Disorders of The Digestive System

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Disorders of the Digestive System

Disorder Description (e.g. Definition/Symptoms) Cause How Is It Diagnosed (e.g.

Technology Used)

Peptic Ulcer Stomach pain, bloating, nausea, loss of tissues have inflamed due to a An Endoscope is used, the
appetite are symptoms. Peptic Ulcers sore in lack of protective mucus. endoscope is a small tube shaped
the lining of the stomach or duodenum where Unprotected tissue is in pain camera with a light that is inserted
HCl and Pepsin are present. when it comes into contact with into the stomach through the
gastric juices, the lack of mucus mouth.
is caused when bacteria
attaches itself to the stomach
lining and prevents that area
from producing protective

IBD: Crohn’s Disease Inflammation of the intestines. Children with Cause Unknown, contributing Use of an endoscope inserted
Crohn’s do not grow properly during puberty, factors include Age, Ethnicity, through the mouth
they are frailer and have weak development of Heredity, Smoking, Environment
bones and muscles.

IBD: Ulcerative Inflammation of the intestines. Loose and Cause Unknown, contributing A long, tube shaped camera and
Colitis bloody stool, cramps, stomach pain. factors include Age, Ethnicity, light inserted through the anus to
Heredity, Smoking, Environment assess the rectum and large

Constipation Reduced Bowel Movements, dry/small stool, Low water intake and lack of There are multiple ways of
stool is difficult to eliminate. nerve/muscle function in the diagnosing constipation, a blood
bowels. Unhealthy diet and lack test and a colonoscopy are some.
of activity can cause

Hepatitis (A, B, and Inflammation of the liver Caused by viruses that can be Blood tests
C) transferred sexually or through
infected blood or contaminated

Cirrhosis Scar tissues replace healthy liver tissue Scar tissues interfere with the Blood tests can detect early stages
liver’s function, this tissue is of cirrhosis
often caused by chronic
alcoholism and Hepatitis C

Gall Stones Hard masses in the Gall Bladder, created from Obesity, Alcoholism, and Gall stones are found through
cholesterol in bile crystalizing. heredity can cause gall stones. ultrasounds

Diabetes (1, 2, and


Disorders of the Circulatory System

Disorder Description (e.g. Definition/Symptoms) Cause How Is It Diagnosed (e.g.

Technology Used)

Arteriosclerosis Conditions where the walls of the arteries Plaque, (fat, calcium, and Ultrasound
become thick and lose elasticity. Increased tissues) builds up in the walls of
Blood pressure. Can lead to chest pain, blood the artery.
clots, shortness of breath, heart attacks, heart

Aneurysm A bulge in an artery due to a weakened wall. Genetic issues, medical issues, MRI Scan
Pressure makes it grow, until it eventually and injuries can weaken artery
explodes and leads to internal bleeding. walls which can lead to

Heart Valve Disease Valves allow backflow (regurgitation), or they Age, damage from infections or Echocardiograms and
could get damaged and not allow blood to flow heart attack, and tissue Electrocardiograms
properly (stenosis) disorders.

Arrhythmia Problem with speed or rhythm of heartbeats. Heart attacks, Scar tissue, High Electrocardiogram
Irregular heart rate can lead to insufficient blood pressure
blood flow to the brain or organs.

Congenital Heart A defect in the heart from birth, that affects the Errors such as leaking valves Stethoscope hearing the leaking of
Defects valves or walls of the heart, and the structure of present from birth a valve during heartbeats
blood vessels near the heart

Ischemic Stroke Damage to arteries leading to the brain, leading Ischemic strokes are caused by Symptoms of stroke are loss of
to the brain being deprived of oxygen and a blood clot which blocks an control over one half of the body,
nutrients which kills brain tissue artery slurred speech, loss of balance,

Hemorrhagic Stroke ^^ Blood vessel in the brain bursts ^^

and blood flows into surrounding
brain tissue

Hemophilia Insufficient clotting proteins which means that Hereditary trait Screenings, clotting factor tests
an affected person bleeds for a long time and
could die from internal bleeding

Leukemia Cancer of white blood cells, presence of too When DNA of white blood cells Blood Test
many immature white blood cells, which causes takes damage
anemia and fatigue

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