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You can use this to follow along with the video conversation or to practice on your own.

- Alright, love and marriage, okay. Okay, so we're going to start this topic off very easily.

- Okay.

- You know, it's very easy. First question is--

- No.

- So you don't like romantic movies. Okay.

- I love romantic movies.

- Okay, what's the most romantic movie you've ever seen? Or at least one of your top.

- Okay.

- Aw man.

- You can say more than one, if you have more than one, it's fine.

- Oh, what's the title? It's a black and white movie.

- Black and white movie.

- Oh! Actually it's, I think it's a remake. No it's an original; Sleepless in Seattle was the remake of it, I think.

- Ooh, okay, the original of Sleepless in Seattle, okay.

- But the thing is, that movie has been made like three time.

- Okay.

- I'm talking about the original original, with the black and white.

- Okay, so we have to go on YouTube or Google and say the original original of Sleepless in Seattle.

- I believe it is Sleepless in Seattle but it was black and white, it's so nice. Another one is the Inn of the 6th Happiness.

- Oh wow, the Inn, like inn or end? Oh wow.


- It's a, I found it, I was flipping through channels one weekend when I was in college, it was on PBS.

- Yes.

- And I was like aw this, I just came up on it and I was like oh, this looks like a nice movie. I mean it's like two or three hours long.

- Yeah.

- But, I mean, let me just say I was crying the whole time, and the ending was like.

- It was beautiful?

- Yes, I'm like I need to get this DVD.

- I got a tear in my eye.

- It was really good and not a movie it was a book, but I think those two are the only ones that really stand out.

- Okay.

- I'm pretty sure there's other romantic movies that I like but I mean, if those are the two that really stand out, those were pretty good.

- Okay, okay, so for me, the most romantic movie I ever saw was The Notebook, have you seen that? The Notebook.

- You know what? I've only seen it in pieces.

- If you get an opportunity, it's, for me the reason why I liked it so much is because it seemed to show true love; the ups and the downs. Like, love is not supposed to be
something that's a bed of roses every single day, like that's not reality. But, even when she got sick, it was like he still loved her and just showing that love, even to death
do us part type thing, I'm not going to reveal the story but that part really made me really like the movie. It's was like he really, truly loved her so that part, yeah.

- A Walk to Remember is not bad.

- Oh my gosh.

- I mean.

- It's amazing!

- I do kind of like the book.

- Better than the movie?

- Better than the movie.

- It's always the case.

- But the movie it just.

- It's always the case.


- The movie is just.

- Yeah, heart strings. I still remember exactly where I was when I saw that movie the first time; A Walk to Remember. Yeah, Mandy Moore, I respected her a lot when I saw
her in that movie.

- Yeah, I thought...I was like oh it's a singer in a movie but then it's like oh.

- It's like oh my goodness, is that--

- It's so good.

- What's in my eye? I was tearing, like the movie was really good.

- It was really good.

- So, great movies, okay, good. All right, now now we're going to get a little bit more personal. Okay, well no, not to personal, not to personal, not just yet. How is showing
love different now from in the past? And I think this question is great because social media has added a brand new facet to relationships. Whether it be friendships or like,
marriage or boyfriend and girlfriend relationships. So, how is showing love different now from in the past?

- Past as in what?

- I'll say.

- Are you talking about our generation, our age?

- I'll say our age because I feel like even we can see the difference because--

- Yeah, we can.

- Even, let's say for example when we were, man, it wasn't even, I feel like in high school we still did that. I'll say middle school and high school, letters were still a thing.
We may not have sent letters a lot but I remember writing letters to my friends.

- Like slow mail.

- Yes, slow mail, like, I wrote letters but now we don't write letters any more so. Even if it's showing love to your friend or your boyfriend or whatever, we don't write letters
any more. So I'd say from when we were younger to now, how has showing love changed?

- Okay, my personal experience, my first boyfriend we met at work.

- Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

- So, there was no social, I don't think social media was--

- It wasn't that popular, yeah.

- I don't think there was Facebook or any of that.

- I don't think so either.


- That was.

