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com | the daily eastern news | thursday, APRIL 30, 2009 news 5
» Senate
f r o m pa g e 1
» Minor
f r o m pa g e 1
ical science.
The faculty is committed to
the program, Morales said.
The committee plants a tree every “They might try to get more
year. The proposal passed 24-0-1. men involved with (women’s
Student Senate also passed a pro- Creating a women’s studies studies), just because everyone
posal for 1,000 promotional pens for major is not in the near future. should be involved with it,” she
$965. This passed with a vote of 23- “You have to have a consistent said. “There’s more to women’s
1-0. number of faculty, and there’s studies than the women, which
While many students will be tak- just one,” Ludlow said. “I can’t many people don’t realize.”
ing off for the summer, Eric Wilber, do a whole major by myself. We The minor requires students
student executive vice president, will have faculty that teach courses, to take the introductory course
still make a few trips to Springfield to but they can’t do it consistently.” Women, Men and Culture, as
push for the Renewable Energy Cen- She said it is getting easier to well as Feminist Theory.
ter in front of a committee in the change this, because the universi- Students also choose from
House of Representatives. ty is hiring more faculty who are nine electives about women or
The Student Senate passed a pro- interested in women’s studies. gender.
posal 23-0-1 to refund the cost of his The only thing the universi- The program also requires an
trips to Springfield for $167. ty would need to have a major is internship, which a student may
Student Body President Levi Bulgar gives his State of the University
more introductory courses, Lud- take an additional elective in its
address at Wednesday night’s Student Senate meeting in the Arcola/
KayleighZyskowskicanbereachedat low said. place.
Tuscola room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.
581-7942 or at “If we developed a major, Morales took courses in Eng-
we wouldn’t develop one until lish, art, journalism, history and
we could offer students the best political science as her electives.

» Swine flu
f r o m pa g e 1
36. Four were male and four female,
with officials not giving the gender of
one Chicago case.
the rest of the week.
The Chicago school was shuttered
for at least two days and the district
opportunities of work and schol-
arships,” Ludlow said. “We
would want it to be top-notch
“This minor is great because
it is interdisciplinary,” Morales
said. “So you are exposed not
In an effort to try to stop the virus monitored attendance at all its other before we propose it.” only to different fields, but also
from spreading, three schools in Chi- schools. She said when the program is different faculty and even differ-
All of Illinois’ probable cases are cago and the suburbs that each had Chicago officials also have asked ready to propose a major, there ent areas on campus, and your
in Chicago and its suburbs, with likely cases of swine flu closed. students at Joyce Kilmer Elementa- would be widespread support. experience is really well devel-
five in Chicago, two in Kane Coun- Chicago officials shut down a ry School not to take part in citywide Currently faculty in the pro- oped.”
ty and single cases in both Lake and North Side elementary school on school activities for a short period of gram comes from many differ-
DuPage counties. The youngest per- Wednesday and a Kane County mid- time because a 12-year-old girl there ent departments, including Eng- Jennifer Brown can be reached at
son sickened is age 6 and the oldest is dle and high school closed down for has a probable case of swine flu. lish, history, sociology and polit- 581-7942 or at

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