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Ravtuse Dnug Rarlia HAelani lea Accondure, ts who Ag tou digwucl ADR ay a suipond. to a devug whith i nauseous ff Unidlinded asluch occu alm cpommal lore uucl in. hurnone for peophylalte , chagnosliz os Athereepuy ter q a dtetace ost maruplalio5 6 phystolageeal aclten Type of ADR: Type A ataclions ca" , stand [ou cuss ic!) clspencecl waction Fru ser dose uch ADR alto inuuwaced Of, ths dow tee or ui dewuielly wstald To phasiraacclegrcal actly eq hypogiycernsra cared ‘by Ynsulia pohtn aniutin dou Pe , tuo hypapleeoes ‘alio inuucauey “yohat to fo fe Redua the close Type BC Bygu nation) s{uengt ) oy ott den’ keno 0A eohuth pin 4 un pruidicte bl - not dote eertateet eg: Nypettcinsitiurley teaction ( pinullia what to clo es | > Slap We ure | chung <> Avotel thy dove Ip (aluctu Tipe c C chuonté, >) Puy au ocean on long (etm Cee o chrug hong Ufim ure o AlS9ID: eauye peplie uly uihat fe do Use fre fownt clo fo shontitl dus lian Type D CAelacoeld Tim lacy fox diutlennunt of lua didn gy: Teste gently . Costuenooeniclg . arty the op it ; by women PAP Ue ef datttuyl stcbe feel Yeon eadiunocatenate To Jornals ebute chusuing Assy peas | 5 aa Type IC Kad 9} dlaye Occ at Hu tnd of doe ot wrihdsawn abuptty . ey Opietel corthelaacul suacls Ri beund hypeusntion rolule cing clonidine what [fe do 4 Poppa dag slecaly : ; tontenutanE wr & dug wh oi antagonist open tty 6. - Type PE CFesluse of tusiopy ) ‘ On afecbivnw a dsiug lock fo ADR @! pegnance clus te frluse 9° saat , t . gentriceepllor thot. 1B clo eohun wo aus ase fakin, chuck hi, uu Oo clstiug Tnteachon : bho ther) .. Arunapurlie fsuq Neon toning The mw cluug intuocued shoulel ete the Ihpelien [eluate co shot posscbl frat cet, the minimum, Sicle effete Eun afuT Che iiuodueltoo of tke neeg dung fet dwathunt, uty thetiaprule effect du To be nisui bourd cous tan Hey Aeduecg ushtth G “the {uut chore now oy a porliulas tua trunk may fooge ch plac. th dus couse of liu dew fo new deus having StL Tower Sic affeelr” ;-suplaceng it on Pushy buck in psuotunte ot mow aliy foore cro du to finding G{ Som new aduyitue guaclion that har not bun nottud gouluu im ths clerueal -fsual fou thi th who a well a occu Cultial GouE hate constilatkd thy dealie Hom fouing Comenittir wep Thi Comnutty, collet tnfosemn [yorn Ol oven Wee Ceuntoces , Stucter them, dubalts " amowg aly mimbasw tolls fosy YP opine ar & ton Is coutain conclutons bree! poseeley on Scant nadical guicuerdts « Ghee Connrtltic May puoucels tua following 1 The deal of clot that can prouele tu feel {heropulle aff & tontiol ew Eu infeelcur slat 2: Gna Tou dee (uel aud ct momyutaliord 3+ At wound at any (ine thot thy wer ef IRE dsug G unsafe, to drelocr ab so % seecomounc! lose Cty wotthduaral fren We - ye Of the dag G uud in tembinalian with offs duugs aud found unsafe 4 crt Jou Bu puuipow dks tombinalion clams, thue to declatu dtu Combe as ftutafiona| and puohibel trum fou we Co Tue tucenundaltan oy the Cuscopecclie— Dawg Monifosuirig Committer , a Deuces Conta ley Gunuial | Anda ru noli(reoftenr [os tru wth curasl of duuga q dub Ue truraliona/ Combination o duugs ted Walau supple: . . pute Paloyatane of sebatis supply Sand dn adsquale Sosage doporal syidia dou ef prurmosey ropeutones “ana” hoipilat On Basson wala fou uc ( horpilet “mut be. ; ae (Me oh pettegin® gugangma, 1 ty “clea, cofoueetur, odsentuys et baukedur ., 3 nvti feo hott