- Facebook came out in, let's not lie. Let's not bring up numbers that we don't know or dates that we don't know. It just wasn't there.

- It wasn't there.

- When you were working, yeah, it wasn't there yet.

- So, it was all about actually physically being together, calling, texting wasn't big either. So, are we showing our age?

- I think the students that are watching this are realizing, wait a minute, they didn't have Facebook? No, we didn't, we didn't.

- So yeah, so that was like old school.

- Yeah.

- And then, comparing that to my more current, previous, recently, more how do I--

- Explain that one.

- Yeah, how do I explain that one. So that was old relationship, new relationship.

- New relationship, there we go.

- Okay, we met online. Not like on a dating site but actually on Facebook.

- Yeah.

- So that was all, and then Facebook messenger, you know, texting, that kind of thing, more digital technology thing. And it's like, that's totally different, than back then.

- Yeah.

- But it's also harder because that was more long distance relationship, as opposed to my past ones. We worked in the same place, lived in the same state. So, yeah it
changed a lot.

- Do you have a preference? Okay, what are the pros and cons of both? Because I feel like both have pros and cons, but I want you to say what your opinion is first, like,
what do you prefer or what are the pros and cons for both?

- Pros is your in the same state.

- Yeah, yeah.

- So when you plan, you can actually go through it because it's not like you have to travel 10 hours or whatever.

- Yeah.

- Hours to go see the other person. You can either go to their place or they can go to your place, or you can meet in the middle, that type of thing. Long distance. Long
distance. You're not in the same state. Seeing each other can take weeks or even months. Like the longest I didn't see him was eight months. But the beauty of it is you
kept in touch through technology.


- Yeah.

- You can FaceTime.

- Yeah.

- Messenger has the voice messenger thing and video option. Texting, that kind of thing so that kind of made it a little easier.

- Yeah.

- It wasn't easy, but it was easier.

- Easier.

- That's definitely pros and cons about that.

- Yeah I think you put them in, I mean, you summed it up really it's a weird thing because--

- Oh, can I add something else?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- I would say the commitment of both parties because, yeah it's easy if the other person's in the same state as you, but like, if you're in a long distance, it's hard if one
gives more effort than the other.

- Yeah.

- Because, it's like, you're putting, you know, you're kind of sacrificing a lot and then the other person is not doing or--

- Exactly, exactly.

- You know, being equal with that and it's like, so is there one person in this relationship, or two people?

- Exactly.

- That kind of thing.

- Man Ria, I feel like you've summed it up perfectly. It's kind of like, agh. So personally I think it's the same in the sense of you're able to stay in contact more because of
digital. Like digital, like Facebook or Instagram or whatever else people use when they're doing contacting now. So, I've been able to, I don't want to say rekindle
friendships or like hit up some of my friends that I hadn't talked to in a long time, because of social media or because of Facebook so. The friendship love was able to start
again because oh, we can get in contact, like we're in different states. I've never had a long distance relationship with a guy. Like I've never had like the boyfriend-
girlfriend relationship long distance, so I only have the, we're physically in the same spot and at the time when I was dating them, I didn't have to worry about social
media because we're in the same area. So I think what I have noticed though is, with social media the pro is again you can stay in contact a lot more. The con is you can
cover up your true feelings or emotions. Because no one can see your facial expressions. You can add an exclamation point when you're really like I really don't wanna see
you. Hey exclamation point.

- I totally agree with that because I remember the other party, when I was in the long distance relationship, I remember the other party would say they didn't like the text
messaging because the tone is not there.


- Yeah, so you don't what they're really feeling.

- Yeah, you can read the words and like okay, like you say, you can use the exclamation mark, but it's like, what are they really feeling.

- Exactly. And you know what's interesting, we never had that with letters. I don't know what, you don't have that if you write a letter.

- Look, when you read that letter--

- I feel it, I feel it. Yeah.

- They're mad at you.

- You can tell but it's like with, it's weird you can't do that with text messages and I mean it gets real confusing with text messages sometimes.

- I think it's because it's your own penmanship. And personally when you're mad or when you're feeling all sorts of things, it shows through your penmanship.

