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TAN, Darra Tessa Mae V.

Anthropology 1 - TFI
2019-45067 Prof. Reynaldo Imperial

Assignment #2: Topic for Ethnography Paper

A. Topic:
The escalation of consumer behavior in online transactions such as shopping, selling,
buying and banking during the pandemic and its effects to consumers.

B. Purpose:
The main goal of this ethnography paper is to describe the rationale of consumer behavior
among millennials and gen-z population. It would also seeks to study the marketing strategies of
e-commerce online sites with the use of digital experience and how it affects each individual.

C. Thesis Statement:
The digital experience of online retailing, shopping and finances has become an easy and
convenient tool for transacting your daily consumer activities as well as affecting the rise consumer
behavior amidst the pandemic.

D. Guide Questions:
 What motivates consumers to patronize online transactions? Do we have any
change of behavior/s as compared to in-person transactions?
 How do e-commerce sites use their digital platform to make consumers engage in
online transactions
 Will offline to online shopping go back to normal after COVID-19, or is this really
the new normal?

E. Methodology:
This ethnography paper will apply a qualitative descriptive approach that will generate
content analysis from focus group, interviews, experimentation and surveys that would document
observations and data about the topic. The data will be gathered through mixed method based on
the participant’s consent and availability to partake in the study. After consent forms has been
signed, experiments and questionnaires will be utilized to gather data. Interviews and experiments
will be held via video meeting platforms due to the pandemic situation. After gathering of data,
content data analysis with framework analysis will be used to categorize, summarize the

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