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Transmission Lines as Circuit Elements

The standing wave conditions resulting from open- and short-circuited loads must usually be
avoided in working with transmission lines. However, with one-quarter and one-half
wavelength transmissions, these open- and short-circuited loads can be used as resonant or
reactive circuits. At low frequencies (below about 300 MHz), the characteristics of open and
shorted lines have a little significance. At low frequencies the lines are just too long to be
used as reactive components or as filters and tuned circuits.

Shorted line circuits

Consider the shorted one-quarter wavelength (λ/4) line shown in the figure below. At the load
end, voltage is zero and current is maximum. But one-quarter wavelength back, at the
generator, the voltage is maximum and the current is zero. From the generator point of view,
the line appears as an open circuit, or at least very high impedance. The key point here is that
this condition exists at only one frequency, the frequency at which the line is exactly one-
quarter wavelength. Because of this frequency sensitivity, the line acts as an LC tuned or
resonant circuit, in this case, a parallel resonant circuit because of its very high impedance at
the reference frequency.

With a shorted one-half wavelength line (λ/2), the standing wave pattern is like that shown in
Fin the figure below. The generator sees the same conditions as at the end of the line, i.e., zero

Microwave Eng Lecture-3

voltage and maximum current. This represents a short circuit, or very low impedance, and this
condition occurs only if the line is exactly one-half wavelength long at the generator frequency.
In this case, the line looks like a series resonant circuit to the generator.

If the line length is less than one-quarter wavelength at the operating frequency, the shorted
line looks like an inductor to the generator. If the shorted line is between one quarter and one-
half wavelength, it looks like a capacitor to the generator.

Open line circuits

Similar results are obtained with an open line, as shown in the figure below. From the
generator point of view, a (λ/4) line looks like a series resonant circuit and a (λ/2) line looks
like a parallel resonant circuit, just the opposite of a shorted line. If the line is less than one-
quarter wavelength, the generator sees a capacitance. If the line is between one-quarter and
one-half wavelength, the generator sees an inductance.

Both open and shorted segments of line can be used, although shorted segments are preferred
because they do not radiate as much as open segments. One-quarter wavelength sections are

Microwave Eng Lecture-3

preferred because they are shorter and take up less space on the PCB. The following table
summarizes the use of transmission line as circuit elements
Transmission line length Shorted line Open line
Less than λ/4 inductor Capacitor
λ/4 Parallel resonant Series resonant circuit
More than λ/4 and less than λ/2 capacitor Inductor
λ/2 Series resonant circuit Parallel resonant circuits

Fig_1 below is a summary of the conditions represented by open and shorted lines of lengths
up to one wavelength. The horizontal axis is length, in wavelengths, and the vertical axis is the
reactance of the line, in ohms, expressed in terms of the line’s characteristic impedance. The
solid curves are shorted lines and the dashed curves are open circuit lines.

It can be observed that

- If the line acts as a series resonant circuit, its impedance is zero.

Microwave Eng Lecture-3

- If the line is of such a length that it acts as a parallel resonant circuit, its impedance is
near infinity.
- If the line is some intermediate length, it is reactive.
Example 1
Using fig-1 find the type and value of a reactive component for a (λ/8) shorted transmission line
having characteristic impedance of 50 ohm.
The horizontal divisions (small box) represent (λ/16), so two of these represent (λ/8). At the
(λ/8) point on the left-hand solid curve is a reading of 1. This means that the line acts as an
inductive reactance
X L =reading∗Z 0 =1∗50=50 ohm
Then from the operating frequency the inductor value can be calculated
L= ,H
2 πf

Example 2
Using fig-1 find the type and value of a reactive component for a (λ/8) open transmission line
having characteristic impedance of 50 ohm.
The (λ/8) point on the left-hand dashed curve is a reading of 1. This means that the line acts as
a capacitive reactance
X C =reading∗Z 0 =1∗50=50 ohm
Then from the operating frequency the capacitor value can be calculated
C= ,F
2 πf X C

Example 3
How could a capacitive reactance of 150 ohm be created with the same 50-ohm line?

Microwave Eng Lecture-3

First, locate the 150-ohm point on the capacitive reactance scale in Fig_1. Since 150/50= 3, the
150-ohm point is at XC = 3.
Next, draw a line from this point to the right until it intersects with two of the curves. Then read
the wavelength from the horizontal scale. A capacitive reactance of 150 ohm with a 50-ohm
line can be achieved with an open-line somewhat longer than 1/32 wavelength or a shorted line
a bit longer than 9/32 wavelength.

Microwave Eng Lecture-3

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