- You're thinking real fast, everything gets real scribbly. I told you not to do that last time.

- Exactly! And it's like if it's all love and stuff there's little hearts.

- Everything gets real nice and smooth, nice and slow.

- But text message is like.

- Yep, exactly. Now when you're mad in a text message it's like you say it real short and period.

- Not even that, like, okay. I remember, okay for me as a woman, I would write a whole paragraph and then the other person, the guy would be like k.

- I got mad for you. Just now, I just got mad for you. I just got mad for you Ria, I'm mad. She wrote a whole paragraph and you wrote a letter.

- And I look at it like, should I?

- Right?

- No.

- And then if you respond with another paragraph you seem crazy.

- So I'm like no, it's okay.

- But see if it was a conversation, while you're talking you could be hmm-mm. So you're getting some feedback a little, nope, wouldn't help, wouldn't help, just made it
worse? Just made it worse, just made it worse.

- Knowing the person, probably not.

- Okay, okay.

- It's probably like k. I hope this person never sees this video.


- I'm going to give guy, I mean, woo. Y'all are getting a whole lot of information but I remember a guy I dated when I was in college and again he wasn't a bad person, it
just wasn't meant for us to be in a relationship, so of course the relationship ended. But, when it ended, I was upset, it ended because I broke up with him but similar like,
I said a paragraph, well, times 10 in words though, like we were physically, like at that time again there was no Facebook, there was no, social media was not in existence
then. So you had to meet the person face to face but all that happened in that conversation or that argument or whatever, if it had happened via text message, it would've
went differently. And not necessarily better. Because you can't see any emotion. So like you're sayin, if I say all that I'm upset about and he responds k, as opposed to me
seeing him and him responding to my emotions, me showing, it does make a difference, it does make a difference.

- Piggy backing on that too, I'm very personal. I'm private.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- And it's also cultural I think. We, Asians in general don't like showing their emotions. Growing up, and this is not against my mom and dad, but we don't, we didn't talk
about our emotions.

- Yeah, I've heard that before yeah, yeah.

- So my older days, or as I got older I, it's still hard for me to express my feelings in ways, yeah it's easier but at the same time it's still hard. So whenever I'm, long distance
relationship where I, when I'm angry at the person, it helps me not being face to face with them.

- Ah, that makes sense.

- It kind of helps me or protects me from having to express myself which I--

- Don't like, it's uncomfortable.

- Still learning, how to do. Of course, you can't show that on text message or whatever.

- Exactly.

- Just write whatever.

- Yeah.

- Yeah, there's some kind of barrier or wall there. Kind of protects you and not necessarily helps you but.

- Protects you. It's, I mean, this question has led us into a different direction. It's very interesting though, I'm like this is, this is what happens in, English is what happens.
But it's very interesting that you bring that up because again when I was living in Korea, I learned that aspect of Korean culture, which like you said it's a part of Asian
culture because like you're Filipino-American and my friends were Korean and it's like oh! There's kind of a wall of protection, like you're trying to protect yourself but not
knowing necessarily how to express every aspect of themself and I feel like that's one aspect of English that it's kind of a part of American culture. But I mean there's so
many cultures in America like African-American, Filipino-American, Chinese-American, like there's so many different cultures within America. But one aspect of English in
and of itself is helping us communicate what we're feeling and it like, I feel like it makes it a little easier, because my friends that were Korean that spoke fluent English,
they said when they were with their either boyfriend or girlfriend they would argue in English as opposed to in Korean, because it was easier to express their emotion,
because in their own language, again, Korean being their first language, they said Tiff, we don't have the words to express it because it's so awkward for us to express. So
we switch to English and we just use those words. And they don't go deep like you're saying, but they said it's easier in English because it's not, it doesn't feel, it feels less
uncomfortable. It was weird but I understood what they were saying. So I know it's different because, you growing up here, like you're American. They're not American,
they just learned the language. Whereas you are American, like, you actually have a very good understanding of both cultures because your parents, like. So it's like you
have kind of the best of both worlds because you understand both so, yeah, it's very interesting. Very interesting. Well guys it's all about love. As you can see, as females,
we like to talk about love. We only got through two questions and it took 25 minutes, but um yep. I do have one more question I want us to look at though. Okay so we'll
do one more question. Now because neither or us are married, but we both have parents who are still married, so we've seen a successful marriage, the ups and downs.
So, I think we still can give a good opinion on this question. The question is what makes a happy marriage?


