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Present Simple (сегашно просто) Правило за поставяне на окончание -s/-es

(само при he/she/it)

Използва се за повтарящи се действия.
- в повечето случаи поставяме -s
Infinitive (-s)
take - takes
I play We play
make - makes
You play You play live - lives
He/She/It plays They play
*Infinitive - основната форма на глагола - поставяме -es, когато:
- думата завършва на о
Примери: go - goes
I play football. do - does
You play football.
He plays football. - думата завършва на s, x, z, ch, sh
She plays football. kiss - kisses
It plays football. punch - punches
wash - washes
We play football.
You play football. - правило за y > i
They play football. - когато пред y има съгласна буква, y > i +es
hurry - hurries
Отрицание: don’t/doesn’t + inf (без -s)
clarify - clarifies
Do you play football? - когато пред y има гласна буква, y си остава +s
- Yes, I do. play - plays
- No, I don’t. enjoy - enjoys

Does he/she/it play football? ! always, usually, sometimes, never, every day/week/month/year…
- Yes, she does.
- No, she doesn’t.
Present Continuous (сегашно продължително) Правило за поставяне на окончание -ing
Използва се за действия, извършвани в момента на говорене.
- в повечето случаи поставяме -ing
‘be’ + verb + ing read - reading
I am playing We are playing walk - walking
play - playing
You are playing You are playing
He/She/It is playing They are playing
- когато думата завършва на е, то изчезва
write - writing
smile - smiling
I am playing football.
You are playing football.
- когато думата е от 1 сричка, последната буква се удвоява
He is playing football.
sit - sitting
She is playing football.
put - putting
It is playing football.
stop - stopping
We are playing football.
! now, at the moment, today, this week/month/year…
You are playing football.
They are playing football.

Отрицание: ‘be’+ not + virb + ing

Are you playing football?
- Yes, I am.
- No, I am not.

Is he/she/it playing football?

- Yes, she is.
- No, she isn’t.
Past Simple (минало просто) Правило за поставяне на окончание -ed
(правилни глаголи)
Използва се за приключили минали действия.
‘be’ - am/is/are > was/were - в повечето случаи прибавяме -ed
verb + ed walk - walked
I was We were play - played
You were You were
He/She/It was They were - когато думата завършва на е, прибавяме -d
close - closed
Примери: phone - phoned
I was awake.
You were asleep. - когато думата завършва на у и пред нея има съгл. буква у>i +ed
I played football. study - studied
You played football. cry - cried
He played football.
She played football. Неправилните глаголи се учат от таблицата!
It played football.
We played football. ! yesterday, last week/month/year, two days ago, in January…
You played football.
They played football.
Отрицание: did not + inf

Did you play football?
- Yes, I did.
- No, I didn’t.
Did he/she/it play football?
- Yes, she did.
- No, she didn’t.
Future tense ‘be going to’ (бъдеще време) Telling the time
Използва се за планове, които ще се случат със сигурност.

be going to + infinitive
I am going to play We are going to play
You are going to play You are going to play
He/She/It is going to play They are going to play

I am going to play football.
You are going to play football.
He is going to play football.
She is going to play football.
It is going to play football.

We are going to play football.

You are going to play football.
They are going to play football.
Има 2 начина за казване на часа:
Отрицание: ‘be’+ not + going to + inf
1) Say the hour first and then the minutes. (Hour + Minutes)
 6:25 - It's six twenty-five
Are you going to play football?  8:05 - It's eight O-five (the O is said like the letter O)
- Yes, I am.  9:11 - It's nine eleven
- No, I am not.  2:34 - It's two thirty-four

Is he/she/it going to play football?

- Yes, she is.
- No, she isn’t.

! tomorrow, next week/month/year, this weekend…

2) Say the minutes first and then the hour.  (Minutes + PAST / TO + For 12:00 there are four expressions in English.
 twelve o'clock
For minutes 1-30 we use PAST after the minutes.  midday = noon
 midnight
For minutes 31-59 we use TO after the minutes.
 2:35 - It's twenty-five to three AM vs. PM
 11:20 - It's twenty past eleven
 4:18 - It's eighteen past four We use a.m. (am) for the morning and p.m. (pm) for the afternoon and night.
 8:51 - It's nine to nine 3am = Three o'clock in the morning.
 2:59 - It's one to three
3pm = Three o'clock in the afternoon.
When it is 15 minutes past the hour we normally say: (a) quarter past
 7:15 - It's (a) quarter past seven

When it is 15 minutes before the hour we normally say: a quarter to

 12:45 - It's (a) quarter to one

When it is 30 minutes past the hour we normally say: half past

 3:30 - It's half past three (but we can also say three-thirty)

We use o'clock when there are NO minutes.
 10:00 - It's ten o'clock
 5:00 - It's five o'clock
 1:00 - It's one o'clock

Sometimes it is written as 9 o'clock (the number + o'clock)


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