Work Sheet For Exercise 2 Aloba

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(Plant Disease Diagnosis: Signs of Plant Pathogen)


Name: ALOBA, ADRIAN JOSH VICTOR C. Date: 09/26/2020

Section Code/Class Schedule: BSA1Hs/ Friday 10:00am-1:00pm

Table 2. Signs of pathogens causing common diseases on agricultural crops (10 different samples)

Name of the Sign(s) of Illustration of the Sign(s) of the Pathogen Description of the Sign(s) Major Group Causal
Disease the of Organism
Pathogen Pathogenic
1. Leaf verticillium Fungi Pseudo monas
spot wilt The verticillium wilt is a serious spp
disease caused by two fungal
species, verticillium dahliae and V.
albo-atrum, which altogether can
infect over 400 plants species.
2.Angular Haloes Bacteria Xanthomonas
leaf spot The halo sign is a finding of a dark halo fragariae
around the arterial lumen on ultrasound
that suggests the diagnosis of temporal

3. Bacterial Yellow Bacteria Xanthomonas

blight boader The spots enlarge and coalesce
becoming brown, dry and brittle. A
narrow yellow boarder surrounding
lesions and also characterized these
spots. Affected pods develop circular
water-soaked areas that may also have
yellow masses of bacteria observed on
4. Gummy Stem Fungi Stagonosporop
stem blight cankers Reddish-brown stem lesions develop sis
during the early reproductive stage of
plants. Lesions will usually be in the
vicinity of a stem node. A diagnostic
symptom of stem canker is that green
stem tissue will usually be present both
above the below individual stem cankers

5. Gray leaf Lesions Fungi M.Grisea

spot Lesion type (Primary morphology)
macules are flat, nonpalpable lesions
usually <10 mmin diameter. Macules,
represent a change in color and are not
raised or depressed compared to the skin
surface. A patch is a large macule.
6. Rush Pustules Fungi Juncus
Pustules are small bumbs on the
skin that contain fluid or pus. They
usually appear as white bumps
surrounded by red skin. These
bumps look very similar to pumples,
but they can grow quite big m.
Pustules may develop on any part of
the body, but they most commonly
form on the back, chest and face.
7. Leaf spot Fungi and Cercospora
Cercospora Leaf spots are round blemishes bacteria fragariae
found on the leaves of many species
of plants, mostly caused by parasitic
fungi or bacteria. A typical spot is
"zonal" meaning it has a definite
edge and often has darker border.
When many spots are present, they
can grow together and become a
blight or a blotch.
8. Black spot Rose black Fungi Asperisporium
on the spot Black spot is the most serious
leaves disease of Roses. It is caused by a
fugus, diplocarpor rosea, which
infects the leaves and greatly
reduces plant vigour.
9. Damping- Grayish- Fungi Phythium
off brown Damping-off symptoms include vexans
sunken seedlings that fail to emerge from
spots the soil, seedling stems and first
leaves appear water soaked, soft or
mushy, and oftentimes discolored
gray and brown
Young leaves begin to wilt, roots
are absent, or stunted with sunken
gray or brown spots

10. Crow gall Wart-like Fungi Agro

growths Crown gall disease symptoms are wart- bascterium
like growths or galls principally on the tume faciens
soil line or just below the soil surface.
Galls first appear as smooth swellings
and develop rapidly into large tumors
with a rough, warty or cracked

1. Are all microorganisms associated with a diseased plant, the causal organism? Why?

- Yes, all of microorganism is associated with a diseased plant of the casual organism. All name of diseases is the casual organism, because the
casual organism is a scientific name of based on the name of diseases. Plant pathogens are very similar to those that cause disease in humans and
animals. Fungi, fungal-like organisms, bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses, viroids, nematodes parasitic higher plants are all plant pathogen.

2. What is best way to identify the major cause of wilting in solanaceous crop like tomato and potato?

- The best way to identify is we need deep understanding of plant diseases and whats the cause. Examine the crop properly and observe patiently
then have research to get knowledge about it. Also have a tools that can use while studying the crop. It is not easy to detect the bacteria will
because, the symptoms of bacterial wilt it caused by soil borne bacterium that affecting the solanaceous plants like tomato, potato and others.
The major cause of bacterial wilting is in solanaceous crop is the inappropriate planting, poor soil and etc.

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