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Ros Wright and Bethany Cagnol

with Maria Spada Symonds

Series editor David Bonamy
dureuog p$eq rollpa sarres
spuour,(g epedg Brr?I/d qlllv\
1ou8e3 dueqtag pue lq8u6 sou
Introducing yourself to Introducing yourself to ihe Present simple of be Nursing personnel
the team p. 4 nursing staff Present simple

Reading a nursing Discussing a schedule Telling the time Hospital facilities

schedule o. 6 Prepositions of Iimei at 7 a,m.,
in the morning, etc.

Meeting patients and Meeting patients and their visitors lmperatives Family members'. mother, father,
their visitors o. 8 Asking visitors politely to do/not .^n dtttdhtdr 6t^

to do things

Escorting a patient for Esconing a patient for tests Ordinal numbers. dates Medical equipment:
tests o. 1 0 Checking that a patient feels X-ray machine, CT scanner, etc.
comfortable Blanket, trolley, walking stick,

Checking patient details Spelling a patient's name tvh- questions Patient record: surname, gender,
p.12 Checking patient details for a marital status, etc

I p" r"-l!
Describing symptoms Describing symptoms 8e + adjective Symptoms: cough, dizzy,
p.14 Asking about symptoms Fee/ + adjective earache, etc.
Have + (adjective +) noun

Assessing common Describing common childhood Adverbs of frequency Common childhood diseases:
childhood diseases p. 16 drseases rubella, mumps, meas/es

Taking a blood sample Carrying out a blood test lf you ..., let me know. Items for taking a blood sample:
p. 18 Distracting and reassuring a antiseptic wipe, cotton ball, etc
patient during a blood test

Monitoring body Taking a patient's temperature Making polite requests Thermometers: d/gital
temperature p. 20 Treating a patient with th e rmomete t d i s p osab I e
hypothermia thermometer, eic.

The patient ward p. 22 Explaining where the rooms and Prepositions of place: down, on, Pans of a patient ward: c/ean
areas in a patient ward are next to, eic. supply room, conference room,
There is/There are nurses' lounge, e|c.

Nursing duties p. 24 Explaining the ward facilities Present continuous Verbs:fill in, lookfor, consult,
Describing a busy day Present continuous for future feed, eIc.

The qualities of a Responding to a cali ljght (buzze0 Be + adjective Expressions for calming a patient
responsible nurse p. 26 Negative adjectives

Hospital food and Ordering food from a hospital AlAn, some with countable and Food and beverages: cheese
beverages p. 28 menu uncountable nouns omelette, apple juice, etc.
Like, would like

Measurements and Asking and answering questions Numbers Weights and measures: /ltres,
quantities p. 30 about a patient's diet Metric conversions calories, kilograms, etc.
How muchlHow many, much/
many wilh countable and
uncountable nouns

Helping a patient order Helping a patient order from a Asking and answering questions Verbsi breathe, chey drink,
from a hospital menu hospital menu about what to eat swailow

Assisting the patient at Encouraging and praising a Expressions of encouragement Specialised utensils: non-srp
mealtimes o. 34 patient and praise plate, two-handled cup, eIc. \
z/ d lducs orpnv
89 O selu Jeuued
c+o 'leqqeJ6'sesse/6 ]ueprser ou.rorl gg o lueprseJ euoq
'sdnluep' apouaoc isptv a!^er uollseno orPc Alreple uE 6urssassv eJec Alreple ue 6ugssessy
as,.,)exe'wod M'uapte6 suollso66ns t9'd
:serlrArlce puE serlllrcEl euiol-.1 6urleLr pue ecrnpe 0uuoJJO eOB plo lnoqe ourllEf e6E plo lnoqe oulllel
'clo 'uollnlos bulsueep 'uotde lSn/:,reuauos, pa^ourer eq llrM sernlns
:seJnlns 6ur^ourer ro] luaLUdlnbf slACuenDOS moq luerlBd E o+ ourureldx: 79 d sarnlns Oulaoueg
fuo^oce.l ur luorl€d
E ol sueddEr.l lEqM oururEldxf
fueOlns 09 d ruooJ fuenocar
urEd lnoqE 6urlsv sqlen ;e;n6e;;t :eldLuts +s€d reye luerled E uo dn Our)lcotlC eql u! lualled e ro; 6u;reg
asnelc + )eAeu
xoq s&eLts '\seu 'uollceldd plenp :uoqe'tqo 6utsserdx3 g9 d suorlcnjlsu!
eie'seAotb olqesodstp' uudv sqren re;nOer :elduls lsed lelrdsoq e ur lnoqE 6ut)llef ,qeJes olduirs 6urA!C
lo altioq 'poolq lo oqry uewpods
'cle 'sjoss/cs'edPl sellddns
Lldnoua'/{uV 6uueplo pue fuoluenu! 0u11ceq3 gg d sarlddns 6u;reprg
lecBns' ezne6 :)icols leclpolA
'JIA ,eile) t90
'uosuelxe 'e6essaw e dlel ouoqd sreqLloLlI euoqd rtq sraquieul uleel
:sosErqd pue spjoM auoqdelol eq +o eldurs lsed ureal Ll+lM ^q
6utlectunututo3 qlrm 6urlecrunuuoC
ol luerled e 6urOernocuf
luolleo E
'c+a'sjlcolq pueLl ol suorlcnrlsul reelc 6utntg
' pnoq eueueq :sluerled 6ullpueq {qnn Pue oP Zq d sluerled
pue 6urnouj -ro; lueurdrnbf illn'ol 6uo6 eq :arn+nl eLlf o1 6uro6 no,( leqm 6ututeldx3 6u;lpueq pue 6utno11
+uerlEo e 09'd euoqd Aq sentlele.t
suorssardxe euoqdeqal ll!M rol seOesseur euoqdelel 6ut1e1 r,llr/t^ 6ullecrunuilrioC
uorlBcrpaur 8to
'eeoqilep'sseulzzlp :uorleclpeuJ e6eueu luetled E 6utdleH uolleclpeu qy/vl sluelled
lo slcel]e eprs uoururoc ydtw',{eyy1 slcojJe eprs elqrssod 6utute;dx3 oullslsse lslceue epls
suo!]oucselo lol suorlducsord 6urpEoU
suorlBr^ejqqE puE sural lEcrpor! uorlEcrpeur lo Acuonberl 9'
sloqLutrs lEct+eutqluv Icuenber; 1o suolsseidx3 pue e6esop eql 6uuelnclEC ,tcuenbarl pue se6esoq
'c1e'qnow ([q)
,ee (oLll otut) :selnor uollEctpey! enbuol eql
'cle 'uo\ca[u 'sdup )epun 'wls aLll uo 'tnnow /{q tt o surJo,
'elnsdec :uor+eclpaur ]o surol ,ea eql ou! :suotltsoderd uor+ecrpeur olei ol Moq 6ututeldx3 pue s€lnor uorlecrpehl
'cle'uollcnppe op louuEc/uec (lAou) uolloul 7g d sestcrexe
'uotsueJxo'uoixalJ :seslc.loxo r\ou luollPd E lBqM lnoqE 6ul)lE1 lo e6uer s,luarlEd e 6ulssessy WOH oulluauncoo
'cle lueweOe;nocue 6y'd luauebernocua
Jlnctgtp'Isea'6uo./ls :so^tlcolpv sentlcalpe o^tlElEdLuoC 6ur,uO pue sleo6 6utpeg our^rb pue sleo6 Euluos
'cle 'qsnd
' puaq' ue1t16u :]uot!o^oLlt lo sqlon sdpqil+esnelc+uet4M
'cla'd/q 'lseqc lueueAoul +uarlEd E ol 8ed
Slceq :peotl pue osjol :,{poq aql puP oceld 1o suotltsoder6 estcjaxe lo sluaueq etll 6ututBldxf peaq puE oslol:Apoq oql
'JIa'eplue te6ul ru3olr rs luUU susrurcXe g0 d slurol
'rrrP :slurol pue sqLurl :Apoq eq1 o^rleredur I op ol /\^oLl luerled e ol Fututeldxf pue squfll :Apoq oql
lntroducing yourself to the team
Listening 1 Look at this notice board. Then listen to tnree conversations. Who
is speaking in each conversation? Write the number of the conversation rl-3')
next to the job titles (a-e).

a) charge nurse
b) ward sister -, -
c) staff nurse -
d) healthcare -assistant
e) student nurse _

Present simple of be
lam ('m) I am not ('m not) Am l?
you/we/they are ('re) you/we/they are not (aren't) Are you/we/they?
he/she/it is ('s) he/she/it is not (isn't) ls he/she/it?
we can use be to say a person's name, job and country. wnars your name? I'm staff Nurse sophie
I Taylor.
Are you Sister Butler? Yes, I am.
ls she a student nurse? No,she isn't.
He's a student nurse.
Th ey' re h e alth ca re assistanrs.
I'm not fromTurkey. l'm from Syria.
,'Urrls ]Ll8ru eqt Suunp (ryon)---p6m- (1) Illensn
I os pu€, 's,(es aq ,Iep aql Suunp sassPlr (ane'4)--7ry7- (g) t,
sp aups aql (ltontpV\im-j@;(S)aq lnq :snrrel4 PUP raled
:;elrdsoq slLt] le spuSli/b^tl ('aiiidYfl -q7ry- (l) atec 'ool arell
(>poM)SWn-- ( al
'€peuel ur aH
{ru lec
'sle>lJBJq ul
])aJro) eql qll^\ 1xel slq] e1a1druo3 i
'Iep fueaa leldsott eLil ol s;lten eH 'Alre1n0er ueddeq teql sOultlt lnoqe )ilel ol lt asn osle eM
'entl Illensn lo srtennle st
'pydsott qq1 u1 tpon let11 1eq1 Ourqler,uos lnoqe >llBl ol alduls luaseld eql esn eM
ee^rl lr/eqs/or..l sooc o^rl o,useop) lou soop ll/oqs/eLl (pntl lyeqsTeq
o6 en;1 (1,uop) 1ou bp {eqyenn7noA71 lJen Aaq11en1no(11
a,enrl {eq17enn7no{71
aih aldur;s luosard
g) )01,c i; dl, -
iool 'nof, laau ol ntN :g
'[drlunor no[] tuo4 w1 :y
2uo4 not aJD araqA1 po'( puy 1wD I 'sa1 :g
'not paw ol a)Iu ,(11oat 't17 :7
7[drlunor s,raulred] uo4 no,( aty
'[app qolrno't] [u]a '[aueu .rno{] ur,7'[eueu s,raulred] 'oilaH :g
'[attp qo[rno.'{] [u]a u.r,7 '[aureu notl] s,awou tW 'tH :V
'no,{ dlaq o} Iepou slql esn 'sanlas.rnod eJnpoJ}ul 's;pd u1 1-to16
e 6utleeds
lpaau nod op leq1yuralqord oN :luPlsISSe effJqlleaH
'd1aq a111t1
E paau I 'osJnu luepnls e ----ND- (91) I d;ros '111 :asrnu luepnls
;nod dleq I ueJ 'truelslsse ereJqlleeqe ---MV- (6) 1 :1ue1s1sse arerqlleaH
']u€lslsse erBJqlleeq e paau I 'etu esnJxg :esrnu luapnls €
qonru dran $luBqJ.)O ,qO :esJnu luepnls (e-r)
.r pre6ur ----SJ- (e) aqS Q)aqs'og :JalSIS oq,4A
fl.'g W-<T- :asJnu luepnls
, eJ prc A ur aqs -----(7- (g)'leql lnoqe drrog iqg
: tou---frT (s) t'oN :relsls
.- ifpauua; relsls prelA no[' :esrnu luepnls z
n1V- (t)'aur esn)xg
'elpq uorJ ur,l :eduog
6uo.r; nod aJ€ eJaqlA'eduog 'no,t laau ol ef,lN :o{lntr
,,, drqpneq3 eduog w,l'-- --LilT (g)t 'sel'tH :er{uog
+ eesrnu a8reqr aql nod -----ztf (Z)
'salleq e{lntr esrnN ile$ ), LI,TT (t) t 'ottaU :E{IW I
'aq Jo ruJoJ
l)euoJ oql qll^\ suollesJeluoJ eseql e1a1duo3 Z
Reading a nursing schedule

Telling the time

Nurses use the twelve-hour clock when they talk to 12.00: twelve o'clock
patients, visitors and colleagues. 3 p.m.
We often use the 24-hour clock for schedules, 14.00: two o'clocklfoufteen hundred hours
documents and charts 8.20: eight twentyltwenty past eight

Prepositions of time
We use at with clock times, I startlfinish worklmv shift at 7 a.m.
We use rn with parts of the day and longer periods of in the morn i ng I afternoon I even i ng
time. buI: at night

Vocabulary 1 Label illustrations A-H with the times in the box.

20.00 12.00 14.45 23.30 8.15 a.m. 9.20 a.m. 24.00 3 p.m.


Match these ways of telling the time (1-8) to the times in the box in L
I nine twenty in the morning
2 eight o'clock in the evening
3 midday
4 quarter to three in the afternoon
5 half past eleven at night --
6 three in the afternoon
7 quarter past eight in the morning
8 midnight
Speaking 3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions with your partner.
I What time is it now? -
2 What time do you get up in the morning?
3 What time do you start work/your shift every day?
4 What time do you/does your shift finish?
A: What time is it now?
B: It's half past seuen.
i,lsDJ4DaJq sl uaq/a
iasopluado YtDd rDr aql saop aull lDttla
zYuDq aw Jo snoq Eutuado aql aJD lDIlA4
tsnoq Euplsla atll arD lD,.lA4
'uonerrrlolul aql alalduroJ ol suollsenb g luepnlg >1se
pue rollsll ro luaped Io elor eql a>leJ 'elnpeqJs selllllJeJ plldsoq slql l3 >loo'I
'suollJnJlsul eql rvrolloC 'gg aEed uo uolletutolul
eq] le {ool 'g tuepnls 'a8ed slq1uo uoneluroJul aq} }e {ool 'Y }uapnls g 6ullpeds
{epung -
Aeprnleg -
Aep 13
no lcolc u! Icolc Aeo
99.N lee/l J"Ivg J"lnLioweN
laeqs au!l eaAoldut3
Acue6y ord esrnN
']eaqs erul1 s,ra1d1 e1a1druo3 dcuaEy ord esJnN eq] ]e s{ro1v\ oq/v\
'ualey qllff\ elnpeqJs slq Euplcaqe 'esrnu dcua8e ue 'ra1d.1ol uelsl'I 6u;ue1s;1
Meeting patients and their visitors
Listening 1 I-isten to four nurses meeting their patients for the first time and
tick / the correct patient name for each nurse.

Patient list (Rooms 11-14)

Staff nurse Susie Arnold Mrs Coxen Kendra MrWilliams

2 Listen again and complete these expressions.

1 J- I come S ! please me Susie.
2 !Yes,of-. 6 n-todisturbyou.
3 ! It's Mrs Coxen, it? 7 ! I'm looking _ you.
4 ! I'm taking -? of you. 8 | How you today?
3 Listen again to Denny and tick / the expressions in 2 that he uses.
Vocabulary 4 complete this family tree with the underlined words in the box. Then complete
sentences a-e with the rest of the words in the box.

aunt brothercousin (x2) father father-in-law granddaughter grandfather

grandmother grandson husband mother mother-in-law sister son wife


a) My son is my father's
b) I am my husband's .

c) My daughter is my mother's .

d) My husband's mother is my .

e) My father is my husband's
- .

- the people with words from

Speaking 5 Draw a picture of a family and label 4. Then work
in pairs. Look at the information- on page 68. Follow the instructions.
'paq s,luauDd aq uo lls l.uD) no/('ttJos ru,l
'paq s,luatlDd aql uo IS 4uop asDa@ 'aw asntxT
'8u1q1auros op ol lou 9 ur srolrsll aq1 Euplse ^,{1a1r1od esrlJeJd 'srpd ur >1ro16
zreqlo qJEa IISIA srelsls pue sleqlolq ueJ v
eplrqJ rroql q1;m lqSlurarro fels uetpren8 ro 1ua;ed e ue3 t
ealurl euo le luarled e ]lsl^ uec aldoed ,{ueu zr,r.o1-1 z
esrnoq 3u11rsrn eqt ere l€q1\ I
"' >lro.rv\;o aceld .ro drlunoc rnod u1 alelueJ =
'suorlsanb eseql rar\suy'sdno;E lletus ul {Jo A 6u;1eedg olelu
I =
'ulolqolo E Sl eleql ll lelsls pleM eLll ol )ieoos .
'peprnord slreLlc eql osn .
'le1rdsoq oql lB enure noA eroleq sepereOrc ;;e qsrn0unxe .
'prem oqt o^Eal pue relue nof uaqm spueq rnol qsean .
'sprem oql uo euoqd elrqou rnol #o urnl .
'u'd Oe g pue'u'd Oe'Z uoomlaq lrsr^ .
op eseeld
'(ecuenpe ur peerOe ssequn) ltst^ ol zL tepun uetp;tqc 6uuq .
'regl dorp .
'0urlrluon roTpue
eeoLprerp 'nll 'ploc peq e uorl 0uyegns ete noI 1t ;eltdsoq aql lrsr^ o
'sprem eql oluo sreano;1 6urrq .
'slellol ,sluo[eo eql esn .
'eurl e le oMl ueql ororu usr^ o
'luerudrnba lpcrporu ro sroloqlec 'sdr.rp 'spunorur qcnol .
lou op oseeld
HD opoc s,rollsln
'9 ur srelv\sue rnof leaqe pue aprn8 plrdsoq srql peeu L
'3u1ql Euorm aql Eulop ere pue a
daql 1urq1 nof ;r y sso.rr B pue Eu1q1 1q31r aqi Eulop are srolrsll aq1 4u1qi no,(
JI ,/ >lrl] e tnd '\ plrdsoq e Jo uotlerlsnlll slql le Ioo'I 'sdnorB lleurs uI >lro A g 6u;peeg
Escorting a patient for tests
Vocabulary 1 Wort< in pairs. Look at these photos of medical equipment and complete the
labels with the letters in the box.



-ray machine scanner scanner machine

Pronunciation 2 Listen to the names of the medical equipment in 1 and repeat.


Ordinal numbers
1 st first 6th sixth 11th eleventh 22nd twenty-second
2nd second 7th seventh 12th twelfth 23rd twentythird
3rd third 8th eighth 13th thirteenth 31 st thirty-first
4th fourth 9th ninth 20th twentieth
sth fifth 1oth tenth 21st twenty-first

We use ordinal numbers for dates. 6th July 1975

23rd October 2001
We sav dates like this: 4th August 1914: the fourth of August, nineteen fourteen
31st March 2011: the thirty-first of March, two thousand and eleven
But we often write dates like this on forms: 06.07.1975

Listening 3 Listen to a nurse taking patients to the Radiology Department and

write the correct test for each patient in a-c on this appointments sheet.

Radiology Dept.
- -- r --'Dalei 2O.1 1,2

13:30 (3) I

(5) Emilia
r DoB: (4)
\'/ i(o)- i

irest: rb) ]gl-___



4 Listen again and complete each patient's name and date of birth (DOB) in 1-6
on the appointments sheet in 3.

5 Work in pairs. Look at the audio script for track 07 on pages 72-73 and practise
reading aloud the dates of birth. Then dictate three dates of birth for your
partner to write down.

dlrlrlre aq1 leadar pue salor dezvrg
'sdals aql I1e per\olloJ arreq no,{ leql >lDoqD pu€ ualsrl o1 rpd Jaqloue {se uaqJ
'esrnu d8ololper aql ol lualted aq1 arnpo.rlul .
'elqepoJruo) s1 1ue11ed rnod arns e1e141 .
'luatulredaq d8olorpeg aq1 o1 oE ol lue.ry\ daql rtoq lualled aql >lsv o
.lalaleJq ,rqrluapr s,Juerled aql >lJaqJ JN
. osllJeJ(
'tsel rreql roJ atull s1 11 1ua11ed aql IIaJ .
. '1uar1ed oqt ol Jlasrnod aenporlul o
'sda1s asaql 9-I UI
1v\olloC '1uau1;edaq d8ololpeg aql ol luarled e Eulyoesa esrlJprd 'srrud ur 1ro16
dlrlrloe aql leadar pue salor dems uaql 'suollesJaluoJ oql esrloerd pue
g2 aEed uo 60 pue g0 $lJetl ro; tdlres orpne eql l€ >lool 'sdnor8 Ipurs ur >lJo A 6u;>1eadg
t t
L V lq8noue nod ery 7
'la>luelq e nort arrt8 eru
-teqtq t 'nod atu la'I I
turen lal dleq lo$oq
'sJeMSue rnor{ loaqc '1
pue ure8e uelsrl uaql 'xoq oql ur spJod\ oql qllrvr suolssardxa asaql e1a1duro3 pue
'alqpuoJruoJ 3u11aa1 s1 1ua11ed Jaq leql {JaqJ ol suolssardxa ureyeJ sasn d11ay
'0t'I I I 0€'01 I 00'0t W s1 luarulurodde s,a>1e1 g
',QtpS I alpy I arrDlJ peller sl esrnu ,ffio1o1peg eql t
'la4uDlq I nlacotq I 4ooq e u1q sazrf asrnu eql t
(sremsue 7) '4oam I paq I plot slaeJ eH Z
d8olorpeg ol oE ol ta11ot1 ttoqt1aaqm I 4c1ls Eurylnrn e sesn e{€f I

's,llDl! ur spJon lJerro) eq] esooqJ pu€
e>let pup [11a;1 uaa,nlaq uorlesreluo) eql;o yed puo]es eq] ol ue]sl'I 6 t
'1 Ut S;arvrSUe rnO.{
lJoq) pup 'luaurlredeq d6o1o1peg aq1 o1 EurpoJsa sr eqs luarled e '.a>lef pue
'esrnu ypls e .{1ya; uaa^Uaq uollesraluoc e ;o lred }sJg eqt ol uelsrl g 6u;ue1s;1
; / apor eql / aseald ' / edrms 1 uer / teleJerq rnod uo g
I / s,1eqm / rnod / erueu IInJ 7
d1r1uap1 ;nod g
; / aseeld ' / lsrg / aes 1sn[ 1 uer / ]alaJerq
i lno( lerc
eu11 / der-y; / s,11 / mou I
'suorlsenb pue seJueluas a>leru ol JepJo ltaJroJ eql ul g-I ul spJo^\ aql ]nd

I ttpeet 7

l 'l
rpqcloaq^ Icrls oullle/vl Ae||or1 laluPlq eql el
'xoq eql uI splolv\ aq] qlla uoll€Jlsnlll aql Iaqe'l g tue;nqecol
Checking patient details
Reading 1 Reaa these patient details and answer the questions.

GP (general
practitioner) = General Hospital
family doctor Patient details
$4r First name(s)t KLJI.S Surname: t.{eQpgald

Gender:E tvt tr F Marital status: gitqlo

DOB: 13..93,118L. Occupationi .aa.\$+.l4e-!.ip,I A.erlel.
Add ress: . .5 Q.att iS QJpe*., No-tt i r4hau..Nqt..1Q.e.
rer (aob.i.le) 1.7.71. Q9.? 5llll . Email: Vagd.enal.dQtejeep.ce'uV
GP: Q.Cfa*4a t4i.l!at
Next of kin: .S^uzAw.*.5 Relationship to patient: fla!.hA.f..

1 Is the patient a man or a woman?

2 When is the patient's birthday?
3 What is the patient's job?
4 Is the patient married?
5 Who is the patient's family doctor?
6 Who is Suzanne McDonald?
Listening 2 Listen to two conversations and tick / the information the person
asks for.
1 The adviser asks for the patient's
! name and surname. ! telephone number.
! date of birth. ! email address.
! address. ! next of kin.
2 The nurse asks for the patient's
! name and surname. ! telephone number.
! date of birth. ! email address.
! address. ! marital status.
3 Listen again and complete these tables.

