Magic Faraway Tree 24

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They all sat down to think. Jo" looked up.

"I suppose it wouldn't be any

good rubbing the whizz-away ointment on to anything else?" he asked.
"Would it make anything but broomsticks fly away?"
"I shouldn't think so," said Moon-Face. "But we could try. What is
there to try on, though? We haven't a stick of any sort."
"No -but there's a table over there, and this bench," said Jo, getting
excited. "Couldn't we try on those? We could easily sit on them and fly
off, if only the magic would work."
"But it won't," said Silky. "I'm sure of that. It's only for broomsticks.
But try it, Jo."
Jo took off the lid of the jar again. He dabbed a finger into the pink
ointment and rubbed some all over the top of the wooden bench, which
was very, like a form at school. "Now for the table," said Jo. He turned
it upside down, thinking that it would be more comfortable to sit on
that way. They could hold the legs as they went!
He rubbed the ointment all over the underside of the table. As he was
doing this everyone heard the sound of horses' hoofs clip-clopping
outside. Silky ran to the window.
"It's the enchanter come back again -and he's got the Wizard Wily with
him!" she cried. "Oh, do be quick, Jo! They will be up here in a
"Moon-Face, Silky and Saucepan, you sit on the bench," said Jo. "You
girls and Dick and I will sit on the table. Hurry now!"
Everyone scrambled to take their seats. Silky was trembling with
excitement. She could hear the footsteps of the enchanter and the
wizard coming up the steps.
"Now, hold tight, in case we really do go off!" said Joe. "Ready,
everyone? Then WHIZZ-AWAY HOME!"
And, goodness gracious, the bench and the table began to move! Yes,
they really did! They moved slowly at first, for they were not used to
whizzing away-but as the children squealed and squeaked in surprise
and delight, the table rose up suddenly s to the window and tried to get
It stuck. It couldn't get through. "Oh, table, do your best!" cried Jo.
"The enchanter is nearly here!"
The table tipped itself up a little-and then it could just manage to
squeeze through the opening. The children each clung tightly to a leg,
afraid of being tipped off. Then at last the table was through the
window, and, sailing away upside down, its four legs in the air,
carrying the excited children safely, it whizzed off over the Land of
Jo looked back to see if the wooden bench was coming, too. It had had
to wait until the table was through the window. Just as it was about to
jerk upwards to the window, the enchanter and the Wizard Wily had
come rushing into the room. What would have happened if the old
Saucepan Man hadn't suddenly thrown & kettle at them, goodness
It was the kettle with Mr. Change-About in! The lid came off. Mr.
Change-About jumped out and turned himself almost into a giant! The
enchanter fell over him, and Mr. Change-About, not seeing who it was

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