- Happy wife, happy life, just kidding.

- I agree, done, we're good. Happy wife, happy life. Now the funny thing is, that's actually something we say here a lot, but go ahead.

- Okay, my parents have been married for 40 years.

- Wow man, 40 years, yes!

- And I remember my dad started saying that maybe two or three years ago, happy wife, happy life. And I'm like, you're smart dad.

- Yeah, happy wife, happy life, everything is good.

- There's another one, there's another saying. It's another tag line from a show.

- About wives and husbands?

- Yeah. Oh, there's something else he says, but definitely ups and downs, watching my parents as they get older and through their marriage. But the thing that held them
together was, their faith and their commitment.

- Yeah.

- Yes, they can be angry at each other, especially my mom to my dad. And my dad you know, just takes it. Not in a bad way, like, he's not man enough, but I mean come on,
you've been married for x amount of years, if your wife is angry, what you gonna do?

- You not going nowhere. Just relax and let her get through it.

- Yeah, exactly. You learn that about your wife and it's like, what was the question?

- I could tell that she doesn't remember the question. But what you were saying was good so I didn't want to say anything, I said nope, she forgot. She forgot. Yep, it's okay
she's deviating. What makes a happy marriage?

- Yeah. But at the same time once my mom cools down, when mom cools down, you know they start talking again, and it's like wow, compromise.

- Yes, I was thinking the same thing; compromise.

- Commitment, compromise, happy wife, happy life.

- Yeah. Commitment, compromise, happy wife, happy life.

- And in my parents case, whatever my mom wants.

- Your dad does it yeah.

- Whatever my mom tells my dad to do and you know, look from outside looking in might think my dad's pathetic, he's not, he's smart.

- Yeah he knows his wife.

- He's a smart man.

- He makes his wife happy.


- He knows his wife. I mean he might do some talking underneath his breath type of thing whatever, but he'll go do it. And in the end it like.

- Happy home. Make your wife happy, you have a happy marriage. That's the first lesson, first lesson. The funny thing so in my situation, like with my parents, and again
you know them, they've been married for a long time as well, I think 44 or 45, no 46.

- Gotta be older.

- Yeah, because SaMonna's 40, SaMonna's my sister, so I think either 45 or 46 because they're coming up on their 50th, yeah in three or four years. So I'm like wow, you
guys have been married a long time. But same, so again like all jokes aside, it is true though, happy wife, happy life. But it's also in tune with compromise because I feel
again, from, as a female and watching my mom, and then I'm sure for you as well, watching your mom, your mom also does so many things for your dad. So it's not like
your mom gets like I'm in charge, you do whatever I say, it's more of your dad kind of recognizes what she's telling me is for my own good, let me just kind of follow her.
And I've seen that as well and so like with my parents I've seen, so compromise, and also recognizing that someone's going to have a bad day. And when they have a bad
day don't get hype, just kind of allow them to have their moment and then vice versa. Like, being understanding, like we're human beings and you don't know what's
going on at their job, when they come home they may talk to you about it, but it may be, there may be different facets of it, and that may cause the other person to
respond to you in a way that maybe unkind or may catch you off guard a little bit, but knowing that hey, this man loves me so his response to me at this time is really not
about me. Maybe something happened at work and vice versa, so I've watched that happen and again now that I'm a lot older, I'm able to understand it on different
levels. When things happen, I'm like oh wow. True love is really about understanding the other person and being patient with them and then when they come out of it
they're like hey, I apologize. I really, thank you for understanding. And then the other thing is laughter, like. I'm a happy person.

- You have to.

- You have to laugh.

- You have to.

- It has to be fun in your marriage.

- Even if the other person's not laughing, like, I know my mom is, not crazy.

