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Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, Vol. 38, No.

4, 2016
DOI: 10.1515/sgem-2016-0030




Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,

Białystok University of Technology, Białystok, Poland, e-mail:

Abstract: An unconventional subdivision of volumetric strains, the newly formulated frictional and critical frictional states and
some of energetic and stress condition assumptions result in new stress-plastic dilatancy relationships. These new stress-plastic dila-
tancy relationships are functions of the deformation mode and drainage conditions. The critical frictional state presented in this paper
is a special case of the classical critical state.

Key words: soils, dilatancy, critical state, frictional state, critical frictional state

NOTATION  υo  0 – volumetric strain increment at the reference state

 υpn ,  υpa – natural and additional plastic parts of the volumetric
A – slope of the stress-plastic dilatancy line in the  – D p plane strain increment, respectively
Ao – slope of the stress-natural dilatancy line in the  – D pn  q ,  qe ,  qp – invariants of the total, elastic and plastic parts of
plane the strain increment, respectively
D – dilatancy
 qo – invariant of the strain increment at the reference state
D p – plastic dilatancy
D pn – natural dilatancy  k ,  kp (k  1, 2, 3) – principal total and plastic parts of the strain
e – void ratio increment, respectively
G – elastic shear modulus  ko (k  1, 2, 3) – principal strain increment at the reference state
J2, J3 – second and third invariants of the stress deviator
 – stress ratio
J 2o , J 3o – second and third invariants of the stress deviator at the  – Lode angle for stress
reference state  o – Lode angle for stress at the reference state
J  2 , J  3 – second and third invariants of the strain increment  – Lode angle for the strain increment
deviator  o – Lode angle for the strain increment at the reference state
J o2 , J o3 – second and third invariants of the strain increment  – slope of the unloading/reloading line in the e – ln p plane
deviator at the reference state  – Poisson’s ratio
K – elastic bulk modulus  k (k  1, 2, 3) – principal effective stress
M o – slope of frictional state line in the q – p plane at the criti-  ko (k  1, 2, 3) – principal effective stress at the reference state
cal frictional state  – specific volume
p – mean normal effective stress   – effective angle of shearing resistance
po – mean normal effective stress at the reference state
Φcυ – critical state angle of shearing resistance
q – stress invariant
qo – stress invariant at the reference state Φr – residual state angle of shearing resistance
Q – intercept of the stress-plastic dilatancy line in the  – D p  o – critical frictional state angle of shearing resistance
plane at D p = 0 1, 2 – parameters of frictional state theory
M c , M e , M bo – slopes of the critical frictional state line in triaxial
o o  ij ,  ije ,  ijp – components of the total, elastic and plastic parts
compression, triaxial extension and biaxial compression, of the strain increment, respectively
respectively  ijo – components of the strain increment at the reference state
,  – soil parameters that characterise the stress-plastic dilatancy
relationship eij , eijp – components of the total and plastic parts of the strain
 – increment increment deviator
 υ ,  υe ,  υp – total, elastic and plastic parts of the volumetric eijo – components of the plastic strain increment deviator at the
strain increment, respectively reference state