I 2

Patient name James (1) Patient name Amir (4)

Next of kin | (2) DOB (5) _
Telephone (3) _ Address
(6) 81 Avenue Mahmoud
- Email I 0)

:1uer1ed o1 d;qsuo;1e1ag tuo
:ull lo lxaN
:raqu.rnu euoqdelal
:urbr,ro ;o {l1uno3
zlvw"J :lapuoc
HD sllelap lualled
'proJal tualled srql elelduor o] suorlsonb
g luepnls IsV ']uallEd e sl g luapnts pu€ esrnu eql are no^ 'selor derv\S Z
J"vl+ow :guerled ol dlqsuollBleH
zcmaPboA v?1y :utl lo lxaN
' rssolppv
1zcod' JZg bg/ qg oboqsrtoTvrnol' y
!vo"' v (rt r lo l
oz? t,o1vboL' boLb :lteuf
vli?nvo (tvlsoJvP :dc
YLU-Vb t-YAA-Yn - tp :iaqunu auoqdelel
P\vlod :urbr,ro ;o {llunoC
blbl L0'97 :goo
zcmapboV ztoboLx :gu,tPN
HC sl!elep luelled
'suorlsenb s,B luapnls Jo1(suv 'pJocal luaped Jnod sl sHl pue luarled e no^ i ,/g]eof Ul S€ c
v luapnls qoq )ol e
'suollJutrsul eql olloc '69 a8ed uo uo.rlEruroJul eq]
^ eLll uo puel$opu-
le >lool 'g luepnts 'a8ed slql uo uolleturoJul aq] le {ool 'v tuapnls 'srpd ul >uo A 9 ol llnculp aiE
'qog rcJ g s,u :g leql eeDel )cau:
ol sou.leu asr
zauDtq ur sD Q Jo qog u! sD g lDql sl ;v
uec sos.,|n\
'Eu111eds aqt Eulpeqe aslleerd uaql 'nof .roJ llnJgJlp
ere leql sJallal pu€]srepun nod dlaq llrlv\ leq] sarupu Jo >lulqJ 'srpd ur >1ro16 6uHeedS
lnof o1 d1qsuo11e1er raq/s1q s, L
Zupl Jo lxau .rnod s(- g
al$ ;nod s(- I
aqulq Jo elep.rnod s,- v
iJaqunu auoqd ayrqou/ssarppe lprue/ssarppe ;nod s.- t
ee^rl no^ op z
eotueu 1py/aueu lsrg/aureu;ns;nod s.- I
suorlsanb aq1 Eur.ra.nsue pue Eu14se
astlee;d ueqJ 'orlo? to anllm'pqm q11n suorlsenb asaql a1a1duo3 's.tpd
- ul >lJo A V
'eldoed ro uosred e lnoqp lse ol or//r esn eM
ceNl eqs seop ato.lll 'socplq lnoqE )se oI aFqM esn oM
149 nol p )eqwnu euotldelel eLil s! p.llt1 'Ourqleuos lnoqe Mou)1 ol lueM eM ueqm leqlu esn oM
'uolleurolur tuelled rol lse ol oqln pue orci'lw'te.rr qirm suorlsenb esn uec eM
suoglsanb -q41
Describing symptoms
Vocabulary 1 tvlatctr illustrations A-N to symptoms r-t4.

1 cough 8 runny nose

2 dizzy 9 skin rash
3 earache l0 sore throat
4 fever ll stomachache
5 headache 12 sweaty
6 itchy 13 swollen glands
7 nauseous 14 tired
Pronunciation 2 Listen and check your answers in 1. Then listen again and repeat.

Speaking 3 Work in small groups. What do

you think are the top five reasons
for visiting a GP in the UK? Put the
Top 5 reasons for visiting the GP
symptoms in the correct order
(1-5), beginning with the most in the UK
common. Then check the answers at n earache n cough
the bottom of the page. n stomachache n backache
n sore throat
4 What do you think are the top five
oqceqceuols I
reasons for visiting a GP in your
eqceree t oqce)ceq g q6noc 7 leorql aros L
country? Discuss.
l,lDotql atos
D aaDq not oO zanluadaal D aaDq no{ oQ a{opo1 laa! no[ op moq 'oilaH
'seq eqs/eq
stuoldlurts aql ,/ >lJIl pue sluoldtu,ts raq/s;q lnoq" g luepnls >1sy 'salor dervrg Z
'slsou8Blp alqlssod e nod eArB
IIr^ g luapnlg 'stuoldtufs rnod Eulupldxa 'suotlsanb s,g luepnls .Ie^\suv
'G"00t/ rena; lq811s e e'req
dtearvrs are .'
'eqJ€pEaq e eA€q .
'qwl upls € eABq .
'suoldu^s rno.{ e;e eseql pue III aJe no I
v luapnls
'suollJnrlsur eql '69 a8ed uo uolletutoJul eqt
^\olloC 6u11eedg
t€ >lool 'g luapnts 'a8ed sgql uo uolleurroJur eqt te {ool 'v tuepnts 'srpd u1 1.to16 I
'ou 'suoldru.r(s ;aq1o o1q :g :v9
'.9'l€ s,]l 'se^ :g :vv
'aqJBqJBlUols peq € seq eH :g :vt
'aeJql s,oH :g :vz f
'sreqrueqJ IneS sl atueu s,uos {l l :g :VI
,^--^--^^..L^ ^
)uul+>drru >,usJou oql allJl 'uos slq lnoqe arre8 aq sJalv\sue eqt peau
'es.rnu eJrlJerd eql ol qeads puB s,rolrop eql slleJ JaqleJ snolxu€ uv L
larnle;edural (a u eneq no,( oq g
lsu.roldtuds raqlo (p ere leql V
lsruoldurds rnor{ (c due aneq nod oq t
lasou duunr e aneq (q nod oP rvrog Z
idepol 1ea; (e nod oq I
'suorlsanb e{etu o} a-€ o} g-I qJlelAI g
'auo qlea ol lxeu (V+y) unou + azrtltelpe
.ro '(,V) unou '(y) anrlealpe ellr..v\ pue 1 ur stuoldur,,{s aq} le
{ooT 'srted ut 1ro16 I
aleoJLll etos e aLeq oq saoo 'leuql qos e seq eH unou (+ enrlcelpe) + e^eq
a,Iqq1 peljl saog 'Izztp qael eqg enrlcelpe + leel
4 Snoesneu eLl sl
'perll w.l enrlcelpe + aq
sruoldruAs lnoqe 6uusv stuoldtu{s 6ulqycseq
suroldrufis lnoqe 6u;11e1
Assessing common childhood diseases
Vocabulary 1 Work in small groups. Match photos A-C to the childhood diseases l-3.

E q

1 rubella 2 measles 3 mumps

2 Work in pairs. Match the symptoms in the box to the childhood diseases
in 1. Write I ior rubella, 2 f.or measles or 3 for mumps above each word. Some
symptoms can appear in more than one disease.

cough fever headache nausea rash runny nose sore throat swollen glands

Reading 3 Read this patient education leaflet and check your answers in 2.

MMR information leaflet

What is MMR?
The MMR vaccine protects your child against these highly infectious childhood diseases:
measles, mumps and rubella.

What are the syrnptorns?

. measles: cough, fever, rash, runny nose and sore throat
. mumps: fever, headache, nausea and swollen glands
. rubella:fever, headache, rash (red-pink colour), runny nose, sore throat and swollen glands

When to give the vaccine

. When your baby is l3 months old, mal<e an appointment with your family doctor or
public health nurse for the first MMR vaccine.
. At 4-5 years your child will receive the second vaccine (or booster) at schoor.
+ The vaccines are free of charge.
What happens after the vaccination?
Does your child have a feverl ls the injection area sore, swollen or redl lf yes, give your
child paracetamol or ibuprofen.

4 Work in pairs. Read the leaflet in 3 again and answer these questions.
I Who is this leaflet for?
2 What do the letters MMR stand for?
3 How old are children when they receive the MMR vaccine? (2 answers)
4 Some children have symptoms after the vaccine. What are they?
5 How much does the MMR vaccine cost?
6 What is the treatment for these svmptoms?

'}ueurl€arl ur8eq laqr .rer1e (9) or oB tou plnoLls uarplrrl3's)rlorqnu€ sl
(g) lluo eq1 ueedde sr.uoldruls a-ro;aq slep rq31e or G)
uerplrq3'uro;3 eq] ur .ro (g) ,(;;ensn sr qrr.l/v\ qse; e re8 os;e laql
'enSuot lurd e pue (7) eseas;p srrlt qlter oq^ ueJplrqJ'plro^
Surdo;aaap aqr u1 (t) tttrr sr '(r-u.rer ;erlpau) €urlolJe)s ro !a^a; telr€ls
w)e )no( I ilaLll )epun re^ol louecs ol / Jot luor,ulEatl
slep 1 lep oAU rol looLlcs eerql Jol snorpalur ele / s!
leorql oros e 're^ol e e^eq I seq eseeslp uilpltlc / pootlptltlc uor,Ilr.uoc e
's)!lDl! ur spJor\ lJerro) oql asooqJ 'xoq eql
ur suorssa.rdxe eql qllrw Ja^eJ ]alJeJS ]noqe leueel e uoJJ ]f,?Jlxe s1q1 e1e1duro3
's;eedde qs€r aql a-ro;eq slep MoJ e ro; (g) a;e xoduallrqr qt!/v\ uarplrLl3
'8urqrrl aql (1) or uorrol aulur€lef, asn uEf, no ' (9) sr xodueprqc
tuor.ltearl lseq eqf 'Jo8t tnoqp 1o a;nle;edual e eAEq pu€ (S)
l"re,r 1aa;
ualo uarplrq3'srnoq tZ tsru aql Sur.rnp s.reedde l; ' (y) pue pe.r
(;) uor-uLuoc Jaqloup sr '(r.u"ral ;ecrpeu) €lle)rr€^ -ro 'xoduelrrq3
uioldru^s dols lser qser ,itlc1 snorpolur loq osposlp
'xoq aql ur spro^\ eql qlla xodualcrqc ]noqe leueel ? uoJJ lJeJXe s1q1 a1e1duro3 g 6ul1rm
(r{1pnsn) 'sreadde qser eq} te}J€ snor}JeJul lou selseeur qll,t/\ slual}ed V
(sarurleuos) 'aulJJen Untrhl eql .ra1;e sruoldrufs arreq serqpg t
(ra,rau) 'eJuo ueql oJour seseaslp pooqpllqD qtlee aldoed 1so141 Z
(ueqo) 'eulJJeA e relJe qslJo^oJ s1 uos ^{6i I
'lootps lo aw)JDa AWW puuas Jraqt aaa)al [11onsn uaqltqJ
(dlpnsn) 'looqrs le aulr)el UWW puores rleqt elreJer uarpllqJ
'uorlrsod lJarror aq1 u1 dcuanbar;;o qJelpe eql qll,t seJualues eseql ollJr\e5 L
'\to/A Jeue petq AteA u"ao w,l 'oq qJo^ oql re1e o6 Icuenberl lo sqre^p\
'qsu e e^eq fi1ensn 1,uop sdwnw L,lll/ sluelled 'qre^ ureu oql oroleq o0 Icuenberl lo sqre^pb
%001 .O
slierye fi1ensn uego saur.rleuos Jaiau
's0u;q1 op oM uego anoq Ies ol elduls lueserd eql qll/r^ fcuanber;
lo sqJa^pe esn eAl
Acuenbar; lo sqJe^py
'ellaqesl pue,{11141 'easleqJ ;o srsou8erp e e>lel4 's.rpd ur >1ro16 g
spue16 lPoJrll esou
qseH eosneN aqcepeeH JAAeI qOno3
uollo/'AS oJos {uung
'suroldruds s,luolled rlJee / >lJIl pue suollps.reAuoJ aa.rql ol uelsl'l g 6u;ue1s;1
Taking a blood sample
Vocabulary 1 Wort< in pairs. Match l-7 in the illustrations to words a-g.


a) antiseptic wipe
b) cotton ball -
c) needle -
d) plaster -
e) specimen- tube
f) syringe -
g) tourniquet
Reading 2 Complete these- instructions for taking a blood sample with the words in 1.
DI I Put a(n) over the cotton ball and check the patient feels OK.
ii) I I Pull out the needle and put a(n) onto the wound. Press hard.
iiD I I Ask the patient to roll up their sleeve and use a(n) to clean
the patient's arm.
i") E E Write the patient's full name and DOB on the
v) f] I Tie the -
tightly around the patient's upper arm and insert the
into the vein.
vi) I f] Use the to fill the tube with blood.
3 Match the instructions (i-vi) in 2 to the illustrations (A-F) in l. Then put the
instructions in the correct order (l-6).

Speaking 4 Work in pairs. Put the words in 1-6 in the correct order to make sentences.
I for me / your sleeve / please / roll up
2 disinfect I first I let me / your arm
3 the tourniquet / let me / round your arm / tie
4 a small pin prick I will I feel / you
5 to your arm / cotton ball / hold / this
6 for a minute and / your arm / press hard / bend

'poolq sees aq uoqlvr sluleJ eH 'JISnu s08 oJler Eu{e1d 'uo11e1s
olper aulluo ue uo fC arull-lred pu" luepnts s)lruouoJe ue '61 s1 d;reg V aql
';aq1a8o1 1116
Eu{e1d anol ,taq} pue be1 sl pualrJ lseq reH 'qs118ug seteq tnq sqleu
1e poo8 .,{rarr s,aqg 'salpaeu o{ll }(useop aqs pue p1o sread 1q81a s1 eqsly t
.JIOE ar-ll ua
s,{e1d eg 'sJolJe snoueJ s}eetu ue4o eq pue rellrp lxel e s.aH 'poo1q sarrf
oq uaql/\ snoesneu slae; sdeAp eq puB salpaeu a{ll }rusaop sl1oE;e61 JIJg Jhtr z
'lol e - ueql ]noqe {le} o} se{II eqs pue uaJpllqJpuer8 aarql ueelJ
'pJPq s
seq eqs dzzlp slee; sorulletuos eqs pu€ poolq e{ll }.usoop npIBN elluv sJI tr I
')o sla
,tlrrrrlce aql leade; pue selor der*s uaql 'aldues poolq e Eu11e1 deldelor
ol uossal slql ul suolsserdxa pue sarnlcld eql esn 'asJnu e are nod'g luepnlg
'r\.olaq y-1 u1 aldoad eql yo ouo oJe nod eur8erur 'V luepnls 's;red ur 4ro16 g1 buryeedg
'uolleuolul aql ol uopuette Suded '1eada; pue ure8e uelsrl uaqJ
'I I ul Q.J) ou .ro (,1) sa,{ e1c.r13 l8ulrnssear punos osJnu oql seoq 'up8e ua}sl'I zl
ft / A) 'eur IIet ' Iea1no,,t 11 y
fu / I) ',nou>1 aru 1a1 ' laay nod y1 g
0{ / D 'etu IIet ' Iaay no,{ y 7
ft / ,1) /v\oDI eur lel ' laay no,t y1 1
'saJuelues asaql elalduoJ pue ualsl'I uollelcunuold
'f,zz1p pue parpJs 1ae; nod pue 1ue11ed eql erc no
g luapnls
req/u1q xeler ot lualled eql o] {1el o1 la8ro; l,uoq 'nod dlaq o1 t ul seJuelues
aq] esn 'g luepnls uror; aydures poolq E Eu11e1 eJe no1 'esrnu eql eJ" no1
v luapnls
,tlrnrlce aql leadar pu€ seloJ dervrs ueql 'aldues poolq p Euqel deldalog 0t L
'uatplulcpuot?no(/tDp no[/qo[ no,( goqo au nal
'aldures poolq
e a>1e1 no.,{ a1gq,u;aq/ulq xeleJ ot luel}ed e o1 Euqpl suJn} e>lBI 's;pd u1 4;o16 6
']sa] poolq
e Eulrnp arreq deur aldoed suroldurfs ruJolsulerg 'sdnor8 lpurs ul >po A I
'g u! 7 pue 7 suorlsanb Jaasuv 'sdnor8 lleurs ul {JolA
L 6ul1eedg
i'\r17,7y'aagot p dnc o at4oot o ann[ auos oJpu€sselv sant8 es.rnu aq1 V
I f
'pa4l I ,tzztp l.p1ot sleeJ orpuesselv t
LLqM'DlDm auos 4uttp
I moputm aqlJo tno 4oo1 I 4ooq D pDar ol oJpuBSSalV $lse esJnu eqJ Z
'utod I poon I salpaau a{ll },useop orpuessely I
ul sprolv\ ]JorJoJ eql asooqJ pue ute8e uolslT 9
't ur sJer\sue ;nod 4eeqr pue aldures poolq Eup1e1 esJnu p o] uelsl'I I 6u;ue1s;1
Monitoring body temperature
Vocabulary 1 Work in small groups. Match photos A-D to words l-4.


1 digital thermometer .t oral the rmometer

2 disposablethermometer 4 tympan ic thermometer

37"C = 98.6"F Work in pairs. Practise saying these temperatures to your partner. What is
normal bodv temoerature?
1 36.6"C 3 37.4C 5 37"C
2 s5.2"C 4 38.3"C 6 37.9'C
thirty-six point six degrees
Pronunciation 3 Work in pairs. Underline the stressed syllable in each word. Then
listen, check your answers and reoeat.
I oral 3 electronic 5 temperature
2 tympanic 4 thermometer 6 disposable
Listening 4 Listen to a nurse taking a patient's temperature and tick./ the words
you hear.
! arm ! head ! mouth
! temperature chart I thermometer ! tongue
5 Work in pairs. Look at the illustrations (A-E) of a nurse taking a patient's
temperature and put them in the correct order (l-5).

iasDald 'la4uDlq D qllm luallDd at11 naoc not uo3
'slsanDoI ellloo e{elu
ol xoq a8en8uel aq1 ur a8en8uel aql pu€ 6 uI uoll€IuJoJul oql asn 'erurreqloddq
, leerl o] auoqd eql ralo auoeuros Eu1s1.tpe esIlJPJd 'sr1ed ut >po16 91 buryeadg I
G / D '>lulJp loq drarr e luelted aq1 a,,rr8 ot eapl poo8 e lou sl ll I
G / D 'elruraqlodfU qllm uosrad e dlaq IILtr le>luelq v V
G / D 'erurraqloddq urorJ alp ol elqlssod s1 11 t
(C / D 'saJllJos drua8raua oq] IIeJ o1 dlessaeau ]ou sl ]l Z
G/ 'otwtaqyad[ry sr arnleradrual dpoq.ry\ol JoJ turet IeJIpou oql I
'retum Qoq lou) urre^\ uI ecEJ plr? spu?q s,lueuecl eql qs?,l.r .
'arnleredruel uroor eql dn urnl .
'sroop pue s,^aopur,t{ IF esolc .
'luerted eql roJ {urrp (loq tou) tuJB. A P e;uderd .
'le{u?Jq u qll,,rr luetlud eql le^oJ .
'l€q u ro/pu€ Surqtolc urxe tuarlud eqt e,l.r8 .
'lea eJ? ,{eql;r seqlolc s,tuerted eql JJo e)Et . spJo^\
:uzc no.{ 'secrlJes ,tcue8-reure eql JoJ lll?/r\
no.{ a1q4 ',(lelerperurur 666IIvJ ,{cua8rerue lecrperu e sr uruueqlod,{11
erru.raqlod.{q 3ut1ea41
('ernlu;edruel q8rq frel e sr eturreqgedfg) 'p1eg eq uec l€qt uollrpuoc snorJes ueq
u sr 1I 'Je/$ol ro Jot g€ Jo e.Iruuredutel ,(poq ,to1 ,(rerr u st erur:eq1od,{g
lugrraqloddq sl tBqA\
S] ]I
'seruetuos esleJ aql trerroJ i(4) asiay;o (1)
an4 soJualuas aql a.ry 's1uar1ed roJ elrsqa/v\ qlpeq e ulorJ a8ed aryrpe slql pea5 6ugpeeg
'ernleJodurel s.Jouued rnod Euqel de1da1o5 'sJI"d ul {ro A I 6ur;1eadg
'1;1qs ;no^,{ JJo a{eJ g
'eprs euo ol peeq ;no.{ 1n4 v
'qlnour .tno.r{ aso13 t
'dn ure rno{ p1o11 Z
'enEuo] .tnor{;apun telauouraql oql lnd I
'slsanbe; a111od
aleru o] seJualuas eseq] ellJ.{\e5 L
'sn rol 0utqleuros op oi Ipoqeuos
aeseeld'ew rol wte tnol dn ry nol plnog
leseeld'q1now tnol uedo noA ueg )ise eM uoqM anrlru4ur + not plnoglueC osn o/,',
slsenbar e1lod 6u;1ep1
eJoleuourreql oq] tno ]sn[l V
6otnultu toJ ploq pue qlnou rnod no.,t t
" tsnl nod Z
;an8uol rnor(;apun slQl
;aseayd 'aru ro; qlnou rno.{- nod 1
'slsenbar s,osJnu aq1 alaldruoJ ueqJ 'g ur slervrsu€ rnof
- lraqe pue ure8e uelsl'I 9
- -
- -
The patient ward
Ihere it
Vocabulary 1 Wort< in pairs. Label this floor plan of a patient ward with the words in the box. I r= i-

clean supply room conference room nurses' lounge nurses'station

patient room physicians' area soiled utility room visitors'toilet

Pronunciation 2 Underline the stressed syllables in each of the sections of the patient
ward in l. Then listen, check your answers and repeat.


Prepositions of place
We use prepositions of place (at, on, in, under, next Your father's room isdown the hall.
to, near, down, elc.) to say where something is. The nurses'sfafion /s on the left/right.
The physicians'area ls next to the conference room.

3 Choose the correct words in italics.

1 The nurses' lounge is in I on the left.
2 The clean supply room is next f nearlo the soiled utility room.
3 The meeting room isn't in I on this floor.
4 The conference room is down I under thehall, at I on your right.
5 Dr Evans is in I on the physicians' area.
'DatD ,suDDtsfqd atll ol ]xau s,U :g
tJ! sl ataq14
's! alaqt'sa "Y:g
Zuoot a)ualaJuo) D ataql SJ ;V
,fi1rr11ce aql lBadel pue salor dervrs uaql 's,l\ou>l
eqs/eq lueurpedap 1ua11ed E lnoqe suorlsenb reuu€d rnof {sV 's.rpd u1 >1.ro16 L Furyeadg
ep.r?1v\ s(e^els u1 a8unol ,soslnu eql ul
pug nod uee 1eq16 I
epJe1v\ s,e^als ul eroql oJe suoll€ls ,saslnu
rtueu mog v
ip.rervr s,d11e; ul suooJ eJueJaluoJ u{ue a;aq1 a;y t
ipr"..v\ s(e^als ul eJaql eJE sulooJ luarled /tueu lvrog z
iqo[ rvrau req lnoqB a411 d11e; saop s3u1q] o^q lBqA\ I
'suorlsanb aseql Jel\sue pue ule8e uelsl'I 9
]elrol ,srolrsrA
e0uno; ,sestnu
Luoor luerled
r.uool ocuereluoc
eceldyronn s,o^ols aceldruotr s,[1|ey ruooH
'eeeydlro*r qJee ur sruooJ eql / >lJIl pue seeeldlro^\ rlaql lnoqe
Eup1p1 ureql ot ualsl'I 'sp11dsoq ]uerelJlp uI {ro^\ d1a;1 pue ana15 I 6u1ue1s;1
(y) 'uroo.r ,{1ddns ueelr aql u1 sa8epueq.{ue 9
errrooJ s.eulqeu JIN ul speq ol!\l I
(y) 'ruoo.r 1ua11ed eql ol xeu uroor d11111n pellos € V
eeare lsuplJlsdqd aql uI eulqcetu de.t-y ue- t
?) 'tpq eqt uaop slellol .srollsll o^\l - Z
(7)'ee:r.,suelc1s.{qd oql o} }xeu luoor eJuereJuoJ e I
'aJD anql ro fl araql Jo turol lJalJoJ eql qll1!\ sacuelues asaql ale1duo3 v
'(1ou erc) Luarc ercql'oNl'ate orcqt'so
(enp) a,woot tr1ddns ueep eLll u! sQ4uetq lue ataql aty
'(;ou s1) Lusr e/sql'oNl's!
"teql'se4 uorlseno
Qeln6urs) LpteM eql u! teilol e e/aql s,
(ptn1d)'woot t11111n pe11os eql u! s@\uelq uealc lue (!ou ate) I.uarc ?rcql
(re;n0u;s) '6e1 qq uo ebepueq e (;ou s1) l,us! arcql en11e0e1
(lern|d) 'uoor lueued eql u! speq olAt ile arcql
(relnDu1s) 'woot llddns ueep elll ut relewowreLil e (sr) qa,raql o^neur!JJV
'slsrxe burqleuos to Apoqeuos teql Aes ol erc aleqlg! a,raql osn eM 'xoq eq
eJe ataqlq! ilotlt
Nursing duties
Speaking 1 Work in pairs. Describe what you can see in the illustrations.


Fttserrt c


.:.'l E


Present continuous
we use the present continuous to talk about I |m 1am1 waiting for Nurse Bower.
things that are happening now. We use the form j Aet 1rs1 hetping a patient.
am/islare + -ing. I We're (are) having tunch.
The nurse is looking for a thermometer.
What is she doing at the moment?

