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Agrani Bank Limited

Balance Sheet
As at 31 December 2014 to 2018
Cash in hand (including foreign currencies) 4,239,014,134
Balances with Bangladesh Bank and its agent bank(s) (including foreign currencies) 25,962,188,412

Balances with other Banks and Financial Institutions
In Bangladesh 13,041,158,402
Outside Bangladesh 2,334,709,196
Money at call and short notice 5,030,000,000
Government 129,583,903,447
Others 22,695,851,464
Loans and advances
Loans, Cash Credits, Overdraft etc. 229,629,301,856

Bills purchased and discounted 5,456,412,341


Fixed assets including land, building, furniture and fixtures 15,447,261,727

Other assets 41,456,028,892
Non-banking Assets: 0
TOTAL ASSETS 494,875,829,871


Borrowing from other banks, financial institutions and agents 8,899,305,153
Deposits and other accounts
Current deposits & other accounts etc. 38,314,408,111
Bills payable 5,053,940,551
Savings bank deposits 105,079,112,225
Fixed deposits 235,474,489,764
Other liabilities 62,482,960,876
Subordinated debt 8,899,305,153

TOTAL LIABILITIES 455,304,216,680

Paid up share capital 20,722,940,400
Statutory reserve 5,859,381,981
General reserve 5,000,000
Asset revaluation reserve 11,070,315,483
Risk Fund 0

Revaluation & amortization reserve 2,026,328,697

Retained surplus/(deficit) -117,353,370


2015 2016 2017 2018
Taka Taka Taka Taka

4,055,674,293 3,853,518,982 3,788,497,676 3,893,319,059

29,681,859,684 31,959,467,633 34,652,319,908 33,221,880,221

33,737,533,977 35,812,986,615 38,440,817,584 37,115,199,280

17,985,710,914 25,823,211,481 73,143,717,356 119,099,906,202

2,937,587,896 1,923,948,561 4,652,098,874 6,543,775,383
20,923,298,810 27,747,160,042 77,795,816,230 125,643,681,585
1,592,226,706 890,000,000 2,700,000,000 690,000,000

180,993,848,737 202,475,934,897 145,624,641,722 98,746,591,974

24,703,637,122 25,059,196,982 25,251,481,872 60,483,650,937
205,697,485,859 227,535,131,879 170,876,123,594 159,230,242,911

240,103,222,675 262,204,703,659 316,452,828,680 393,223,434,542

4,698,610,463 3,666,419,228 2,665,769,733 2,529,594,949

244,801,833,138 265,871,122,887 319,118,598,413 395,753,029,491

15,949,477,952 15,779,340,372 15,560,736,445 14,783,579,480

42,646,889,330 49,928,037,150 49,417,524,622 55,524,785,411
2,711,516 3,689,917 12,501,960 412,754,628
565,351,457,288 623,567,468,862 673,922,118,848 789,153,272,786

8,828,178,168 4,426,571,018 13,871,567,614 23,529,390,694

96,906,448,874 107,751,562,753 120,065,565,376 157,080,929,433

4,842,152,720 6,353,439,053 5,591,284,631 8,875,779,435
117,162,981,049 143,023,197,295 161,043,260,016 177,292,217,218
221,063,894,776 236,921,852,842 243,649,631,815 278,678,304,586
71,871,946,420 88,514,001,686 88,966,229,283 102,110,537,215
8,828,178,168 4,426,571,018 13,871,567,614 23,529,390,694

520,675,602,007 586,990,624,647 633,187,538,735 747,567,158,581

20,722,940,400 20,722,940,400 20,722,940,400 20,722,940,400

5,859,381,981 5,859,381,981 7,795,486,660 8,496,114,213
536,512,399 576,983,145 537,060,150 537,060,150
11,070,315,483 11,006,638,965 10,992,091,716 10,977,175,227
0 0 60,000,000 80,000,000

5,553,129,909 4,280,530,068 1,659,102,598 1,455,903,925

933,575,109 -5,869,630,344 -1,032,101,411 -683,079,710
44,675,855,281 36,576,844,215 40,734,580,113 41,586,114,205

565,351,457,288 623,567,468,862 673,922,118,848 789,153,272,786

Agrani Bank Limited
Profit & Loss Account
As at 31 December 2014 to 2018

Operating income
Interest income
Interest paid on deposits and borrowings etc.

