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THE SHAPE OF THE PROJECT -What parameters are we working within?

Our Climate Actions are usually very localised. The seeds we plant, the seasonal patterns,
the plants we grow, the plants which grow wild, what we eat and the way we eat all
depend on our locality. The Global framing of this project alongside the locality of our
climate actions will need to be balanced. As Emily and Lachlan put it- we will offer the
pattern and it will be the role of the educator or carer to provide the detail.
The international nature of the project somewhat answers the question of detail. Perhaps
we need to look back at observations of the seasonal nature of many action details? For
some actions we have to provide a broader pattern and less detail. Can this vary? Perhaps
we can have more detail in some cards than others? The use of lenses to filter and examine
and tweak actions could include a lens along the lines of - International accessibility

At the time of COVID 19 pandemic supplies are uncertain, seed saving could be our future,
our whole culture may be much changed. This presents huge unknown boundaries with
regards to activities.

The size of the cards will also determine the detail of the climate actions - do we have web
links or further information sources to further detail info for those interested or is a set
boundary? How much detail can we include? How much of a pattern are we providing? 

The funding criteria

How much time and money do we have?

We build a timeline from pattern to detail which emerges as funding does. The processes of
research, design development and full completion and implementation of design are seen
as separate segments. Chris has created a pattern of working hrs and estimated the
financial resources needed to fund those working hrs. Clear boundaries are presenting

How to maintain cohesion of design given geographical distance of designers and varying
styles of design? What is our process? We can look to create systems to aid in fluidity of
design process. This will be a decision making process allocated to the design development
process in which we design a few cards initially.

Do we need a website? A guidebook? Which format it best?  So Far it was loosely decided
that website links will be provided with further detail available. Is this funded separately?
I have proposed as detailed in my evaluation section of design write up that we draw
evaluative design tools from permaculture practice to reach these decisions.  

Language - American English or UK English. addressing variations in literacy. This was

discussed and seemingly making a language choice and standardising language is agreed
upon.  The use of images and minimising need for txt to convey actions

We need to design in ways that make the activities accessible based on various - ages,
cultures, incomes, access to nature, skills,  physical abilities, cultural differences, one to one,
Our use of lenses to filter and analyse activities as we work on the content and overall
design helps to define and work within the boundaries of our lenses - more information on
our lens development in the evaluation section. 
Receiving guidance from experts such as Lusi and also from people who represent our
varied audience - Feedback through research will be crucial in identifying if we have
successfully worked within the boundary of being accessible in the wide sense we hope to

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