Total (50 Marks) : Practical Phonetics in Class Test 02-05-19 Answer ALL Questions

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Practical Phonetics In class Test 02-05-19

Answer ALL questions

1. Listen and transcribe the sounds and words you hear in the numbers: 20; 21;
22; 23; 25; 26; 32; 36; 39 and 44 on Sound File 01. [30 marks]

2. Define Practical phonetics. [2 marks]

3. After graduating, which fields can a practical phonetics graduate join?[4 marks]
4. Draw a diagram showing any four organs of speech and state 2 sounds
produced with the help of each organ identified.
[8 marks]
5. Outline any two parameters used to differentiate vowels. [2 marks]
6. Differentiate phonetic from phonemic transcription. [2 marks]
7. Highlight any two weaknesses of orthography which can be overcome by
transcription. [2 marks]

Total [50 marks]

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