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Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware

Field Instructions

September 19, 2012

Document Revision I
© 2012 by NovaTech, LLC
Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware

NovaTech, LLC
13555 West 107th Street
Lenexa, KS 66215
(913) 451-1880

© Copyright 2001, 2012 by NovaTech, LLC

All Rights Reserved


This manual contains information that is correct to the best of NovaTech's knowledge. It is intended to
be a guide and should be used as such. It should not be considered a sole source of technical
instruction, replacing good technical judgment, since all possible situations cannot be anticipated. If there
is any question as to the installation, configuration, or use of this product, contact NovaTech, LLC at
(913) 451-1880.

To ensure that the equipment described in this User Manual, as well as all equipment connected to and
used with it, operates in a satisfactory and safe manner, all applicable local and national codes that apply
to installing and operating the equipment must be followed. Since these codes can vary geographically
and can change with time, it is the user's responsibility to determine which codes and standards apply,
and to comply with them.

Failure to comply with applicable codes and standards can result in damage to this
equipment, damage to connected devices, and/or serious injury to personnel.

All links to external websites have been verified as correct and appropriate at the time of the publication
of this document. However, these links and websites, being outside of NovaTech LLC’s control, are
subject to change and may no longer be correct. In this case, please contact:

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
Styles and Symbols

In this document, fonts, text styles and symbols are used to distinguish standard text from keyboard input,
program text, GUI messages, and hyperlinks as follows. Warnings and safety notices are indicated with
ANSI symbols.

Displayed text or symbol Description

This is normal text. Standard text
See OrionLX Setup Hyperlink to text in same document Hyperlink to website
See OrionLX User Manual Document name
Minimum value Menu item or text displayed by software
Name of the data point Text to be entered in input field or window
Save GUI button to be clicked
if frequency < 60.0 then Program code
<Enter>, <Ctrl>+<G>, <G> Key to be pressed
This yellow triangle indicates a warning
that must be observed by the users in
order to avoid possible equipment damage
or personal injury.
This yellow triangle indicates an electrical

Electrostatic sensitive device requires

proper handling and grounding procedures
to avoid equipment damage.
DANGER indicates a hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.
WARNING indicates a hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may result in minor
or moderate injury.

Note that depending on the Windows® display settings on the computer running NCD, some of the
screen shot details may appear different than shown in this manual. The screen shots in this manual have
been taken using the setting “Windows Classic” which is available on Windows XP®, Windows Vista®
and Windows 7®.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware

Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 6 

Preparation .................................................................................................................................................. 7 
1.  Required Tools and Supplies ....................................................................................................... 7 
2.  Computer Connection and Interfaces .......................................................................................... 7 
3.  DDIO/DCIO Preparation ................................................................................................................. 8 
4.  DDIO/DCIO Ethernet Throttling ................................................................................................... 13 

Perform the Update ................................................................................................................................... 15 

5.  Update 4MB File System ............................................................................................................. 15 
a.  Determine if the update is necessary ................................................................................ 15 
b.  Perform the 4MB File System Update ............................................................................... 17 
6.  Update Core Modules .................................................................................................................. 18 
a.  Determine if the update is necessary ................................................................................ 18 
b.  Perform the Core Modules Update .................................................................................... 20 
c.  Verify the Update ................................................................................................................. 22 

Return the DDIO to Service ...................................................................................................................... 25 

7.  Reload the Configuration ............................................................................................................ 25 
8.  Power Down the DDIO/DCIO ....................................................................................................... 26 
9.  Restore the DIP Switch Settings ................................................................................................ 26 
10.  Return the DDIO/DCIO to Service ............................................................................................... 26 

Appendix A – Crossover Ethernet Setup and Connection ................................................................... 27 

1.  Configure the PC .......................................................................................................................... 27 
2.  Configure the DDIO/DCIO ............................................................................................................ 30 

Appendix B – Additional References ...................................................................................................... 33 

List of Figures

Figure 1: DIP Switch Settings .................................................................................................................... 8 