2 work in pairs. Look at the illustrations in L What is each person doing? Use the
correct present continuous form of the verbs in the box to write a sentence for
each one.

eat fill in look at look for read take tatk (to)

Complete these conversations with the correct present continuous form of the
verbs in brackets.
I A: Lisa, I need some help. (l) (you / do) anything important?
B: Yes, I'm sorry. I (2) (change) Ms Bandine's IV. Is it urgent?
A: No, I can wait five minutes.
2 A: Mr Halpert's call light is on.
B: He (3) (probably / complain) about pain again.
A: The poor guy (4) (have) trouble sleeping. I'll go and
give him some pain medication.
3A What (5) (the nursing assistants / do)?
B They're with Ms Davis. I think they (6) (take)
her temperature.
'elorlv\ no.[ 2lua8rr
Iletuo oql lB EuHool lnoqlyv\ reuyed Jno^ ol dep ;no,{ aqlrJseq 'srpd ur 4ro16 6u;1eadg elueuo(
'g ul peurlrepun no.{ sqrel eql Jo auros asn depol Europ eql Jo
ere nod teq^\ lnoq€ asJnu reqloue ol I1etue ue ellJlA l.{ep ;nod e>111 dep s.est'I sl
L 6utlrrtrt
G / D ']uatuotu aq1 1e a8unol (sesrnu eql ul qrunl slq Eu11ea s,ua;1 g
G / J ;au dlaq no.,{ ue3 'sa8epueq arou roJ Euqool ru,y g
G / J relopueq eql JoJ 0Z'g le uoll"ls (sesrnu aq1 1e Eurlaaru eJ.a^A V
G / D 'sueqJ arnleradural Eur4caqc dllua.rrnc ar,daql t JOJ aJU
G / J depol ratel auoq Eulo8 s1 6I ruoor ur llneqrql eo'I Z eqt es
G / J 'IIqs uoourelJ€ aqt Euq;orvr tu,l {eam 1xeN I
iQ) atryn1 aqi ro (6) tuasatd aql tnoqe secualuas esaql erv g
ilrom ol IJO imou rol lle s,leql '{enn{uy
ioolsuou srll 'sruool eLll lle
u! sprnll 11 6ur>1ceqc ur,l leLll reUV'eurl 0uol e se)iel sAennle leql'91 ruoor ur luerled e lnoqe
{ueduuoc ocuernsur ue 6uruoqd u,l ueLl} pue }sluol}decer eq} qllm sprocel leclpouu 0uryceqc
r.u,l uoourege eqt ul 'qcrmpues lcrnb e ro1 e6uno; ,sesrnu oql ur uelels Ourleeu u.t,; os
'qcunl {r.uro}so}nurLu9!e^eq{uoIggo}OLsr.uoorul s}uel}Bd0u1pee1 u,l leq}JoUV'Luoor
Alddns ueelc eq1 u1 serlddns lol repJo up oluM o1 rosrnredns [ru 6urees u.r,l ueql'sluerted
Iu 1o auo rol luouriporl ssncsrp ol'r,u'e 6 le luellnsuoc culeue6 oql qllm Ourleeu ur,1
'Iepo1 Iep Jnoq-Zl e o^eLl | 1{snq ooos lsnl u,l aolll s$oH
'uoJey rH
'snonulluoJ luaserd aql ul sqJa^ aql aullJepun pue lrerue slql pEeU g
'ltl6luol luened elll uo \ceLlc ol Ou1uoc s! lueilnsuoc ell!
'w'd g te 6u4eew tetopuetl e 6u1aeq (ete) a4e11 'slueure6uerre
'w'd e
le uelted etil Ou!ilnsuoc (st) qeg elnlnl lnoqe llEl ol snonurluoc
'Aepo1 rc1e1 t16u1g tyy lnoqe lueilnsuoc eq1 6u1aes (we) w1 lueserd oql osn osl€ oM
sluouaOueJJe ernlnl rol snonulluoc luesard
a8utop aq fl lDLlA4:V
'd1rnr1ee aq1 leader pue selor dervrs uaql 'Illuattnt pue mou
'luawow aqt iD pua Z ur xoq aql ul sqJa^ eql esn 'Eu1op ere
'taql leq,n
rnod 4se pue I
ur suorl€rlsnllr aql ul eldoed lueraJJlp .rnoJ 01 1u1o4 's.rpd ul {Jo A
The qualities of a responsible nurse
E + adix
Speaking 1 Work in pairs. Look at the illustration and discuss these questions.
.iri ,S€ b€
1 What is the nurse doing?
2 What do you think the patient wants? Make a list.
3 Why is it important to always answer a call light?


Listening 2 Listen to three conversations and complete these sentences with the
phrases in the box.

more pain medication some water to go to the toilet to turn off the TV

1 Mrs Azzizawanls
2 Jerome wants and for the nurse
3 Mr Patel needs
Listen again and complete the nurses' expressions.
1 can I help you?
2 I do to help?
3 I help you anything else?
4 l'm inafew
Vocabulary 4 Match 1-5 to a-e to make expressions to calm a patient.
1 f,lts oK,l'm a) good hands.
2 ! Please try b) care of you.
3 ! You're in c) here.
+ ! ffre doctor d) to relax.
5 ! We're taking e) is coming in a few minutes.

Listening 5 Listen to a nurse answering a call light. Tick / the expressions in 4

that she uses.

6 Listen again and choose the correct words in itqlics.

1 Mr Friedricks can't breathe I sleep I read.
2 Nurse Henshaw gives him some wqter f oxygen I pain medication.
3 The nurse tries to make the patient feel hot I tired I relaxed.
4 The patient starts to breathe more easily I sleep I watch W.

'6 puP 8 'Z ulorJ se^IlJalpe esn TeuUEd ]no^{ ol sasJnu o^ 1
aql aqlrrsec ieas luellsd eql seop l?qlA'uollErlsnlll eql ]E {ool 'srled ul {ro A ol ouHeads
'op o] a^Eq Ieu no{ s0ult,ll meu lBqM MouI llel tqOlu {eq1 '1ue;1ed tno{ ol ue1s11 {leet
reneu no[ osneceq (g) eq lsnut pue (z) eq ot peeu no{ pue
esrnu poo6 V'srolrsr^ Jlot4l pue sluotled llrls uollecrunurLuoc Inlosn e st 0utue1s11
rnol ol (9) eq pue eltu.ts ol l{ll 'tcelqns rnor{lnoqe (l)-tterut
s{emle 1nq Asnq eq {eu no1' fu) oq ol peou noI pue slltls uotlectunuluoc
ro^eu sr esrnu pooO V'luelted Iddequn ue - poob peeu nof :setlt;enb utettl oml
suPou esrnu (e) (u)V'erec Aeql peeu noI 'esrnu pooO E eq oI'tueel
leql Mor,ls sesrnu elqrsuodseu 'luauleetl lelldsor.l oql lo requou teqlo Aue ueql
reql rol sr leql -Ourr.lleuos noA sesrnu L|lrM lceluoc oJotu o^eq sluellpd
esJnu elqlsuodsar B 1o sa;1;;enb aq1
'sal1lca[pe eroru rnoJ lseal le eullJepun ueq1,
'; arrrle8au ro arrrlrsod aql asn '8 uroJJ sarrtlcalpe qtyv\ alJlu€ s1q1 e1e1duo3 5
e111od- g Eupec t eql qtl
otqFeu- I dlpualry Z
peurroJur- v o^rluell? I
'wt- to -un'-ut es1 'anl1e8au sangloa[pe eseql e{EI I I fue;nqecol
0{ / D .req peau sluaped
raq uaqa eullnor raq sa8ueqe eqs pue elqrxeg d;arr s1 1[eq1n6 esrng I
0'.1 / D
's1ua11ed eql l? slnoqs uauo eH 'reqlle elllod
dran 1ou s,aq pu" salrrus raleu aH flpuag;un os 1sn[ sl sesJnu eq] Io euo V
GI / D 'spueq PooE u1 ar,nod.nou4
luegrodrur s,leql >lulql I 'eulllpetu lnoqe paulJoJul-lle^\ d11eer s,a11
nof - t
0{ / D dsnq .,typa; s,ll uoqlv\ ue^e 'sn ol >llpt pue IS o}
elurl ele] daql 'luelled pue Eulrec sderrr.le are pltdsog lertrueJ uI sesrnu eqJ Z
GI / D 'alllualle sl oqd\ esrnu E ]uea I 'sualsll Jeleu eqs I
i(y) aalto8au rc (41) anursod
daql ary'sesJnu rlaql lnoq" epeul sluellsd 1eq1 sluauruof, asoql pee5 L
'6uuecun s esJnu )no4 '-wt )o -Ltn'-ul qllM senllcelpe entlebeu utol uec oM
sos./nu e .rlueile
estnu aAnuene ue 'sunou ;ern;d pue re;nOuts roJ eules eql sl enttcelpe uV
'eslnu fipua14 P s,aqs
'fipuag l,usl/sl seyef as.,nN 'unou e eroleq ro oq re1e eutoc A1;ensn se4lcalpv
'6u1tec!/s! estnu eLU 's6urq1 ro eldoed eqtrcsep ol enllcelpe + ag osn eM
an;1ca[pe + ag
44- so-

Hospital food and beverages

Vocabulary 1 Work in pairs. Look at the illustrations of main dishes in this hospital menu and
complete it with the words in the box.

cheese omelette grilled salmon pizza roast chicken

spaghetti bolognaise turkey sandwich vegetable quiche

Menu GH

E ll q -Je

Work in pairs. Write the words for food and beverages in the box in the correct
group. Then add two items to each group.

apple apple juice apple pur6e banana carrots coffee cola corn
cranberry juice fruit salad mashed potatoes orange orange juice peas
peppers rice tea yoghurt

Side dishes Desserts Beverages

Compare your answers in 2 with another pair. Then add another two items to
each group.

'no[ quDqt 'o1g/'asoa1d 'saA :g ittslp apls o a4t1 no,( p1noful :V
01 sualr
"' a4I pJ :g Zlassap/asfio) utDtu no[ rc1 a4t1 no,( plnon ]DqtA :V
uoqr .paur rno.^.raprs .1ue11ed e nod r i'j;'.]il."rtJi:T:Jffi:?Jr:::;
pup pooJ asooq) g luepnls dlag 'esrnu e are nort 'V luepnls 'srled ur >1.ro16 6u;1eedg
'g ur e-e sre.^asue ol g-I suorlsanb qe1e61
lelel '.vrou lq81r loN (e
n*rn"* l'::i [:
'ea;;oc a1ly p,,{aq1 (q
'eseald 'eueueq e e>lrl I (e
2ac1n[ a>111 ,r(aq1 g
- ol a{ll sJolrsrl rno,,{ plnom
e{ulrp V
- seeo 0
zuassap a>1J1 no,t plno/\{ leqlA t
- Uua{JIq) lseor nod oq Z ulo
lxau a>1r1 no.,{ plno,ry\ uaqlA I
(gx) plnom leq/\ ropJo ol eseeld eqAeu o)4ll )ol op ]JOJJOJ Oq
'xoq eq] ul spJo.ry\ aql qllr\ sJe^ sue pue suorlsenb eseql a1a1duro3 g
'pFoM t'se{ c/\ ou leew tnol rcpto ot dllt noA p1no11 'MOU lUpM e
'eseeld'eqqnb ewos oU @) Anon t yeqm Ies o1 (enrlrurlur-o; +) alil ptnon esn e/!,
'eanl ebueto dllt t,uop t lnq eqn[ etdde oU t 'relerd s{enn;e oM leqm {es o} ertrl esn eA,
afl pnort'a)M
lrnq8od EIor
qJrr!\pu€s da1tn1
tr eueueq
asreu8oloq rlleqEeds
f agrnd aldde
- tr
- I eern[ aldde -E
- - aldde - Z
aqrlnb ;o aeerd peps lrnrJ-
tr uro) -
a eeJJor -a
saolelod allolatuo asoaqr
r"i;:il - I I
- -
'atuos to uD'D eg:tM uaql 'lue,ry\ daql (s)a8era^oq pue pooJ eql
/ IJrl -=
pue nuaru lelrdsoq e uorJ poo; Eurrapro s1ua11ed ot\l 01 ualsr.I - V 6uguels;1
pue nuau I
eunl aldde ewos ,lo e, ueotu o1 (sseu e sE lsrxo leql sunou) sunou elqelunocun qltm euros esn o/,'
salooe owos ;lo loqurnu e, ueeLu ol 'sunou elqelunoc lplnld LlltM auros esn o/,'
a6ueto ue '(n'o't'e'p) loMo^ e qltM Uels leql sunou qltM ue esn o/,,
o1e1od e '(l'p'c'q'0 e) lueuosuoc e qUM Uels leql sunou Llltm e osn e/,,
'sunou olqelunoc relnDurs t4llu uele esn e/,,
Measurements and quantities Lis


We say numbers like this: | 2.45: two point four five Lat
189: onela hundred and eighty-nine
956: nine hundred and fifty-six
5,120: five thousand, one hundred and twenty
tn Jtntd,
,tr: :l€ lK
7396: seven thousand,three hundred and ninety-six
.= 2:1 a::.

Listening 1 I-isten and circle the numbers you hear.

| 160 I 116 4 1,200 I 1,300
2 190 I 119 5 80118
3 1,015 I 1,050 6 r.2s I 125

Work in pairs. Write the numbers in words. Then practise saying the numbers in
1 and 2 to your partner.
1 1,200 A
2 2,500 5 5.66
3 1.76 6 8.1 7

3 Listen to four conversations in which people talk about calories and

write the energy values.
1 calories
2 calories
3 calories
4 - calories
- the things nurses write (1-6) to what they say (a-f) and what each
Vocabulary 4 Match
measurement measures (i-iii),
What we write What we say What we measure
1ml a) kilojoule(s) i) weight
2kg b) litre(s) ii) liquids
3kJ c) calories iii) energy
4l d) kilogram(s)/kilo(s)
5g e) gram(s)
6 kcal f) millilitre(s)
5 Write sentences using the information in 4.
/{urses use millilitres to measure liquids.
Pronunciation 6 Work in pairs. Underline the stressed syllable in each word. Then
Iisten, check your answers and repeat.
I kilo 4 kilojoule
2 calorie 5 kilogram
3 Iitre 6 millilitre

Metric conversions
1 fl oz (fluid ounce) = 29.574 ml 1 oz (ounce) = 28.35 g

35.195 fl oz = 1 litre (1,000 ml) 1 lb (pound) = 0.4536 kg

'suollsenb s.g ]uepnls Jel{sue 'y }uapnlg .}ea ueJ luaped eql lpql/\ ,lsruolllJ}nu eql
'y ]uepnlg >lse
ueql'0I ruorJ suralr elg asooqJ .asJnu eql a.rc nod /i\ou ,g luapnls
'1ap ppbrl 1n; e sur8aq 3u1uue11 d,r1 rale1 s,,{ep .rnog 'srrcd aues aq} ul >lJo A Zl
' "'Jo lu "' squltp ,{11onsn atts :g
z4ultp,Qlonsn 3wuuo141 stw saop "' q)nu moH :v
'suorlsenb sV luapnls ro.,vrsue ,g
's>1ur.rp/s1ea dlpnsn '3u1uuey1 da1 ,1ua11ed aq] teq.r\,lsruorlulnu e ,g
>lse uaqJ'0I uolJ suralr alg asooqJ .esrnu e are nod,V luepnls .s;red ur >1ro16
lr.r.l :lelol (oeaae17 z1 D Oge ecrnI eOuerg f-l ue
(l//o4 D Oe L dnos e1qe1e0e1 (aaooe17 z1 D Oge
! {rm E
]uoq D OE t dnos o1euol ! ]uoq D OE t Lueerc ecl
(ednc q) Llltm po1 (aoe10
- llru I ) gy7 acrnl {rrequer3 !
(odnc z1 7) 9 uowel q11rur ee1 1uoq Doqt uollrnog
! !
E) OOt (ec;) selcrsdo4 (odnc ) g eegoc >1ce;g fl
(1ru) lunouy (pu) lunoury
0u1uuv1tt1 frtl :oueu lualled
'1a1p prnbrl realr eql
;o lred lou ere ]Eqt sluelr aqt roJ t ssorr e 1n6 'srpd ur >uo A g 6u;1eed5
'8 ul uorlesJaluoJ eql asrlJe.rd 'srrcd u1
4.ro16 6
'aolnI drrequen ;o ssel8 e ur sarroleJ ggz e]e eJeq] lnq serJoleJ
oJaz eleq eel pue aeJJoJ >lJ€lq 'rele^\ :JequlerueJ 1ng .spuadap ll ,lle \ :N
ilplot ul selrolec (O rtott NS
'elqrssod se qcnu
sp >luup ol sreqlo a8e.rnolue e/$,'lur 009 ueqf a.roru lou ,s1uar1ed etuos
roC :N
Llelp slql uo dep euo ul >lurJp stuelted op (t) ,vroq os :NS
'plnbll Jo spupl luareJJrp (g) lutrp uee sluarled ,1erp prnbrl
aql loC '1arp pmbrl IInJ e uo rueql 1nd e.r\ ueql pue ,sdep aaJql ueql arou ]oN :N pue set.
;sdep - (Z) moq roC 'ees I :NS
'aldruexa ;o; 'uorle;ado ue JeUe uaql o] 1r anr8 arvr os
i(lrsea esaql lsa8gp ueJ sluerled .sprnbrl reelD Jo lerp B s.U .esrnoJ;o ,qee1 :g
- zetu ol
1r urc1dxa no,{ ue3 '1arp prnbq rcalf, eql tnoqe (1) rvrou4 t.uop I :NS
ur sJeqrun
'AuDtu pue qJnu qu/'l. uolleste^uoJ rreql
a1a1duo3 '1arp p;nb11 .reelJ aql lnoqe (11) esrnu e Euplse sl ftS) asrnu luepnls
V g
'ye1 sa5ueto luew eteql
1,uerc 'lUnOC UBC eA',
a,1ee no[ uec seldde luew nog serlrluenb lnoqe llel ol /fuew pue iuew /uoq esn oM
'ewtl qcnu eAeq Luseop eH 'lunoc l,uEc eA,,
ze^eq I uec )tlw qcnw MoH selllluenD lnoqp )ilel ol qcnw pue qcnw /lloqf esn eM
/Iu ew pc n ut' Iuew no g 1 qc nw aloH
a6en6ue1\rolp sr,{11ay srl J sarroleJ [uotu I tl)nw l*otferu IIe] nod ue3 V
lrelsqel osrnN 'e^eq I u€J >lllru truotu I q)nu i.l'oH t
4lueru no,,{ op eg.rnd eldde [uotu I qcnut no11 Z
;repro 1 uer acrnl aEuero 1o sassel8 [uow I tpnw lvroH I
'sJllDtl ur splo^\ lJarroJ eq] esooqJ pue up8e
tZ >lJer] ol uelsll 6u;ua1s;1
Helping a patient order from a hospital menu
Speaking 1 Work in small groups. Discuss these questions. Then present your ideas to
the class.
1 Which foods are usually given to hospital patients in your country or place
of work?
2 How much choice do patients have in your country or place of work?
Vocabulary 2 Look at these photos and complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

breathe chew drink swallow

1 People need air to . 2 your food well 3 You must lots of :::,- 3 -:'

before you it. liauids when it's hot.

Reading 3 Work in pairs. Look at this hospital menu and decide what you would like to
- - vour Partner.
order. Then tell

M enU ruesday 1 eth october

To order your meal, choose one item from each seciion.

)tarters Side dishes

. Chickensoup(D)- , Maehedpotatoee(Y)-
. Oranqe juiae (DIV) . Rice (D/v)
Main courses - . 9read roll &butEerleunflower spread (DIV)
. Grilledchickenandveget'ablee(D)- Deggeft'g -
. Beefealad(D)- . Freeh fruit ealad (DIV)
. Cheeseomelette(V)- . lae cream (DIV)
, Medif,erraneanvegeiablelasagne (D/V) ' Cherry tart (y) -
, Tomato &mozzarella salad (v) ' Yoghurt andhoney
- - (D)
Coded V = ve^etarian; D = diabelic;- 5 = soft -

Listening 4 Cherif and Lydia are ordering their dinner. Listen and write C (Cherif)
or I (Lydia) next to the food they order from the menu in 3.

5 Work in pairs. Listen again and correct these sentences. Then compare your
answers with your partner.
Cherif has problems breathing.
Cherif hos problems swallowing.
I The lasagne is made of beef, tomatoes and pasta with a cheese sauce.
2 Cherif would Iike cherry tart for dessert.
3 Lydia doesn't like vegetables.
4 She orders a cheese omelette and a bread roll with butter for the main course.
5 She would like yoghurt for dessert and a glass of orange juice for the starter.

't ur nueu eql uroJJ q)unl rapro ,{a1sa16 are no..t 'y 'reuels aql
luepnls :rapro s,dalse A a>lel 'asJnu aql ele nod zvrou 'g ]uapnls 'sa1or dezra.g Z 'esJnoJ urel
't ur nueu aql tuorJ qJunl JepJO relsoJef aJe no^ 'g luapnlg 't ur nuaur
oql tuo.IJ
repro s(AelsoJef a>leJ 'esrnu e a;e nod 'V ]uepnls 's;pd u1 1.ro16 I
leadar pue selor de.trs uaql '0I ur uoll€stoluoJ aql esllJerd 's-rred ur 11ro16
'no^ JoJ pJeJ nuetu rno^ ul puBr{ II,l 'learD :esrnN
'$lueqJ 'eseald 'rueaJ) aJI oruos e{ll p,l :ere'I ;nod a;
2dauoq pue lrnq8ort
Jo rueerJ a)r 'peles ]ruJ qsetl (9) 'as;nor ;o 'sa1 :ASJNN
tUessep 3 aABq ol pe^,\olle I tuY')O :EJU'I [1;aq3) 3
zaJrJ atuos G) :asrnN
ee^eq I ueJ leqlA :ere'I
eqslp epls e G) :asrnN
'l?ql a^eq II,l ')o 'arlu spunos leqJ :eIe'I
uaar8 pue IIoJJorq qllllr pa^Jos uo{JIqJ pallprE :esrnN(O
l,ll ul s,l€qlA'aq{e6 :ere'I
isalqela8eur pue ua{Jrqf, aql :esrnNQ)
llsa88ns nod op leq.ry\ os 'Jrleqerp tu.l :Ere'I
lere1 .{epo1 qrunl .tno,{ roJ tepto (t) :esrnN
'poolq oL1l ur re0ns
qcnu ool sr eJeql
eroLlM osPosrp
e st (cuaqerp
^ ^,r^^t^h
01 aIII pl
o1 Isee sr 1eq: 'l
pool lo slsrsuo.
Jo stol
lelp uos v
'esJnu aql
qlr,tl uorlesJaluoJ Jaq ala1duro3 't ur nuau aql uoJJ qJunl Jaq Eulrepro sl eJe.I 0t
'sselJ aql Jo lsat eql ql!v\ seapr .rno[ areduo3 'spooJ ]JaJroJ eql
ol (telp Uos) 5 apor eqt ppe pue t ur nueu aqt te {oo.I 'sdnor8 lletus ul {rol1
6 6u;qeedg
'L puP
g ur sra.v\sue rnod rleaqe pue g/ a8ed uo gz >lJEr] ro; ldprrs orpne eql le >loo-I
erp.i1 's,{ep ,lneJ }xau aql Jol }erp petf,r.r}sal e uo eJ,no^ v
;peleS ella;azzout pue otetuol aq1 ro au8esel aruos t
'af,n€s asaaqJ e pue elsed q11t s;addad pue saoleruo] z 'xoq eq
aelleletuo asaaqJ e I
) ur suorlsonb aq1 o1 slelv\sue s{asrnu eq1 e1a1duo3 L
; / pamolp / 1ea o1 I ue I yel duaqo aqt / 1 V eeeld -ro .{-r1
I /'uerrelaBe,re / os I I I 1r-qtl' I u1 I [epo1/ uer /areq t
L I p laql / s,leq,u / aperu / auEesey ayqela8ar Z o] seepl
; ,i lsa8Ens / teq,u / op / no,{ / '8uyvro11ems srualqo.rd eleq I I
'suorlsanb sluarled eql eleru o] JepJo l)eJroJ eql ul ?-I ur sprol\ aq] lnd g e6en6ue1 nu
Assisting the patient at mealtimes
Vocabulary 1 Matcn the words in the box to these definitions.

non-slip mat non-slip plate plastic apron straw two-handled cup

1 Nurses can use it to cover their clothes
2 Patients put it into a cup or glass and use it for drinking'
3 It doesn't move, so it is easier for patients to eat from it.
4 We use it to stop plates moving on the tray table.
5 Patients can hold it with both hands and drink from it.
Reading 2 Look at the title of this text. How would you help a patient to- eat?

- 9J

Assisting a patient at mealtimes

It is important to give patients help (if necessary) and encouragement at mealtimes
as good nutrition helps patients recover more quickly.
A patient is more likely to want to eat if he or she is clean, comfortable and relaxed.
Help patients to:
.go to the toilet, wash their hands and brush their teeth.
.sit upright in bed or a chair'
You should also:
o put the tray table at the right height for the patient.
. cut up food into small pieces.
. give non-slip mats and two-handled cups, etc' (if necessary).
. Sit in front of the patient and make eye contact.
. Give small portions and stop for a minute after each mouthful.
. Give a drink after each mouthful (if necessary).
It is important that patients try and eat something - even if it's just a little'
You could:
. smile and be friendly.
. say positive things about the food.

