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As for Volume 1, the nomenclature used in Volume 2 is based on the rec-

ommendations of the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry) for the system of units utilized (Sl) as well as for their symbols.
The reference is entitled,
“Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry”
prepared by I. Mills, T. CvitaS et al., edited by Blackwell Scientific
Publications, Oxford, UK, 1993.
Any deviations result from a deliberate choice, either to conform to cur-
rent usage in the profession, o r t o avoid ambiguity in the interpretation of
In addition to fundamental units from the SI system, i.e. m, kg, s, mol, K,
A and cd, multiples and sub-multiples of these units as well as derived or
combined units are also used and are indicated in the list below by paren-


activity -
equation of state parameter m6.@ar)/rno12
interfacial area per unit of volume rn2/rn3

interfacial area rn2

flow rate of solute A (liquid-liquid extraction) kg/s, mol/s
pre-exponential factor s-’/m3

ai,j binary parameter of interaction between com-

ponents (UNIQUAC model) K
binary parameter of interaction between
groups (UNIFAC model) K
flow rate of diluent B (liquid-liquid extraction) kg/s, mol/s
adsorption coefficient (variable)
equation of state parameter (covolume) m3/mol
residual amount in the drum (batch distilla-
tion) mol
c translation parameter m3/m01
CP molar heat capacity at constant pressure J/(mol.K)
C concentration kg/m3, mol/m3
Q reduced concentration (Chapter 3) -
C flow rate of feed C (liquid-liquid extraction) kg/s, mol/s
c i ,j binary parameter (NRTLmodel) J/mol
D diffusion coefficient m2/s
D distillate flow rate mol/s
d thickness, diameter, diagonal length, charac-
teristic dimension, etc. m
D amount distilled (batch distillation) mol
e extract flow rate, excluding solvent (liquid-
liquid extraction) kg/s, mol/s
E extract flow rate (liquid-liquid extraction) kg/s, mol/s
E efficiency in number of stages -
E tension gradient (Chapter 5) V/m
local efficiency -
EM Murphree efficiency -
E activation energy J/mol
f fugacity (bar)
F feed flow rate mol/s
F Helmholtz free energy (Chapter 10) J
F filterability (Chapter 8) m2/s
F driving force (Chapter 12) (variable)
g acceleration of gravity 9.81 m/s2
k? Gibbs molar free energy J/mol
G Gibbs free energy J
c gas flow rate mol/s
Gi,j binary parameter (NRTLmodel) -
h molar enthalpy J/mol

x heat film transfer coefficient W/(m2.K)

H enthalpy J
h height m
H, HTU height of transfer unit m
J diffusion flow moI/(m2.s)
xij Henry’s constant of solute i in solvent j mar>
k rate constant (variable)
k, k’ mass film transfer constant m/s, mol/(m2.s)
ki,j binary interaction parameter (in equations of
K K value (equilibrium) -
x, K overall transfer coefficient m/s, mol/(m2.s)
L liquid flow rate mol/s
L length m
1; combined parameter (UNIQUAC and UNIFAC
rn equation of state parameter (Soave law)
m partition coefficient (liquid-liquid extraction) -
rn, M mass kg
M molar mass kg/mol
M,,,M,,M2 equation of state parameters (Soave law) -
amount of matter mol
matter flow moI/(m%), mol/(m3.s)
mass flow mol/s
Avogadro number 6.023 x mol-’
number of stages, number of components -
number of groups (ASOG and UNIFAC models)
Nusselt number
number of transfer units
vapor pressure
Poynting correction
permeability (of a membrane)
Peclet number
amount adsorbed kg/kg, mol/kg, mol/m3
volume flow rate m3/s
heat flow rate W

ordinate at the origin (variable)

surface parameter of component i (UNIQUAC
and UNIFAC models)
surface parameter of group k (UNIQUAC and
UNIFAC models)
reflux flow rate (Chapter 5)
reflux ratio
reaction rate
volume parameter of component i (UNIQUAC
and UNIFAC models)
equation of state parameters
raffinate flow rate, excluding solvent (liquid-
liquid extraction) kg/s, mol/s
R, r radius m
R residue flow rate mol/s
R retention mol
R raffinate flow rate (liquid-liquid extraction) kg/s, mol/s
R ideal gas constant = = 8.31 J/(molK)
Rk volume parameter of group k (UNIQUAC and
UNIFAC models)
Re Reynolds number
S reboil ratio -
S entropy J/K
S area m2
S draw off flow rate mol/s, (m3/h)
S stripping coefficient -
S solubility coefficient (Chapter 12) mol/(m3.Pa)
sc Schmidt number -
Sh Sherwood number
ShO infinite dilution Sherwood number
T second solvent flow rate (liquid-liquid
extraction) kg/s, mol/s
T absolute temperature K
t step -
tD response delay S
t time S

equation of state parameter

internal molar energy
velocity, superficial velocity
internal energy (Chapter 10)
equation of state characteristic function
control variable
molar volume
vapor flow rate
settling velocity
partial molar volume
diffusion volume
equation of state parameter
mass, volume fraction
energy flow rate (power)
adsorbed volume (Chapter 10)
adsorbent micropore volume
mole (or mass) fraction, usually liquid
reduced mass fraction (liquid-liquid extraction) -
mole fraction of group k (ASOG and UNIFAC
models) -
mole (or mass) fraction, usually vapor -
reduced mass fraction (liquid-liquid extraction) -
height m
mole (or mass) fraction, mixture, feed, etc. -
coordination degree (UNIQUAC and UNIFAC
models) -
compressibility factor -