Figure 2: Access DDIO / DCIO Webpage .................................................................................................. 8 
Figure 3: Authentication Required ............................................................................................................ 8 
Figure 4: Overview for DDIO Screen ......................................................................................................... 9 
Figure 5: System Tab .................................................................................................................................. 9 
Figure 6: Configuration Backup .............................................................................................................. 10 
Figure 7: User Page .................................................................................................................................. 11 
Figure 8: Edit Root User ........................................................................................................................... 12 
Figure 9: DDIO Login ................................................................................................................................ 13 
Figure 10: Ethernet Throttling Parameters ............................................................................................. 14 
Figure 11: MMI Main Menu ....................................................................................................................... 15 
Figure 12: MMI System Menu ................................................................................................................... 15 
Figure 13: sdtcp Version Information ..................................................................................................... 16 
Figure 14: File Upload to DDIO ................................................................................................................ 17 

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
Figure 15: MMI Main Menu ....................................................................................................................... 18 
Figure 16: MMI System Menu ................................................................................................................... 18 
Figure 17: Core Module Version Information ......................................................................................... 19 
Figure 18: File Upload to DDIO/DCIO ...................................................................................................... 20 
Figure 19: File Upload to DDIO/DCIO ...................................................................................................... 21 
Figure 20: MMI Main Menu ....................................................................................................................... 22 
Figure 21: MMI System Menu ................................................................................................................... 23 
Figure 22: Core Module Version Information ......................................................................................... 23 
Figure 23: Reload Configuration File ...................................................................................................... 25 
Figure 24: Network Properties ................................................................................................................. 27 
Figure 25: Network Properties ................................................................................................................. 28 
Figure 26: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) ...................................................................................................... 28 
Figure 27: Set IP Address/Subnet Mask/Default Gateway .................................................................... 29 
Figure 28: DDIO MMI Login ...................................................................................................................... 30 
Figure 29: DDIO MMI Main Menu ............................................................................................................. 31 
Figure 30: DDIO MMI View/Change Network Configuration ................................................................. 31 
Figure 31: DDIO/DCIO MMI Save Changes ............................................................................................. 32 

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
The Distributed Discrete Input/Output (DDIO) / Digital Combination Input/Output (DCIO) firmware can be
upgraded in the field using a web browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox. NovaTech provides the
respective firmware file(s) through its support website ( If desired,
the required file(s) can be provided on a CD. This document explains the steps involved in loading new
firmware to the DDIO/DCIO.

Although the screen images presented in this document represent a DDIO configuration, the DCIO
screen images are identical to those for the DDIO. If a DCIO is being updated, the headings and menu
titles will indicate DCIO rather than DDIO. Otherwise, the update process is exactly the same for both

Note: If the files listed below are not available, do not proceed with this update! Contact NovaTech
Technical Support in order to obtain the correct files. After the correct files have been received,
the DDIO/DCIO update process can be started.

The files necessary for this update are:


Depending on the current firmware of the DDIO/DCIO, not all files may be necessary for the update.
However, all of the files should be accessible in the event that they are needed for the update.

The firmware is updated using the DDIO/DCIO’s webpage. To perform this update in an effective and
timely manner, the operator should have a working knowledge of computer browser operation and a
familiarity with standard computer ports. In addition, the operator must have physical access to the
DDIO/DCIO, and have the root user password to the DDIO/DCIO.

The update process requires one of the following browsers. Any browser not listed here has either not
been tested, or does not support the update process.

ƒ Internet Explorer 6.0

ƒ Internet Explorer 7.0
ƒ Firefox 3.5 or later

The DDIO/DCIO update procedure typically takes about half an hour to complete. While the update
procedure should not affect connected devices and can be performed on an installed unit, NovaTech
recommends all ports of the unit be disconnected during the update.

Review the entire procedure before beginning the update. Further, all listed steps must be followed in the
order they are presented in this manual. If the procedure is not performed in the correct order, it will
result in a failed update and/or an unusable unit.