 ij – components of the effective stress tic shear strain increment due to the granular nature of
 o
– components of the effective stress at the reference state soil. The additional volumetric plastic strain incre-
sij – components of the stress deviator ment is the difference between the total and natural
sijo – components of the stress deviator at the reference state plastic volumetric strain increments and depends on
the initial structure and the stress and strain paths
during shearing.
1. INTRODUCTION This assumption is necessary for describing the
complex stress-strain behaviour of soils caused by
soil structure degradation, breakage, rolling and
Changes in soil volume may be generated by sliding of soil grains and other effects during the
changes in the stress and shear strain (mechanical deformation process.
effects) and changes in the water content, the tem- Based on this assumption, the frictional state and
perature and other factors (non-mechanical effects). critical frictional state are defined. The critical fric-
The soil phenomenon in which shear deformation tional state is a special case of the critical state.
results in volume changes is called dilatancy, which Treating the critical frictional state as a reference
was previously investigated by Reynolds, Casagrande state and assuming some additional stress and ener-
and Taylor [32]. getic conditions, a general stress-plastic dilatancy
Based on energy considerations, Taylor [32] found relationship is established. The most widely known
a stress-dilatancy relationship for non-cohesive soils stress-dilatancy relationships are special cases of the
in the simple shear condition. The critical state con- derived stress-plastic dilatancy relationships. The full
cept and similar energetic considerations [27] resulted validation of the derived stress-dilatancy relationship
in a simple stress-dilatancy relationship for cohesive based on experimental data is presented in Part II for
and non-cohesive soils in triaxial compression condi- triaxial conditions, Part III for plane strain conditions
tions; this was the basis of the original Cam clay and Part IV for simple shear conditions.
model. The special energetic consideration investigated In this paper, a positive contraction and compres-
by Rowe [26] resulted in stress-dilatancy relationships sion convention is assumed.
for granular materials in triaxial compression, triaxial
extension and biaxial compression conditions. Rowe’s
stress-dilatancy theory for an irregular assembly was 2. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS
examined by Horne [15], [16] and by De Josselin de
Jong [9]. Gutierrez and Wang [13] developed a non-
coaxial version of Rowe’s stress-dilatancy relation. In Soil is treated as an isotropic continuum in this
the past, the stress-dilatancy relationship was broadly paper, and only monotonic loading is considered.
examined by many researchers, including Matsuoka Breakage, swelling, shrinkage, viscosity, temperature
[19], Tatsuoka [28], [29], Cornforth [6], Bolton [2], changes and other non-mechanical effects are ne-
De Josselin de Jong [9], Coop [3], Cuccovillo and glected.
Coop [8], Coop and Wilson [4], Wanatowski [33], and As in classical elasto-plasticity, the strain incre-
others [1], [11], [14], [30], [31]. Cotecchia and Chan- ment is divided into elastic and plastic components
dler [7] showed that the stress-dilatancy relationship
 ij   ije   ijp (1)
for triaxial compression tests is different for drained
and undrained conditions; this phenomenon has not where the superscripts e and p refer to the elastic and
been investigated until now. plastic parts, respectively.
The stress-dilatancy relationship is the basis of The behaviour in the elastic range is governed by
many soil models. The best-known models include Hooke’s law
Cam clay [25], [27], Modified Cam clay [24], Nova
[21], Li and Dafalias [17], McDowell [20], and De-  p
 υe  , (2)
Simone and Tamagnini [10]. K
In this paper, the strain increment is classically di-
 sij
vided into elastic and plastic parts based on the elasto-  eije  , (3)
plasticity consideration. Furthermore, the volumetric 2G
plastic strain increment is arbitrarily divided into natural where
and additional parts. The natural volumetric strain in-
crement is treated as (directly) accompanied by a plas-  υe  iie , (4)
Stress-dilatancy for soils. Part I: The frictional state theory 53

eije   ije  1  υe  ij , (5) 3. FRICTIONAL AND CRITICAL

and G and K are the shear and bulk elastic moduli,
respectively, which are generally functions of the void
ratio, effective pressure and stress history. The frictional state is the state of shear deforma-
Similar to critical state soil mechanics, it is as- tion at which only natural volumetric strain exists
sumed that ( υpa  0 ,  υpn  0 , D pn  D p  0 ) and the stress
ratio   q p is a linear function of the natural dila-
1 e
K p , (6) tancy (Fig. 1)

1  2   M o  Ao D pn . (13)
G K, (7)
2(1   )

where  is Poisson’s ratio and  is the slope of the

unloading/reloading line in the e – ln p plane.
In this paper, the volumetric part of the plastic
strain increment ( υp ) is divided into two parts: the
natural part ( υpn ) and the additional ( υpa ) part

 υp   υpn   υpa . (8)

The natural part of the volumetric strain incre-

ment is essentially connected with the rearrange-
Fig. 1. Stress ratio and natural dilatancy relationship
ment of soil grains during shearing that is specific for the frictional state
to the soil. The volumetric strain increment due to
debonding, breakage and other effects not essentially
In the   D pn plane, the frictional state for con-
connected with shearing are treated as the additional
part. stant Ao is represented by a straight line that is named
The theory presented in this paper is for medium the frictional state line, as shown in Fig. 1; Coop and
and large strains in which the plastic part of the total Wilson [4] named this line the frictional trend line.
strain increment is substantial. The parameters M o and Ao are characteristic values
This paper assumes the following definitions for for a soil’s dependence on the mode of deformation
dilatancy and the drainage condition considered later in this
 υ The critical frictional state is the state at which the
D , (9)
 q soil deforms with a stable structure without any change
in the stress or in any component of the volumetric
plastic dilatancy strain. The soil structure is fully erased during the
previous deformation process, so the critical frictional
 υp state can be treated as a special case of the critical
Dp  , (10)
 qp state. At the critical state, the soil deforms at a con-
stant stress and volume. At this state, some components
and natural dilatancy of the volumetric strain increment may not vanish but
instead be counter-balanced, resulting in a constant
 υpn volume. Similarly, at the residual state, the stress is
D pn  . (11)
 qp constant, but some volumetric deformation may be
observed [5], [18].
For the simplicity of further considerations, a lin- Similar to the critical state in the q p plane, the
ear relationship between D pn and D p is assumed
critical frictional state is represented by a straight line
D pn     D p (12) with a slope of M o to the horizontal p axis (Fig. 2).
The existence of the critical frictional state line in the
where  and  are new soil parameters. e – ln p plane is not considered in this paper.