3 Read the text in 2 and choose the correct subheading for each section (A-C)
from the box.

Encouraging the patient Helping the patient to eat Preparing the patient to eat

4 Match the words in bold in the text in 2 to these definitions.

1 good
2 get better after an illness or accident
3 a type of table that people use so that they can eat in bed
4 an amount of food or drink that you put into your mouth at one time
5 food and drink lor good health and growth
6 look directly at someone at the same time as they are Iooking at you
7 sitting straight up
8 helping someone to do something

tr ,Qyr11ee eql leadar pue seloJ
dervrs ueql']uerled eql esprd pue a8ernocue o] JequleueJ pue 6 pue 9 uoJJ
suolsserdxe esn '1eetu Jaq qll^ etuy lslssy 'esJnu e are nod 'g luepnlg '7g a8ed
qo nuau plrdsoq eq] tuoJI sluell asooqJ '€[uV e;e nor{'V luepn}S 's;pd u1 4ro16 W
are / sueaq eql pu€ / 4eo1e,o x1s 1e / e.te / saolelod aql / {rolJ,o ellaal l3
. 'a1e1d aqt uo pooJ puu lueped
aq1 dlaq o1 uolssa;dxa InJesn 3 e>letu ol repJo lJeJlo) eql ul spJolv\ eql ]nd e t
'eseal-lJ ro llnJJ e>lll l,useop eqs 'uollEJedo luauraceldar
drq e rage lelp llos e uo sl aqg 'pe;pdut d1pns4 sr '97 'r4a[apeg e[uy
apnF asEJ
esatullleelu le lualled
aq1 dlaq 01 op esJnu e plnoc teql6 ,{pnls as") slql peag 'sdnor8 leus ul >lro A 6u;1eedg
's3sn esrnu aql luaua8eJnotua pue esp-td 1o suotssa'rdxa
eql I1e eullrepun pue up8e 91-91 sa8ed uo gZ >l)e4 rol ldgls olpne al{l le {oo'I tt
;s1ua11ed asprd
ol pesn eJ€ qf,lqlA ls1ueg1ed a8e;noeua ol pesn ele I ul suolsserdxa qJIqA\ 0 t
(a / d U"' eroru eplll €,tr11sn[nod ue3 V
(a / A) 'poo8 s,1eq1 S
(a / A) 'euop IIe Z I
(a / A) e"' el]]ll e ,{.41sn[ no,t p1no3 I
;raq/ur1q ($ asmtd ro lue[ed e @l a&otnoJua ol pesn suolsse.rdxe aseql a;y 6 e6en6uel
'pooJ aql lnoqe sdes esJnu aql arr111sod Eulqlaruos
;o aldurexa u€ pug pue gZ-gZ se8ed uo gZ {rerl ro; }dpcs olpne eql }P {oo'I I
elea o] ro1del sr141 a8ernorue esrnu eql saop rvroH V
el€e 01 luervr.ro1de; s.r61 l,usaop ,{q16 t
i8ullea ro1fe1 srIAtr sl leqlA Z
;raq dleq ol esrnu eql 1u3-.vr ro1^{e1 sr6 seop dq16 I
'suollsenb aseql Je^\sue pue up8e uelsl'I 's;pd u1 >1ro16
iolelod lsnf g
s,leqJ, g
lae1n[ a8uero lnoqe rvroH V
'ile/v\ - t
laeln[ ;nod roJ a411 nod ppolY\ Z
- e>11 nod pFo \ I
;,{epo1 leaur rno,t Hllm
- 'suorssardxe asaql
alaldruoe pue uelsl'I ro1de1 s.t11 Euldlaq sl -
ileq6 elned asrnN 9
;Eugop esrnu aqt sl leq1yoloqd eqlle {ool I 6u1ue1s11
The body: limbs and joints
Vocabulary 1 LaUet the parts of the body in this illustration with the u'ords in the box'

arm finger foot hand heel leg thumb toe

2 Circle the joints in the illustration in 1. Then label them with the words in the box'
ankle elbow hip knee shoulder wrist

Listening 3 Listen to a conversation between a nurse and a patient and tick / the
parts of the body you hear.
! arm !foot Et"g =
I knee ! hand !thumb
[ finger f heel f toe

4 Listen again. Which body parts does the nurse tell the patient to:
1 push? 3 lift?
2 rotate? 4 bend?


We use the imperative (infinitive without to) to tell I Lift
your leg'
somebody to do something or give them instructions' I Push the chair'
Bend your arm.
Rotate your hand.

'no.{ dleq ol gt eEEd uo xoq a8en8uel aql ul pue g uI eJnqJorq eq} ul sqra^
eq] esn'suorlJnrlsul s.B ]uopnls MolloJ 'v tuepnls ']sIJl!\ pue laplnoqs 'aau>l
'drq 'a1>1ue Jlaqt roJ saslJrexe roJ suorlJn.rlsur V luapnlg anl8 'g tuapnls 'selor
de,ns uaql 'suorlJulsul sV ]uepnls 'g luapnls 'pueq pue Ea1 '1ooy 'tu;e
^\olloJ 6u;1eedg
raq/s1q roJ seslrrexo roJ suorlJnrtsul g tuopntg azr13 'y luepnls 'stpd u1 1ro16 g
'sa1qe11ds pesse.rls
eql aurlrepun pue sleuorssa;ord le)lpetu olv\l Jo satuuu eql pulJ t
euorssas eslJJoxe qJpa sI 3uo1 mog Z
luollerado uE JaUE.{1a1erpauru1 op sluagled ueJ eslJlexe q)lq/v\ I
'suorlsanb asoql Jel\sue pue ule8e g uI aJnqJorq oql pee5
,fup e seurl rno1 Jo saJqt'soutlt ue1 1eada1 aql ,/ I
'spuolos aoJql ro omt ro; ploH'q3!q ool tou lnq'aeu) .rnol 4r1 pue dn puer5
'xoq aq
lep e saurrl JnoJ Jo oeJql
'saLurl uel reedeX ?)eq uoqt pue uer no,( se ;ey s€ aprs aql o1 1no 3a; .rnol e,ro14
',(ep e setutl ;no;
Jo aoJql'uorllaJlP q)Ea ur saLur] e,rg reedex'uollol.u J€lnf,J!) E ul el)u€ lnol arro14
,{ep e saurl Jno, Jo aaJq}'saLurl ual leedaX
'ure8e 3a1 -rnol uarq8re;ls ueLlf 'eou) -rnol puaq pue peq oql uo laaLl .rno,( dee;4
l.te8"rns -raqe l;eletpeuur eslf,Jaxa slql
op uE) no ,fup e saurl lprelas reedeX 'uA op pu€ dn loo; .rnol r,1snd l;,tto;s'peq u;
'lep e seuu;l aaJql ro ol l'satnulu 0t ot 0Z asltraxa no,( teqt Pueuulo)or
,(er.u :srdereqr 1errs,(qd pue uoaS;ns rrpeedoqt-ro -rno1 l"re3"rns .ra1e nol d;eq or luet.rodul or€ sasrf,Jaxe .re;nBaX
{;erroreJ Jo, sest)Joxf
'r'g-1_) areds qlpe ur esrJraxe lJeiroJ aql elrrl\ pue ernqJoJq slql p'ee5 g 6u;peag
'uto no[. puag
'puoq no[ yt7
,{1r,rr1re aq1 leada.r pue seloJ dens uaql 'suol}cnJ}sul
aqt r\ollol ptnoqs raulred rno1 Z pue I ul spJo^\ aql pue xoq a8en8uel aq1
uf seJar\ aLIt asn suortJnrJsur aldruls lualled e 3up18 asllJ€Jd 's.rred u1 1.to16 I 6u;1eadg
The body: torso and head
Vocabulary 1 Labet the parts of the body in illustrations A and B with the words in the box.

back buttocks chest face head hip neck shoulder stomach waist


Prepositions of place and rnovement

We use prepositions of place to say where The chair is in front of you.
something is.
We use prepositions of movement to say in which Lift up your arm above Your head.
direction something is moving. Push down with your hand.
Move your leg to the sidelto the leftlto the right'

Complete this conversation between Nurse Naughton (\) and Ms Duggan @), a
patient, with up, down, aboue and ln front of.
N: Morning, Ms Duggan. Are you ready for your exercise session today?
D: I'm a little tired this morning but I'll try.
N: Good to hear that. we're going to try some new exercises today to help
you walk.
D: OK. The old exercises were a little too easy.
N: Well, that's good news. Now, first, I'll put the chair (1) you' Hold it'
Good. Now lift (2) your right knee - not too high. Yes, just there.
Don't lift it (3) Your waist.
D: Can I put it (4) It hurts'
N: Yes, that's oK. Put your leg (5) . That's good. Now repeat that five
good. Well done!
- together. One, two, three; that's very
times. Let's count
How do you feel?
D: Not so bad. It's tough at first, especially the left leg, but I can feel I'm getting

Reading 3 Read the conversation in 2 again and answer these questions.

1 How does Ms Duggan feel this morning?
2 What does she think about the old exercises?
3 Does she start with the left or right leg?
4 What does she think of the new exercises?

'suorlJulsur s,g luepnls n\olloJ 'v ]uapnls ?ceq puB lsoqJ 'sdlq oqt roJ seslJrexe
op ol V luopnls dlaq 'g luapnls 'sa1or dervrs uaqJ 'suorlJnrlsur sV luapnls olloJ
'g luepnls 'sd1aq 4 + osnell + uaqm pue g ur sqral aql asn 'peeq pue sJoplnoqs
'>lJeu 'lsrcllt aq] roJ saslJraxa op
ol g luapnts dlaq 'V luepnls 'srred ur 4ro16 buryeadg
erueleq / nod - nod;o ]uorl ul ;rcqr e / ploq V
ralse; dra8rns urorl reAoJeJ / nor( - sesrJJexa rno,t / op t
sdq rno.,( - lsle^\ rnod / puaq Z Eulll
>1rau rnort ur selJsnru eqt - Joplnoqs rno.,t / a1e1or I
'4toq no,( sdlaq '6aqc no[ 44 no( uaq14 ia
4 eAU 1
rnod - lsaqJ rnod / qry
'sd1aq4 +esnBIJ +uaqm
asn 'aslJJaxe Jo slgauaq aq] ]noqe saJualuos alrJrr^.
o] sldurord esaql asn g 'eJa
'fuefuns wu! le^oc€t nol sdptl tr'sesrc,rexa noA op nof uaqgl
'4ceqnol u sepsnw eqlsdptq l.r'seol noA qcno1 noA ueqp 'luerleo e
'>1ceu nol sdtaq ol osrcrexo lo sllleueq oql ureloxe ol
t!'peaq nol ploq I uaqtll
'1qtn noA u sepsnw eqlsdprt I.r'sre6u.r,; noi puaq noA uaq1l sdlaqg1 + asnelc + ueqi esn eM
sdtaq1+ esnelc + uarl;1
e6enbuel B'(a)
IINd (p u1v\op lls v
uelq8lerls (e qsnd t
IOlv\OI (q pueq z
dn puels (p uelqEIl I
'(e-e) salrsoddo rraqt ol (g-I) sqre^ aq] qrte6 g [re1nqeco11
4sluauuo) LUD anql aJV
lsuoqqadat,tuout mog
top ot paau pDuttlv tw saop sasrJnxa woa q4qful
sle!l!u! asrnN sluauluoc suo;pedeg luauo^o|/u
'peurqv;141 'luelled e rol pJoJer eslJraxa lslE
(lrttOD uopontr ;o a8ueg aq1 elalduror ol suorlsenb 4se pue g luapnls II€J
v luepnls 'xo
'suorlJnJlsul aLIl 1v\olloc '92 a8ed uo uorleurJoJul eql
le lool 'g tuepnls 'a8ed s1q1 uo uolleturoJur eqt te >lool 'y luapnlg 'srpd u1 4ro16
V 6u;1eedg
Setting goals and giving encouragement
Speaking 1 Wtrat are the patients in illustrations A{ ttrinfing? Match sentences 1-3 to
patients A-C.
1 I just want to be able to eat my breakfast.
2 I want to climb the stairs alone.
3 I want to put my clothes on by myself.

2 Work in pairs. Think of one or more ROM exercise(s) for each patient in 1.

Pstrick wants to ..., so he needs to exercise his ...

Listening 3 Put the words in 1-6 in the correct order to make sentences and
questions. Then listen to the three patients in I and check your answers.
1 what's I goal llong-term I your l?
2 you / want / today / to do / what I do I ?
3 you/whatldolcanl?
4 three sets of ten / for today / on each arm / our goal is
5 thatlcanlyouldol?
6 this exercise / three times / do I a day I can you / ?
Pronunciation 4 Listen and underline the stressed word in each-Question. Then listen
again and repeat.
In English we often
1 What do you want to do today?
2 Can you do this exercise three times a day?
3 What can you do?
4 Can you do that?

Work in pairs. Look at the audio script for track 28 on page 76 and practise the
conversations. Remember to stress the underlined words.


Adjectives ending in -y: change -y to -i and

add -er.

Goodlwell and bad are irregular.

We use comparative adiectives to Exercises become easier when you do

compar€ two people or things. We often them regularly.
use tfian after the comparative adjective. This exercise r.s better than that one.
'luerl€d aq] oEBJnoJux t
'spo8 eql las z
'esrJJexa eq] Jo slgaueq eql upldx3 I
'sda1s asaql .rrolloC '69 a8ed uo Z tuorJ suollesJoluoc rno.[ esll]€rd et
'd1rrr.r1re aq1 leada; pue seloJ dervrs uaql 'uollesroluoJ
aql aslleerd pue g/ aSed uo 0t {Je4 loJ ldrJf,s olpne aq} l3 {oo'I 's.rpd u1 4ro16 71 6u;1eedg
'0I pu€ 6
ul sra^4.sue .rnod 4caqr pue g/ aEed uo 0t {Jerl roJ ldlJJs olpn€ eql }e >looT tt
ieuoplleff\.:1T v
- s,leqJ, t
3u1oP ar,notr Z
s,leqJ I
'lueuaEe;noJua Jo suolsserdxa s,asJnu aq1 alalduoe pue ute8e uelsl'I
( g / f ) 'ured ;o lol ul s,aqs s.{es €urlaqJ g
(g/ " aq1 sleadar utulaq1,
V aql os
f ) 'Ea1 4a1 eql uo sarurl oarql esl)rexe
( g / f ) 's1111 8ay op ot eurleql s{se osrnu aql t
( g / f ) 'Ea1 4ay aql eloul ot llnrgJlp erotu sI ll Z
(g/ f ) 'Ea1 qeee uo e^g Jo stes rnoJ sI po8 s,eu1eq1 I
'saJueluas asleJ aql ]f,orJoJ iQ) as1o1 to (.1) antl saJualues asaql aJV 'seslJraxa
drerrorer Joq uo 'luarled e 'eurlaql q11m Euqrorvr esJnu B o] ualsl'I 6u;ua1s;-1
2o8ng ro uenf '1etr1e4 'Eo1q stql sallJlv\ oqlA I
'1q0r.r s,eqs edoq I ' (9) 1eO llttvt 1t s{es estnu
eq1 pq q01q Aten teplnoqs Au.t gt; 1,uec lllls | ' (9) st uotsses eslclexo lsl[ eql
os '0ututou eq1 ut (y) sr replnoqs [u-t ut uted eq1 'oOe sloom lo a;dnoc e
ueql (g) qcnu eip solcsnui aql'lueulonoldLut {u.t qltm pesee;d sl }ue}lnsuoc
eLlI (z) pue (1) Ourile0 ere suolssos ostcloxe eql pue I Aep s,tl
,l-i -9-ii <> j
Ouorls poo6 (7x)Asee tlnculp peq
'xoq eql ur sanrlce[pe aq1 yo
rurol alrlereduror aq1 qll^\ I ul slualled oql Jo euo;o ,d.rerp upd, s1ql ala1duro3 6u;11r14
aq] raqe uoouraup s1q1 (r*o1s) ere slualuelou s,d1111 >lulqr I 8
'1eer8 s,leql ldepol (ttarvt) ar,no.,{ aas 1 L
lol e llrls s,areql '8al lqEU,ttu ueql Ea1 4ay ]JII o1 (lprgyp) s,ll g
'o8e s4eervr eerql ueql mou (dsea)^tu seslJJaxe
- INOU aql pug I g
'(peq) Fullla8 s1 upd aq1 laseald 'do1s em ue3 V
,tep;a1sed ueql (q8tQ s,]eqJ iloqlg rl tr 'tuollarxg t
(poo8 qJnu IaoJ l '$lueqJ Z
- zsuolsses
eslrJexa eql reu€ (Euo.r1s) IeeJ IuJe rno,{ ut salJsnlu eqt oC I
'sla>lJ€rq u!
sarrrlralpe eql Jo urroJ anrleredruor eql qly!\ seJuoluos asaql alelduo3 I
Documenting ROM exercises
Vocabulary 1 Work in small groups. Look at illustrations A-F and brainstorm words that a
nurse would use to ask a patient to make the movements.

E E q


2 Work in pairs. Label illustrations A-F in I with the medical terms in the box.

abduction adduction circumduction extension flexion rotation n(

Reading 3 Read Nurse Carter's assessment of Joe Felicie, who is in traction after a road
accident. Match the words in bold to definitions l-8'

.- :1
ROM Assessment: Joe Felicie,23 yrs
Generol Centrol Hospftal
. pt conscious but tired, with nausea (pain medication); left shoulder:
bruising and swelling
. ROM limited to 100" with great discomfort
. left leg immobilised; other joints fully mobile
. health status prior to accident excellent; pt unwilling to perform ROM
Planning ROM exercises
. Stage 1: begin with passive ROM two times a day (9.00, 17.00) for first two days.
. Stage 2: teach pt to perform active ROM three times a day (9.00, 12.00, 1700).

I before
2 not wanting to do something and refusing to do it
3 prevented from moving
4 exercises the patient can do by himself/herself
5 able to move normally
6 a feeling of pain or of being physically uncomfortable
7 prevented from increasing beyond a particular point
8 exercises a nurse does for the patient
4 - is it? Check your
Nurses often use an abbreviation for the word patient. What
answer in the assessment in 3. -

' uD) aH 'K11outou Jappoqs lt131t syq puaq uD) aof
:slB!l!u! s,asrnN
oP o+ ?lqv +o\l uorsuolxe ooul I
oP o+ +o\.1 uorsualxe orq I
"09 o+ P"+twtl uorlcnpq€ o!rl -l
.0b o+ P"+t\utl uorsuelxo replnoqs I
vrvo ?wos y+ltt 1NM uorxall replnoqs -l
1Nfl uorsuelxe qrLl u
\|vd v y+!(rl 1NM uollcnpqe orq u
"l++tl .1NM
uorleloj roplnoqs u
1NM uolxou replnoLls u
00zt 00'z I
sluoruruoc orull luoua^ow
7l0z'90'L0 ia!€o hl7 :oN [uooH zoP :lualled
"t?tl") loaqs n olJ
saslcroxo uollotl.t ;o ebueg -
'g ]uepnls ot uelsll pu? selor de.r,r,s uaql 'op l.ueJ pue u€f, 1ua11ed eq1
seslrJexe q)lqr\ g luapnls o1
ureldxa pu€ qJrel tr ql/ JoJ laeqs A\oU s.oo[ pee5
v luapnls
'suollrnJlsur eql ,ry\olloC '92 e8ed uo uolletuJoJul
aql l€ {ool 'g }uapn}S 'a8ed stql uo uolleuroJul oql 1e >lool 'V }uapnls I 6u;leedg
'(t-t) g utt ellDl! uI spJolt lJeJJo) eq] aIJJIJ pue up8e uelsl'I L pe
,r> rslell!u! s,aslnN slil.url leuilou
op aleqe pu / aH€ ultlll/r^ = INM
"0zL/"ooLa7?oltutl 'xo
utea ou / euos qllM-1NM
o t t:3 llt ll IA! )
.utu _.. /
z Loz e 0"r0 rcl€o t LZ ioN wooa eltlpf ooT :luolled
soslcJaxo uollotu ;o a6uel - laoqs ,utoll
'op ueJ aof saslrrexe NOU eql ,/ {tlt pue uetsl'I g 6u;ue1s;1
,']uel'uotu eql ]e sesltlaxe ntrou op
ol (e) pue depol per11 drarr s,eg 'qlpeq luelleJxe uI se^\ aof tueplJJe
eqi (8) ' (1) s1u1o[raqlo slq IIe elotu ol alqe sl aq la^tamog
(g) lo rot ul s,eq pue al8ue .00I e ol repFoqs slq eAolu (9)
- eql Jo asn€f,aq (1) qaal osle eH 'par11 dral lnq snol)suoJ s.I eof,
uelloMs uPd {uo {;eurou
snossneu uoleclpau ual luEM l,usoop eloloq
'xoq eql ul sprolv\ eql qlyv\
uorleueldxa s1q ele1druo3 'anBuallor € ol eseJ s,ao1 Eulupldxe s1 ra1re3 as.rng rfuelnqecol
t\/ -

Medication routes and forms

Speaking 1 Loot< at these notes and match the 'five rights' (1-5) to illustrations A-E.

1 right patient 3 right medication 5 right route

2 right time 4 right dose

2 Work in small groups. Answer these questions.

1 Why is it important to remember the .five rights' of medication?
2 Look at illustration C in 1. What other routes do you know? Make a list'

Vocabulary 3 Match words 1-10 to illustrations A-J.

I capsules tl ointment
2 drops 7 spray
3 inhaler 8 suppository
4 injection 9 syrup
5 IV drip 10 tablets

'suollesle^uoJ aql
asrl)erd pue LL-\L sa8ed uo zt >l)erl JoJ ]dlrJs orpne aql ]e {oo-I 'sJred ur >lJoiA 6u;1eedg
ell l,usl '- sI qseJ upls sIH I
]e 'Euluele eql ul aq 111,nr uorltalur ]xeu slH V
no,{ auo ]sel eql puv'uld I punore 1e up8e uaql
le auo puoJos eqJ 'Jate,lr;o ssel8 e qlr.{.ilrou e{el no1 t
'paq ol saoE aq eJoJeq 1sn[ ureEe
ueql pue 's^{eq}eru s.r141 'rvrou .rpo slq o}ul sdorp s,leq1, Z
qll^\ ueql ue) no laou slelqel a{et eseeld I
OSZZ Ouu gZ iolem oml aolqt - lq6lr otutlqcunl peq- ol oO ro[oq lole
'sJa,,l\su? ;no,,( leaqe pue ure8e uelsll uoql 'xoq oqt ul
spro;* eql qlll\ Z€ {Je4 ur suorJesreluoJ aq} uotJ suorleueldxa esaql eleydruo3
( g / f ) 'uollerlperu .{elsrurupe uec sesrnu tuepnts
(g / f)'uorlerrpau req lnoqe posnJuoJ sr xoC srl l t
(g/ f ) 'uorterlpau s(pal ralsrurupe ol EuloE s1 asrnu eql Z
(g/f)'p1oe slea;,{1q4 I
'saf,ualues asleJ
eql lJerroJ iQ) aqog rc (.1) ana se)ualues eseql etv 'up8e ualsq .s.rred ur
'elqet srqt eleldurot pue up8e uelsl'I g
qse.t uqs I easneu ! uorlJeJur rea ! sualqord 1;eaq ! :lN h
qser urls ! easneu ! sualqord lreaq :xoC srl l t
qser uqs
uortreJur rea f] !
! easneu ! uorlJeJur rea ! suralqord lreaq ! :paJ Z
qser uqs ! eesneu ! uorlteJur rea suralqord lreaq :d1e;1 I
! !
'luetled qJea rol uralqord
IeJIpeu aq] / IJI1 pu€ uoltpJrpeu lnoqe 3uqp1 sasJnu rnoJ ol uots!-I g 6urua1sr1
urarr (e olur) OI asou (aq1
olur) g
an8uol (aq1 rapun) t) olrsnu (aq1o1u1) V
uqs (eq1 rapun) 8 qlnou (dq) t
uors (aq1 uo) L a,,{a (aq1
olur) Z
LuntJar (aqi olur) I .rea (aq1 olur) I
'eJuo ueql aJotu sprol{ euros +elgs+
ilru --,^,^-,
asn UEJ no1 salnor aseql ol I
t ur uorl€Jrporu Jo sruJoJ oqt
qf,lel tr .srrcd u1 4ro11 snoue^ellul = n
Dosages and frequency
Vocabulary 1 Wnat do the symbols in the box mean? Match them to terms 1-5.

