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Problem 1

A car and its suspension system, idealized as a damped spring-mass system, is s how n in
the figure below. Ass um e that the c ar drives at speed v over a road with sinusoidal
roughness. The roughness wavelength is 10 m, and its amplitude is 20 cm.

a) As s ume that the c ar has the natural frequency o f 0.5 Hz and damping ratio of 0.2. At
what speed does the maximum amplitude of vibration occur, and what is the
corresponding vibration amplitude? For simplicity, assum e that the largest response
occurs at the vehicles natural frequency.

b) The suspension system s ho w n i n t h e f i gu r e should be designed according to the following

specifications: W h e n d r i v i n g o n t h e roadway described a bo v e , the amplitude of
vibration shall not exceed 35 cm at any speed. At 90 km/t, the amplitude of vibration must
be less than 10 cm. The car weighs 1300 kg. Select values for the spring stiffness and the
damping coefficient, i.e. choose system properties (eigen-frequency and damping ratio)
different than in a), so that the given requirements on the vibration limitations are met. The
displacement transmissibility diagram presented below may be useful in that respect.

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