Note: Losing power during an update could require a full system restoration of the DDIO/DCIO. If
continuous power during the update cannot be ensured, an uninterruptable power supply should
be used to power the DDIO/DCIO during the update. If power is lost during the update, repower
the DDIO/DCIO and evaluate the reboot. If the unit comes back up, restart this procedure. If the
unit does not come back up, contact NovaTech and request the System Reinstallation for
DDIO/DCIO Field Instructions and the associated files.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
1. Required Tools and Supplies
a. Computer with the following programs and connections:
ƒ DB9 serial port 1 .
ƒ Ethernet port.
ƒ NovaTech Communication Director (NCD), or terminal program such as HyperTerminal or
Throughout this manual, it is assumed that NCD is used as the terminal program. If
another terminal program is used, substitute the instructions accordingly.
ƒ Internet browser (Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, or Firefox 3.5 or later).

b. Ethernet cable (standard or crossover) 2 .

c. DB9 crossover serial or Null Modem cable which was shipped with the DDIO/DCIO.

d. Power connection for DDIO/DCIO.

e. Thin stylus or screwdriver to reset DDIO/DCIO and change DIP settings.

2. Computer Connection and Interfaces

Step 1: Connect the DB9 crossover cable to DDIO/DCIO Port 1 (the MMI port) and to the appropriate
serial port on the computer.

Step 2: Open NCD and create an online serial connection to the DDIO/DCIO with 19200 baud, 8 bits, 1
stop bit, no parity, and no flow control.

Refer to NovaTech’s NCD User Manual or OrionLX User Manual for instruction on how to set
up a connection. If an alternate terminal program is being used, consult the appropriate
documentation for further details on setting up a connection.

Step 3: Establish an Ethernet connection.

ƒ If the DDIO/DCIO is connected to a LAN that the PC is connected to, connect the computer
to the LAN using a standard Ethernet cable.
ƒ If the DDIO/DCIO is connected directly to the PC, attach the crossover Ethernet cable
between the ENET port on the DDIO/DCIO and the appropriate port on the computer. See
Appendix I for information on setting up a crossover connection.

Step 4: Open an Internet browser window.

If the computer does not have a DB9 serial port, an adapter can be used to create one (USB, DB25,
Ethernet). Note, however, that these adapters sometimes cause unexpected results and/or require
configuration. Refer to the adapter’s manufacturer to ensure that the adapter can support communication
with no flow control.
Use a crossover cable if the DDIO/DCIO is directly connected to the PC. If both the DDIO/DCIO and PC
can connect to a LAN, use a standard Ethernet cable. If the PC can handle both connection types, both
types of Ethernet cables work.
It is assumed that the LAN the PC is connected to is running DHCP and will assign an appropriate IP
address to the PC, or that the PC is pre-programmed with a compatible static IP address. If this is not the
case, contact a Network Administrator for further assistance.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
3. DDIO/DCIO Preparation
Step 1: Remove power from the DDIO/DCIO.

Step 2: Record the current DIP switch settings for later restoration, then set DIP switches S2-7 and
S2-8 up and all others down.

Figure 1: DIP Switch Settings

Step 3: Connect power to the DDIO/DCIO using the provided power cable. Alternatively, the
DDIO/DCIO can also be powered from a convenient 24-125V dc source. Consult NovaTech’s
Orion DDIO/DCIO Module manual for details.

Step 4: Power up the DDIO/DCIO now and wait for the boot sequence to complete. The DDIO/DCIO is
fully booted when the PWR and RUN System lights are on solidly, and the A Mode light is on

Step 5: Open the DDIO/DCIO’s webpage. In the Internet browser window, type the DDIO/DCIO’s IP
address into the address bar (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Access DDIO / DCIO Webpage

Step 6: After connection to the DDIO/DCIO, the following window is displayed for entering User Name
and Password. Enter the user name root and the correct password and click OK .

Figure 3: Authentication Required

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
After successful login, the DDIO/DCIO control panel is displayed (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Overview for DDIO Screen

Note: If this is the first time the DDIO/DCIO webpage has been accessed, the GNU License
Agreement will come up. On request, NovaTech can provide a copy of this for review
and pre-approval. Once the license is accepted, the screen shown above will be

Step 7: Create a backup of the DDIO/DCIO’s configuration. On the DDIO/DCIO webpage, click on the
System tab link to display the System page.