1 minus/subtracted from 4 equals/is
2 plus/added to - 5 divide(d) -by
3 -
multiplied by/times -
Listening 2 -
Work in pairs, Listen to three conversations and complete these
calculations. Then practise saying them to your partner.
I 60 mg 20 mg 3 tablets
2 250 ml - 2 hours- I25 ml per hour
3 28kg-1.5m9:-mg
- -
Vocabulary 3 Write these calucations in words. Then practise saying them aloud,
I 100 mg + 150 mg : 250 mg
2 80ml-45mI:35ml
3 60mg+5m8:12mg
4 3x5ml:15mI

Expressions of frequency
We can talk about frequency like this:
Take these tablets once a day at 8.00.
I take my iron tablets twice a day at 8.00 and 22.00.
He uses a suppository every second daylevery other day, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday'
The nurse administers medication three times a day, at 8.00, 13.00 and 19.00.
We give him a morphine injection every four hours, at 8.00, 12.00,16.00,20.00, etc,

4 Match expressions l-5 to patients a-e.

I three times a day
2 twice a day -
3 once a day- -
4 every four hours
5 every second day--
a) Ms Ford 08.00 / 12.00,/ 16.00 / 20.00 '/ 00.00 /
b) Ms Sandhu 08.00 / 13,00,/ 22.00./
c) Ms O'Riley 08.00 / 12.00 16.00 20.00 22,00,/
d) Ms Meleki 08.00 13.00 / 16.00 20.00 22.00
e) Ms Andrews Mon / Tues Wed / Thurs Fri /
Reading 5 Read the wiki entry on page 47 and answer these questions.
1 What was the language of medicine in Europe in ancient times?
2 When do medical professionals use Latin today?
3 Why did the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare
produce a new list of medical abbreviations?

e{E} ol peeu no^
'ueq) rntr 'ug1e1senn1g paqlrcsard seq rolJop rno.r{ '1o.ta1sa1oqe ;nod rog t
'pupg 'ernssa;d poolq ;nor{ ro; sl u"Aolq Z
s,bp 96 rcI au\Paq
lD 'qlnow ,Q ,top D a)uo tnoz lo swotSn\tw ua; rolde1 d1p5 all8 01 peeu no^ I
'spJolv\ ur lno uaql allr1v\ pue 2 u1 suolldlrese;d aq1 peaS 8
719 esuedslc 964 esuadstq 969 esuedslc
s.dePlxPqT (ce7cd) [tTep od euo sq [11ep od euo
(sdec) 6ur 67 utlelse^nTJ (sqe+) 6ur 0t ueAoTCI 6ur 91 .rocog
uerl)tr pnos€tritr :1d 1Jeqqlnc eupE :4d :oTr(er ,{11e9 :14
ot4soH ulua) otaua9 IDl! lD4uDPleuat
loll4soH lD$ua) prauet
dep e arprl 8 salnsdec V
slelqe] L speru eJolaq s
requnu 9 eullpeq 13 z
srue;81111tu g sleel'u
reIB I
's8ulueeu aseql
q)lelu 1eq1 sloqur{s Jo suoll€I^alqqe pug pu" t-I suolldprrsard 1e >1oo1 L 6ut1ll
dep e saru11 aarql (p spl v
.,tep e ae1m1 (r dttep t
srnoq rnoJ drane (q pqz
dep.,t.ra,ra/dep e acuo (e dtrq 7I
'(p-e) ,{euanbar;
;o suolssardxa aq] ol (t-I) suo11ellarqqe pue stulel eql q)le6 's-rpd ut >1ro16 9 Alelnqecoll
sPl pq Aep B sor.url eerql p!] )o ou
9 A€p E Ssl,url xls stnou xrs Alo^e vzl9
^ur-l AEp ror.llo Are^o
A€p puoces Are^o prD ro (App Are^e) po pob ro OOO
ep ([ep e seul] rno]) plb [ep {rene pb )o oo
pq (Aep P sotull oelql) Pll AEp e ocrMl plq )o olg
"'ssn " rol uelelslhl 6u!ueaw uolle!^erqqv
:sr.Lrolqoro esnec 'oulclpeur perpnls oneq no{ ssa;un leAoMoH ieulltpoq
Alrelnber leLll suoqelnerqqe oLll lo ottlos ole eleH le, sueeur sr./ pue,sleou leue, sueeu cP :sleeul
peor ol rorsea pue roJeolc orel leql suollEl^olqqe aroroq, suEaur cd iqlnou Iq, sueeu od'elduexe
pue sure] 1o 1sr; e peltdutoc erecLllleoH u; [11;eng ro3 'suolldlrcserd elttm o1 Illetcedsa 'suotletAoJqqe
pue fia1eg uo uorssrLuuroC uellellsnv oqt 8002 ul urle'l esn llrls sleuotssolotd lec;peul inq qs;16u3
'senssr A1e1es luerled snottes osn€c uec sl eulclpotl.r 1o a0en6ue; eq1 Iepol'eutctpeul lo
slq] llV selelsrur eleu ueUo eldoed pue 'uollpl puetl osle pu€ 'edolnf uJalseM ul uollPclunuluoc lo Aaqi uaql'r suorlernerqqe peor ol llncqrp osle sl eFenbuel oql eq ol ponutluoc utlel ov Atnluec
]l 'puElsJapun o] ,{see lou or€ suorlpl^olqq€ eseLlt qull or.ll ul ordl.uS ueulou eLli lo llel oql leuv
suolldlrcssrd Jol suolle!^elqqe pue suJol leclpe6!
e!lerlsnv osjnu-P,l!M
Side effects; assisting patients with medication
Speaking 1 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. Then compare 1,our ideas with the rest
of the class.
1 What are side effects of medication?
2 Make a list ol five common side effects.
Listening 2 Listen to Les, a nursing lecturer, talking about side effects to a group
of student nurses and tick / the side effects he mentions.
! dizziness ! skin rash ! tremors
! diarrhoea ! stomachache ! constipation
! headaches f swelling ! drowsiness
! nausea f vomiting ! loss of appetite
3 Put the words in 1-5 in the correct order to make sentences. Then listen again
and check your answers.
1 some patients / suffer / as you know, / side effects / and others don't
2 might feel nauseous / may suffer dizziness / some people / and others
3 even headaches / to have diarrhoea, / it's also possible / vomiting,
4 may cause swelling at the injection site / for some patients / injecting
drugs intravenously
5 Valium / drowsiness / patients who take / may experience

May, might
We use maylmight + infinitive to talk I You may feel some nausea. (lt is possible but not 100 percent sure.)
about actions or events that are possible I He might suffer some swelling from the injection.
now or in thefuture. I lt may take several months to heal up completely.
We might carry out more fests after we take off the bandages.

Use these prompts to write sentences wilh may or might. Put the verbs in
brackets in the correct place.
I you / a little dizzy afler you take your medication (feel) IMed
2 some patients / abdominal pains or sweating (experience)
3 your husband / some side effects but most patients don't (suffer) I
4 you / some side effects to this drug (get)
5 we'll monitor him as we / to reduce his dosage (need)
6 it I a few weeks for the wound to heal completely (take) f*

Vocabulary 5 Look at the audio script for track 34 on page 77. Find words for side eflects that
match these definitions. Underline the words as vou read.
E z E A E
an illness where a condition when the patient no longer having shaking
the patient where the feels sleepy a desire for food movements in Iror-
frequently patient cannot your body that
passes solid pass solid waste you cannot
waste, often in a from the body control
liquid form

idu!4Dt aqs sr uortD)tpau aq p utrot lDq/a
a" 3u14o1 sltog s1 {rqr14
uorleJrpau aql elalduoJ oJ suorlsanb raql0 qJea {sv'12 aSed uo uorleuJoJur
aql le {ool 'g luepn}S 'g ur proJal uor}eJrpau .slrocl le {ool ,V luapnts
6 burleadg
Kepe0w S q11eaq p"taue0
(poo1t1t1u a4eD :-
0u11rwo,t 'ee6neu
eeoqrrslP qlnow (e)
leql slJ
9Jnor.l xto
f,tatte'a11un x1a \z)
-(') -
a,4e 4a1 I !1Ap ewocnel?
uorlecrpol l
?l € uooe e bl e tr o0 ilua|led procor uolleclpau leuoslod
raulred e
qlrr\ srel\sue rnod a;eduroc uaqJ, 'pJoJer uorleJrpa{u !srJoc ur
9_1 aleldruoe
pue 'luaqed e 's1;oq pue asrnu p ueoAueq uollesre^uoJ e o] ualsr-I 6urue1sl1
esuorleJrpeu Jo ]srl e dr;et ol uepl poo8 e 1r sr dq16 g
eslJaJJo apls ./ltau ]noqe rolrop eql IIa] ol luel.rodrul ll sl ,{qA\ V
uorle)rpau raluno)-aql-relo Jo salduexa o,ryU aAID t
eql ur uorle)rpeu e{e} ol 1ou 1ue1;odurl fl sl dql Z
euorletrpau e Jo IeqEI eql peor o1 1ue1;odrul 1 sl dqA\ I
uE ur ur€al qlleoq e or |n}d|eq sr srLlf'suorterrper.u -rno/10 lsr; e l;;er slerur;y
'uotl€)tpotu luaJo#tp e l;l ot epoap leuu .rolrop
rnol .ro e8esop luoJa#rp p alEt or peeu ler.u nol'srla#a oprs Mau,{ue r.rodeg
'suorlE)rpeul Jaqro ql!/v\ l)EaJ Sot.ulloulos asoql.urJtdse
pue saut)tpouJ leqJeq
'sralqet urLriplr^ sE q)ns sarpeLual Jaluno)-eqt-Ja^o a)El nol;r
-rotrop.rnol;;e1 v ute8e u
i)r€p eqr ut uotlp)tpeLu o)El t,uop - sa)Elsltu ptoAV €
'e8esop lf,oJJof,
aLp a^pq pue uottelrpau lf,orrof, eqr Burler e're nol aJns e€.slaqpl
leql Lqa,r pue suotlpf,tpaLU _rnol lnoqe u-real nol d;eq
uP) .s-nu pup rsr)eurJprld !orrop Jno 'sour)rpar"u ;nol lnoqp suolrsonD lsv
dnor8 e
suorlsanD eql ta.&\sue pue ernqJorq 1ua11ed srql pee5 6ulpeag
f,op go aut7 auDS aql lD uorlD)rpaw aql a4Dl lser aql
i.raquraruer ol ueql dlaq o1 asn r{aq1 uel sanbruqeal
1eqr11 sled ul )ilo.\\ 'uollerrpau rlaql a{el o1 1a8.lo; sluarled seur}euos g 6u;yeedg uor
Communicating with relatives by phone

Listening 1 Look at this list of things nurses say and do on the telephone. Which two are
not recommended? Discuss.

1 Say the name of the ward/department. I tr

2 Sayyourname. I tr
3 Offer to help. T I
4 Correct the caller's English. T tr
5 Ask the caller to repeat something. I T
6 Put the caller on hold. tr T
7 Apologise if there is a lot of noise in the background' tr tr
8 Talk to another person at the same time. I T
2 Listen to two telephone conversations and tick / the actions in 1 for
each nurse.

Speaking 3 Work in small groups. Why is conversation 1 in 2 a bad example of how

to communicate with people on the phone? Why is conversation 2 a good
example? Make two lists.
In conuersation 1, the nurse is stressed.
In conuersation 2, the nurse is polite.

We use will + infinitive to talk about the future. I t'll

iust check he is awake
Will he be out of surgery at eleven? Yes, he will.lNo, he won't.

4 Complete this conversation with witt and the verbs in the box.

arrive be check not come take transfer wait

Nurse: Patients'Ward 2, Nurse Willard speaking. How may I help you?

Caller: Yes, hello, I'd like to speak to my husband in room 255, please. I
want to tell him that I (1) at the hospital very soon. But
I (2) by car today. I (3) the bus, so I (4)
probably late.
Nurse: Sorry about the noise here. Could you repeat the room number?
Caller: Room 255.-
- -
Nurse: Room 255. No problem. I (5) just he's awake and then I
(6) you. The medication we're giving him makes him a bit
tired. Can I just Put You on hold?
- -
Caller: Sure. I (7) .

50 -
,{1rnr1ee eql leada.r pue salor de.trs
llq e
ueqJ 'I ur sluetuele papuotuuloJor oq] IIe epnllul '1e1tdsoq ul alllelal e lnoqe
3u11se euoeruos pup esJnu e uoal\]aq uoll€sJaluoJ E
esll)erd 's.r1ed ut IJo \ 6u;1eadg I ueq
'>1eads nod L
se spJolv\ aq] {ull '9 ul uolles.ra^uo) eq} peoJ o} su.Inl a{el 'srpd u1 4.to16 6
'e;aq ar,nod leql rolJop Jaq uJoJuI IIIIV\ I V lnt
,{-ra8rns Jo }no s,aqs uoq^\ raq dtaq tt,l t
'lueruoru eql 1e dre8rns ul s,aqs Z
'raq lnoqe perJro^r a.l,no,{ aas 1 I
|notdpq I uD) moH
;no,{ dlaq I ue),/v\oH
.rolrop ;aQ 1ia1 nl:lrll qlyvt Eutgufeq + lupuosuor
Z"' o] >l€aos I plnoC :le,lAoA + }uBUosuoc
'Eup1p1 ere efi\ uaqrvr ;aqla8o] splolv\ >lull uelo arvr qstl8ug u1
'seJualues eql ul spto.^a eql uee.ry\loq s>lull aql l\erp ueqJ, 'uoIleuI.IoJuI slql pEou 8 uollelcunuold
'mm p saldurexa oullropun pue g uI uollestaluo) aql pea5 L
'a,{qpoog :asrnN
zsserppe aql s,lBrll 'leq] op II,l {ulql I 'se^ I :lelleJ
'1red .rec !sJolrsrl e s,oJeql 'peoy.{pauue) ZZ s,ll E :asrnN
'lueruotu aq1 1e dra8;ns
ur s,aqs '8u1urour slql Hg eq] l€ penlrr€ relsrs JnoA ',^aou eas 1 'qy [ :esJnN
')O s,aqs ,ry\ou{ o} paau dlpar 1 la.rns nod etY I :relleJ
el€lldsoq aql lE ]le^\ pue etuoJ roJl
o] aIII nod p1no16 d.ra8.rns Jo tno s,eqs uaq^\ rolJop ;aq o1 leeds
ol paau ILnoA 'uorleruroJul eroru {ue no.,t enr8 1,uer I pleT. -,1 :asrnN
'pBoqB E :ralleJ
od'se L__l
'Sunuoe ar,nor( leql rolJop s,ieJSIS rnod ruro;ut II.l 'lqEH E :asrnN
e)O s,eqs Jr 1v\ou{ nod oq lssaupoo8 qO E :rolleC
'ueJ I se uoos se eteql aq 11,1 's>1ueq1 ! :JalleJ
'rolJop Jeq ol leads o1 paau II.noA 'llel ol dlrea ool s,11 ! :esJnN
'edg '1 alerca.rdde I 'qJnu dran s4ueq; ! :relleJ
1,qlrr\ elrr^\ o] Eulqtaruos eleq oO I :osrnN
'sJal!\sue JnoA >lJeqJ puB uolsll
uaqJ repro lJoJJoJ aql ul g ur uorJBSJaAuoJ eql;o lred puo)es eql tnd g 6u;yeadg
eaueurns s,tualted aql sl leq1A
-lselA V
'tuapn)D uD pDq aqs I 'qulq SunB n aqg
;p11dsoq aqt uI relsls s,uetu aql sl ,{qlA t
p.tDlry ntpaDdottlto I uooy,{cua&tauT
LIIer u"ru aq] seop pJ€^/\ qJIqlA z
2plrdsoq eql Jo etueu aq] sl ]eqlA I
's)!lDl! ur spro.ry\
lJerro) eql
esooqJ ro Jel\sue eql ellr^|suorlsanb esaql rolv\sue puB o^Ilele-t s,1uat1ed e pue
es.rnu e uee^rleq uolJ€srenuoe auoqdalal e ;o yed lsrg oql ol ualsll g 6u;ua1s;1
Moving and handling Patients
Speaking 1 Work in small groups. Discuss these questions'
i When do nurses need to move patients? Make a list'
when the pGtient changes departments
2 What do nurses need to think about when they move a patient? Make a list.
the Patient's weight

Vocabulary 2 Work in pairs. Label these pieces of equipment for moving and handling
Patients with the words in the box'

banana board hand blocks hoist monkey pole rope ladder slide sheet

Listening 3 Listen to three conversations. Which piece of equipment in 2 do the

nurses use for each Patient?

4 Listen again and complete these sentences with the words in the box.

pull up roll over sitting slide onto swing over

1 She can herself to a position.

2 Now your legs the side of the bed.
3 You can the chair.
4 We're going
- to you onto your left side'
'IIBI\ Uoqs e JoJ 03 o] leeJ rraq] oluo tuerled lq8le^ue^o u€ dleH t
'alqeuoJuroJ aJou
er€ leqt os paq Jlaql dn uleql e^olu pue re^o luelled e urnl Z
^eql uP,rs JJ e roJ
oE ol rleqJleaqlt e ol peq Jleql ruo.IJ oloru ol {ee^\ ool sI oqzvr luelt€d P dleH I
't pue Z suorlenlrs roJ aUIES oql op pu€ selor de,us ueql 'nod dlaq ol / pue 7
u1 saEels pue suolsserdxa aql Eursn 'oueuaJs eql feldalog 'luarled eql a^ou ol
peau nod lueudlnbe ;o (s)arerd qf,lqzvr lulqt pue aoleq I uollenlls peog 'sasJnu
are nod 'J pue g sluapnls '1uarled e are no.{ 'V luopn}S 'eerql Jo sdnor8 ul {JoM I 6u;1eedg
oq] op
'acuepuedapur ]o le^el s,luetlEd otll lcotlC
'seer0e luerled eql leql lceqC
'ueq1 Oururo;led ete noli sp suotlce tnol uteldx3
'o^or.u oql reUE elqeuolLroc sr luollpd otll J! IcolJC
o^ou oql rol uoseer eLll pue op o1 6uto0 ere noA leqnn uleldx3 [
'e6e1s qcee le luerlBd eq] ol suotlcnllsut leelc e^lC E
'Aresseceu lr ueurl poq uesool rolpue peq eqt 1o lqbtaq eq1 lsntpy !
'eleredo-oc ol luetled eq1 e6ernocu3 fl
ernpecojd 6u;lpueq pue 6ul^ol l
'se8els eseql Jo euros JoJ seldu-rexa pug puE up8e I ul uollesJa^uoJ eql le
Iool ueqJ .rep;o lJeJ.roJ aql ul sa8els aq1 lnd pue aJnqJoJq Euluprl sltll pBeU 6u;peeg
'g ur^uoJ eql esrl)eJd 'eerq] Jo sdno;E ul >lJoM
's>lueql'tPeJD :v
elepqv ,/rou lBql s,rvro11 'oE e-1!\ eJaql tleqJlaaqa eql olul nod (d1aq)
(Z) I pue eru oluo ploq r\oN roltaq s,l€ql 'nof ro; JoISEo ll
e>letu o]
resolr rreqrleaq.ry\ aq1 (3u1;q) (9) 1 'elnurur P tre^A :d
'pooD 'spueq qloq qlla elpueq eql oluo plog ;dn ;1as;no^,t 11nd nod uer '^\oN I
'lsrg poq rnod uo slaoqs aq1 (uasool / 1sn) G) r'rapqv':o :S
u1urlg lpqr1aoql\ E pug pue (oE) (r) r :d loolls ep
'lleqlooJ eql eas o] ]u€^,\ dlpar 1 '1ear8 s1 s1q1 :Y
'.r1erlrlaeq.ry\ eql olul nod (d1aq) (e) ttqa ueq] puv'poog .S
.os >lulql :V c
la1od fa>1uotu eql asn o1 (a1qe aq / no,Q
(Z) al,ttqt nod op l€ql6 'uroor AI eql ur 1s pu€ oE uec nod
'lsll e e
os rleq)laaqlv\ € olur nod (d1aq) (t) t pue IIqd'topqv'o1eH :S
'sla>lJBrq ul
sqra^ aql pue ilm rc ol ?ulo8 ag lo ruroJ ]JerroJ aql qll^\ 'G) tapqV '1uar1ed
e pue '(j
llqd pue (S) utruls 'ses;nu o^\l uaarvrleq uollesJeluor s1q] alalduro3 g
poq lo lno rc6 ol dpt.l ewos paau il,eq9
'nou dn nol dlaq ye11 suorlcrperd ro; lo (d1eq 1o) rego ue ro1
'rteqqeeLlt e pu17 pue ob p1 'Our1eeds lo lueurotu eqi le opeu suorsrcop rol ,rrlu esn sosrnN
ateqqaoLl/!\ e pE ot 6woo nol ety 'Ir op Ieql eroleq (luerled eq1 o1) ernpecotd e
aprs tnotr oluo nol ilot ot 6uto0 tuJ lsrlJ ro uolluelul ue ureldxe ol e^rlru4ur + of 6u!o6 og esn sesrnN
llln'oI 6u1ob eq:arnlnl aql
Communicating with team members by phone
Past sit
Speaking 1 Wort in pairs. Answer these questions.
1 Why do nurses need to communicate with other medical staff by phone? F"-
They need to book 0 porter to transfer patients to a different department
or room.
What other ways are there to communicate with members of the team?
Listening 2 Three nuises call to ask for porters to transfer their patients. Listen
and complete the patient information'


Name: Tony Montana Name:Ali Murad Name: Karina Abramowicz

lD N':811956 ID N": lD N':783359
Patient room + Paediatrics -r Patient room 210+
Occupational Therapy Radiology

Complete this telephone conversation with the words and phrases in the box'

accompany ask for double five lD number

medical notes porter spell transfer

Susie: Hello, Porter's Office, Susie speaking. How can I help you?
Davy: Yes, good afternoon, Susie. This is Staff Nurse Dav.v Morris in ER. I'm
calling to (1) a(n) (2) to (3) Sylvia
Tyler to the Orthopaedics Deoartment, please.
Susie: Could you give me the name of the patient again, please? And their
Davy: Yes, it's Ms Sylvia Tyler. ID number 5521146. Would you like me to
(5) that for you?
Susie: I think it's OK. Can you just repeat the ID number for me?
Davy: Yes, it's (6) two double one four six.
Susie: OK, thanks. And who will (7) the patient?
Davy: -
I will.
Susie: OK. Finally, can you confirm that all the patient's medical documents
are ready?
Davy: Yes, we have the (8) drug chart and all the nursing
Susie: Great, we'll send you a porter right away.
Davy: Thank you very much for your help. Goodbye.
Speaking 4 Work in pairs. Practise calling a porter to transfer one of the patients in 2. Use
the conversation in 3 to help you. Change the underlined information. Then
swap roles and repeat the activity.

uoouoae u! 'ee1 prq
qle+aP uaned Yaqc ie6essev\! u o Ke.t -y o7 1u e wlw odde po4 e6esseyl :
ot,tog Apusg oW:(oLueu luatled) lnoqv .
ilH epo>:(etueu lueued) lnoqv
pte14-tawwng ldeg ,t?o1o1pe21de6
n00e1" au u ey :ro1 e6esseyy fppl :to1 e0esseyl
oqeez iva 6qzw i'va
)?uetraFE i)el9c L'l\eg ailnN :)olec
'pre) puoJes eql .roJ atues aql op pup seyor de,ns uaql sl
';au1;ed rnod q11zvr uollesJa^uor aql delda10J pu€ prBJ a8esseur auoqdalal lsrg
eql uo uor]€urloJur eql esn .sa8essaul auoqdelal Bu11e1 esrlJeJd .s.rred ur >po16 6u;1eadg
'1 ur sa8els luaraJJlp aql
ro; suorssardxa eulFapun pue g/ eSed uo I7 {Jp.r} ro; tdgrs orpne eql }e >loo-I
@)'trt: G)
optdeqg oy,1 yoqe K0o1oq1e7 u1
E) wcot (t)
'a8essaur auoqdelal srql alaldruoe pue ure8e uelsn g Iu
'ilec oql puf L 'roqunu s,Jollec oql aIeI
fl fl e
{lesseceu lr 'ooessor.u p alel ol ra[O
n Z
slrelop lo uotlecrluelc Jol ISV ng 'luoruuedop
'uotlerilruuoc lol lsv
fl g /plBM pue uotltsod 'oLUPu
'o0essolu oql lceq peou
fl t rno^ 0^16 - ouorld oql loMsuv n L
#els lelrdsor{ use^ laq uotlectunutlloc auoLldolol oAtlcoJJS
'ureql rueq nod se 2-1 se8els / >lJIl pue ure8e ua1sr1 uaql .auoqd
eql uo flenrloa;;a aleJlunuuoJ ol ,ry\oq lnoqe atnq)o.rq Eururerl slql pEeU L
'a8essau e saqDt saooal epuatD
'a8essau e sa4q I sanoa1 urcg
's)nDl! ur splo^4. llerJoc eql asooqJ pue ,epuayg
puP ures 'san8eellor o1ull uea^\]eq uorlesJa^uot euoqdelal e o] uelsr-I g 6uluepl1
arns LusDm J's4uDql 'yg :,tuuaS
'mou fdotaq1 puoqodnng u! s,aq .ulooJ sul ut
4ulttl I ].usDm aH :pd
i.nou aq st araqA4 'luawltodaq ,tcua8taug aql ut sDm DuDluoW ,(uo1 ;tuuaS
;o aldurs lsed aq1 ;o asn rno,,( lJeqJ ol e >lsB ueqJ .uorleutolur etuos
lue.\ur ueJ no1 .aq ;o eldurs lsed aq1 Eursn s1ua1led asaql lnoqe suorlesreluoJ
uor{s rnot allt/h 't pup Z ur sluarled aq1 Eurssnrslp ere l€d pue duual sesJnN g
'l,use$ :.' 'olv "se41 y satr etryetedwel s/q se/u
','e:se,( 6u1eew JeAopueq eLil ut
l,userl I
6ututouL slLll Af ur sen yerled etg 'lsed eql lnoqe llel ol ag
lo eldurgs lsed eql osn eM
eq;o eldugs 1se4
Ordering supplies
Vocabulary 1 In a hospital supply room, items are often colour coded. Work in pairs. Look at Any,en
illustrations A-L and put the items in the correct category. We usr
E E q E Enoug
or wan
lI Remer
I questi(
@ blsrurecrnNf

t@ n@ n n !
E E lil


n - n
u t! E

tr@ n@ n
Red: intravenous or blood test items

l-istening 2 Staff Nurses Cynthia and Louis are checking the inventory and
ordering supplies. Listen to their conversation and tick / the items in 1 that
you hear.