fon, coma lie industiual We fates fetrn Foe. gy oftws, Consronoe Sutrlance Say cdba dow, cagiuca bl hun pittaluie Conpletr Walia”. donk \eouru le of") [tb ColleeTing Sistem \2- Posufing sy slurs 3- Pisteubulion Sista Sewage | sewage du posal: - | Sedage i dhe quid “and seft solid wart of | a Community . | Sevutsta ; Othe syslifn by woheech it in peaacouted. | The Suudtiage | Syilim Gi thus thy “CoFolelG of “thu conduult , pumpiag Staltans > -feecafnunt plooli- |e Other wouks neeuranegy to: cofleets, pusel y 4 di pole of fhe Seweige. ‘ Noumal nuthod of sueage etti poral 1° as” follows “| Swag e 5s sulyseled Te some peealirminrcrseeg Hiwatmunt such as Saceening, to Sepinalr bhe “etd * [pLam thai cequad” wasle-, which «then ‘ tpaned fruwough % sedimun tation, dank fe sumone minute sus panded ra all. +; The .oftluine (stom Che 7" paioeuts b.- thin _deichaxget tof @ Beckie of walsz— : lin dilated “land “oa pitepacuicl lercf ore en spauiatly conutwuelat pelle Bedi of somcl 4) greece | —7-_—_oOes gotid worl dui poial uiqued wel (iT prockeuces not only peor (he kitchen Of boypetal (tua wants, fut alto, & uot of geeteg’ at centaminalit malaeiale from % (a Gor ect loney Mew mut nol ia au poud of 0 pan — aul Fdurype but muik be» memuialed Ane caperet ly Yap the inctnwcaldie *epancts ou. fh auticrpaled” food anct rt maybe gieun © fuels ot tle Teele burleterg shoutd be focatid other ‘tvaanlim 4 this hoya ani Opera. tion , Iyoatect ith rei nucaldir 7 dorn wand Jeo jj Conpluct.* ; [eared ‘epiaalid ‘elran wall freee, fo core ineinwialfon aatig fo small hoyprtale tee avaclabl now 6h? Che pac beets r que “ates, ‘alch lips iP emia bio’ weth? he | ben teow [toi 9o0°c fF Lavoe | AN ! ‘exonomteal too . Phytrethuapry plick’ ’ i ee Ty eal A quatiid phyttathevaput u inchatige o The dipt- Common initjeunnin(i” cued gee roftea = beat lorno , Nutt SHirrtlolém 4 nutele Hinecla lee Tu teuafnunt gun hutee using speceal equyprant traclude Lecter Hurapy Ulltecasocireh theasier pig won beeth Ahwlapy ale Nusuing ‘ "luted prameutey duliy to take cacce of {he patunl? ence fro: Thug, acer Thu lasiger singe ger 6 senplogeet in any hospital ‘ Tus pasie(etem wound The Clee deity 16 shef lr Fund. acwwildi ace sawillé fat cour ~ feceom _giresta| auitane th out palant otua Fe ‘wh palenl opisia oo. Hualis & ‘[akocer watd intice the hospital ° phasemace . |p hoip phosena.cy dup ouuntialy pawourdes q “dupunting suwie fe IP wWasds, deposifmuntr and tha gut pe patente duprattnunt > ‘he phasimacu- ch Mupouieble fete Hu pusicharty Slotrage 4, dupenag q all dawg! 6{ fell phaumaaulical peupne, ' eli rajucfanlr fy shuucls Solubions hocation & layout to (he gourd {loo Gn phasimaey Showlel be loti li eattly accesible to all dupauat nu! O\ bw horpualit 0 bg enough , a buanch ef be piteablulud 1 ov recut (hr Froumacy MAY ‘ tutping oly such imi out palunt block Hat cu vuquiud thu. oul palunt phasmacy yrust ook cleant wtth incugh pla for wailing patunlt Sulabls gaalog aeviougenunl” shall. be porovided ‘Notte boards may be fuacel fox dupkuy of edutalide “sleganr poiliy on hygiene, health z putaulies bbe obits fo piroba ble epedimits + . fire fleow space asisa ef phavrnacy maaufaclusury actwilg shoulel coufourm fo Sele Ny Nq the Dauge & Coinufiu Rulu (ge Requenunt — of phaurneale Bel sliungth Only oP o- 50 BV — toor ie Jol — acd dol +, 300. ; ot — 500 Above 501. Not 6] phaunneal7 | ' 3 oy \541 fo ouitey 100 beef = ” d Presrcary 