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You can control decades

For many decades, the huge gap has been seen between wealthy countries and underprivileged
countries. The main reason behind this is that prosperous nations could expand the growth by
means of the modern technologies while developing countries could not because of the lack of
these technologies. Despite this huge gap, there are some steps if taken collectively, this
difference could be decreased.
There are many reasons behind the expansion of the differences between countries. Firstly, poor
countries do not have advanced types of equipment and technology for industrialization which is
quite necessary for the development of any civilization. For instance, they are still using basic
ways to cultivate and harvest their crops owing to which, they could not get enough yield for the
total population. Secondly, there is a low Human Development index because of lower life
expectancy, education and per-capita income. They are still fighting with all these dilemmas to
stabilize the economy. Thirdly, richer countries are increasing their wealth by means of higher
production through the fast-paced technological advancement. Finally, developed countries have
higher literacy and lower unemployment contributing more steady economy. Thus, due to lack of
resources and skills, underdeveloped countries could not keep pace with the developed ones.
The employees are the most important part of any organisation.I totally agree that the success
of a company depends upon its the hard work of its workers. Therefore, several ideas should be
implemented to increase the productivity of the employees.

Companies should provide the assurance that the life of their staff is invaluable. Thus, the
organisation needs to offer a helping hand by providing financial support and insurance. For
instance, health benefits should be provided to an employee and their family members. This will
promote the feeling of safety and security. Moreover, the staff appraisal system plays an
important role in encouraging the staff. An efficient and hardworking employee should be
rewarded in front of others. This will encourage other staff members to give their best to prove
themselves. For example, in many Indian hospitals, dedicated nurses are given the title of ‘best
nurse’ on nursing day. Hence, this will enhance the quality of care provided by nurses. Thus it is
evident that, the reward system motivates the staff to give their best.

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