Figure 5: System Tab

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
Step 8: Click the I/O -> PC File Transfer button in the section File Transfer
(Optional) to transfer the current DDIO/DCIO configuration to the PC. An Opening
ntser.ncd window will appear (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Configuration Backup

Step 9: Select the Save File radio button and click OK . This will download and backup the
configuration file to the designated download location on the PC.

Step 10: Set text login. Some direct commands must be entered during the upgrade process. These
can only be entered at the DDIO/DCIO command prompt. The DDIO/DCIO must be set to
allow the command prompt to be displayed.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
Step 11: On the DDIO/DCIO webpage, click on the User tab.

Figure 7: User Page

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
Step 12: On the User page, the list of users is displayed in the Edit Users section at the bottom of
the screen (Figure 7). Click on the user name root.

Figure 8: Edit Root User

Step 13: In the User Info section, there is a Login Type subsection. Click on the radio button to
select Text login (Figure 8).

Step 14: Click Save User Settings to save the changes.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
4. DDIO/DCIO Ethernet Throttling
During the update process, the Ethernet speed needs to be forced to a slower mode to allow the
DDIO/DCIO to process the update. The parameters specified below must be entered manually every
time the DDIO/DCIO is rebooted during the update procedure.

Step 1: In NCD, access the online connection window that was established in step 2. Computer
Connection and Interfaces. If the screen is blank, press <Enter> to bring up the ddio/dcio
login screen.

Step 2: Log in using the user name root, and the root password. A welcome message, and the / #
prompt will appear (Figure 9).

Figure 9: DDIO Login

Note: If the / # prompt does not appear, the update cannot be completed. Review the
above procedure again. If the prompt above still does not appear, do not
continue with the upgrade and contact NovaTech Tech Support.

Step 3: At the / # command line prompt, type:

ethtool –s eth0 autoneg off speed 10

Then press <Enter>.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware

Figure 10: Ethernet Throttling Parameters

Step 4: This entire sequence of steps for Ethernet throttling described in this chapter must be
performed every time the DDIO/DCIO is rebooted during the update process.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
Perform the Update

5. Update 4MB File System

a. Determine if the update is necessary

Step 1: In the NCD terminal window, the / # prompt will be displayed. At the prompt, type ntsh and
press <Enter> in order to start the DDIO/DCIO MMI Main Menu as shown in the following

Figure 11: MMI Main Menu

Step 2: In this menu, select 5. System Menu by typing the number 5.

Figure 12: MMI System Menu

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
Step 3: From the System Menu (Figure 12), select 5. View Version Info by typing the number 5.

Figure 13: sdtcp Version Information

Step 4: In the list of ports that is displayed, note the date and version of port 23 as follows:

Port 23. DNP TCP Slave - sdtcp Version n.nn.n mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss

Where n.nn.n is the version number, followed by the date and time.

Î If the date on this line is 07/16/2007 or later, the 4MB File system update is unnecessary.
Skip down to step 6.Update Core Modules.

Î If the date on this line is prior to 07/16/2007, proceed to the next step b. Perform the 4MB
File System Update.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
b. Perform the 4MB File System Update

Step 1: The update will be performed from the DDIO/DCIO’s webpage. In the following screen, click on
the System tab to display the System page.

Figure 14: File Upload to DDIO

Step 2: In the File Transfer (Optional) section, click the Browse... button to select the
4MB File system update file.

Step 3: In the File Upload window, navigate to where the update files from NovaTech are stored.
Select the file named below:

Step 4: Click the PC -> I/O File Transfer button to transfer the update file to the DDIO/DCIO
(Figure 14).

Step 5: Follow any on-screen prompts or directions.

Step 6: The DDIO/DCIO update may take up to 5 minutes. The computer screen will navigate back to
the System tab page. Then reboot the DDIO/DCIO.

Step 7: At this point, the DDIO/DCIO Ethernet throttling parameters must be reapplied as described in
4. DDIO/DCIO Ethernet Throttling.

Note: The DDIO/DCIO update can only be verified after all three files have been transferred.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
6. Update Core Modules
a. Determine if the update is necessary

Step 1: In the NCD terminal window, the / # prompt will be displayed. At the prompt, type ntsh and
press <Enter> in order to view the DDIO/DCIO MMI Main Menu.