Net interest income

Investment income
Commission, exchange and brokerage
Other operating income

Total operating income

Operating expenses

Salaries and allowances

Rent, taxes, insurance, etc.
Legal expenses
Postage, stamp, telecommunication, etc.
Stationery, printing, advertisements, etc.
Chief Executive’s salary and allowances
Directors' fees
Auditors' fees
Depreciation and repair of bank's assets
Other expenses
Total operating expenses
Profit/(Loss) before amortization, provision & tax
Amortization of valuation adjustment
Profit/(Loss) before provision & tax

Provision for loans and advances

Provision for off balance sheet exposure
Provision for diminution in the value of Investment
Provision for employees benefits
Other provision
Total provision (D)
Profit before taxes
Provision for taxation (F)
Current tax
Deferred tax

Net profit after taxation

Add: Retained surplus (Opening Balance)
Add: Transfer from provision
Add: Prior year adjustment

Statutory reserve

Bonus share issue

Retained surplus/(deficit)
Earnings Per Share (EPS)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Taka Taka Taka Taka Taka

23,394,829,516 23,635,351,099 21,446,185,391 22,530,542,343 32,315,200,802

22,208,967,988 -22,942,803,142 -20,619,597,687 -18,183,216,942 -23,394,032,321
1,185,861,528 692,547,957 826,587,704 4,347,325,401 8,921,168,481

13,011,071,419 14,952,372,541 15,611,826,132 14,689,209,079 12,030,572,753

4,338,569,554 3,255,413,507 3,089,128,312 3,395,581,119 2,532,705,162
964,082,497 1,015,271,792 1,268,892,284 1,097,744,530 1,345,905,044
18,313,723,470 19,223,057,840 19,969,846,728 19,182,534,728 15,909,182,959

19,499,584,998 19,915,605,797 20,796,434,432 23,529,860,129 24,830,351,440

6,164,550,821 6,952,667,148 10,065,083,886 10,741,234,028 11,122,888,134

760,934,961 852,121,308 1,059,119,002 897,670,632 1,116,319,894
21,253,674 24,588,226 37,122,036 26,738,416 29,850,288
157,940,761 249,328,769 346,820,326 420,293,635 260,104,708
249,651,204 280,203,490 206,984,501 165,432,752 182,345,360
5,700,000 5,700,000 5,328,226 5,643,033 6,312,500
3,021,250 3,513,105 3,633,284 5,687,365 6,507,639
3,633,750 3,636,000 4,613,500 3,636,000 4,040,000
969,891,827 919,679,290 1,323,897,628 1,475,315,709
677,762,323 1,799,215,750 2,597,235,097 1,809,542,130 2,304,928,738
8,044,448,744 11,140,865,623 15,245,619,148 15,399,775,619 16,508,612,970
11,455,136,254 8,774,740,174 5,550,815,284 8,130,084,510 8,321,738,470
1,329,500,000 1,329,500,000 1,329,500,000 1,330,381,639 0
10,125,636,254 7,445,240,174 4,221,315,284 6,799,702,871 8,321,738,470

4,090,211,487 5,557,860,137 8,165,683,497 -5,041,987,720 1,287,192,231

0 0 0 394,354,459 0
0 0 0 -712,171,701 0
0 0 0 1,360,000,000 1,060,000,000
3,614,952,314 2,486,269,846 3,566,121,442 1,118,984,436 2,471,408,474
7,705,163,801 8,044,129,983 11,731,804,939 -2,880,820,526 4,818,600,705
3,749,972,453 730,610,191 -6,180,989,655 11,010,905,036 3,503,137,765

126,000,000 131,000,000 2,322,989,078 2,682,800,000 3,260,640,205

-407,293,396 -1,382,950,456 -2,863,371,879 238,433,187 -793,049,225
-281,293,396 -1,251,950,456 -540,382,801 2,921,233,187 2,467,590,980
1,986,144,764 653,060,647 -6,970,106,854 6,759,290,210 1,035,546,785
-2,249,303,875 280,514,462 1,100,476,510 -5,869,630,344 -1,032,101,411
377,081,599 0 0 0
109,694,416 0 0 14,343,402 14,102,469
-1,762,527,860 933,575,109 -5,869,630,344 904,003,268 17,547,843