Greek letters

a equation of state parameter

a separation factor, selectivity
a relative volatility
a macroporosity
aj,i binary parameter (NRTL model)
P affinity coefficient (Chapter 10)
Y activity coefficient
rk activity coefficient of group k (ASOG and
UNIFAC models) -
6 solubility parameter (J/m3)'/*
6 film thickness m
Ah: enthalpy of vaporization of component i J/mol
E bed void fraction -
E adsorption potential J/mol
rl yield -
0 temperature (Celsius) ("C)
0 contact time S

0 contact angle (degree)

0 porosity, void fraction -
0 convergence parameter (Holland method,
Chapter 4)
0i surface fraction of component i (UNIQUAC
and UNIFAC models)
0 coverage ratio (Chapter 10)
@k surface fraction of group k (UNIFAC model)
K Boltzman constant
3\. thermal conductivity
A equation of state parameter
A extraction factor, absorption factor -
CI chemical potential J/mol
CI dynamic (or absolute) viscosity Pa.s
V kinematic viscosity m2/s
"k,i number of k groups in the molecule of com-
ponent i (ASOG and UNIFAC models)
n spreading pressure
P density
P recovery ratio (liquid-liquid extraction)

cross-section (pore) m2
collision diameter (4
surface tension N/m
tortuosity (of a pore) -
induction period S

passage time (Chapter 10) S

binary parameter (NRTL and UNIQUAC models) -

PID control parameter
derived time constant
integral time constant
interaction parameter between groups k and 1
(UNIFAC model)
association parameter
vaporization ratio (of the feed)
fugacity coefficient
number of phases (variance)
intrinsic filterability (Chapter 8)
volume fraction
acentric factor
weighting factor (Boston method, Chapter 4)
collision integral
equation of state parameters


ideal state, standard state R “raffinate” phase

relative to the stripping zone S relative to the solid phase
(Chapter 4) V vapor phase
C relative to crystallites 0 at saturation
(Chapter 10)
* pure substance (reference state)
E excess quantity
* at equilibrium
E “extract” phase
00, 0 at infinite dilution

g relative to grains (Chapter 10)

+ over a temperature mentioned
L liquid phase (for example 375°C’ or 375’)
M mixture factor 15 at 15°C


A relative to component A min minimum

B relative to component B max maximum
BP break point (Chapter lo) N, N - 1, N + 1 relative to tray or stage

b at boiling point N , ' N - 1, N + 1

C critical P relative to tray p
C relative to crystals P at constant pressure
C relative to the condenser r reduced
d distributed (Chapter 4) R relative to the raffinate (liquid-
D relative to the distillate liquid extraction)
e at inlet, effective R relative to the residue
e eutectic R relative to the reboiler
E heating (Chapter 5) S at outlet
E relative to the extract S cooling (Chapter 5)
f at freezing point s relative to the solvent
f relative to the filtrate S relative to surface conditions
F relative to the fluid T at constant temperature
F relative to the feed T relative to theoretical stages
g relative to the grain z axial (Chapter 10)
i at the interface
1 relative to phase 1, to compound
U relative to a component i,j 1
k iteration number 2 relative to phase 2, compound 2
k,1 relative to a group (UNIFAC 4 water at 4°C
K Knudsen (diffusion)
+ over, for a hydrocarbon chain
(for example C,, means all hydro-
m molar carbons comprising 5 carbon
m relative to stage m (m = 1, n ) atoms or more)

Graphic Symbols
Even though French standards for graphic symbols representing equipment (E04202 (1
to 5) and E 04-203 (1 to 5)) are complete and recent, they do not correspond to habitual
practice in the petroleum industry. We have adopted a code here that is generally accep
ted in oil industry professions, simplifying it however to accommodate the needs of this
volume. We have followed the ANSl/lSA S5.1 standard for control and regulation instru-
ments. which seems to be the unanimous choice.

D<I Packing bed I Demisters

Tray zone

Gravity Plugging resistent

distributor gravity distributor

Spray ramp

H otgpl
r Liquid collector

9 Centrifugal pump
-$- or -(@- Exchanger

Liquid ring pump

Kettle type
Reciprocating pump reboiler

9 Fan, blower A U
Air-cooled exchanger

U Compressor (all types)

(-) Drum
Heating exchanger,

Cooling exchanger,
Q Drum with boot

0 Column

Furnace, still
T**’ 2

or 3 letters (see “Identification of

instruments” below)

Flow element
+I + (flow rate measurement)
9 Stream number n

n Storage

Gate valve
(all types)
Temperature indication
(“C, except if otherwise stated)

Pressure indication
(bar rel. unless otherwise stated)
Control valve

Flow rate indication (m3/h)

Ya- Motor-operated
valve 9 (unless otherwise stated)

Equipment Instrument
identification identification

F Furnace, still P Pressure

H Boiler T Temperature
D Smokestack R Recorder (2nd letter)
N Cooling tower I Indicator (2nd letter)
R Reactor C Regulator-controler
C Column L Level
E Exchanger F Flow rate
A Aircooled exchanger A Analyzer
B Drum D Differential
P Pump V Valve (3rd letter)
K Compressor H Manual
S Filter E Primary element (2nd letter)
J Ejector S Safety (2nd letter)
T Storage tank T Transmitter (2nd letter)
M Mixer

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