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Western Mindanao State University

College Of Teacher Education

The Professional Teacher (PED 100)

TOPIC: The Professional Teacher

Activity 1

Read the following instances when word “professional” is used. Add some more instances and
explain what the word “professional” means in each case.

1. One night, cellphones were stolen right from your home while you were asleep. There
was no indication of forced entry, so you claimed that the manner by which your
cellphone was stolen was highly professional.
In this case, the thief is expert and knows well what he’s doing without anyone
noticing. For instance, when he entered the house no one noticed him because he is
adept and well trained in stealing.

2. Father tells floor tile setter whom he asked to work on a newly constructed bathroom.
“Gusto ko yun gawang propesyonal, malinis at maganda.”
In this case, the floor tile setter should do his job to make this newly constructed
bathroom very clean and neat because it his job because the father expected him
expert in this job. For instance, doing his job as a floor tile setter he should give his
100% best to achieve the expectation of his client.

3. She is highly professional in her ways. She deals with everyone including her daughter-
employee professionally.
In this case, she is doing her job. She’s not biased even though her daughter is an
employee too. For instance, she’s not treating her daughter different from others.

4. “How unprofessional of her to act that way. Teacher pa naman din.”

In this case, the teacher is not doing her job as a professional teacher. She is untrained
and unskilled to do her job as a teacher. She need to study more about being a
professional teacher. For instance, she need to know how professional teacher should
act and the characteristic of being a professional teacher.

5. Medical doctors, lawyers, education consultants are entitled to professional fees (PF) for
expert services rendered.
In this case, those who were mention are entitled to professional fees, because, they
are skilled specialist who concentrates their energies on their specific field. They are a
professional personnel.

6. After his oath taking as a professional teacher, he was congratulated and was told “now
you are truly a professional.”
In this case, he was known for being a professional teacher, because, he reached the
standard of being a professional teacher. He was able to do his job as a professional
teacher. For instance, he never treats those slow learners different from those
average and fast learner. He treated his students fairly.
For Instructional Purposes only
The Professional Teacher
Western Mindanao State University
College Of Teacher Education
The Professional Teacher (PED 100)
Activity 2

1. What are the qualities of a teacher? Read the Poem “Mountain” Let us use the metaphor
of the mountain and the teacher, to identify the Salient qualities of a teacher. (Personal
and Attitudes)
Activity 3

1. Differentiate a teacher from a Professional Teacher.

(Use the Activity #7 in the Activity Sheets for PED 100 uploaded at the google classroom)

The professional

Teacher Professional Teacher

Typically have their Typically have their

Bachelor’s Degree doctorate level education

Teaches in primary and Teaches in University and

secondary level College

Moderate to medium High Salaries and Benefits

Less amount required to Significant amount necessary

be a teacher to be a teacher
Activity 4
1. By way of an acrostic, explain the elements of a profession.
P Possesses a specialized body of knowledge and skills
O Objective needs of the client and independent of the particular sentiments
that the professional may have about the client.
F Full-time occupation that comprises his principal source of income
S Strong motivation or calling as a basis for his choice of a professional career
and his assumed to have a stable lifetime commitment to that career.
S Service-orientation, which mean he uses his expertise on behalf of the
particular needs of his clients
I It has great power and status in the area of expertise, but their knowledge is
assumed to be specific.
N Not allowed to advertise or seek clients. Clients are expected to initiate the
contact and then accept the advice and service recommended, without
appeal to outside authority.

For Instructional Purposes only
The Professional Teacher

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