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Ee MENA OTE AR, eV ie 0 CHAPTER - 1 HOSPITALS IN INDIA jusTORY OF HOSPITALS The earliest organised hospital of the world was perhaps the one in Tamil Nadu. The inscriptions found by the Archaeology pepartment in the Vishnu temple of Tirumukkoodal village, Chingleput District of Tamil Nadu gives details about a 15 bed hospital existed 1000 years before, According to the inscriptions, the hospital was supervised by a physician, who was given paddy, money and a piece of land for the services rendered. Two persons were engaged to fetch medicinal herbs and two nurses attended on the patients. The diseases treated in this hospital were internal piles, jaundice, dropsy, fever, diseases of urinary organs,. tuberculosis, rheumatism, haemorrage, coloured urine, sperm diseases, lung diseases and enlargement of spleen. In olden days, Physicians used to visit the houses of patients and treatment was carried out in the patients’ house itself in the indigenous system of medicines - Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani. In those periods Hospital means, a shelter place for poor sick people, who cannit afford to have treatment in their houses. These hospitals were established by philanthropists and mainly used by travellers and pilgrims. Then came certain hospitals out of necessity like hospital for infectious diseases, hospital for communicable diseases and hospital for mentally retarded people, Next came the hospitals or secluded place for socially unwanted people (leprosy patients), temporary hospitals during epidemics (e.g. Cholera, plague, small pox etc.) With the popularisation of Allopathic system of medicine, the advancement of Science, Technology and Medicines coupled with the introduction of diagnostic methods involving costly instruments and aseptic surgery, thescene has been shifted. Modern Hospitals were opened and run by Governments. People/ patients started visiting hospitals for consultation and treatment both as out-patient and as in-pationt. Even high class society people started utilising the cilities of the hospitals apart from the poor homeless sick people. | owned evo ve up ages yapeay Caeunjad uo poney woisde arson se "pur orn we 3 pur uinae opload df doyauoe SL Taarape saseosip “Mdezagy ay sieswlerp “Wout raat psurape SsaHse [OMT sey ongh uns cv EY ly detection, ti incidence of diseases. ices ot 8. Acts asa link between masses and policies of Governmen, 9 itals get eration from bigger 4 9. Smaller hospitals gets coop ron ep EBEE: hosp | General hospitals gets guidance from specia ist heh where more sophisticated and costly equipments d available, Private hospitals cooperate with public figs 4 | All hospitals function in unison to achieve the same Ut] goal of “Health for all”. 10. Bigger hospitals helps in the growth of medical sciens, training Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists and Health Voluny, facilities are offered for research. 4 i j HL. The district hospital has the following functions: 1. Tis an important support for other health sexy health care in general in the district, 2. It provides wid and education and training for prim . | ices and e-ranging technical and administrative snd ary health care, 4M Provides an effective, affordable health care service fo defined population, with their full ; participation, Cooperation with agencies the district that have concems, Launury Warehousing (central store) Domestic hygiene Waste disposal Maintenance and repair ‘Transport Communications Staff residential housing Administrative Finance Medical records Procurement Personnel Security CLASSIFICATION OF HOSPITALS Hospitals can be classified on various criteria’s. They may be Es Essential Es Essential ential ential Essential Essential Essential Essential Essential grouped mainly as clinical oriented and Non-clinical oriented. I. Classification based on the system of medicines adopted’ for treatment. They are: 1. Allopathic hospitals 2. Ayurvedic (Holystic) hospitals 3. Siddha hospitals 4. Unani hospitals 5. Homeopathic hi 6. Physiotherapy Centres atura » hospitals 7. Natural Cure hosp ay again be sub cased _ ‘ » above ' Each one of the abo Srinjcal oriented etc. headings - clinical oriented and non~ in 4 don clinical orientation. The ty refer Ireatment of a disease in human bein! cae t viceases need different ways and metho, treatment. Accordingly hospitals are classified on the basis of ma} diseases they seck to cure. 1. Tuberculosis Hospital. . Leprosy Hospital. . Cancer Hospital. 4. Mental or Psychiatric Hospital 5, Diabetes Hospital. 6. Maternity Hospital. 7. Infectious and Communicable diseases Hospital. 