Purpose of the author :
The Necklace” is a very short piece, it is a rich example of a morality tale that encourages
readers to appreciate what’s truly valuable in their lives and to approach mistakes with honesty
and humility.

2. Essay

Plagiarism, one of the main scourges of academic life, is quite an easy concept, but,
nonetheless, harmful. Yet, first of all, we need to explain what is plagiarism. In short, to
plagiarize means to steal someone else’s idea or part of work and use it as your own. But why
exactly it is considered to be so bad and immoral? And it is really considered immoral and a
serious offense. In case a sample plagiarized essay is discovered, it may lead to very unpleasant
consequences; the higher the position of the offender is, the more unpleasant they are.There are
two major kinds of harm plagiarism causes. First, it is something as simple as stealing and lying
– you just steal someone else’s work and trick somebody into believing it was you who had
written it, which is as immoral as any other kind of theft is. It means that somebody had actually
spent time and effort in order to create something, while you did nothing but ripping it off and
submitting it.Second, it is a crime you commit against yourself. If you study at an educational
institution, there are certain tasks you are given in order to ensure that you learn something.
When you resort to plagiarism, you undo all these efforts for, instead of actually doing
something and understanding it in process, you use someone else’s work and the certain amount
of experience that you were supposed to get just misses you.

3. Movie Review

Title: The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

Director: Norman Taurog, George Cukor, William A. Wellman, H. C. Potter
Story by: Mark Twain
Cast: Tommy Kelly, May Robson, Jackie Moran, Walter Brennan and Ann Gillis
Length of the movie: 1 hour and 31 minutes

In this Movie you will experience a strong dose of humor, a lot of nostalgia, the
innocence of childhood, superstitions, murder, revenge and slavery – all of which are ingredients
for a classic story. If you are an adult reading the book, you will sense the typically Twain satire
that runs through the story criticizing the eccentricities and hypocrisies of human nature. The
overall tone of the movie is obviously humorous.
In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom and his friend Huck saw someone being
murdered in the cemetery. The culprit, Injun Joe, makes an attempt on Tom's life. In the end,
Tom and Huck trap Injun Joe inside of a cave and recover his stolen gold, making themselves
Moral Lesson: The main theme of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is the joys of childhood when
the world is full of wonders and children are free of the heavy responsibilities of adulthood.

4. Titanic (Drama or Play)

4.1. Summary
The story Titanic is told by an old women by the name of Rose DeWitt Bukater stating
her recollection of when her young self sailed on the Titanic and what event occurred during her
stay. Her story was one tragic love story where she survived to share her story. While sailing
aboard the Titanic on the upper class level, she met a man by the name of Jack Dawson who was
a poor man who’d won his ticket to sail the titanic by playing a lucky hand of poker. They fell
for each other fairly quickly when Rose was threatening to jump of the Titanic because of
troubles in her life. Jack helped her of the ledge and saved her. Rose was already engaged to
Caledon Hockley who was a rich ignorant man. Jack and Rose kept seeing each other on the boat
even though Rose’s mother disapproved and was a rich snob just like Rose’s fiancé. One night
while they were having fun on the lower levels of the ship, the Titanic hit a big iceberg they
couldn’t avoid since it was much larger underwater than it appeared to be on the surface. That is
when the Titanic began to sink fairly quickly. All women and children were ask to climb aboard
small boats and some less fortunate poor people were left locked downstairs. Caledon hated Jack
so much that he planted a very expensive piece of jewelry in Jack’s pockets to make it look like
he stole it after he finished painting a picture of rose and while she was getting dressed. The
security took him down in the lower levels and handcuffed him and left him there. Rose went to
look for him and set him free with half the boat already sank. With a lot of struggle they finally
managed to get on the deck of the ship where Rose was forced by her fiancé to get on a small
boat. Rose was staring at Jack while she was being lowered and couldn’t bare the thought of
being without him so she jumped off the small boat onto the sinking Titanic. Caledon tried to kill
them because of his outrage that his fiancé was in love with another man pushing the couple in
the lower levels of the sinking ship. After the ship sunk, Rose was laying on a floating door
while jack was getting frozen by the icy waters holding on to the floating door. Jack eventually
died from being was too cold moments before help arrived. When Rose got to safety she saw
Caledon looking for her and she hid from him. She had lost her true love and never forgot him.
4.2 Opinion
It entertains, inspires, teaches and breaks the heart of the people. Titanic shows a story of
love, pride, truth and despair. It gives, pretty much, everything you need to know about life.Rose
and Jack knew each other for a day but were together for a lifetime. It showed us how amazing
love is. In a matter of days, they were able to prove their love for each other despite the
monumental difference between their status, lifestyle and values. Rose loved Jack despite her
commitment to her family and fortune in store, and Jack loved Rose without the assurance
whether or not Rose would leave him behind at any moment.
4.3 What is the drama all about?
Start by a young couple meeting, falling in love, having a hard time being together
because of the fiancé, the Titanic hitting an iceberg, Jack accused of stealing a valuable diamond,
the ship sinking and Rose losing the love of her life.
Tomas del Rosario College
San Jose, Balanga City, Bataan
Accountancy Department


