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,tAHARSIII l) \ Y.\_"U.N I) Iii\ I\ l':R.'i,ITY ROI\ I .


Press 'fol<'

ll ,, uont,�d for lhL mrormanon <>I �11 coace,ned thdt LhL as per l!Gl 81,uc
(JO\I guidd""'' the Unrvcrsrry "gomg to conJud Lh, c�ammdt1on, ol T,'rmm.11
'-,·mc,Ler vc ar m the monll, ol ::icpteml->er. 2020 llue to Lhc suustion &"e,l out
ul (.()\ ID-19. kccpmg m '"'" the �at',,t} coL1ccrn. the ex.rmmauon- >'111 he
,ornluued m Ual1Le .�s \Hll d> offlme ([Xn &. pap.:,, e physica!IJ app,,&mg 1!
tne ( cmrc j Modes \ll the students ol lcrmm,il Scmc-acr year drL mdudato,,I�

re�u11cd lu fill ,111 Onhrc ',,1,rvn l,,r cxcrcrslng Lheir opuon for ,ho,mg \fodc <>I
J,xamm,1110111 c llnl,ne or olll111L.' lpen & paper Jc ph\S1ldll) r,ppea,mg .tl the
( Lnlr.). I he Opl1<•n of fillm� ol choice , e Onlmc or Oftlme mode will ,L.trl
trnm 25 08 J(Pll ,md du',(' on 2'1 I)� 2020 l11e d10,,c once ¢,eru,,J ,'111 Jlr>l C.,

,IMHc-d altered di dll' 51,gc therclorc the vtuth.nts �re ,1d\lscd to t,1ke rnlcu,r
cn.c \Sh1le lillmg Th�ir OpL10ll lo ,,p,;,rnlloJL horn th.. HOD> !'nn,1pdh m tl1is

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uller)f I \am,.
Endst No A( -L2020 C}3J - )S- Dated 2--1 08 2020

l\>p) ol lh, above "l"' ""rded ro th, lo!lowing tor nuormeuon dnd
nece-',tr) ,,CIJ011

Duector f'llhhc Rel allrnh M D. U rm '""'!) . Rohtak ,v, lh 'he '<'que,1 to

g1· e ,t v.h1e ruhhut,• by g:ellrn� 1l published 111 Lh, leading n,v.,rap,;,rs
DircltN C ompurcr ( entn,. ).1 ll l Jnl\ trS!l\ , R,�htdk "i!h the 1�4,ie,1 to
.urJugc to II', th, On[JIJ<, ",uru, at Uni,e"ll) "cb51te dnd also uplo,K,
the l'ress not,'
; � I:::;Rvht;:,'.rYf / '10,"
P A to l or {lor \ mformJLwr. ot the ( OF)

lor Centro I lec ol I>.amm.it10ns

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