Listen again and answer these questions.

I For which rooms does Louis order supplies? For which floor?
2 What does Louis do to complete the order?
3 What did the hospital do a lot of this week?
reoq nod stuel eq] olrJr\ pue sellddns Eulrapro g tuapnls ol uelsl.I 'salor de,ng Z
(gy) ouuoA plrdootl 5r
@g) oaqnq uautoado *
@q p oaxoq q) aa2uufa y
(oapaoq 6Q uepaJuptp
* leq
(gg 1.) oloaolco 4
(oaxo4 fl oa?epueq sp
"'paau a1A :V
(a11oL gg) adel lechtno
2paau no[ op ]Dttl4 'wa1qotd oN :g
(a11ot gg y) azne?
'satlddns auos taplo 01 Sunln w,I *
:Paeu 2/A
'7o11dso11 "'lD "'asnN s! sltll 'onaH :V I
'1s11 rnod uo stuoll I
aql Japro pue g tuapnlg auoq4'sa11ddns JopJo ol peeu nod pue asJnu e erp no1 I
v luapnls
'suortrrnJlsur aql 'IZ a8ed uo uoller.uJoJul eql
lE >lool 'g luepnlg 'a8ed slqt uo uorle{uJoJul aql l€ >lool
'y luapnlg 'srpd ur >1.ro16 L 6u;1eadg
adel yo (p eEloq P v
sa8epueq;o (r IIOJ E €
azne8 yo (q >ped e Z
luelealursrp;o (e xoqP I \
'seserqd e{eu ol p-e ol t-I qrfel4tr
o^\l elP araql G
-'sallloq '82 paeu eM (e
0t .IepJo-01 paeu ezvr 'o51 (p
-'upedJo soxoq aAU lnoqe a;e araq; (t
-'09 sr saJlaurlueJ eerql tnoqv'sa1 (q !
-'q8nouo ueurrcads auo 1sn1 (e
'? ul -'eqnl ol sJar\sue qJlel
g-I suorlsenb J-B J g tue;nqeco11
s1q1 s1 ;a8epueq slql uo 1nd 1 op adel pef.rns ,!\oH g
.ee^?q e,,!\ op t\oH,
e^?q l{uop e,,!\ 'oN, .euo eql ur luel)eJurslp a^eq e.(!\ oc, s
.eaJaql eJe
^/vloH, ,'os >lulql L ,zuroor eEerols aq1 ur sdnt elrJels areq] erv, v
e{aa/\{ eql Io lsal eql JoJ a^eq er\ oC Zpeeu el!\ op ezne8 - ,!\oH t
ie{el ol peeu I op poolq - 1v\oH z
,epeeu a.|\ op /v\oH
el€q l.uop e.l\ lnq 'op a,l\ se , (esu,v\oE aleq a,r oq, I
't18noua pue [uo'tuout 'qcnut qlra suorlsenb pue saJueluas aseql a1a1druo3 V
l,106 alA aAeL.l sp/I ol Auew nog 'sunou olqelunocun pue olqelunoc qltM suotlsonb
zareql st luelceplslp qcnu /AoH ISe oM uetln t{uew pue qcnw esn oM :lequretueH
'qdnoua l,ue.)ell,ust deql'oN a,q0noua eteql etvlsl 'sunou elqelunocun
4sdnc eytels q0noue eAeq a/ oe pue elqelunoc qlrn lr esn uec oM;pelueM lo
lade1 1eafuns q0noua e^eq e/ oO popoeu sr se qcnut se lo Iueut se, sueetu qbnoul
aezne5 liue eaetl en oq 'sunou elqelunocun pue elqPlunoc
'sr,tro11td iue pul lpec qlrm suorlsenb pue secueluas enrlebeu ul /ue esn e11
qOnoua'fiuy lE >loo
Giving simple safety instructions F

1 Match the words in the box to these definitions. Then label the illustration with
the words in the box.
lhe p
apron disposable gloves eye protection mask sharps box
I This protects.your mouth and nose'
2 This protects your clothes. You tie it around your waist.
3 This container makes it easy and safe to dispose of needles.
You wear these to protect your hands from the patient's blood and body
This helps protect your eyes.

oaJ Expr

| *^*.


sharps = sharp


Past simple: regular verbs

To form the past simple of most regular verbs, we add -ed to the verb. show - showed
clean - cleaned
Be careful of spelling changes:
. verbs that end in -e: add -d. arrive - arrived
. verbs that end in consonant + -y: drop the -y and add -ied ' carry carried
. verbs that end in one vowel + one consonant: double the consonant and add -ed' drop - dropped
We use the past simple to talk about actions and situations that started and finished She disrnfected the wound.
in the oast.

2 Look at the title of this article. Say what you think sharps injuries are. Then
complete the article with the correct past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Many years ago a team at Wilfred Johnson Hospital (include) clear directions for the staff who (7)
(1) (organise) a project to reduce the number (use) sharps.The hospital (8) (purchase)
of sharps injuries. The OR supervisor, the hospital large boxes and put them in each OR. The team also
safety officer and a general physician (2) (9) (create) a new'sharps zonel where staff
(participate) in the project. They first (3) .- --
members (10) -
(pass) needles and knives
(review) the information about injuries from the year
on trays. After six months the number of sharps injuries
before. This (4\ (show) that there were too (11)-- (decrease). In 2008 the staff only
many injuries with sharps, so the team (5) - (12) (report) six sharps injuries. In 2009 the
(decide) to write new'sharps safety rules'to explain the number (13) '-- (continue) to go down - to only
importance of safety. The new policy (6) three iniuries!
- -
dlyrJlce aq1
teader puB seloJ dervrs ueql 'g ur uorlesre^uoJ aql esrlJerd 'srred u1 4ro16 g 6u;1eedg
'leql Jo IIe op uBr I ')o V 'sle{
^,{er1 e esn DoaN
I s,bn1y (9) 'spueq rno.,t esn;an au I s,tomlo (g) ,saurp4 pue selpeou e{rl
sdreqs ssed nod JI 'UO aql ul puv 's.1uer1ed .rnod pue .,{1a;es rno.,{ rog .sa1 :S
ZlqEI.I fJIIod suorlneJe.rd IesJaAIun aq1 ;o ped oslB s,leqJ :V
'serrol8 alqesodsrp esn raoau s,bm1o (tr) ,pootq a4e1 nod puv :S
'puetsrepun l .;1O :V
{ervre uraql l/\orql e,r,\ oroq^ plldsoq eqJ ur ruooJ
alservr plrads B e^eq all\ pup arrlsuadxa ,{ran are saxoq sdreqg 'xoq sdreqs
eq] ur uaql 1nd taoau I stomlo (g) 'ade1 prl8rns ro ezne8 e>lrl slerreletu
.raqlo derte ./v\oJq] o] luelr nod g 'saxoq sd.reqs eql dervre r\orql e^\ eJaqa
ereld preads eleq e,t,r puv 'elpaau eql qly\(;1asrno.r{ arntul 1,uop no.,( og :S
l,^qA\ :V
'xoq eqt u1 1r dorp lsnl 'elpeeu eq1 duea; naa111 stonly (7) :S
2dec aq1 lnoqe leq6 :V
'aJeq xoq sdreqs
eql ur elpoeu aq1 dervre l.,
roilIl Daau I stomlo (1) ,uollratur ue errl8 nod ;y :g
's,llDl! ur sprolrA lf,arroJ oq] asooq) pue ,estnu tuapnls
e '(y) e[uy pue 'esrnu roruas e '(g) qe;eg uee^^]aq uollesraluoJ srql peeg g
'xoq sd.reqs eLfi u waLfi pd rctau'spuelew rct11o esn nol g
'ssolnctoqnl seq 1ue4ed oLll il 4sew e teeu s/ten1y 'uorle6r;qo uB lnoqe )ilel ol
'lsal pootq e op nol g seao16 teett slenly asnefc il + rcAau rc sAenle esn eM
asnelc I + rcaeupAearle :uo;1e61;qo Eu;ssardxS
pt/ lp/
rno.,{ rlraqr pue ualsrl uaql 'dnor8 l)erJoJ eqt ul z ur sqJa^ eql a}lJ 'lueJailp punos
A n
aldu;rs lsed eq1
papeeu'pa1ealo.rd'pa1ca;ursrp :/pr/ t
ur sqren re;nOer
paddols 'pexg 'pa>lrorvr :f/ Z
1o sOulpue eq1 qlr1\4. u
paEueqr'par1 'parepro :/p/ I
']eadar pue uelsl.I
e uorletcunuold
Caring for a patient in the recovery room

Past sir

We use
To forn

Listening 1 Wtre.r a patient wakes up in the recovery room, a nurse usually asks them some
questions. Complete the missing words in these questions.
1 n Are you in any p-? 5 ! Do you k- where you are?
2 n Can you br- well? 6 n Can you o- your eyes?
3 n What's your n-? 7 n Do you f- nauseous?
4 E Can you h- me?

2 Listen to a conversation between a nurse and a patient and tick / the

questions from 1 you hear.

3 Listen again and answer these questions.

1 How often does the nurse take the patient's vital signs?
vital signs: pulse, 2 Does the nurse give the patient an oxygen mask?
3 Is the patient nauseous?
blood pressure,
respiration rate
4 Is she cold?
5 What does the nurse give the patient?
Vocabulary 4 How does the nurse in 2 ask the patient about her pain? Put the words in the
correct order to make the question. Then listen again and check your answer'
ten being the worst pain, / one being no pain at all, / what number is your pain
right now / on a scale from one to ten, / ?

o] pue ur seruelues eq] asn '^ra^orar req/srq
6 8 rnoqe 4eJ llf"ll3l ured
e;o raquraru e a;e nod'g luapnts'esrnu e are nof 'V luapnls'srpd
",,-o u1 >1ro11 g1 bulyeedg .IE.M
(.ra1en ellll e) i / plp / teqrt / >lut-tp / tualled aqt L aq
(saQ a / rualled oql / plp / o1 / asrnu aql / >1eads 9
(sad) ; / as.rnu aqf / rutq I plp I e,r18 / uollertpaur uted I
(sa$ Z I oE I frc8ns aqr / ptp / IIad\ V
(sa,{) ; / es.tnu aq} / plp / su8ts I€}I^ slq / qraqe t
(o8e alnulur e) a / ptp / roleop aq1/ areal / uaqrvr Z
(o8e s;noq e^U) a /yo /1no auoe / prp /draE;ns /11upua16161/ uaqrvr I
'sJe,v\sue IInI ellrlA 'sle>lJeJq uI sprolv\ eql Eulsn suotlsanb
eql Ja^/v\sue
uoqJ 'suollsanb a4eur ol repro ]JoJJoJ eql ul L-I uI sprolv\ eql lnd
'ruoo.r r{rarro)at eql ol urlq iq8norq a16 v aql ,r
'e.rnpaeo.rd aql Eul.rnp suralqo;d ppq aH t
'rel€l!\ elllll € luerp aH z
'reuurp srq Jo aruos alB aH I
'alrle8au saJualuas eseql e>l€ntr eer€
]EA ZI oEg
des 0I a^eel h
4eads 6 Sutrq t
arrtE 8 dn a4elr Z
e^er{ L EUIOJ I
'sqJal aseql Jo ruro; e1du1s ls€d eq1 e1rl L
adn eslen eLls plp uotlltA 'a^!l!u!lur + tcelqns + plp
2,yodet eLll eytn nol p1g :seOueqc suorlsenb ur repro prom aLlI plp L1llm suonsenb urol eM
leuutp stq lee Luplp eH .o^!l!u!lu! + l.uplp
'esnu eqJ o1 leeds l,uplp eH osn eM 'sqran reln6errr pue re;nOer qloq ;o enrleOeu oql urol oI
'o0e selnww uel llel tolcop eLll 'peueddeq Ourqler.uos ueqnn {es o} o6e qlrm eldu;s lsed oql osn oM
plol - ilel
eaeb - aatb
ewec - ewoc 'po- Llllm eldurs lsed aqt urol lou op sqro^ re;nOe.u;
sqran ;e;nberl :e;durgs 1se6
qatnuu E L /traAa 6u0!a F1!^ o,1,ugned allf a4sJ- Z x
Jparnofaenporlula x
'Uodar 4aLll e^r71,6r0ololsaql6esus oq+ ol uo+all a x
'ya4ed aq+10 ffnuaplaLll4eaqS U x
.2, :nra t
2aro, 2:+2!wvrv!2o11+=agug aLlJ rlfulA Fl1rt oSuaged aq+ aJedwos
a x
Map pue uado orfemle 7luaned aLfl\catp A*
'repro lrerroJ eql ul suollJe eql lnc puB selou
eseql pEeH 'suorlJe urplreJ elel ol seq asJnu e 'drerrocar u1 st luetled e uaq1A g 6u;peeg
'raulred rno,( qll^\ saur] aAU p u1 uorlsanb aql leadag 'srted ut >1.to16 q
Removing sutures

We use fi?st, second, third, then and finally to give First, wash your hands completely.
instructions. We often use a comma after them. Secon4 lift up the suture.
fhird, with the otherhand , cut the suture.
Then, check the wound is healed.
Finally, clean and disinfect the wound.

Reading 1 Complete this text with firsf, second, third., then and finally.

Before removing sutures, it is important to follow these directions.

When removing sutures, put on an apron. lf you have long hair, be sure it is tied back
securely. (1) explain to the patient that you are going to remove their
sutures (the patient will probably use the word sflfches). (2) , ask the
patient if he or she is comfortable. The patient may ask if it will hurt. Reassure the
patient that removing sutures doesn't hurt. (3) wash and dry your hands.
Then prepare
-,some gauze, cleansing solution and a stitch cutter on a sterile tray.
(4) put your hand inside a sterile waste bag and use it like a glove to
remove the bandage from the sutures. Turn the sterile bag inside out so that the
bandage is now inside the bag. Put on sterile gloves. (5) look at each
suture and check for inflammation around them.
Match the words in bold in 1 to illustrations A-H.
E q E 'Soft


E q

"' 4)Dq ilDq Jno[ aU 'puo)as
'uotdD uD uo ]nd 'lsill
dlrnrlee aq1 leedar pue solor
-. ' dervrs ueqJ 'spJo.r\ Sulruanbas pu€ I ul 1xet eql asfl 'asrnu luapnls e leulred
;nod o1 seJnlns Eurnourar JoJ arnpe)ord aq1 Eulq1;esap eslllpJd 's;red ur 4ro16
dlnrlee eq1
leadar pue selor de,,vrs uaql 't ur uorl€sreluoJ aq] asllJeJd 'srpd u1 >1ro16 6u11eadg
'puno^r eql uo aEepueq rvrau e lnd ol EuloE tu,l g
'leeq puno^a eql lel o1 sdep arour aorql roJ ur saqJllls asoq] a^eal II(l V
'uoltrJaJul ;o su31s ou aJe aJeql aes 01 >lJaqJ ILI t
'srosslJs eseq] qll1v\ soqJlrls eql tnJ ol EuloS tu,l z
'erntns eqf dn fJll II,l I
'raulred E ol ueq] Eu{es asrlaerd uaql 'Jsn{Eulsn seJuelues esaq} elIrA\aU
';snl;o saldruexe aql Ip ourlJapun pue up8e 7 ul uollesJe^uoJ eql le {oo'I
'welceqlslp qltl1 puno/A eql ueep ol Aulob 1sn[ w,1 'sserls s,luorled e ecnper
'sJsoJ /vrol e unt $nl il,eAA d;aq o1 qren e eroleq ;sn/pronir oql esn uego sesrnN
8nr (q JJo IInd (p
-sarnlns (3 - dn peulo[ (c
- - r-lc
drus G 1eeq (q
-tno a>1e1 (a rellnr
- qe11s (e
- - '$IuBq]')O o
'relleq lafi (8) ]l tal o] Iaar\ ]srg eql roJ Ja^\oqs o] Jaltaq s,ll :v 'spu
t l{leq e a>lel I u€J
')O :g
'ede1 aq1 JJo eryl (2) o1 1ou erns eg
'un1s rno{ uo adel auos 1nd pue "' up8e punoa aql ueelJ }sn[ II,l ,l\oN ']eerD V
'ualqord ou - eurJ g
zleql se.ry\ 'q)]lls eql lno 11nd lsnt 11,1
srostslrs (9) esaql qlldyslq] a{ll ^roH
'}ou>I eq} reeu orntns aq} lnt (g) lsnl II,l V
'smau poo8 s.]PqI I
'uollreJul ;o su8ls ou - d1ae1u pepaq (y)
1nJ aqJ 'poo8 qool ll 'ereqJ 'puno^ rnod ueale o1 EuroE 1sn[ ur,1 '1s.rrg :y
:g 'sa
;f1qe1roluoc Eu1111s nod e;y 'ilnd (S) e yaa; 1sn[ deur no1 :y
'saqrlps (7) rnod aaorrrar (1) o1 aurq s,lr laqrl rl tr :V
'(q-e) Euluealu rBIIIuls e qtp\ spro.&\ o] (8-I) ploq
uI spro^\ eql q)leur pue 1ua11ed e pue esrnu e uaal\laq uoll"sreluo) srql pee5
V [relnqecol
( g / f ) 'sa.rnlns aql aloruer nod raqe uorl€ruruellul rol >lJeqJ plnoqs no g
( g / f ) 'a8epueq eql elotuer nod ra1;e salol8 uo lnd plnoqs no V
(g/ f ) 'a8epueq aq] aloruer o1 errol8 e a411 Eeq allrels p esn plnoqs no1 t
(g/f ) 'saqJllls alorual nor{ uaqrr s1;nq sdervrp 11 Z
(g/f ) 'saq)tlts ot sarnlns prom aq] re;ard stualled I
'seJuelues espJ
eqt ]rarroJ iQ) as1o1 to (.t) anq se)uelues eseql erv 'uruEe 1 ul 1xel eql peag I
Talking about old age
Reading 1 Wort in pairs. Discuss these questions.
1 When do you think old age begins?
2 Do you think a 75-year-old feels old?
3 How old would you like to live to?
4 Think about older people you know. What makes them happy?
2 Read this survey and answer the questions.

In 2009 we asked 3,000 Americans about growing old. There were some
interesting results. .l

When does old age begin?
There were different answers, depending on age and gender. Women generally i ,,'

said a person becomes old at 70 but men put the number at 66. Most 19-Vear-
olds believed old age begins at 60.
Are you old?
Certainly not! Only 21 percent of respondents aged 65-74 and 35 percent of
those aged 75+ said they feel old.

What age would you like to live to?

ln 2OO2 most people wanted to live until the age of 92. In 2009 the majority
said 89 years old. One in five would like to live into their nineties, and eight
percent say they would like to live to 100 years or older.

Are older people happy?

The answer to the question was yes. 34 percent of respondents aged 30-49
said old people were'very happy'and only 14 percent believed they were Otferi
'not too happyl 28 percent of 7S-year-olds said they were'happyi and only We ca
12 percent thought they were'not too happyi Finally, what makes the older
generation happy? The answer is good health, good friends and financial
I voulv
security - the same things that make younger generations happy. -l.-
Where should old people live?

1 When do most young people say old age begins?

2 What percentage of 7S-year-olds feel old?
3 What age would most people like to live to?
4 What makes older people happy?
Speaking 3 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. Then compare your ideas with
another pair.
1 How are elderly people cared for in your country? In the family?
In specialised care homes? In their own home with community assistance?
2 Why do some people think a care home is the best place for the elderly?

'lsJg I ]noq€ raq {se pu€ le8eueul
eql (lleJ) 'e.Iaq luoor d;pune1 e e^eq a A :g
lalqrssod leq] sl 'seqlolJ u1v\o raq qse.{\ ol sluert" raq}oru f111 :v9
Z{ooqer€C uo uoql uto[ ro lleu]e ue ureql (puas) :g
'qJnol u1 daal o] lue^\ d11eer 1 lnq uaJplltlJpuer8 du-t aos Jeleu I ;vv
'sser8ord s1q
uo {)aqJ oJ osrnu rolues aql o1 (1eads) :g
'ullq lnoqe pellrolv\ IIl,l 'p€s sulees ;aqle;,r(6 :vt
'd1pg qtyvr sselJ eslJJaxa aq1 (ulo) 'lla1\\ :g
'srlrlque du yo asneceq InJa.rer eq ol eleq 1 lnq lrods alll I :Y Z
Ltuoor rnod ut,(11ure1 rnod;o soloqd eruos (dn 1nd) :g
flure; dur sstut pue d1auo1 Ieal ueuo I :Y I
'sla{Jerq ul sqJa^ el-l} Jo IIrroJ lJo.IJo)
aq] pue xoq a8en8ue'I eql uoJI suotssaldxa qlp\ suollesJaluo) asaql a1a1duro3 L
uotlectpow urcd tnoA lnoqe )olcop tnol o1 \eads ot eepl poob e s,71 onllluljul + oleap! poob e s,1t
'Llceeq aqt uo \p/A e rc1 ob Pnoc eli e^lllullur + ppoc ettlnoA
altewe ue uos tnoA puas noA 1,uop fu4r1 o^llluliur + enlnol l,uop ftqn
oleu lo ectnpe entb o1 suolssetdxe asoql osn uec eM
suoglse66ns 6u;1eu pue aclnpe buyegg
eup{pg .roJ lueuodrur os louJelul aq1 st dq16 V
Ze^eq ul,t\p! seop uaJpllqr dueur rvro11 t
iAI r>lll ullv\pg l.usaop .{q16 Z
zse{ll puE selqqoq s.ul1v\p3 ere }BqlA I
'suotlsanb esoq] Jel\sue pue ute8e uetsl'I
'reeq no.{ t ulolJ seIlIAI}J€ pu€ sel}IIIJ"J oq} u.^aop ellllv\ pue 'lueplsar
ouroq aJeJ ,aa.aue 'urznpg pue astnu E uoar\laq uo.Ilesro^uoJ € o] uelsl'I g 6u;ue1s;1
n T tr
E E o
'e^pq plnoqs euoq ereJ leapl ue qu1q1 nod sallllllJe pu€ seIlIIIJe; qrlqm des
uoql 'sexoq aq] ul (y) {1rnr1re ro Qr) d111rreJ ellr.ry\ pue f-V suollerlsnlll }e >loo'I
V fue;nqecol
Assessing an elderly care home resident
Vocabulary 1 Wort in pairs. Label photos A-F with the aids in the box.

commode dentures glasses grabber hearing aid walking frame


2 Match l-6 to a-f to make sentences about the aids in l. Then match the
sentences to the photos in 1.
1 Patients use this when they a) hear better.
2 Patients wear these when they lose b) up objects they cannot reach.
3 Patients wear these in order c) are not able to walk to the toilet.
4 Patients use this to pick d) them walk around more easily.
5 Patients wear this to e) to see better.
6 Patients use this to help f) their natural teeth.
Listening 3 Listen to the first part of a conversation between a nurse and Dipak
Gyawali, a new care home resident, and choose the correct words in rraftcs in
this assessment form.

. l'm happy when (2) I see my family I I'm by myself.

. (3) lmpolite or unfriendly people I Noisy places make me angry.

. My favourite foods are (4) Spanlsh and French I ltalian and lndian.
. Foods ldislike are bananas and (5) eggs lfish.
. | (6) wear I don't wear dentures.

4 Listen to the second part of the conversation in 4 and complete the

rest of the assessment form.

Hobbies and interests

(3) and (4) Indian music.


. | (10) to use a commode.

. lfind itdifficultto bend, so luse a(n) (11) to pickthings up.
. | (12) hearing problems.