- No she's not crazy.

- She's has her perks, actually both of them do. And my mom can just bust out laughing for no reason. My dad be like.

- What are you laughing at?

- Yeah, and you know at the same time vice versa. My dad could be laughing and my moms like.

- What are you laughing at?

- But, if you look at it, it's like, you need that.

- Yeah.

- Because marriage in itself, I mean, I see it with my sister in her marriage too, it's work.

- Yeah, yeah.

- And it's like if you're not, if both parties are not, any relationship, if both parties are not willing to put the work in

- Exactly. it ain't gonna work.


- Exactly.

- And so.

- That's true.

- Like for me, okay, just deviating a little bit. For my job, my job is very serious. And all, and you have to laugh or else, and that's a formal way of just relieving stress and
just, relieve something because if you always go to work and you're so serious all the time, that takes its toll.

- Yeah, that's true.

- So, you know, with marriage, you have to. A sense of humor, it's cliche but you have to have that.

- Exactly.

- You can't have, for me honestly, I'm sorry, I can't have a partner that's just.

- Yeah, I need you not to be boring.

- Like bruh, really?

- Can we laugh? No we not gonna do that? Okay, maybe we're not going to work, we're not gonna work. Maybe we need to, yeah.

- Laughter is good medicine.

- It's really good. It's so funny, students thought I was very serious. Like, I am serious, like when it comes to business I am very serious.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- But they had never seen the fun side of me, until I switched in like, you know on the YouTube channel showed myself or whatever and they're like oh, you're fun! I'm like
yeah, I enjoy laughing. I enjoy like, I'm a happy person, so it really makes life better.

- It does, it does, and it helps a situation too. Like if you're already stressed out, just laugh. Laughter is really good, it just helps you with whatever.

- Exactly, exactly.




1. “Ups and downs” [02:34]

• Meaning: Good and bad things that happen to someone or something during a period
• “There are many ups and downs in marriage."
• “We’ve had our ups and downs, but we are doing okay."
• “Every business has its ups and downs." 

2. “A bed of roses” [02:39]

• Meaning: An easy, comfortable situation
• “Did you think your new job was going to be a bed of roses?"
• “Who told you life would be a bed of roses?"
• “I always thought life was a bed of roses." 

3. “Facet” [03:52]
• Meaning: A particular aspect or feature of something
• “There’s always one facet of his golf game that isn’t working."
• “She has so many facets to her personality."
• “It addresses all facets of the business." 

4. “Sum it up” [08:17]

• Meaning: To give a brief and accurate summary, description, assessment, or representation of something
• “To sum it up, we need to reduce our expenses."
• “I feel like she summed up everything quite well."
• “I can sum it up in just three words." 

5. “Hit someone up” [09:29]

• Meaning: To contact someone
• “Hit me up later tonight."
• “I hit him up yesterday."
• “I’ll hit you up tomorrow." 

6. “Cover up something” [10:06]

• Meaning: To keep something unpleasant or illegal secret or hidden
• “He accused the police of covering up for each other."
• “They’re trying to cover up the truth."
• “What are you covering up?"  

7. “Make a difference” [13:26]

• Meaning: To have a significant effect on a person or situation
• “This law will make a difference in the lives of many people."
• “Your help made a big difference."
• “It made a difference to me."


8. “Piggyback on something” [13:32]

• Meaning: To attach to or carry on with something else
• “She piggybacked on what he said and added her own story."
• “I want to piggyback on what he just said."
• “It is okay to piggyback on what she said." 

9. “Deviate” [19:03]
• Meaning: Depart from an established course
• “Don’t deviate from your plan."
• “He rarely deviates from his usual routine."
• “The weather caused the plane to deviate from its course." 

10. “Compromise” [19:20]

• Meaning: To agree to give up something you want if the other side, which has different opinions from yours, gives up something it wants
• “Republicans were refusing to compromise on health-care legislation."
• “Husbands and wives have to compromise a lot."
• “Sometimes you need to compromise in order to move forward." 

