Proposal Word

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Emmy Kaza


Capstone Program


For my senior Capstone project, as of right now, I intend to design and create a fashion

collection. The essential questions I’m setting out to answer are: What is the fashion design

process? How will I express myself artistically through the collection? And what is the process

from start to finish of creating designer and/or high fashion garments? Some references that will

be helpful to me on the artistic and design side will be The Design Process, by Karl Aspelund,

Netflix’s Abstract: the Art of Design. Blogs and fashion magazines like Harper's Bazaar, or

Vogue will be helpful for me to use to draw inspiration from as well as stay updated on trends in

the industry. The project will also have the element of physical construction which will be a lot

more technical. For this some references I can use sewing classes, Youtube tutorials, and sewing

help from family and friends.

This project is meaningful and important to me because I’ve always loved fashion and I

want to be able to express myself creatively through it by creating and executing my own

designs. I think the best way to learn something that’s based in art, creativity, and design, is to

actually do it. Also, for me personally, it’s important to me that I pursue this project, because

unlike many of my other classes, this is something that I am genuinely interested in and

passionate about. I think a lot of the time creative interests get pushed to the side as “hobbies” or

electives to make room for the mandatory math, science, history, etc. I’ve often felt like I’ve had

to choose schoolwork over art projects, like sewing, so with this project I’m excited that I get to

pursue fashion for school. In general, fashion is important because what we wear each day sends
a message to everyone who sees us. Even if we don’t want to, or the message is essentially

neutral, our clothes still give people an initial statement when they look at us. The industry of

high fashion is also important in our society. Although the average person does not wear Haute

Couture or designer clothes every day, these collections set the trends that trickle down into

mainstream brands. There are also a lot of problems with the industry from carbon footprints to

unethicality. It’s important for me to execute my project while trying to be completely ethical

and as environmentally conscious as possible.

I can already tell right now that bringing my collection into existence will be a lot of

work, but I believe it’ll be doable if I can remain excited and passionate about it. Right now, I

can see some rough stages of the process emerging. First, I’ll have the brainstorming and

inspiration finding stage where I will learn about the design process and go through it myself. In

this stage, I’ll find my concept for the collection. To illustrate my inspiration and concept, I’ll

create a moodboard that represents my theme for the collection. To develop my concept, I will

need to do research on aspects of it as well. At the same time, I think it will be necessary for me

to enhance my technical sewing skills through tutorials and potentially classes. Next, I’ll begin

designing the collection. This will include multiple drawings of each look on fashion figures

with flats of each garment, and fabric swatches. From these designs, I will create sewing

patterns. The last stage will be sewing all of the garments.

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