Assignment 1

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Question 1

Hub Switch Router Repeater

Hub is a broadcast The switch is a multicast The router is a routing A network device used
device device. device. to regenerate or replicate
a signal.
Hub works in the The switch works in the The router works in the A repeater operates at
physical layer of the OSI data link layer and network layer of the OSI the physical layer of the
model. network layer of OSI model. OSI model
Hub is used to connect The switch is used to The router is used to Repeaters are used to
devices to the same connect devices to the connect two different regenerate a signal.
network. network. networks.
Hub sends data in the The switch sends data in The router sends data in When the signal
form of bits. the form of frames the form of packets. becomes weak, they
copy the signal bit by bit
and regenerate it at the
original strength.
Hub works in half- The switch works in full The router works in full- Repeaters works in full
duplex. duplex. duplex. duplex

Question 2
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server (DHCP Server):
A DHCP server assigns IP addresses to client computers .The DHCP server reduces
configuration efforts because an administrator does not have to manually assign each computer
with IP addresses.

Manual (or Static) Allocation

The DHCP Server's administrator manually assigns a permanent IP address to a client, usually
using a MAC address for the client identifier. The subsequent client identifier/IP address pair is
stored in a table. Only requesting clients in this table will be given configuration information.
Automatic Allocation
The DHCP Server's administrator specifies a pool of IP addresses to be permanently assigned to
clients. Upon request, a free IP address in this range is automatically assigned to a client. Once
associated with a client, the IP address is permanently assigned to the client until the server's
administrator intervenes. Many DHCP Servers do not implement this method of allocation, as it
can be approximated with long lease times in dynamic allocation.
Question 3
Manual configuration setting of network:
When we are not obtaining IP address automatically for our system and we select manual
configuration for the network it requires some parameters.
1. IP address
2. Subnet mask
3. Default gateway
4. DNS server address

Question 4
Ping –w
Timeout in milliseconds to wait for each reply. Range is 1-9 only

Ping –r
Range is 1-9 only.

It display details information including physical address and DHCP information whether it is yes
or no.
Network is disconnected

Ping –s
Timestamps for count hosts (ipv4 only).Range is 1 to 4 only.
Network is established again on renew command.
Net stat and properties:
Used to display very detailed information about how your computer is communicating with other

Commands Description
-a Display active tcp connections.
-e Show statistics about your computer.
-n Prevent netstat from attempting to determine host names for foreign ip
-o Display processer identifier (PId) associated with each displayed
-x Show all networkDirect listeners, connections and shared endpoints.

/? Show details about netsat commands several options

Question 5
IP Address:
Defined as internet protocol address is a series of numbers used to uniquely identify a
computer/device on is a unique identifier for devices.
Class A, B, C are commonly used. Ranges are shown in below table.

Class Address Range

Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Class E
Class A with example:
Default subnet mask is 8(
Host ID:
Network ID:
Total host: 16777214

Class B with example:

Default subnet mask is 16(255.255.0).
Host ID:
Network ID:
Total host: 65534

Class C with example:

Default subnet mask is 24(
Host ID:
Network ID:
Total host: 254

Question 6
Network Address:
A network address is an ip address without host address. In network address all hosts bits are
turned off. For example we have C class ip address here the network address is the zero is host bit which is turned off.

Broadcast Address:
An address that enables transmission to every node in a local network.
All zero/ones not assign to Ip address:
Because zero is reserve for host id and one is reserved for network id.

Question 7

Five Departments
Need Hosts = 50 each
Ip address provided =
Step 1:
Take 2 bits most left from host id from above address.
Step 2:
Using formula 2^6-2 >= 50
N= 6
After subnetting our ip address will become as two bits are added.
Our new ip addresses will become
As we need more hosts and here only three departments are getting hosts remaining are not
because class c have only one host id of 8 bit. We should do taking with class b.

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