Hull & Cargo Tanks' Structural Analyses

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1 IGC Code

• IMO’s “International Gas Carrier Code” is a common basis for calculations for the
classification societies
• Implemented in DNV Rules
• Yield and fatigue requirements for the LNG tank structure:
the operating life is normally taken to correspond to 10 wave encounters on the North Atlantic.”
This corresponds to 20 years of operation in the North Atlantic.
For membrane type tanks the Code has no specific requirement for fatigue assessment of hull

2 LNG Carriers with Membrane Tanks

• Geometry of Cargo Tanks
• Material Selection
• Acceleration ellipse and C/tank pressures, Pt. 5 Ch. 5
• Strength of inner hull - plates and stiffeners
• Cargo hold FEM model- typical results
• Cases
• Fatigue
• Additional Notation - PLUS-i / PLUS-2
• Critical Areas with respect to Fatigue

3 Typical Midship Section

• No CL Bulkhead
• Complete double hull i.e. “clean” tanks
• Rigid double bottom grid structure
• High grade steel in inner hull
4-5 Membrane Tanks - Tank Shapes

6 Typical Tank Arrangement

• For a typical 4 tank / 140000 m3 ship:
o Tank 1 <= 13% LBP
o Tanks 2&3 <= 17% LBP
o Tank 4 <= 15% LBP
7 Reinforced Areas
8 Selection of Steel Grades
9 Selection of Steel Grades
10 Selection of Steel Grades
11 Hull Strength
12 IGC Code
• IMO’s “International Gas Carrier Code” is a common basis for calculations for the
classification societies
• Implemented in DNV Rules, Pt.5 Ch.5
• Yield and fatigue requirements for the LNG tank structure, i.e. the inner hull:
• -. the operating life is normally taken to correspond to 10 wave encounters on the
North Atlantic”.
• This corresponds to 20 years of operation in the North Atlantic.
Strength Analysis
13 Local Strength of Inner Hull
14 Liquid Pressure
15-19 Local Strength of Inner Hull - Plates
20 Local Strength of Inner Hull - Stiffeners
21 Inner Hull - Allowable Stresses
22 Strength Analysis of Membrane LNG Carrier
• Hull structure shall generally to be designed according to Pt. 3 Ch. 1, similar to a
conventional tanker
• Maximum hull girder stresses at inner hull to be within allowable stresses for the
containment system
• Inner hull supporting the cargo containment system shall be designed based on
dynamic loads at 1O level, ref Pt. 5 Ch. 5
• Material selection for hull to be according to Pt. 5 Ch. 5 based on temperature

26 Cargo Hold Analysis - Load Cases
27 Cargo Hold Analysis - Strength Analysis
• Scantling draught: T
• Minimum draught with one C/tank full: TA
• The cargo tanks should not be operated in sea going condition with filling between
10% of tank length and 80% of tank height (sloshing).
• Allowable stresses and buckling control for double hull structure and cofferdam
bulkheads according to main class as given in Pt.3 Ch. 1
28 FEM Results – Cargo Hold
29 FEM Results - Outer Shell
30 FEM Results - Inner Hull
31 FEM Results – Transverse Buckhead
32 FEM Results - Girder

33 LNG Carriers with Spherical Tanks

• Design for spherical tanks and hull tanks
• Wave load analysis
• Hull structural design
• Temperature analysis
• Selection of material
• Cargo hold analysis
• Fatigue analysis

34 -36 Design for Spherical Cargo Tanks

Based on extensive experimental and analytical research on the buckling strength criteria
of the
• cylindrical skirt foundation and
• the spherical tanks
DNV introduced improved buckling design criteria in the late 1970’ies (CN3O.3)
1979 : A design acceptance programme for the spherical shell part was made in based on
the current set of criteria
1987 : The criteria were issued as Class Note 30.3 covering spherical shells only
37 Design for Spherical Cargo Tanks, cont.
1995: An updated PC version of NVKULE with new spherical tank criteria and extended
membrane stress combinations
1996: A new PC design acceptance programme NVSKJRT for the cylindrical skirt
foundation available
1997: Class Note 30.3 with new design criteria issued

38 Design for Spherical Cargo Tanks

• The structural reliability and the buckling criteria were in the period 1989-1996 re-
examined through a series of projects
• A new set of buckling criteria for both the spheres and skirts were developed and
formulated in a modern Limit State format

39 Structural Analysis - Spherical Tank LNG Carrier

40 Spherical Tank - frame and girder models

41 – 43 FEM Analysis of Hull and Tank Structure

44 Structural Analyses of Hull and Cargo Tank

• DNV uses the SESAM suite of analysis programs, which includes
o Wave load analysis programs
o Automatic load transfer to structural analysis part
o Structural response (FEM)
o Post-processing & plotting
o Strength checks (yield, buckling, fatigue)
• Special tank shell analyses with (B050R4 5) or NISA for spherical tank systems

45 Wave Load Analysis

• Environmental conditions
• North Atlantic (Extreme loads - ULS)
• Word-wide operation (Fatigue - FLS)
• Six loading condition have been considered
• full load, ballast plus 4 part load conditions
• Calculation of transfer functions
• Linear strip theory program (WAVESI-IIP), alternatively 3D- sink source program
(WADAM) and SWAN responses in irregular short crested seas
• 2 forward speeds have been calculated to allow for speed reduction in heavy weather
(WAVESIEIIP, 0, 12 & 20 knots), SWAN (0 & 16 knots), WADAM
(0 knots)
• Statistical processing for long term (extreme) loads
• Automatic load transfer to structural FEM model

46 Structural Analysis – 1
• FEM Models
• A global model (full width) extending over the total hull.
• — to analyze the hull girder stress response and the overall deformation response of
main hull structural members
• — The wave loads derived from the wave load analysis will be automatically
transferred to the model thus ensuring equilibrium.