8. Drug Addiction rehabilitation Hospitals or Centre. IL. Classification base! en III. Classification on the basis of anatomical - physiologic! special 1. Ear, Nose and Throat Hospitals . Eye Hospitals . Kidney Hospitals fun . Dental Hospitals . Heart and Chest Hospitals (Thoracic Hospital) . Orthopaedic Hospitals 7. Neurological Hospitals 8. Family Welfare Centres aw IV, Classification based on the t 1. Maternity Hospitals ‘pesrEmup of pssble 2. Paediatric Hospitals - Children Hospit 3. Gynaecological Hospitals 4.>General Hospitals als ww Examples y, Classificalion based on Non-clinical orientation (Fe gre given) a) Ownership basis ! 1, Central Government controlled (a) Military Hospitals (b) Railway Hospitals (c) JIPMER Hospital, Pondicherry (a). All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi (c) P.Gnstitute of Medical Sciences, Chandigarh 2, State Government controlled (a) General Hospital - Madras (b) Stanley Hospital - Madras (c) Various District Headquarters Hospitals (d) JJHospital - Bombay (e) Sassoon Hospital - Pune (f) Osmania Hospital - Hyderabad (g) Government Police Hospitals (h) Victoria Hospital - Bangalore (i) Vanivilas Hospital - Bangalore (j) Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Rehabilitation - Bangalore (k) ES. Hospitals (1) Sri Jayachamarajendra Institute of Indian Medicines -Bangalore (m) Arignar Anna Hospital of Indian Medicines - Madras 3. Municipality - Corporation - Panchayats controlled (a) BMC Hospitals at Sion, Sewri etc, Bombay (b) KEM Hospital - Bombay (c) Madras Corporation Hospitals in various wards. (a) Cooper Hospital at Vile Parle, Bombay. 4. Private Trusts controlled (a) Ramachandra Hospital, Porur, Madras. (b) KMC Hospitals, Udipi and Mangalore (c) Bombay Hospital - Bombay (d) Jaslok Hospital - Bombay (e) Jindal Trust Hospital - Bangalore —~, Hospital and Clinteat Phe, hs, Bangalo: (i) Styohn’s Hospital - + Memorial Jain Trust Hospi (g) Bhagavan Mahavee! -Bangalore. ian tiv nelegious bod / * ae) net Mission Hospitals (b) Ramakrishna Mission Hyderabad (c) Christian M an (4) Shivarathri Math Hospital - (ec) Meenakshi Mission Hospital ~ ({) St. Martha's Hospital - Bangalore (g) Baptist Mission Hospital ~ Bangalore (h) Mudhaliar Sangam Hospital - Bangalore (i) Chinmaya Mission Trust Hospital (j) Al Ameen Trust Hospital 6. Public limited Company controlled ies = Tambaram, Madras Hospitals, Madras, Caleuy, ledical College Hospital, Vellore Mysore Madurai (a) Apollo Hospital - Madras, Hyderabad (b) Vijaya Hospital - Madras (c) Devaki Hospital - Madras (d) Tamil Nad Hospital - Near Madras (e) Wockhardt Hospital - Bangalore (1) Bangalore Kidney Foundation Hospital (gs) HMT Hospitals (h) Sti Krishna Seva Ashrama - (i) HAL Hospitals 7. Private Hospitals/Nursing Homes There are plenty of these hospitals j iti by an individual decton ae ee partnership basis, Of | has come up, makin measures to check Bangalore and towns owned s T on proprietary 0: { polyclinics/24 hours clinic nt to think of brin sing in some hospitals, one 8 the Governme and regulate these ~ ¥-(B) On the basis of bed numbers oy! }+ Large Hospitals - having more than 1,000 b {2 Medium Hospitals - having between 500 ae 3. Small Hospitals - hayi na ving 4. Very small Hospitats f 00 beds. eds, less than 100 p, Hospitals in India 5 yv.(C) On the basis of costs . Costly or Elite hospitals 2. Low budget hospitals 3. Free hospitals VI. Hospitals attached to Medical and Dental colleges. There are several hospitals under this category in each state of our country. ORGANISATION OF HOSPITALS We have seen earlier that hospitals are for the health care of the patients in various ways like preventive, curative, advisory etc. Like industry, depending upon the nature and size of the hospital, the organisational set up will differ, but the main department namely the clinical services will be common in all, and all other functions like nursing, pharmacy, house-keeping and administration will support it. A typical hospital set up is given under. Government / Corporation / Trustees / Hoard of Directors (Governing Council) | Y Dean / Director / Executive Director / Chairperson (Administrator) | y Lay Secretary / Superintendents Y Y Administration Clinical Service 1 | Y y Accounts & Finance Departmental Heads ée House Keeping Deputy Directors Maintena ' Purchase-General F Public Relations Y Y , Y Laundry Glinicat Special Pharmacy : Services Services I. y \ Y Medici a Y Druy Store Sediemne Nursing Mantifacturing, oun Physiotheraphy Drug Distribution Pathology Dietary Deis Purchie Clinicals Dring Informs Radi Technical Library

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