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carne Poropring eny par fbi peiatin a Coventry Carol ‘Taditional Arranged by Jonathan Rathbone Andante d-8) Acro Ls Be sly hal = Ie, thou Mt ~ te try child Tully Il = la, thou lit ~ te tiny chil, By by kl Tal massa lal-ly hil - a, le - tle try child, slay thou it = He tony lay thou ‘Ut ~ tle tinny fay thou lit ~ de teny child, By by i - yl bay a _ Paar ne rar x . & = Stel ees o> ee ieee : aoe . aay g poor Young-ling for whom we do ing By bylol = ty l= ly Bleion Peters No, 77004 ae Uw Hien Bn, Pe in Li, London 63 G2) Sf marcato 2.Hle - rod the king Char-ged he hath this day; His f mareato 2He - rede king in his rag Ing Charged he hath this day? His f marcato n hath thd day; His ‘2He = rod the king S marcato os m This raging his ring Charged he- hath this day; 2.He- rod the king F marcato hisrag-ing his raging Char-ged—he— af cree peas man Es ree All young chil slay. nf crese. his own alght Ai young chil - if ers. he avn ge young. hl - dn af re. nl ‘All young— chil ~ might in hls—own— sight, ead ee a in. Wo own— sight All young— chil .- drento sly. P doloe child for thee, for Eq poor child for thee, mom—— and day 64 * or afew voices 3.That woe is Thy part ing neither say nor sing———— BY, ll = by y Yu pp distant 7 s Lally “ial pp distant a Lally Il Wt = te G-ny pp distant Lal-ly ial = lt = te tony zp distant B ‘ Lal-ly el = I, thou it = teeny By by wt - y we s A T 8 sly how t= We my id, By by ial - ly hed 65

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