Answer The Following Questions

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Name: Kenrick E.

Bajao Date: September 6, 2020

Answer the following questions:

1. Discuss what happens when healthcare professionals or students try to use research without
understanding what it is and the language.

If a healthcare professional doesn’t have enough knowledge in doing research, it would

lead to error in giving treatment for patients, causing misleading of informations and even
death. As a healthcare professional, we should do deep research and do critical thinking. Plan
the best treatment/interventions to patient and have thorough study of our research to avoid
problems in the future.

2. Why is this important to you as a healthcare provider?

As a healthcare provider and a student nurse, research is important because it helps us to

stay updated and offer the best treatment for our client/patient. Research is essential to find
out which treatments work better for patients. It can provide important information about
disease trends and risk factors, outcomes of treatment or public health interventions and plays
an important role in discovering new treatments, making sure that we use existing treatments in
the best possible ways.

3. How does this relate to patient outcome or patient satisfaction or healthcare provider

Research improves patient outcome. If we as healthcare providers can give the best
treatment/interventions to our patients, then our patient can absolutely have a positive effect in
their health outcomes. It would contribute to a more positive patient recovery experience and
can improve their physical and mental quality of life.

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