8‘ Tesayreasté—Conunsittz ‘ Hg Od fubulton Syilirn 14 flopulals L Bee pate . An out pofunt ur’ ayy who oft asurultalton ond Chogrer cs cucu tuatmint whuh could be deagneale , China pus lie on pruvinliie worth oat bung, Adautted cu an IP ih the hopetal % dow not Uiquiu tte bet om herpifatialor Auden ame gin fe ity cug patant phawesacey n Nypes 4 oP Silucha is Mu Oetlpalcont plack co Ure Ganssal oP ; paar ot gion fe ttuws fey coruntlan(— tog MR bitlicr Rew aa, 1 “ poke Spaccal oP @ On. paluat unt cea Sym — ~ Cott) Refund oP waned phaumacary ind - (nofe> o Salt& Phony Juwicr Cmanguac P Pec Sete ala td pnp Sabu phas macy Survie Tau nething but a slighty mochtud [otim of o branch of thy noun Nae » Tha tui ai ! qouble weth hotpitab whieh eos mull stones %y herp conauting 9 effin busteling on block: wrthin a compound: Mah phasimacey will be in one plact , whieh will Jud thy mecticina fe Hy want’ phuumacus Sduatid 1 asch floow{ block of th hospetal « Thue Sunt Phawmauu cin called Safellel? phoyrracerd : ee 2 deep uequcimunt q madtund Bed crole Phasnanuuf Chaplin Qe Wospitat phasimac DFG ew whuw chugs y Mudeany our had x pusee 1 Houd gy dupinud te out. pafualeg, in potunl? , noue fa dowage ‘oulm = me oxdllly wud 5 tha herpital - ae usw vosucey Funclirt Pusechote { Renoe dug | widens fy S fous Phen, parepasily Du pam cloweg duuclty (6 O° potunl on doucloit puceplore Supplus nuedtianv [6 [P though Ouse shal Moutu [aelioes Vatuous derage foun slits naucoli@” gq pottonous dung in ural wala undin rele % Mea , Hourtain pHopss accouutl of mudi 4 ofhwy autielu 4 provid in fourselion of dug lo” docliu nwuing 5 FY] cuuws out Morubusig Sisrutes potunt Couwealling te - \ “0 An palit @ ward Punasacy SysTeM Hidtuny guar bs0ug phaum cey duct sfoued 19 tach wad of the hospital: Tht Hu wad G th -chategs jou thou midiecnes Slocks °f commen oud soutinely suquuud dsugs 1 fe woucl au maintonid Au: Thur oi Callee{ ar dad phaumacy » Tru type y dug and the quanklg fs be “apt in the wosed phasimacy Wo dead by the Pat Conmulter. ht [Hom man a cup-boaxd In maton Xf oo ca-tegotues of dowuge out Slochec IA ths wared Phasimacy {Pie foo stock Duigs 2+ change flow siecle Duwrge- Force Fou sidcle Oruug - Gunetial health dowgs dbs Nulivitamins B-complex, Hotmatinic , ant! pyut res come undst the Jue floor 4 [Sele duuge » Thiet ater gun feuely and palunt our not chauiged Stptuolily fou thane Nery thin Ques in fabuG Yy capsubs poem » Chute nuclrea (om aur pat of horplbaligation chasqut & Suevicy chasege Hloon slick dewgs _ OFhuse mecticene cuecl by Mose MO. of patenlr and cortly nieclruny com und ths categouy of chasegs loos Slocke deeugs - Common dliusetics , ancelgerrcs , anit spasme anli- hirtanuny , ank pupa tensive , ant btolics cardio vesculasr duugs sedation ele and Conunton inyactions come undis thy categony gue coveted luce Cort of thus ae charegecl oul fuom the polung ae @ Unit Dose SysteN Meus the medecations aur pack in a singe uct olese and in multiply 9 such uniG , containing a pus -deteumind amount | dlsrug psc uni'é , weady fou ad rinutualon Advantages - Rasy jou the adminu tuation 8 tof| Accounling become Larus 19 ceoulur car Bate stability ef the prtoducG™ Audicalisn aumoss minimucd Du advautagu High Cost Comune mow tive g% Labouw Stemlky 6| udyectably doubt {uf toull Occupy MOML space fou stouing hedge porting ¢ Anunlouy Con fio! puobeny

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