4. CURRENT J 2o 
1 o o 1
sij sij , J 3o  sijo s ojk skio , sijo  σ ijo  p o δij ,
1 p p
J ε2  δeij δeij , J ε 3  δeijp δe jkp δekip ,
The current state of plastic flow is defined by the
current effective stress tensor ( ij ) and the plastic 1
δeijp  δεijp  δε υp δij ,
strain increment tensor ( ijp ) . Similarly, the reference
state of plastic flow is defined by the stress tensor 1 o o
J εo2  δeij δeij , J εo3  δeijo δe ojk δekio ,
( ijo ) and the strain increment tensor ( ijo ) , where the 2
superscript o indicates the reference state. 1
δeijo  δεijo  δε υo δij .
For isotropic soils, it is convenient to use the prin- 3
cipal values of the stress and plastic strain increment
tensors,  k ,  ko ,  kp , and  ko (k = 1, 2, 3), and their Only the deformation processes for which
 1   2   3 (–/6    /6) and 1p   2p   3p

invariants, p, q, , po, qo,  o ,  υp ,  qp ,   ,  υo ,
(–/6    /6) are considered.
qo and  o . In this paper, it is assumed that the current and ref-
The principal values of the stress and plastic strain erence states of plastic flow fulfil the four conditions
increments [12] are listed below:
(C1) The reference state is a critical frictional state.
2  2  (C2) The stress tensors  ij and  ijo are coplanar.
 k  p  q sin    (k  2) π  , (14)
3  3  (C3) One of the current principal stresses is equal
to the appropriate principal reference stress
2  2 
 ko  p o  q o sin   o  ( k  2) π  , (15) (σ k  σ ko ) .
3  3 
(C4) The natural dilatancy part of the work done in
1  2  the current plastic flow state is equal to the work
 kp   υp   qp sin     ( k  2) π  , (16) done in the appropriate reference state.
3  3 
Condition (C1) states that
1  2 
 ko   υo   qo sin   εo  (k  2) π  (17)  υo  0 , q o p o  M o . (18)
3  3 
It is also postulated that the reference state tensor
where k = 1, 2, 3
( fulfils the Mohr–Coulomb criterion
ij )
1 1  3 3 J3 
 , q  3J 2 ,   sin 1  
p   kk 
3 3  2 J3 2  , M o  g ( ) M co (19)
 2 
1 o 1  3 3J o 
p o   kk , q o  3 J 2o ,  o  sin 1   3 
, 6 sin Φ o
3 3  2 J o3 2  M co  , (20)
 2 
3  sin Φ o
4 1  3 3J  is the value of M o for triaxial compression (  π 6 )
 υp   kkp ,  qp  J 2 ,   sin 1   3 
32 
3 3  2 J 2  and

4 o 1  3 3J o  3  sin Φ o
  
o o
  o
J  2 ,  o  sin 1   3 
, g ( )  (21)
kk , 2 { 3 cos   sin Φ o sin  }
υ q
3 3  2 Jo 3 2 
 2 

and where Φ o is the angle of shearing resistance at the

critical frictional state. The experimental [4] and
1 1 theoretical micromechanical considerations prove that
J2  sij sij , J 3  sij s jk ski , sij  σ ij  pδij ,
2 3 for some granular soils, an unexpectedly small value
Stress-dilatancy for soils. Part I: The frictional state theory 55

for the angle of shear resistance may be observed [22], Condition (C4) may be written in the form
[23]. Generally, this paper assumes that Φ o may dif-
fer from Φcυ or Φr . p  υpn  q qp cos(    )  q o qp cos(    ) , (30)
For triaxial extension conditions at the critical
frictional state (   π 6 ) because  υo  0 ,  qo   qp , and  εo    .
Energetic equation (30) is similar to the Cam clay
o 6 sin Φ o model energetic equation [27]. Comparing equations
M  M eo  . (22)
3  sin Φ o (26) and (30), the coefficients 1 and 2 have the
Condition (C2) is equivalent to
 2 
p  (1  1 ) p o , (23) sin   (k  2) π  D pn
2  3 
1   ,
q  (1   2 ) q o , (24) 3 2  2  pn
cos (   )  sin   (k  2)π  D
3  3 
  o . (25) (31)
In the q–p plane, the reference and current states D pn
are schematically shown in Fig. 2. 2   .
o 2  2  
M cos (    )  sin    ( k  2) π  D pn 
 3  3  

Thus, parameters 1 and 2 are functions of k, the

natural dilatancy D pn, the value of M o and the non-
coaxiality angle (   ) defined by Gutierrez and
Ishihara [12].