5 Compare your answers in 3 and 4 with the rest of the class.


'eporuuro) e esn o] spoeu eH 'eruerl Suqpr* e ]noqtllr\ >ll€,r\ o] llnJgllp 1I spug eH
'sasselE sJ€el\ pue Eulreaq rood seq 'se.rnluap sr€ervr eH '76 s1 uosdtuls >laJeCI 4 tr
7 dpnP ase3
'sarnluep sr€a^\ aqs 'lq8lu ]€ apouruoJ € esn ol spaeu pue 8up1pm d11nag11p
seq aqs 'srualqord Eupeaq s€q eqs 'p1o sread 08 sl p1euoql6 dpueg s61
I apnls os€J
reem I os ') sLuelqold lq0lseAe e^eLl l,uop I e^eL! |.
'(-reem I os ') suelqotd Outleeq o^eLl l,uop I e^eLl |.
'opor.uLuoc e esn |uop / esn I o eql
'(dn sOulqt lcrd o1 (u)e esn I os ') pueq ol llnc!illp ll pu4 lpop I Pull | .
'punore enou ot (u)e esn l,uop I esn | .
'seutze6er-u peer lpop I peer I
'olper eqt (uo)- oluels1 l,uop I uels4 l'Al(uo) qcle/Al,uop I tlcle/ | .
oJE Slsorelur pue selqqoq Ay\ .
slsaJalul pue solqqoH
'sernluop tee/A J,uop I JPa|A I o
erE elllslp I sPool o
-ore spool elunonel Iy1 .
'{r6ue eu (s)oleul o
ueqar {ddeq u,; .
pollec eq ol elll plnoM |.
ul s
- leuosJod
'7 dpnls aseJ JoJ
dlr,rrlce aq1 leadar pup selol derts uaql 'V luapnls lrallJalul 'asJnu e are no^
'g luepnls 'uorlBruloJur eql Jo auos lua^ul 'turol ]uetussassP slql alalduroe pue dlts
1 dpnls eseJ pead ']ueprseJ ouoq erpJ ,l\au p ere nod 'y ]uepnls 'srred u1 >1ro16 6u;1eedg 'lallot
6 'q)
'nod dlaq o1
t pue t ur uorlpurroJul aq] asn 'Z ul suollsenb aq1 rel\sue pue >lsY 'srpd u1 4-to16 I
;d11ure1 ;nod aas 1se1 nod PIP 6
illas.rnor{ dq uroorqleq aql o1 41ervr nod 8
ialll l,uop no.{ spoo; due araq} L
espooJ elIJnoAeJ due arreq nod - 9
ldr8ue nol{ saleur I
;o1oqd aql ul uerpllqr eql are V
;Eu1op do[ua no,{ op - €
l1aay no.{ oP Z
;nod 1pc ol sn e{ll nod Plnorvr I
or..lm uotlM (gx) leqt'n MoL1 op
- uec ele
'xoq aq]
uI spJolv\ eql ql1,t\ t pue t ul uol]€sreluoJ aql uolJ suollsanb asaql a1a1duo3 L aben6uel
'lsrl e a{EIN et puE t ur uorlesre^uoJ eq} ul seuo eq} o{ll suotlsanb 1se
o] sasJnu ouoq erpl JoJ lueuodur sr ll >lulql nod op,'{q16'sdnor8 Iluurs ul >lrolA g Eutlrrtrt

I Meeting colleagues
Reading a Speaking exercise 5 page 7
nursing schedule Student B
Look at this hospital facilities schedule. Take the role of patient or visitor and ask
Student A questions to complete the information.

Midland Town Hospital

Hospital Facilities

Visiting hours

Car park I Monday to Friday: 730 a.m. - 9.00 p.m.

Bank i Weekdays: 10.00 a.m. - 12 noon and 1.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m.
Monday to Friday: 730 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.

Coffee shop

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday:

Gift shop Tuesday and Friday: 10.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. and 5.00 a.m. - 8 p.m.
ano : 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 o.m.
Monday to Friday:
and Sunday: 12.00 noon - 8.00
Breakfast: 7.30 a.m.
Fatient mealtirnes
Tea: 5.00 p.m.

What ere the uisiting hours?

What ere the opening hours of the bo.nk?
What time does the car park open/close?
When is

Meeting patients Speaking exercise 5 page 8

and their visitors Student A
I You are a nurse. Practise meeting your patient. Introduce yourself and ask
questions about the family in Student B's picture.
Student B
You are a patient. Answer Student l{s questions.
A: Is this your family?
B: Yes. This is my son and this is his wife.
2 Swap roles and repeat the activity.

'srsouEEIp elqrssod e
no.,t a lE [r^\ V ]uepnls 'sruoldu^s Jno^ Sulupldxe 'suollsanb sV ]uapnls re^.suv
'asou duunr e on€q o 'lBolql eros peq € aAeq .
'tzzrp ate . 'q8noJ peq,fian Pen€q o
'suoldul^s rno^ aJe aseql pu" III aJ€ no 'sa1o; demg Z
ilDotql ans
D aoDq no,( og 2anluadwal D aaDq no,t oq 7bpo1 7aa1 not op moq 'olpH
'seq aqs/aq suroldrufs aq] ,/ {rl} Y
pue sruoldruds raq/stq lnoqe luepn}S {sV I
g luapnls suroldurfs
gI a8sd 8 aspraxa Fq4uadg 6u;qgrcsaq
pwqsny :1ua11ed ol dlqsuolleleH
ezrv\vJvp\rtvg +!frvb :url lo lxoN
1000s9 PvqvP"ww
wv 47v qnvbnn y, 7v oa e :ssalppv
:r #l:;i;r*rini, :lteuJa
ryqvwhuy lvwty :dc
blLghh0L-Lbo-lt-ll0 :raqurnu euoqde;e1
v\'vtv1 tJg :urErlo;o Arlunog
YYbt nv zv :800
?Itv\^vJv Pl|v g "lvwzJ
v 4t JP\ v :oueN
HD sl!elap lua!led
'suorlsanb sv luapnls rel\suv 'proDaJ
luarled ;nod sr srqJ 'esrnu e sl V luapnls pue luall€d aql aJe no1 'sa1o.I dervrg Z
:1uer1ed o1 d;qsuo;geleg
:url lo lxaN
:requnu euoqdelal
:ug6;ro 1o Arluno3
"lvw :au.teN
HO sl!elep lua!led
'pJoJer luarled slql
alaldruoe ol suorlsenb y luapnls >lsv']uaped e sl v luepnls pu€ esrnu e aJE no I
g luapnls sl!elep
tI aFud g asfrroxa Eupluadg luelled 6u;1ceqg
luel'ussesse Eurs.rnlq 7
5 The body and movement
The body: torso Speaking exercise 4 page 39
and head StudentB assir
You are on the telephone. Student A needs to fill in the Range of Motion (ROM)
.' exercise record for a patient, Mr Ahmad. Answer his/her questions.
I lt'
Movement Fepetitions Comments Nurse initials
I l''
thoulder Repeatten timea, Mr Ahmad ehould sit on the
rotations bed, Left shoulder only,

Hip bends Repeatfivetimee. Do this on the bed, Hold his

head and neck in your hands,

Head lifts Hold forfive aeconds, then put This is difficuhfor him because

down, Re peat th ree tim es.

Hold for three seconds, then

ofthe pain in his neck.
Oive hlm a ballto hold near his
put down. Repeat five timea, face. He puahes the ball up.
Documenting Student B
ROM exercises I l"'
Speaking exercise 8 page 43
Listen to Student A. Then swap roles. Read Joe's flow sheet for Sth March and
I t''
explain to Student A which exercises the patient can and can't do.
Flow sheet - Range of motion exercises
Patient: doe Felieie Room N': 214 Date:.0E.03.2012 Gen ero I Centrol H osDito,

Movement Time Comments

12.00 1700
R shoulder flexion Ir)NL
R shoulder rotation I^)NL
R hip abduction l,ijNL
R hip extension ,dNL
L shoulder flexion ITJNL uti4h, soue oain
L shoulder extension liuihed 4o l0O"
L hio abduction liuited to 10"
L hip extension liuiteJ to 45"
L knee extension liuitod to 25'
Nurse's initials:

Joe can bend his right shoulder normally. He can ...

(17)openpqpe *
(6flauYdPaq y
(az1o pwo'gg) alaua 5p
(gg) ano111d 5p
@)ote4ue1q y
(9)ouatlo y
"'paau aA4 v
'wapord oN @gflaaeq111 y
zpaau not op lDqlyt fl (96 S p a4ced g y) odnc all'ta1o 4
'saqddns awos npto o1 Eu111oc ut,1
:paeu eA4
'1o11dso11"'tD "'asfiN s! slrtt'oilaH v
'1s11 rnod uo stuell eql repro Pue
e ere no 'sa1or dervrg Z
V luepnls auoqd 'sa11ddns raplo ol paau nod pu€ esrnu
reeq nod stuell eql ellrlv\ pue sallddns Eulrapro V luepnls ol ualsl'I I
g luapqs
29 aEed Z esproxe sellddns 6u;raprg
Iueel plldsoq eql I
a$u14o1 aLls st uollD)tpau aql to tutol loqt6
1"'Eu14o1 sttog st 'h114
qfnow qqlveq pteuaQ eulwsf!^nlnw p
atg.to1 fep v aalnodec Ploc na!wef
on4'Aw g7
fvp e aewlq
dn.tfa uonednauoc iltnwvpl/l
ae44'0w eL
4rc uopcelulaql
qz ooaupa.t qtewols eap4vlP u!ln6u!
'u1ed p11w'Aulqcg
Aep e aaw1l odotp ewocnep ldozy euo
auaqi alnoH ruroJ osn Jol uoseou uollPclpoltl
silcese spls qcnur rnoH
F$q{FF F.D' procar uolleclpotu lEuos.lad
?puo]een 6!Jo0 ilua|l]ed
'profiu uolleJlpeu >lsv Orur
.s.rro0 Jo lsar eql ul IIg 01 suorlsanb V luopn]S uolpclpeu qlltn
g luopnls sluepled 6ullslsse
67 e8ud 6 eslrrexa Eu14ued5 !slcege ep15
uorlerlpel tr 9


Unit 1 Meeting colleagues [M =Max; SA = Susie Arnold]

3 M: Good afternoon. Mrs Arnold? IK = Kell
1 A: SA: Susie; please call me Susie. Good afternoon. K: Hellr
Hello, I'm Staff Nurse Gillian Campbell. M: Hi, Susie, I'm Max. Sorry to disturb you. I'm looking J: A bit
B: Hi, I'm Amy Bower. I'm a healthcare assistant for after you. How are you today? K: It's t
Ward C. J: Oh,
A: Nice to meet you, Amy. lD=Denny;K=Kendral I

4 D: Hello, it's Kendra, isn't it? K: Can

2 A: Excuse me, are you Ward Sister Margaret Jenkins?
K: Yes. Wha
B: Yes, I am.
D: Hello, Kendra. My name's Denny. I'm looking after J: Jake
A: Pleased to meet you. I'm Charge Nurse Paul
you. Is that OK? K: Your
K: Yes. J: 18th
B: Good to meet you, Paul.
D: And who's this? K: 18th
3 A: Hi. My name's Paul. K: It's my teddy. His name's Mr Willis. brac
B: Hello, Paul. I'm David. So, where are you from, Paul? D: Well, hello, Mr Willis. And how are you today?
A: I'm from Dublin. I'm the new charge nurse, What do K: I have a poorly arm.
you do on the ward? D: A poorly arm? Can I look?
[K = Kell
B: I'm a student. K: Can
J: Is tl
D: Hello, it's Kendra, isn't it? wea
[T=Tyler;K=Karen] K: Yes. K: The
T: Hi, Karen, it's Tyler Baker. D: Hello, Kendra. My name's Denny. I'm looking after you. Is J: Ipr
K: Oh, hello, how are you? that OK? K: Of(
T: Good, thanks, Karen. Listen, can you give me my K: Yes. wal
schedule for this week, please? D: And who's this? J: I'm
K: Sure. Is the afternoon shift OK for you? K: It's my teddy. His name's Mr Willis. K: Let
T: I have exams in the mornings, so the afternoon shifts are D: Well, hello, Mr Willis. And how are you today? J: Thi
perfect, yeah. K: I have a poorly arm. K: Her
K: OK, so you start on Tuesday at 16.45 and finish at 23.00. D: A poorly arm? Can I look? C: Kel
On Wednesday, you start at 15.30 and finish at 22.15; and K: Clal
it's the same on Thursday. anl
T: That's good for me. A X-ray machine C: Got
K: Are you free on Friday, Tyler? I need a staff nurse for St B CT scanner tod
Peter's Care Home in Hillsworth. C MRI scanner
T: I'm not free on Friday, no. But Saturday... I can work on D ECG machine Unit
K: OK. Can you do a morning shift at the Amazon Hospital?
T: No problem. What time is the shift? [N = Nurse; AK = Amira Khan; DS = Dorothy Simpson; EK = [A = Adr
K: 6 a.m. till 2 p.m. Emilia Kadinskal
1 N: Good afternoon, Ms Khan. Are you ready for
your ECG?
[C=MrsCoxen; A=Anja] AK: I suppose so.
1 C: Yes? N: Can I just look at your identity bracelet? Thank you.
A: Good evening, can I come in? What is your full name, please?
C: Yes, of course. AK: Amira Khan. That's K-H-A-N.
A: Hello. It's Mrs Coxen, isn't it? N: And your date of birth?
C: Yes, hello. AK: 1st February 1956.
A: My name's Anja. I'm taking care of you this evening. N: Thank you. Can I swipe the code on your bracelet?
[K = Katya; W = Mr Williams] All done, thanks.
2 K: Good morning, Mr Williams. Can I help you? 2 N: Mrs Simpson? Mrs Simpson? Sorry, Mrs Simpsol.
W: Well, yeah, but where's the other nurse? How are you?
K: Ellie works on the night shift. I'm Katya and I'm DS: OK, dear, thank you.
taking care of you. N: Mrs Simpson, it's time for your CT scan.
W: OK, right, good. Look, I need ... DS: Already?
N: Yes. Can I look at your identity bracelet first?
Thanks. What's your full name?
DS: Dorothy Simpson.
N: How do you spell 'Simpson', please?
DS: Oh ... ah ... S-I-M-P-S-O-N.
N: And what's your date of birth?
DS: 22nd June 1932.
72 N: 1932. Thank you, Mrs Simpson.
'salnurtu 0€ lxau aq] ul IJpq nof 1pt 11;,vr
sastnu erllr"ld rno 1o euo 'lolJreH sr61 'no,{ 1ueq1 :y
'€908-z€6-9// :H
aaseald 'requrnu
auoqd rnod au a.,uB nod uel puv's>lueql ')O :y
'urnur slq ur.l :H
iluelled aql o1
dtqsuotlelar ;nod sl lPq/y\ :Y
'louraH PUUY :H
"' alllll e 'qea . :J
leseald 'eureu rno,{ puy :V
eleorql eros :N 'sDwotlJ ur se; 'og :H
'3SOu {uunr € s€q aqs :c eql sl :v 'uos
LJalad uI sP d Jallel 1s3l
esuloldrufs reqlo s^eq :H
eqs seoc enoi{ l.uere '1oq {;azr ar,noa ;re^al
^uEe puY :N :V
;aseald 'eur roJ aurpu {lrurpJ aq} lads no,{ ue3 l,lalacr
'seop ]r'se^ :w 'lor.rreH seru€l s.]l 'se :H
Zunq slql seoq 'ees 1 'ualoms a;e spue18 ue3
zerrlEu [nJ s,uos rno,t aru en13 no/{ :Y
rnod pue areql qser elllll € e^€q no 4sree;no,{ 1e 'arns')o'qo :H
lool e a^pq uee 1 ,t111141
'MoN 'eureu d11a;d e s,1eq; :N '1leq nod IteJ 1rM as;nu elrllerd rno pup 'sll"lap
'{tttttt :w srq a)p] o] paeu 1sn[ I 'u.tacuoc rno^ pu€lsJapun I :v 'nod 1
lauruu rno.{ sr}eqm'ollaH Z 'urlq lnoqe par.r.rorr,i,{11ear ur.l pu€ qs€r slql }o3 s,aH
[.raq1eg = C :^llt6 = 141 iasrnp = 1q] 'aseald doq a11111 dur roJ rolrop e paeu I'olleq 'sa1 :H
' s€q eqs aIII $lool tr')o :N eno^ olaq
'l,usr eqs'oN :lAI I u€J rlroq 'lreuuoJ-qll€ag '8u1urour poog :V t
asnoesn"u llrls eqs sl Zll l,usr 'uallo,|s s.l[ ltolr]aH srl l = H l;as6py = yl =)l
'sa1 1q3g s.teql aeasleqJ '{)eu ;nod 1aa; 1sn[ 1 ue3 :N
'ON :J
ilJrs leal 11t1s nod oq 'nof luor,ussosse oulsrnN z ilun
]e >lool ol 3u1o8 s1 asrnu eqJ 'ueeqleems ,lrou>l I :lN
durun6l 's1rnq peeq d61 :J I "' Puu,{ePo1
fesrnlq = N :raqlol4 = 61 :eas1eq3 = 3] no,{;o arer 3u11e1 u,1 'arlelJ ru.l 'elef 'Sulurour pooD :J
'0€'0I fP ,{er-Y ue
roJ tueululodde u€ s€q eH 'uos.reled elpf sl slql 'erlelJ
'snoesneu IaeJ N 'lq
'tz4p pay W eraH
'eJlplC 'SururolN dSolorpeg lE erp e^{ ^lla)
dleams 1aa; 'I 'qu€qJ
'perrl IeeJ nod arrtB aur 1a1
) irelleq leql sl 'laluelq
'spue13 ualo,vrs arreq f ,{lpnlee
" 'plo) ]rq e tu.l
'eq)PJ€e e^eq I lq8noua urren
'leoJql eros E eAPq H nod ary are no.{ araql 'nod dlaq au le'I 'esrno) JO
'qsEr ur{s P e^eq .) 's>lueqt'teql reJerd I s1 'nod;
dqrlr 1aa; J .ileqJIesq1v\ e s,areql
re^eJ e e^eq s '3u1u-rour s!ql {ea^A
qptluJ c dl\uq C llq e ur,l aaq,{eur '1er1s 3ul11er* e Jo r!€qJlasq/r.\ 3 e.reql sl :I
'aq)3q)PIxols e.\Pq J ;1urql nod op ']ueuruedeg fer-y eq] o] {leivr no.{ ue3 :)
'eqr€p€eq P a^"q s [arte13 = J :e{ef = 1 :,t11e; = y]
'asou duunr e a,req
's{ueql 'I s,}"qJ ;eseald '1e1ace;q
'lsruorldarar rnof uo apo] aql adg,rs 1 ue3 ')O Zg6I drenuel qrgl :)
eql ol uo sll€]ap aseqt ssed 11,1
's{uEq}')O :V '7961 drenuel q1g1 :f
'ruor lop o-J eqtrlq Jo etep rno^ :)
-3-1-3-J tE 'II-W-Y-)-Y s,]eqt 'uosJeled aIPf :[ ;a11e 3
- tuoJ'orelal@llue{€ :)
aesn ueJ ieueu IlnI rno,( s,1eq6
e^\ sserpp€ lreue ue e,,req nod op puv'l-U-n-Ol-C :v 'queqJ laseald 'lsrlJ lelererq d111uap1 rno.f, aas 1sn[ 1ue3 :;1
'I-U-n-Ol-Cs,lt'se^ :) ')o'qo :f
leseald 'r;norq lads nod ue3 :y lfpear nod ary mou de-r-y rno,{ ro; arull s,ll :)
'unorc pnourqPw enue^Y I8 'perlr llqv :f 3ut>1oo1
sr sserppe ,tau .{p1 'arour duB eraq} aAII l.uop I roN :) s1q1 nod ere /\\oH 'olleH :) '
;a1e1 'Sururou
anue^V la>lef=f:,,t11a;=y]
;t ^-peurul3qol^
ar\eq I ;a.rr1 no.4 op areqm puy 'nod 4ueql :y
'9161 .{renuel
ql6 uo uroq sP^\ I -Il-l l-Y-) - Ilue)'[rue) Jltrv :) '])arroJ 1y'1earB
'atu lo] qulq Jo alPp pu? aIrrPU srt?qJ eepoJ aql adl/v\s I ueJ puv'srllura 'quPLlJ :N
'866I Ilrdy qrgI st qrrlq 1o alep du puv'V-)-S
11n; rno,( rurluor eseeld )O s,l€qt ll lsrlJ proJe.r
luarled lno,t 4raqJ o] paau 1snIl lqFll s,]pqJ :V -NI-C-V-) s,l€qJ e{surpe) plllurg s,eureu.{61 '1q81g :)g
'tsat poolq ro1 ereq ur,1 '11edy esrn51 '3ururo141 :) '1ua11ed lq8rr aql a^eq a1r.\ tuelrodul s.ll 'os plp4v :N
^tu ;no,{ rol op I ueJ eulPdv :)g
1"q,4 ',l\oN l€ql lnoqe,{.r.rog luaurour e ur nod ql1,n leseald ']aleJ€;q Cl Jnod eas I ueJ :N
eq II.l ]ees € a{e} eseeld Furu.roru poo8 '1tue; .1141 :y 'eJns :)g
161 :11edy asrnN y] lde;-y rnof roy dpear nod arv ollaH Zplllrtrg :N g
fpuey -; =
[N = Nurse; I = Isabelle; M = Mother] Thanks. Let's have a look.
3 N: How are you today, lsabelle? B: Is it normal?
A: Your temperature is 36.9 degrees this morning. It's fine. [H = Nurse
I: I have a bad sore throat. H: Mr Frr
N: Do you have a cough? B: What are you doing now?
A: I'm just recording it on your temperature chart. F: I can'i
l: Yes, and... and spots.
H: OK, I'
N: Spots? Really? Can you show me? That'r
I: Yes. I've got them here and here, look.
clean supply room nr rt tl-
.N: Oh, yes, a skin rash.
conference room F: No.
I: My best friend, Kelly, she has spots, too. nurses'lounge What'
N: Does she? Ms Quinn, does Isabelle have aqy other
nurses'station H: It's Ol
symptoms? patient room callinr
M: She's got a bit of a fever and cold symptoms - physicians'area good
runny nose. you know. soiled utility room can sl
N: Right. OK then, Isabelle; let's have another look at visitors'toilet you f<
that rash. F: Alittl
H: Keep
[S=Steve; K=Kelly] here
[N = Nurse; A = Alessandro] S: Do you like your new job then, KellY?
N: Is this your first blood test, Alessandro? K: I do, yes. The people are all really friendly. It's a
A: Yes, it is, and I really don't like blood. good team.
Unit 4
N: OK, well, let's go step by step. Please roll up your sleeve S: What about the patient ward?
for me. Let me disinfect your arm first. Now let me tie K: lt's a bit small and we have to share some of the
the tourniquet round your arm. OK, now you'll feel a 1A: F
facilities with other patient wards. li
small pin prick. S: Oh. Aren't there any patient rooms? There are more
A: Oh! That's tight. B: I
than 20 in our ward.
N: It won't take long. Now turn your head to the window. K: Of course there are patient rooms, Steve! But there isn't

What can you see? A: \

a conference room, for example; and there aren't any B: t
A: I see a school. There are lots of children, a teacher, I visitors' toilets either.
think... S: Strange. There are two conference rooms in our ward
2A: il
N: Uh-huh, yes? Now I just need a minute to change the but only one visitors'toilet. Is there a nurses' station?
specimen tube. K: Yes there are two small ones. What about where A: l
Uh-oh. I feel really dizzy. you work?
B: S

N That's OK. Now hold this cotton ball to your arm. Press S: There is one big nurses' station and two small ones.
hard for a minute and bend your arm. Yes, that's right. What about a nurses' lounge?
Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Good. K: There isn't one in our department, no.
A I don't like this.
S: Shame, our nurses'lounge is great. There's a TV, a
A: I-

N Keep breathing. It's done now Now for the plaster ... microwave, free tea and coffee, DVDs ...
B: (
and I'll send this to the lab. a

A: I don't feel so good. A: }

N: Here's some juice; that will help your dizziness.
ISW = Shelly Wagner; A = Mrs Azziza; J = Jerome; P = Mr Patel]
A: Thanks.
1 SW:
N: Just relax. How do you feel now?
Hello, Mrs Azziza, how can I help you? 1 a hun<
A: Much better. I feel much better ...
A: Nurse, oh, thank you for coming. I really, really 2 ahunr
need to go to the toilet. Thanks for coming. 3 one th
SW: OK, no problem. Let me help you out of bed. There 4 one th
1 If you feel faint, let me know we go. Here's your walking frame. Do you need any q piohte
2 If you feel weak, tell me. help with ... 6 one p<
3 If you feel nauseous, let me know. 2 SW: Yes, Jerome, this is Shelly, what can I do to help?
4 If you feel hot, tell me. J: ls that Nurse Wagner?
SW: Yes, it is. Can I helP you? 1A: ]
Unit 3 The patient ward J: Yes, Nurse, please. I'm very thirsty and there's no
more water in the jug. B:
SW: Right, OK. I'll bring you more water in a few
1 oral minutes. Is that OK? B:
2 tympanic J: In a few minutes? Oh, OK.
3 electronic SW: Can I help you with anything else, Jerome?
4 thermometer J: Er, yes, can you turn off the TV? I want to try and 2 A:
5 ternperature sleep. B:
6 disposable SW: I'm coming in a few minutes, OK?
3 SW: Mr Patel, you rang. How can I help you? B:

A: Good morning, Fred. How did you sleep last night?

P: I'm really sorry to disturb you, Nurse ... 3A:
SW: You're not disturbing me. What can I do for you? B:
B: OK, thanks. Not bad.
P: I have a terrible pain in my leg. It won't stop and
A: Is it OK to take your temperature?
I can't sleep.
B: Sure, no problem.
SW: It's OK, I'm here. Please try to relax, I'm calling
A: Can you open your mouth for me, please? And can you
the doctor now and we're going to help you' The
just put this under your tongue? That's it. Now could B:
doctor will give you some more pain medication.
you close your mouth and hold for a minute? Good, I
Just try to breathe .
think that's done. Can I just take out the thermometer?

