Zeinab Samad

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Zeinab Samad

Section A
Name Story
September 17, 2020

Zeinab is my first name. It is an Arabic female name which means fragrant flower, brave,
generous, adornment of father, and refers to a woman who never gives up through problems,
and fights strongly. It was also the name of Prophet Mohammad (AS) and Imam Ali (AS)’s
daughters. My parents named me it in order to I became their proud and honor. Thus, I always
attempts to keep features of the real Zeinab through being an adorable girl who always help
people and fights against difficulties. I think I have been successful somedeal due to everyone
can feel comfortable with me, or they can surely count on me.
Hosseini is my last name which means beauty, wellness and pious. It comes from my
grandfather’s name, Ahmad Hossein. In fact, it has been a constant last name for my whole
family, because we are grandchildren of Imam Hossein and Hosseini Sadat, for more than 1000
It could be memorable which some of my teachers call me wrongly Marziya or Raziya. I don’t
know the exact reason of it, but I think these names may match me as my real name. According
this issue my friends also call me like them when they want to kid with me. Although I like these
names and respect to my teachers’ imagination, but I prefer to be called with my own name,
Zeinab. Another issue with my name is that have different type of spelling among people; for
instance, Zeinab, Zainab, Zaynab, Zeynab, and so on. Whereas, it has made some problems for
my certificates and academic evidences; I am still writing it in my own way, Zeinab, until people
get used to writing it as the same type.
According to some researches of psychologists, people have a good feeing about my name;
especially they are really into Zeinabs’ clement smiles. In addition, they describe people who
own this name with two words balance and power, and say that we are natural born peace
maker and spiritual idealest. It means that when they hear the name Zeinab; they perceive
someone who is sympathetic, compassionate, optimist, cheerful, charismatic and generous.
They tent to distinguish us by our interest to religion, philosophe and literature.
Therefore, all things I mentioned above, I love my name and think it is more precious than a
word just is used for identifying; it is like an especial property for me who no one can steal it. As
final word, I am so grateful of my parents for this thoughtful and nice naming.

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