Fig. 2. Reference and current states in the q–p plane

The stress ratio takes the form
The two scalar coefficients 1 and 2 describe
the difference between the current and reference q (1   2 ) q o 1   2 o
   M . (33)
stresses. p  (1  1 ) p o 1  1
Condition (C3), after combining with conditions
(C1) and (C2) and applying some simple algebra, may Introducing 1 and 2, as defined by equations (31)
be written in the form and (32), into equation (33), we obtain the stress-
natural dilatancy relationship shown in equation (13),
2  2  with M o defined by equation (19) and
1   2 M o sin   ( k  2)π  . (26)
3  3 
1  2 o  2 
Thus, for
Ao  1  M sin   ( k  2) π   . (34)
cos (    )  3  3 
2  2 
k  1,  1   1o , 1   2 M o sin    π  , (27) Additionally, this paper assumes that  3   3o (k = 3)
3  3 
for the drained condition and that  1   1o (k = 1) for
2 the undrained condition.
k  2,  2   2o , 1   2 M o sin  , (28)
3 The characteristic values of the stress-natural dila-
tancy relationships, i.e., ,  , M o and Ao, for the tri-
2  2  axial and biaxial compression and triaxial extension
k  3,  3   3o , 1   2 M o sin    π  . (29)
3  3  tests are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Characteristic values of the stress-natural dilatancy relationship

Values Triaxial compression Triaxial extension Biaxial compression
Drained Undrained Drained Undrained Drained Undrained
 /6 –/6 b (*)
 /6 –/6  b (*)
6 sin Φ o 6 sin Φ o 3 sin Φ o
Mo M co  M eo  M bo 
3  sin Φ o 3  sin Φ o 3 cos  b  sin Φ o sin  b
 2 o  2 
2 o 1  M b sin  b  π 
k=1 Aco  1  Mc 1 3  3 
3 Aeo  1 M eo Abo  
3 cos b   b 
Ao k = 2
1  2 o  2 
Aco  1 M co 2 o 1  M b sin  b  π 
k=3 3 Aeo  1  Me 3  3 
3 Abo  
cos b   b 

Note: (*) – angles b and  b change during shearing.

Assuming a linear relation between D pn and D p, Cotecchia and Chandler [7] showed that A < 1 for
as shown in equation (12), equation (13) as the form the drained and A > 1 for the undrained triaxial com-
[7] pression condition. According to the theory of the
frictional state presented in this paper, Ao < 1 for the
  Q  AD p (35) drained condition, and Ao > 1 for the undrained condi-
where tion.
For the drained condition, the elastic parts of the
Q  M o   Ao , (36) strains are usually neglected, and the stress-dilatancy
relationship ( – D) is presented in the literature instead
A   Ao . (37) of the stress-plastic dilatancy relationship ( – D p).
Equation (35) is the general stress-plastic dilatancy The validation of the stress-plastic dilatancy rela-
tionship, as shown in equation (35), based on experi-
relationship for soils.
mental data presented in the literature and a comparison
The family of straight lines in the   D p plane rep-
with the best known relationships will be presented
resents the stress-plastic dilatancy relationships gener- later in Parts II, III and IV of this paper.
ated by different sets of  and  parameters (Fig. 3) for
a constant non-coaxiality angle (    ) .

The subdivision of the plastic part of the volumet-

ric strain increment into the natural and the additional
parts offers the possibility of finding new stress-
plastic dilatancy relationships for soils.
In both the critical state and the critical frictional
state, soil can deform at constant stress and constant
volume. However, only in the critical frictional state
does soil deform with a stable structure.
Based on some energetic and stress state assump-
tions, new stress-plastic dilatancy relationships are
developed. The new stress-plastic dilatancy relation-
ships are functions of the deformation mode and the
drainage conditions. The influence of the drainage
Fig. 3. Stress-plastic dilatancy relationships conditions on the stress-dilatancy relationship has not
for different  and  parameters been theoretically considered until now.
Stress-dilatancy for soils. Part I: The frictional state theory 57

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