Art Appreciation

Prepared by:

Pilapil, John Robert L.

First Semester – BSA - 2A

A.Y. 2019
1. Short Story : The Lottery

Around ten o’clock in the morning on June 27, all the residents of a small town gather in
the town square for an annual lottery. The children arrive first and begin playing games and
collecting stones. Bobby Martin, Dickie Delacroix, and Harry Jones form a pile of the stones in a
corner of the square. The adults of the town arrive soon after. The mothers call their children to
come stand with their families. Bobby Martin, who was the first child to start collecting stones,
joins his family reluctantly.

Joe Summers, a childless man with a nag for a wife, conducts the lottery every year because he
has the “time and energy to devote to civic activities.” He arrives carrying a black, wooden box.
Mr. Graves, the postmaster, arrives with him, carrying a stool. Mr. Summers places the box on
the stool and the townspeople keep their distance from it. The box has grown worn with age, and
Mr. Summers often suggests making a new one. His suggestion has thus far been ignored, since
the townspeople are wary of breaking with tradition. However, Mr. Summers did convince the
town to agree to fill the box with paper slips instead of the more traditional wood chips on
account of the growing population.

Before the lottery can start, Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves must make lists denoting the heads of
families and households in the town. They also list the members of each household. Mr. Graves
then swears Mr. Summers in as the official of the lottery. Some of the townspeople recall that
there used to be other rituals. However, they cannot agree on the exact details of most of the
rituals, because most of them have changed or been discarded over time. Just as Mr. Summers
and Mr. Graves are about to begin the lottery, Tessie Hutchinson rushes into the square. She says
that she forgot what day it was but rushed to the square as soon as she remembered. After being
reassured that the lottery has not yet started, Tessie joins her family.

After Tessie settles in, Mr. Summers asks the crowd if everyone has arrived. Mr. Dunbar, who
broke his leg, is absent. His wife agrees to draw for him since they do not have any sons old
enough to do it. Mr. Summers asks if the Watson boy will be drawing for his family, and he
nervously affirms. Mr. Summers then checks to make sure that Old Man Warner , the town’s
oldest resident, arrived to the square. After verifying that everyone is in attendance.
1.2 Main Characters :
Mr. Summers, the officiant of the lottery and Mr. Graves, the postmaster
1.3 Purpose of the Author :
In this case, Shirley Jackson wrote "The Lottery" in order to express the theme of
mindless adherence to tradition. Let's face it. The only reason this town continues to conduct a
lottery is because they've always done it. Other towns have done away with the practice--much
to the dismay of the old-timers in town such as Old Man Warner--so we know it can be done. At
one time, perhaps, the lottery was somehow connected to a fertility ritual, sacrificing to the gods
in hopes of finding favor for the crops or the town or whatever. Now, though, the practice is
senseless and even barbaric. Why do they continue to do it, then? Because they always have.
Oh, it's changed some over the years--they use paper instead of wood chips, and many of the
rituals connected to the event have been lost; at its core, though, though, this is the mindless,
unthinking, unquestioning repetition of what has always been done. The question Jackson
clearly asks is whether we have any mindless traditions which we adhere to without rhyme or
reason, and is that a good thing.

