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Ans –
 Mayank have to introduce himself as new sales representative of Aurora Cosmetivs in polite
manner with atmost consern to Jabby.

 He have to introduce the newest cosmetic products currently available in the market to be sold
to Soleil, about it’s quality measures and also why also this product outmatches the other
products in terms of price also includes market.

 He have to obtain a deal of RS 30000 worth products with Jabby.

 He have to explain to Jabby about gift is worth only when the last product is sold which is a
huge risk for larger deal as RS 50000 from Soleil.

 Also he have to explain about the carry cost which will include, where it has to be reduced
from discount to get the original discount as margin discount is important as he will be in
trouble if there is large quantity products and sold less products as profit for him will be
obtained as diff between revenue obtained and the sale price of the products Soleil purchased.

 He have to make Jabby understand about the taxes he has to pay for free products along with
other products , so more products more taxes to be paid.

 Mayank will provide an option 80 day credit to Soleil company along dealing quotaton with


Ans –
 The role of personnel selling for this product in plastic industry is immense.
 They should have good expertise knowledge about the product while introducing or
communicating about product with the customer.
 The people who do personnel selling are the ones who create a direct relationship
between customer and the company.
 They should understand about what is the actual problem of the company regarding
sales and variations.
 They should make the communications between factors such as company to
company, market etc in very easy manner.
 They should possess good communication skills to communicate effectively and
convincing ability to replace steel pipes with plastic pipes.
 They should be able to explain the entire aspects regarding the product including its
life cycle, the issues with regard to its security, cost saving, ease of installation etc. in
clear and convincing manner.
 They need to promote their product through their attitude, appearance and their
specialist knowledge on the product.
 They should inform and encourage the customer to buy the product, or at least
willing to have a trial on the product.
 For the business, it act as an effective promotion tool for increasing the sales,
flexible tool as per requirement of customer, minimize wastage of efforts, attract
customers and help to build lasting relationship with customers.
 For the customer, they can help in identifying their needs and wants, providing
expert advice before making a purchase, induce customers by having latest market
 Personal selling ensures uniformity in consumption by selling standardized products.

Ans –
Irrespective of the industry, every product requires promotion in order to create awareness
among the customers/consumers. Promotion can be done through advertising, direct selling,
sponsorship, social media.

With regards the case, the Plastic Industries can do the following –

 Advertising – The company can make use of industry related magazines or trade
magazines, daily newspapers to promote their products. Trade magazines, daily
newspapers are widely read by industrialists and through such ads they can promote
their product.
 Sales Promotion – Whenever a new product is made, the manufacturer always sends
samples to their customers. Through such samples they get to know what the
consumers liked and disliked about the product. Accordingly, they can make changes
to their final product. Here the Plastic company after making a new pipe, can send a
sample to their customers to promote their product and get honest feedback.

 Wide Publicity – In the case study, it can be seen that the pipes manufactured by the
companies do not have a good image among the consumers. Companies have to start
working on the publicity of their product. They should work on a plan which will
create a positive image among the consumers. Companies can exhibit their product
through campaigns or they can sponsor many campaigns so that customers get to
know what the company or what the product is.

 Public Relations – PR campaigns can create brand awareness and reputation. Public
Relations are more powerful than advertisement as it focuses more on building a good
image while advertisement focuses on promoting the product more. It is not necessary
that every consumer should believe what the advertisement shows but promotion done
through PR campaigns are more credible.


Ans –

Yes, the company should go after home construction market because Galloway believed that
this market was very large that means the quality and image and usage of plastic lines are
increasing at least five times as large as the present market and also there is very huge market
for plastic pipe in home construction industry.

Ans - Yes, the job of sales person will slightly change. The company was based
primarily on their business in the oil industries. The pattern of the customer's dealing
will change if they make a business expansion in the home construction field. Now the
sales people should concentrate on officers, bundlers and channel partners. They have
to work with people who have not been sound in the technical sense. Work load will
rise due to more calls a day and the organization will have to hire more employees.
Sales individual should go to their clients and find out what they like and dislike and
give the company the feedback.

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