340,970,274 0 0 1,936,104,679 700,627,553

0 0 0 0 0
340,970,274 1,936,104,679 700,627,553
681,940,548 933,575,109 -5,869,630,344 4,790,556,028 1,432,905,418
9.58 3.15 -33.63 32.62 5
Agrani Bank Limited
Cash Flow Statement
As at 31 December 2014 to 2018
2014 2015
Taka Taka
A) Cash flows from operating activities
Interest receipts in cash 31,790,665,091 38,560,775,867
Interest payments -22,973,638,098 -22,144,251,883
Dividend receipts in cash 2,523,752,013 1,325,381,025
Recoveries of loan previously written-off 155,607,055 1,583,380,297
Fees and commission receipts in cash 1,914,467,628 224,276,097
Income taxes paid 0 0
Cash payments to employees -6,170,250,821 -6,458,367,148
Cash payments to suppliers -373,152,847 -191,432,785
Receipts from other operating activities 944,812,437 1,029,098,108

Payments for other operating activities -1,941,437,834 -2,320,420,070

5,870,824,624 11,608,439,508
Operating profit before changes in operating assets and liabilitie
(Increase)/decrease in operating assets
Treasury Bills -7,518,255,528 -47,506,535,234
Treasury & Other Bond (HFT) 779,781,923 -1,012,874,025
Fund advanced to customers -32,120,326,059 -9,716,118,941
Other assets -5,161,722,116 -2,578,712,013
-44,020,521,780 -60,814,240,213
Increase/(decrease) in operating liabilities
Deposits from other banks
Deposits from customers 35,246,783,057 56,053,526,768
Other liabilities 947,200,950 3,045,373,917
36,193,984,007 59,098,900,685
Net cash from operating activities (A) -1,955,713,149 9,893,099,980
B) Cash flows from investing activities
Treasury & Other Bond (HTM) -759,050,426 -5,174,515,746
Debenture 11,156,533 90,000,000
Sale/(Purchase) of securities -566,818,191 201,614,342
Purchase of properties, plant & equipment 150,000,000 -964,208,089
Proceeds from sale of properties, plant & equipment 4,994,353,232 0
Net cash used in investing activities (B) 3,829,641,148 -5,847,109,493
C) Cash flows from financing activities
Receipt/(Payment) of long term borrowings 6,159,630,363 -5,091,511,299

Receipt/(Payment) from other borrowings -669,441,756 5,020,384,314

Receipt from issue of ordinary share (Right Share 0 -5,000,000

Net cash from financing activities (C) 5,490,188,607 -76,126,985

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) 7,364,116,606 3,969,863,502

Effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalent 2,406,191,894 1,682,981,797
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 40,845,879,794 50,616,188,294
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 50,616,188,294 56,269,033,593
2016 2017 2018
Taka Taka Taka

37,361,935,871 31,269,380,579 41,859,030,577

-21,552,627,608 -19,150,356,469 -22,591,649,675
743,679,150 476,040,559 508,897,133
1,628,744,144 1,647,566,374 2,069,734,797
119,915,337 902,969,108 778,235,486
0 -2,187,959,214 -2,466,725,871
-10,070,589,018 -10,746,877,061 -11,128,703,493
-197,963,497 -882,206,547 -294,613,551
1,265,432,685 1,096,233,080 1,342,961,892
-2,385,531,752 -6,413,029,042 -2,876,859,866

6,912,995,312 -3,988,238,633 7,200,307,429

-41,430,351,136 49,484,012,299 16,369,615,420

-1,987,643,692 -53,247,475,526 0
-9,069,289,749 0 -73,895,274,987
-5,621,705,842 1,921,509,314 -1,090,321,174
-58,108,990,419 0 0

-1,582,983,071 2,463,473,164
57,074,574,524 37,882,672,966 89,114,015,670
1,651,204,174 1,657,745,468 -1,576,223,833
58,725,778,698 36,115,481,450 31,385,284,260
7,529,783,591 32,127,242,817 38,585,591,689

3,116,783,922 0 0
2 0 0
808,960,138 1,264,749,882,015 -962,171,570,564
-353,329,003 -1,253,088,108,923 -216,140,860
0 -327,944,283 958,111,006,613
3,572,415,059 11,333,828,809 -4,276,704,811
-865,635,056 6,000,000,000 1,000,000,000

-3,535,972,094 3,444,996,596 8,657,823,080

0 0 0

-4,401,607,150 9,444,996,596 9,657,823,080

6,700,591,500 52,906,068,222 43,966,709,958

1,489,308,264 1,580,712,935 548,329,493
56,269,033,593 64,458,933,357 118,945,714,514
64,458,933,357 118,945,714,514 163,460,753,965

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