2. Essay

Plagiarism is the practice of taking credit for someone else's words or ideas. It's an act of
intellectual dishonesty. In colleges and universities, it violates honor codes and can cause
irreparable damage to a person's reputation. It also comes with serious consequences; a
plagiarized assignment may lead to a failing grade, a suspension, or an expulsion. Clearly, the
issue is not to be taken lightly. However, if you act with academic integrity, it's also nothing to
fear. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to understand the concept itself. According to the
internet there are four types of plagiarism. Direct plagiarism is the act of copying another
person's work word for word. Inserting a paragraph from a book or article into your essay
without including attribution or quotation marks, for example, is direct plagiarism. Paying
someone to write an essay for you and submitting it as your own work is also direct plagiarism.
Paraphrased plagiarism involves making a few changes to someone else’s work, then passing it
off as your own. Unless a specific idea is common knowledge, you cannot include it in your
paper without providing a citation—even if you do not include any direct quotes. Mosaic"
plagiarism is a combination of direct and paraphrased plagiarism. This type involves tossing
various words, phrases, and sentences (some word for word, some paraphrased) into your essay
without providing quotation marks or attributions. Accidental plagiarism occurs when citations
are missing, sources are cited incorrectly, or an author shares an idea without a citation that isn't
as common of knowledge as they thought. Accidental plagiarism is often the result of a
disorganized research process and a last-minute time crunch. Ultimately, if you fail to cite your
sources appropriately, you've committed plagiarism—even if you had every intention of giving
credit. To avoid plagiarism, begin the research process as early as possible, preferably as soon as
you receive a new assignment. Read each source carefully. Take breaks between reading
sessions to absorb the information.After you’ve spent time researching and brainstorming, write
a detailed outline of your paper. Focus on pinpointing your own original argument. As you
outline, imagine yourself in conversation with your sources.

3. Movie Review

Title: The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

Director: Norman Taurog, George Cukor, William A. Wellman, H. C. Potter
Story by: Mark Twain
Cast: Tommy Kelly, Ann Gillis, Jackie Moran, May Robson and Victor Jory
Length of the movie: 1 hour and 31 minutes

In this movie you'll have a rollercoaster ride of emotions from experiencing nostalgia to
happiness then into sadness there is also a bad part which is the slavery revenge and even murder
– all of which are ingredients for a classic story. Me as an adult, have experience throughout this
movie the irony and the sarcasm of the whole story with the help of the protagonist. Overall the
movie is quite humorous and full of laughter.
In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom and his friend Huck witness a murder in a
cemetery. The culprit, Injun Joe tried to end Tom's Life because of what happened but eventually
Tom and Huck trap the man chasing them inside of a cave and recover his stolen gold, making
themselves a huge fortune.
Moral Lesson: It just shows how naive and carefree a child can be and how us adults worry about
things too much and we always forgot how much adventure we could have in this thing we
called life.

4. Romeo and Juliet (Drama or Play)

4.1 Summary
Romeo and Juliet fall in love at a party. But they come from families which hate each
other. They are sure they will not be allowed to marry. Nevertheless, helped by Friar Laurence,
they marry in secret instead. Unfortunately, before their wedding night Romeo kills Juliet's
cousin in a duel, and in the morning he is forced to leave her. If he ever returns to the city, he
will be put to death.Juliet's parents told her she must marry Paris. Her parents do not know she is
already married. She refuses in the beginning, but later agrees because she plans to fake her
death and escape to be with Romeo forever; again with the help of Friar Laurence.
Frair Laurence designs the plan. He gives Juliet a sleeping potion. She appears to be dead
and was put in a tomb. However, Romeo does not know about the plan, visits her grave, thinks
she is dead, and kills himself. When Juliet finally wakes up, she discovers that Romeo is dead
and then kills herself.
4.2 Opinion
Teenagers really do fall in love, and some of them would be willing to kill themselves
over being forbidden to see their loves - so the story is not entirely implausible.
4.3 What is the drama all about?
Romeo and Juliet gives us the moral lesson to never hold grudges nor hate to
others before it is too late, lower your pride for the common good, think carefully before you act,
and to never let your emotions rule over you.

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