Figure 15: MMI Main Menu

Step 2: From the DDIO/DCIO MMI Main Menu (Figure 15), select 5. System Menu by typing the
number 5.

Figure 16: MMI System Menu

Step 3: From the System Menu (Figure 16), select 5. View Version Info by typing the number 5.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware

Figure 17: Core Module Version Information

Step 4: At the top of the screen, there is a line that begins with Linux version n.n.nn.n and ends
with Thu Jul 26 hh:mm:ss TMZ 2012. In order to see this information, it may be
necessary to scroll back in the window (Figure 17). n is part of the version and revision,
followed by the date, time, time zone, and year.

Î If the date listed here is Thu Jul 26, 2012, the core modules update is unnecessary.
Skip down to section Return the DDIO to Service.

Î If the date on this line is earlier than Thu Jul 26, 2012, proceed to the next step:
b. Perform the Core Modules Update.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
b. Perform the Core Modules Update

Step 1: This update will be performed in two parts, both from the DDIO/DCIO’s webpage. Click on the
System link to display the System page.

Figure 18: File Upload to DDIO/DCIO

Step 2: In the File Transfer (Optional) section, click the Browse... button to select the
update file.

Step 3: In the Open window, navigate to where the update files from NovaTech are stored. Select the
following file name.


Step 4: Click the PC -> I/O File Transfer button to upload the update file.

Step 5: Follow any on-screen prompts or directions.

Step 6: The DDIO/DCIO update may take up to 5 minutes. The computer screen will navigate back to
the System tab page. Reboot the DDIO/DCIO.

Step 7: At this point, the DDIO/DCIO Ethernet throttling parameters must be reapplied as described in
4. DDIO/DCIO Ethernet Throttling.

Step 8: Click on the System tab to display the System page. If the links at the top of the page are not
displayed, re-type the DDIO’s IP address into the address bar of the browser and press
<Enter>, then click on the System link.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware

Figure 19: File Upload to DDIO/DCIO

Step 9: In the File Transfer (Optional) section, click the Browse... button to select the
update file.

Step 10: In the Open window, navigate to where the update files from NovaTech are stored. Select the
file named below:


Step 11: Click the PC -> I/O File Transfer button to upload the update file.

Step 12: Follow any on-screen prompts or directions.

Step 13: The DDIO/DCIO update may take up to 5 minutes. The computer screen will navigate back to
the System tab page. Reboot the DDIO/DCIO.

All of the update files have now been uploaded to the DDIO/DCIO.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
c. Verify the Update

Step 1: Bring up the DDIO/DCIO MMI window in NCD. Press <Enter> to bring up the ddio/dcio
login screen.

If the / # command prompt is displayed after pressing <Enter>, the DDIO/DCIO did not
reboot. Reboot the DDIO before continuing.

Step 2: Log in using the user name root, and the root password. There will be a welcome message,
and a / # prompt.

Step 3: At the / # prompt, type ntsh and press <Enter> in order to view the DDIO/DCIO MMI Main

Figure 20: MMI Main Menu

Step 4: From the DDIO/DCIO’s Main Menu (Figure 20), select 5. System Menu by typing the
number 5.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware

Figure 21: MMI System Menu

Step 5: From the System Menu (Figure 21), select 5. View Version Info by typing the number

Figure 22: Core Module Version Information

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
Step 6: At the top of the screen, there is a line that begins with Linux version n.n.nn.n and ends
with Thu Jul 26 hh:mm:ss TMZ 2012. In order to view this information, it may be
necessary to scroll back in the window (Figure 22). n is part of the version and revision,
followed by the date, time, time zone, and year.

Î If the date on this line is Thu Jul 26 hh:mm:ss TMZ 2012, the Core modules update
was successful.

Î If the update was unsuccessful, contact NovaTech Technical Support.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
Return the DDIO to Service

7. Reload the Configuration

Step 1: The update is performed from the DDIO/DCIO’s webpage. Click on the System tab to display
the System page.

Step 2: In the File Transfer (Optional) section, click the Browse... button to select the
configuration file.