47 FEM Models – 2
• Two frame and girder models - one for tank no. 1 and one for tank 2 & 3
• To analyze deformations as well as stresses in the framing/girder system including the
tank foundation deck. The models were used as a stand-alone models for a rule based
midship area analysis
The frame and girder models were included in the global model

48 FEM Models – 3
• Local finite element models
• Calculation of local stresses for determination of Stress Concentration Factors (SCF)
in fatigue sensitive areas
• These models were inserted into the global model or analyzed separately using the
sub-modeler technique available in SESAM.

49 Ship Hull Analysis (cont..)

• Structural strength evaluation
 — Yield and buckling checks
 — Fatigue life evaluation
 — Hull girder strength

50 Structural Analysis - 7

• Cargo Containment System

• Detailed stress analyses of tanks and skirts (NISA)
• Detailed stress concentration analyses of tanks and skirts (FEM) equator profile and
tower connections to upper and lower hemisphere
• Strength evaluation of tanks and skirts – Strength margins of spheres and skirts
(buckling, allow, stress) fatigue and fracture crack analyses - “leak-before-failure”
• Temperature distnbutions m cargo tanks, skirts and void spaces
Steady-State temperature distributions (design)
transient temperature distributions (optimisation of loading procedure)

51 Wave Load Analysis – Spectral Fatigue Analysis

52 Loading Conditions
The following six loading conditions will normally be applied:
— LCO6: Normal ballast condition
— LC1 1: Departure - full load
— LC13: Departure - tank no. 1 full
— LC14: Departure - tank no. 2 full
— LC15: Departure - tank no. 3 full
— LC18: Departure - tanks no. 2 + 4 full

53 - 58 Loading Conditions

59 Load Components - LNG Carriers

• Hull girder bending and torsion
• external and internal pressure loads
• inertia loads from hull, equipment and cargo

60 Calculation Procedure
• Hydrodynamic modeling and calculation of transfer functions for 6 d.o.f. at selected
• Prediction of long term values for ULS (20 year) and FLS (probability 1O’)
• Determine design waves (heading, height and period)
• Calculate pressure distribution and accelerations for design waves and transfer to
structural model
• Determine non-linear correction factors (if any)

61 Hydrodynamic Analysis Options

62 Wave Climate Description
• Traditional
Scatter diagram for sea area - conditional Weibull Distribution of H and T
Long term distribution derived from short term responses
• Present approach
Uses actual scatter diagram of H and T for the sea area considered
Actual contribution from each H and T taken into account
Result can be used for both Ultimate Strength (ULS) and Fatigue (FLS) evaluations

63 Stochastic Fatigue Analysis (stochastic ~ random

Full stochastic analysis
• Mesh size in the order of the plate thickness
• All local and global load effects included
• 8 headings times 22 wave periods per heading > 176 load cases for each loading

64 – 65 Midship section
66 – 68 Steady - state temperature distribution in tanks
68 - 69 The Equator Profile
70 Hull Structures
71 Midship Section - Section Scantlings
72 – 74 Selection of Materials - Temperature Analysis
75 Selection of Materials - Temperature Analysis
76 Local Stresses applying net Scantling
77 3D GM – Inner Structure
78 3D GM – Double Bottom
79 3D GM – Double Side
80-84 3D GM – more 3D models
85 Fatigue Strength
86 Fatigue
Why focus on fatigue?
• Most common hull damage
• May cause water ingress to insulation spaces
• High cost and time consuming repairs
• LNG vessels often designed for extended life time

87 – 89 Fatigue Crack
90 Fatigue Requirements
91 Fatigue - Higher Tensile Steel
92 Fatigue in General
93 Fatigue - Fatigue damages are caused by dynamic loading
94 Fatigue and Corrosion
95 – 97 Operation Route Reduction Factor,
98 Fatigue
Satisfactory Fatigue Life Depends on:
• Design / Approval
• Intended trade area
• Paint Specification
• Workmanship
• Appropriate Class Notations

99 - 101
102 Critical Areas - Lower Hopper Knuckle
103 Fatigue Calculations L/Gir. Local FEM
104 – 107 Additional Notation - PLUS-1 / PLUS-2
108 Fatigue: PLUS-2
109 Fatigue: PLUS-2
110 Critical Areas against fatigue
111 Critical Areas - Typical Web Frame
112 Critical Areas — Tank boundary
113 Material & Welding Control
114 Weld profiling and weld toe grinding
115 Critical Areas - TBHD & LBHD
116 -120 Critical Areas
— Lower Hopper Corner
— Upper Hopper Corner
— Vertical girder in TBHD
— deck opening
— Trans. BHD
121 – Material grade of hull structures
122 – 123 Wave Load Analysis – Spectral Fatigue Analysis

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