11. “Pathetic” [19:42]

• Meaning: Causing feelings of sadness/sympathy; Or unsuccessful, useless, or worthless
• “I think it’s pathetic that only half of the eligible voters tend to vote."
• “That is a pathetic excuse."
• “His hitting was pretty pathetic." 

12. “Talk under your breath” [19:55]

• Meaning: To talk quietly so that nobody can hear you
• “They talked under their breath in the meeting."
• “The little boy was talking under his breath, so his mother told him to speak up."
• “The teacher encouraged her students to speak clearly and to never talk under their breath." 

13. “Relieve stress” [23:08]

• Meaning: To reduce stress
• “I read an article that taught different ways to relieve stress."
• “Do you know how to relieve stress?"
• “Music can help relieve stress." 

14. “Take its toll” [23:16]

• Meaning: Have an adverse effect, especially so as to cause damage, suffering, or death
• “Winter can take its toll on your health."
• “The stress has taken its toll on her."
• “The recession has taken a heavy toll on the economy." 

15. “Cliche” [23:26]

• Meaning: A phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought
• “I know it’s a cliche, but my wedding day was the best ever."
• “I’ve learned that the cliche about life not being fair is true."
• “I know it sounds cliche, but it’s true."



Talk about how love is displayed in the media | Media [00:00 - 03:41]

• Ria - Gives some example movies and some background information about them
• Tiffani - Gives her favorite movie and her reasons why
• Ria - Gives another example movie and her opinion
• Tiffani - Connects to Ria’s comment by talking about her personal experience seeing the movie Ria mentioned 
• Ria - Gives her opinion of the movie as well

Compare the way love is shown now versus in the past | Comparison [03:42 - 17:08]

• Tiffani - Gives some details to explain the question more

• Ria - Asks for clarification again
• Tiffani - Gives an example situation from the past to connect the question to Ria
• Ria - Gives her personal experiences in various relationships
• Tiffani - Asks Ria what her preference is
• Ria - Gives the pros and cons, an opposite situation, and some details
• Tiffani - Gives her personal experiences and her opinion
• Ria - Gives a personal experience
• Tiffani - Gives another example from the past that they both can relate to
• Ria - Gives her opinion and a personal experience
• Tiffani - Gives her personal experience and states her point again
• Ria - Gives more details about herself and her reasons for thinking the way she does
• Tiffani - Mentions her experience in Korea and connects it to Ria’s point

Give your opinion on how to have a happy marriage | Opinion [17:09 - 24:12]

• Tiffani - Gives reasons for asking the question first

• Ria - Gives her personal experience and her point. Then asks for the question again
• Tiffani - Restates the question
• Ria - Gives her opinion and lists 3 things. Then gives details and examples
• Tiffani - Talks about her parents experience, gives her point, and more details
• Ria - Gives another personal experience and connects the examples to her point
• Tiffani - Gives her personal experience




Use this basic formula so that you can also speak about this topic

M +
C +
Each part of this formula is connected to the conversation

• M = Media (Talk about how love and marriage are shown in the media)
• C = Comparison (Talk about how love and marriage are viewed now versus how they were viewed in the past)
• O = Opinion (Give your opinion on how to have a happy marriage)




Make separate video clips answering the questions listed below (Remember to select 3 of the other parts)

CLIP # 1
PART OF THE EQUATION M = Media (Talk about how love and marriage are shown in the media)

ANSWER THIS QUESTION “What is the most romantic movie you have ever seen?”

Three details

Personal experience
AND USE THEM ALONG Personal opinion
Other opinions

Three reasons

CLIP # 2
PART OF THE EQUATION C = Comparison (Talk about how love and marriage are viewed now versus how they were viewed in the past)

ANSWER THIS QUESTION “How is showing love different now from in the past?”

Three details

Personal experience
Personal opinion
Other opinions

Three reasons


CLIP # 3
PART OF THE EQUATION O = Opinion (Give your opinion on how to have a happy marriage)

ANSWER THIS QUESTION “What makes a happy marriage?”

Three details

Personal experience
AND USE THEM ALONG Personal opinion
Other opinions

Three reasons


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