Figure 23: Reload Configuration File

Step 3: In the Open window, navigate to where the backup configuration was saved previously and
select it (ntser.ncd).

Step 4: Click the PC -> I/O File Transfer button to upload the configuration.

Step 5: Once the DDIO/DCIO finishes the upload, the System page will appear.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
8. Power Down the DDIO/DCIO
Remove the DDIO/DCIO power cord from the power source.

9. Restore the DIP Switch Settings

Adjust the DIP switch settings to what they were before the update process. The previous settings were
noted when preparing the DDIO/DCIO for the update.

Warning: If DIP switch S2-7 is left in the up position, the DDIO will be operating with the
watchdog disabled. This could lead to a system hard-lockup that can only be
resolved with a device power-down. NovaTech strongly recommends that the
DDIO/DCIO not be put in operation with S2-7 in the up position.

10. Return the DDIO/DCIO to Service

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
Appendix A – Crossover Ethernet Setup and Connection

1. Configure the PC
Step 1: Open the Control Panel and go to the Network Connections or Network and Sharing
Center, depending on the version of Windows®.

Step 2: Then click on the network device that is used to connect to the DDIO/DCIO. Typically, this
network device is called Local Area Connection and refers to an Ethernet port. Open the
Properties for the port (Figure 24 or Figure 25).

Figure 24: Network Properties

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware

Figure 25: Network Properties

Step 3: Under the General tab, scroll down to Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) (Figure 26) or
Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/Ipv4), then click on Properties .

Figure 26: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
Step 4: In the General tab, click on the Use the following IP address radio button.

Figure 27: Set IP Address/Subnet Mask/Default Gateway

Then enter the following values:

IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:

Leave all other boxes blank (Figure 27), and click the OK button.

Step 5: Plug the DDIO/DCIO in via crossover Ethernet cable.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
2. Configure the DDIO/DCIO

Step 1: Open the DDIO/DCIO MMI connection in NCD.

Step 2: Press <Enter>. The ddio login: prompt will be displayed.

Step 3: Log in using the user name root and the correct password.

Figure 28: DDIO MMI Login

Step 4: If a welcome message and a / # prompt are displayed, type ntsh and press <Enter> (This
step may not be necessary. If the prompt is not displayed, skip this step).

Step 5: The DDIO MMI Main Menu should be displayed. Select option 7. Network Menu by typing
the number 7.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware

Figure 29: DDIO MMI Main Menu

Step 6: Select 1. View/Change Network Configuration by typing the number 1.

Figure 30: DDIO MMI View/Change Network Configuration

Step 7: The current IP address, subnet, gateway, and DNS of the DDIO are listed, along with
numbered options to change them. The values should be as below:

IP Address:
Subnet Mask:

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
Step 8: If any of the values are not as listed above (Figure 30), select the corresponding number option
and enter the correct values at the prompt.

Step 9: Select option 5. Save Changes by typing the number 5.

Figure 31: DDIO/DCIO MMI Save Changes

Step 10: Reboot the DDIO/DCIO. The crossover Ethernet connection is now set.

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware
Appendix B – Additional References


ƒ Orion DDIO/DCIO Module User Manual

ƒ NCD User Manual (description of NCD)

ƒ OrionLX User Manual (description of NCD)

ƒ System Reinstallation for DDIO/DCIO Technical Note

Updating Orion DDIO/DCIO Firmware

Revision Date Changes

A 10/10/07 Initial release. BM
B 05/16/08 Revision for webserver update. ES
C 04/03/09 Rewritten for the latest sequence of steps and versions of updates. PY
D 09/11/09 Rewritten for the latest sequence of steps and updates versions. PY
E 07/13/10 Added clarifications/corrections per PY - ID 0000690. SZ
Reviewed/updated procedure. BM
F 10/28/10 Reviewed/updated procedure. BM
G 06/16/11 Updated procedure with new file names. SZ
H 06/16/11 Updated procedure to incorporate DCIO. SZ
I 09/19/12 Updated procedure to incorporate DCIO. Edited screenshots and update
files names per Mantis 0001255. MM


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