'Illur aerJ-leJ a>1e1 nod;t selrole) 'uo
66 .{1uo pue eeJJoc >lJ€lq ul sollol€) ou al" eraql :8 eq.
'aa]JoJ Jo
']t Jo Jl"q eq/(elN 'allill v :J
dnc e u1 eJe ereql solroleJ dueru,toq srns lou ur.l
[f?po] tea nof u?) q)nul t\oH 'poo8 fll€er :V
sllaurs lr - salqela8a,r pup ue{JrqJ aq1 Suyreq ar,no1 :l ld 6aelJo) Jo dnr e pue 11tru;o sse13 ? laplo l ueJ pu
:J isa :g
's{u"ql 'Iul.rp u?) I ll€ s.lPql {urql I 'uotlsanb a111t1 e 1sn[ '8uenq3 asrng in
'11am 3u1op el,no :lAId
:V e
larrn[ a8uuro e-rou euros ]noq" .lroH
dr8unq d.ta,r 1ou 1sn[ ut,1 :.{tlos ur,l :I 'a>111 nod;r dep e sasselS ;o aldnor e lutrp uee nod og :g
'ro1,te1 sr61 'eurr1 ;no,{ a{e} ')o s,ll o3 nod e-Ieql :l^ld 'saf '1q3;r s,1eq; :V
'as€ald :J 'l3lp al.IoleJ-000'z e uo^ :g
lae1n[ a8uero rnod ro; ,!\e.Ils P a>1t1 no,{ p1nor11 dpea.t erelsqa A eslnN 'a^€q I u€J {llur q)ntu./!\oH :v z pu
'yg uorde u€ pulJ pu" spueq du qse.+r 1sn[ eu 1a'I :l ld 'alllll P lsnf :v
'elqrssod JI'3urql,{uE IIIds elue,{'\ no,(
o] luem l.uop I pue Suqeqs ete spu"q.'{61 'aseald 'sa1 :J op agrnd aldde qenur nAoH'{ulql I '.,v\ou roJ euo lsnl :g
e^epo] Jeetu erepro I uec ectnf a8upro Jo sassel8 fueur rvro11 :V
rnor{ qllrv' dlaq auros e>111 nor{ plnolA'olleq jo1,te1 s.t141 :1,116 '{urq} I '89I lnoqv :g
[ro1,{e1 sr61 = J :rllaurl4 e1nu4 = 1416] lacrnI ou
go ssey8 e ur o.reql ele sarJolsl dueur rvroq puy :Y t
'qrnur ool 3q IlrM t€ql :)o s,]r 'oN :'I
'artnI aFue:o s.eJaqJ i]elrcls aAlJ olvu lu1od auo I
e aq11 no,{ plnol!\ puv'sad fauoq q}ll pelres s,ll :N uaa1q8;a S due
zelqrssoa parpunq ol\\]'puesnoql euo v ereq
leql sl '11 qlF,r re8ns ro dauoq alllos aIII plno/v\ I :'I ,{1yg pue pu"snoq} auo S
ereqi aIII no,{ p1no16 ,{epo1 uealaulu pue parpunqe z
nuaur eq] uo Ilnq8od s.eleqJ erp.{1 'sfep rvra; f,1xrs pue perpunq € I
]xeu eql toJ lalp pel)rJlsol e uo ar,nor( pl€lJe ru,l N
:.I llared
zuel .{rt3qr 3q1 }ee ol pe.4 olle I ure puv')o
'se^ N '$lueqJ'eloJ errros pup " pue aseald'a1dde uy :V
ieu8esel aql 'ueuele8e^ 1 sl :.I z>lulrp e pu€
dpeles BIIerezzouI uassap e lnoq€ teq6'q)l^\pues da1rn1 euo ')O :g
puE ol"urol aq1;o au8esey euros lnoq€ Moq 'lle1lA :N 'aseald 'qel,t.pues € "'trrn :V
;.(epo1 a,req I ueJ l€q1rt os 'uetrela8a,r e ur,1 :'I iqJII\pu?s € Jo esleuEoloq
'{ool e e^pq s.ga1 etp,{1 'aslnor Jo 'se :N l]]aq8pds la;ard no,( plno,r l"ql1'esrnoJ uleur
'ursrll ]noqll/\\ nuau aql p€al ].uel 1 lsasselS auo e.\eq.{1uo uee no^ :eleq)llN 'd-tros u.1
Surpear dru ut Eur.rq ol Sulo8 sr lalq8nep {61 ;rapro eqJr.,i\pues de>1;n1 e pue asreuSoloq lllaqB€ds :g
nuau dur qlln oul dlaq no,t uer 'as.tng 'frrog t1 Z 'erns'qea :v
'nof ro; ur lr pueq elsrlJ ll {raq) tsnf 1 ue3 ';6 :g l,uo
'dpear s, d61 :V pr€
II.l pue p.rPJ nuatu rno.{ etu er'rD 'auop IIP 'leerD :N Z
'eseeld'uessap roJ LaaJJor aruos a^eq I ueJ 'saf 'esea1; :g du
peles ]lnrJ erros pue aeln[ a8uero etuos aIIl p,l 'sa1 :J elurrp € e411 nod p1no16 :V
'eseald 'aFuero ue pue l,usl
easle 8ulqilu€ lapro ot e111 no.{ p1no11 :N
'teqt e^€q ILI')o :J saolelod paqs€ur etuos 'eqJlnb ;o aeald_e e>1tt p.1 :g
,{ervr,tue 'poo8 s11aus ll 'eJnes eseeqt e pue z^epol a>lll
elsed qll.L s.reddad pu€ seolelxol qlr^\ qslp p s.ll :N nof p1no,r leq/ uosyeqo5 rlN 'nueu eql s,araH :Y I
6Jo aperu au8esel alqela8aa
aq] s.leq1A'sellalauio e>11y dylear l,uop I ]nq'se1 :C
'1ea o1 dsee s.]l eelteleuto aseeq) € eleq lou :N slueuernseou pue pool
alsaSSns no,t op leql\ '8urr*o11ervrs ^qA\
sruelqord aaeq 1 :J
t llun
;yt.taq3 fepol 'nod;o aret 3ut4e1 ar,a16'a.taq
qcunl rno,t roJ.repro ol e{ll nod plnol!\ l€q,t\ 'os :N I sr rolrop eql 'pooC )O 'aur qllin Furqlearq dea; H
'lq81t os slaeJ ]seqr .(tu lnq 'ra11eq a11111 y :J
letpd'I ='I :JIreqC = J :as-InN N]
/vrou Eul1aa; no,,t
eJ€ ']l s,leql ' \ou u/t^op 8u1qlearq ;nod rtols uec
^\oH atll qllivr eqleeJq pue 3ril
erllllllltu I l3 Ioo'I 'spuPq pooS
ue't3o111 I ur el,no xelar og dr1 aseald 'yg '/v\ou roJJop eq] SullleJ
alno[o111 V ur,l >1e] o1 1ou d.r1 'uo >ls€tlr rnof daay 'areq tu(l ')O s,U :H
er][[ t ;Suluaddeq s,1eq16
ellolel z 'parrrorn f11eer ru,l "' ur,l 'loq IeeJ I "' ou "' oN :C
on{ I elellaq ]€qt sl 'uo >ls€Iu eq1 1nd
s,1a1 ue8dxo auros nod arrr8 oJ lueir.\ I iv\oN .Iallaq s.leqJ
'1s.rr; dn paq .rnod lnd s,te'I 'nof dleq ol SuloE tu,l ')O :H
8u1>paqr lsnl queql ')O :Y :J
iaqleerq l,u"l I "' ],uer I
,{ep e 697'1 s,1eq}
;nod dlaq I u€r d\oH MeqsueH esrnN s.]l 's{JuaperC rl l :H
os 'sdep ,4{aJ lxau eql roJ lelp euolpr-/vlol e uo s.oqs :g =
[slcr.raparg rllJ I :M"qsueH eslnN = H]
Zpe.4{ollP st,{11e;
srl l seuoleJ,{ueur r"roq au 11a1 nod uec ',{uos 'e;og :Y v
PM: That's good. Would you like some help with your
vegetables? I can cut them up for you.
T: Thanks, but you knoq I don't think I really want any. I What do you want to do today? 3A:
PM: Can you iust try a little? 2 Cao you do this exercise three times a day? B:
T: OK, just a little bit. 3 What can you do?
PM: That's good. 4 Can you do that?
T: I really can't eat any more. B
PM: Just one more potato?
[N=Nurse; T-Thelma]
Unit 5 The body and movement N: OK, Thelma, let's see what you can do today. Our goal is
three sets of ten on each leg. What do you think? A'
T: I'll try. It's more difficult on the left leg. B:
[N=Nurse; D=MrDubois] N: OK, we'll try the right leg first, then. Ready? A:
N: OK, Mr Dubois, it's important to do these exercises T: OK, yes.
every day to help you N: Move your leg out to the side as far as you can, That's
D: All right; you're the boss. Can I stay in bed? right.
N: Yes, sir. It's important that you are comfortable. Let's T: That's OK?
start with your feet. Now keep your heels on the bed N: You're doing very well, Thelma. And then back. Now
and oush vour toes to the end of the bed. let's repeat that. Good, good. And once more. Out to the
D Like this? side ... and back. Again ... and relax. Very good. A little
N your left foot, then your right
Yes, that's right. Push rest?
foot. Good. Now try and rotate your foot in a circle. T: I'm OK, thanks.
D That's easy. No problem. N: Now for the left leg. Are you ready? Tell me if it
hurts, OK?
N That's good because this exercise is really important. 1A:
Can we try your legs now? T: oK.
D: Oh that will hurt. N: So, let's try. Move your leg out to the side. That's it, Just
N: Well, you are taking pain medication, so it might not a little higher ... and back. That's better, well done!
hurt too much. T: Yeah, that's really difficult.
D: OK... N: Yes, but it's much better than yesterday. Much better
N: Now lift your right leg. Bend your knee just a little. Let's try again. Out to the side ... a littte higher ... and
Now move your leg to the side of the bed. That's right. back.
Let's do that again ten times. T: I'm sorry, it's too painful. B:

D: Tenl N: Let's stop now. I think it's a good idea,

N: Yes, ten. Let's count together. One, two, three, four ...
You're doing really well. 3A:
[C = Nurse Carter; SN = senior nurse]
C: Joe is doing much better today.
SN: That's good to hear. a.
[N = Nurse; P = Patrick; H = Hugo; J = Juan]
1 N: Patrick, back already from physio? How are the C: Yeah, he's just done his nine o'clock exercise session.
He has normal movement in his right shoulder now - he A:
exercises going?
P: It's slow, Nurse, but you know ... performed both rotation and flexion exercises very well.
N: Well, what's your long{erm goal? SN: What about the hip exercises?
C: He can do the abduction and the extension exercises Today rt
P: For the moment, I just want to climb the stairs
by myself . It's very simple, realty. My wife usually but he still has a lot of pain in his right hip. And as
for exercises for the left shoulder, he can only do the side elfr
helps me. It's difficult in our house. the sam
N: Uh huh? shoulder flexion to 100 degrees and he can't do the
shoulder extension exercises at all for the moment. I'm examplt
P: I sleep in the living room but the bathroom is
suffer d
upstairs, so ...
writing up the flow sheet now. Do you need any other
information? possiblt
2 N: OK, Hugo, so one of your goals is to be able to eat this typ
by yourself.
H: Yeah, sure. After the accident this is still difficutt
Unit 6 Medication may car
for me. well as I

N: OK. What do you want to do todav? Valium

H: My shoulder is really painful. I can't do the
1A: Good morning, Katy. How are you feeling?
rash. Tr

B: A little tired.
shoulder exercises today.
Do you still have the nausea?
N: That's fine. What can you do?
B: Yes, I do.
H: I think the wrist exercises are OK. [N=Nu
A. OK. I can give you something to control the nausea N:
N: Good. Well, let's start with those. We'll stop if it Rig
if you want. rec
B: Oh yes, please. me
3 J: I think my arms are getting stronger. I can already Do you have enough water? Good. Please take two
put on some of my clothes by myself. D: He
tablets now. You can swallow them with water.
N: That's great news, Juan. Well, for today our goal is an(
three sets of ten on each arm. Can you do that?
2 A:. I think I'll have to give my husband his drops. Ted N: OK
J: OK with me.
won't be able to do it himself. the
B: Yes, I think you're right. D:
N: Can you do this exercise three times a day? OK
What is the dosage? lns
J: Yes, I think so.
B: That's three drops into his right ear now, Mrs yor
Mathews, and then again just before he goes N: Wt
to bed. D: I'm
'ploJ p"q e a^€q I 'Jueruoru aql 1€ nlJlrrrsJ nurl€l tu.l :c
'e^qpooD :V
euorl€)rpelll telunoJ-eql-.ra^o ]noqe ]€ql :N S
a^g 'lr alelJa-rdde 1 qrnur d.te.a. s>1ueq; :g 'tl-l-O-t "']"r{1 no.{
tr-Y-J-t-ht 11ads SJ
'3u1uoe e;,no,{
.^^oq aas s,te'I IIJnuPle6l uaQl ' salaqElp r{ur lo; utlnsul
lpql JolJop s,ralsrs tnod urolur 11,1 1q319 ,{ur '1dozy sa.{a ,(ur roJ tsrlJ ')O :C
uaql I-d-O-Z-y s,1eq1 -
'uP) I se uoos s? ereql aq II.l 's{u€qJ s .uEqJ eql
'>1;ed rer .srolISI.\ e s.ereqJ 'peog fpauue; 77 s,11
'pP3qP oD 'se^
ul uorl"Jrpaur qJ€e Jo euleu eql u.4 op elult 44.ou ')O :N paJ's
fl 'IrJnrxelel l eql pu€
iqllfi\ elllr\ o] Sulqleuos aleq no-{ oq lal
ul1nsu1 rtur 'sa.{a.,{ur .ro1 sdorp aq} s,a-req - a.te nod a;ep1 :c oru al
essarpp€ eql s,teq/v\'l€q] op II.l Iulql I 'se^ s l,lsrll uolleJlpetrl
;p11dsoq eq] ]P ll€1t\ pu€ euro) o1 a4t1 no,t p1no16 rnod 11e aru,^aoqs no.{ ue3 [at\ Ileqs 'raqlaFo1 p.toea-t
'{ra8.rns Jo lno s.eqs ueqir rolf,op raq o1 >1eeds ol peau
uolleJlpeu rno.,{ 1e >1oo1 E
e^eq silal 's1;oq '1q3ry :N €esn€u 'uolteur.roJur orolrt.{ue no{ allE l,uBe I pletJ" tu,l Isrroq=qlas;ng=1q]
'tO s.eqs JI /vrou>l o1 paau.{1par I ;e;ns no,t ary B
rolrop -raq o1
leads ol paau ILnoA 'llal o1 .{pea oo1 s,11
e)O s.eqs JI .4 ou>I nod oq lssaupoo8 du qg I '8nrp srqt Jo ]JalJe aprs Jeqlou€ a.Ip srotuell qse.I
']uetuottr aq1 1e dra8rns ul s.eqs uqs e 1aE '{eur sraqlo lssauts,norp eeuapadxa deut urntpn
'8ulurour slq] Ug eqt l€ pa^l.t.I€ relsls .InoA ltou ees I 'qY :V alel oqrv\ sluarl€d uorledtlsuoc pue a111edde Jo ssol s€ lla.4\
se 's8nrp ,(3re11e-r1ue orxos Jo lraJJe epls P ele saqJ€q)"uols
'sluarled euos roJ a1ls uo1lralu1 aq1 1e 3u111a,ns asnBo deur
'>paqr 1sn[aut la1 :V
dlsnoue.,rerlur sBnrp 8ur1eelul 'uorl€f,Iporu ul?d Jo ed^] slq]
'1q31.r s,1eq1
'sa1 :B
qlr.+\ saqJep€aq ua,Le 'Sutlturol'eeoqJfttp al"q ol alqrssod
e^-u-u-3'erllleeg uI s€ g :Y osl€ s.ll snoasn?u leeJ lqElur sreqto pue sseutzzlp reJJns raqlo
A-U alqnop-g-g .{.traq-'o1'1 :g ur.J'luo
,{eu aldoad aruos uol}eJlperu uted uorutrroJ drezr e 'alduexa
i^-u-n-c ;d.rnptse16 .{rros " euuEaf :v 3ql
ro; 'ualordnqr reprsuoc s,la'l .Ieqlle slJeJJe epls au"s eq]
',{:req1sa16 euueef
auueaf qn :g eq] o
ra;1ns sluarled Ilp ]ou puv l,uop sJaqlo pu? slJaJJe epls
laseald 'atu€u s,Jalsls rno.{ a,req 1 ue3 :V S€
ragns sluarled auros ',l\oul nof sy lsrly s8nrp uoutuoe
')o s.eqsJr .^ oul ol peeu,{lleal I laq ]noqe SASIJ,
lsour aql le {ool ILa A slJeJJe epls }noqe Suptlel e;,arvr.{epo;
perrro,rdllear tu,l pue luaprJlP leJ € ul s€^\ aqs ielsls
dru lnoqe uorlerrrroJul au,ros la8 o1 3ut11ee tu,l lq 'sa :g 'lle^
;no,t dlaq I u€J ^\oH uoslty'A eslnN 'poog 1q3g s,teqt 'qPa :V eq ^te
- Mou
'pre16serpeedoqlrg'1e11dsog lPltuaJ l€rauoD'olleH :V alq8lr reqt s1 'Etu 77 art8 l uaql 'uolssi
'8ru 77 slenbe qrlq^,\'g'I .{q patldtllnur &{ 8Z op I :g
rualqord og :g
zurq eAId
1re.rr 1 dueu.trog '81 97 sqFter* aq
nod 11y* sue;8rllru
aploq uo pue Iorpeunlog ;o ure.t8o1t1 rad 3u g'1 spaau d11g :V e
nod 1nd lsnl 1 ue3 perll 1q € urq sel€u uuq Suprt8
s,leqt'qee1 :V
er,e^ uorl€Jrpeu eqJ 'no,{ ra;suerl II,l ueql pue
ale^\€ s,eq >paqr 1sn[ 11 :V equlqr I lnoq rad 1u 971
1 ualqo:d oN ggz uroog
'9gz tuoou :g slenba qrrq,vr's;noq orrnl dq pep4lq 0gZ "')O 'urq :fl
d.Iros :Y e.Inoq .Ieo elPl 1v\olJ lno.\
6l€q] t€eder no.{ p1no3 eraq esrou eql lnoq" pu"
'eseald sl ]eq1v\'11 dq srnoq o,^al re^o 1ur gg7 asn;ut no,t;1 :Y z
'ggz uloor ur pueqsnq {ur o1 leads I 'ollaq 'sa1 :B 'slelqel eerql s,lPq] os "ralleq
'earql slenba qrlq^\'02 ,{q 3u gg ep$lp.l :g
;nod dleq ieut
deur .+,ro11 Fuqeeds plplll,41 esrnN 'Z ple1\ .sluatl"d :Y Z zturq a^ln
]sn[ 1[ s,
'8ueg;61 'tgz uroo5 :g no.{ MoH 'pueq uo s1a1qe1 8ur 67
11rm s1a1qe1 ,{ueu-r
e^pq a A'xrs€.I Jo 8ru 69 1aB o] s[ uosuqof rhl :V t
;ure8e 1eq]
se,44. requnu urooJ leqm 'qee1 'auoqd aq] uo ru,l
ipuoJes e aru a,rr8 lsn[ nod ueJ puoJes € uo SuPH
:V r,1l t,usl lallaq
alpq^\ orez o^u uroog'qead "'uo Fueq'qeed qg :8
'tgz ruoo.t uI eH 'pueqsnq ,.{; 11el 1 :g ]ol e sr qs€J ul{s srq :rellrce IIV iv\ps 1 .41en1ty'16 EIT]II
'00'zzlp-'Euluarre eql ur eq 1I,u uorlca[u1 lxeu sIH :v V
'rueql to8 el,e16'spuedap
Jo oa.rql aql ol ln(
'puelsrepun I :B
]r 'llay' pr€,lr,s1ua11ed eqt ueatu nof'qg ;1eq16 .{roN
'pr€.Ue ur,l 'qr1e'vr dluo uel no,.{ luepnls P sv :V
;lueurlredep luarled srql s1 I
;uo11ra[u1 eLIl tulq Eu1n1E 1 ue3 :g
erPqA{ V
;tuaruuedap luarled slqt sl'lq "' qn B
ial.resqo pup euroJ o1 a4t1 nod plnol6' \ou uotlralut s,1"qJ
eururelsrquue srq peppeH r1y err13 o1 EuloS al,al :vv
'sa,{ sa1 g{epo1 ,tep .{ru lou }sn[ sl slq] 'looqs qO :V I 'nol{ go pu11 .,{rarr s,1eq; peep 'no,{ pynorll :V
ano,( ro; u1r\op seuru eql ellr4\ ol erlj e>ll[ nod p1no16 :8
.raqlxeluer ol lol P s,lPql qo :v
.Burqlfrarre srl€ql >lulqt
.llel :N
'peq o1 oB no.{ uaq,ra, euo }spl eql puv'uld 1 punore sr leo8 r
'qo :c le ure8e ueql 'eullqrunl ]e euo puoJes aqJ 'reler*
'urlnsul Jo ]leJJe ;o sse13 qlll\ rt\ou Eur 97 a>1e1
norl'a8esop aql
eprs e sr uorledrlsuo:r :N
" 1r\oN eurr] oJ arurl uorJ laBro;
ureldxa eru lel 11e a16 :g
lulql l,uop I tnq 'poo8 s.leqJ .4;ros ur,1 ,1a8.roy 1 .lqFlt s,]pqJ :V
'lrJnurelehl aru
'eurdue eql roJ
49.{6 urlnsur aq} Jo lreJJe eprs e s,tr lulqt I 'se1 :C
'xoC srl 'srualqord lreaq rno{.ro; e;e salnsder aq1 :8
zsuoc 'luauoru aql le uoll"dllsuor 'uelloB.roJ al.l ZasrnN :oJ eseql ar€ t€ql :V e
ruo.r;8uge;;ns a;,notr 'Fu1qy{rela u.4 op e}!.I^\'se :N
Zoot 'u1v\op eseql alu1v\ I IIeqS 'sulru€ll^lllnu lsnf :C
'erlloJlell\ al.nol :g
'd1aq rnod JoJ s{ueqJ 'q8noua dsea s,1eq1 'y6 :y
lsurue11,r fuu a1e1 no{ oC 'llel ueJ I 'sa1 :N
Unit 7 The hospital team Unit €
[S=Sam; G=Glenda] the el
S: Good afternoon, East Ward. Staff Nurse Sam Turner
1 A: Dan, can you come and help me with Ms Marsh, speaking. Can I help you?
please? G: Hello, Sam. This is Glenda Davies from Pathology. Can
B: No problem. [N = Nurs
A: She has a rope ladder, so she can pull herself up to
I speak to Nurse Wright, please? N: Mrs
S: I'm sorry, she's on her lunch break at the moment. Can W: Yes
- a sitting position but she'll need some help to get
out of bed.
I take a message for her? N: I'm )
G: Yes, please. Can you ask her to call me back? I have Ms surgi
B: Are we going to use a hoist? Shapiro's test results. W: Goo<
A: No, I don't think we need a hoist. Ms Marsh onlv S: Yes, of course. What's your number? N' T'm o
weighs about 45 kilos, poor thing. G: It's extension 8391. chec
B: Oh, OK. S: OK, so if I can iust check the message: that's Nurse you
2 A: Mr Baxter, we're going to help you into your chair. Wright to call Glenda ... I'm sorry can you repeat your W: Yes
You'll be more comfortable for watching the TV. family name, please? N: Ona
Carol is going to lower your bed first. Davies. D-A-VI-E-S. ten t
B: And what's that? S: Nurse Wright to call Glenda Davies in Pathology about rioht
A: You've never seen one of these before? Great, isn't Ms Shapiro's test results on extension 8391. W: I gue
it? It's called a banana board. Now can you sit up G: That's right. Thanks very much for your help. Goodbye. N: OKI
first, please? That's it. Now swing your legs over S: Bye. W: No. I
the side of the bed. I'm going to put the banana N: Here
board on your bed and - and now you can slide W: Bettt
onto the chair. Careful now ... slowly. There you are. [C=Cynthia;L=Louis]
3 A: Kenny, are you ready? We're going to roll you over C: Hi, Louis. Sorry I'm late. I was in the laboratory and I
onto your left side. had to wait for some results. I'm here to help you with [N = Nurs
B: Just a second - my leg. OK. I'm OK.
the inventory. N: It's E

A: Are you sure? OK, so we'll roll you over. Good. I'm
L'. OK, Cynthia, you can use this scanner and I'll take this E: Onl-r'
going to put this slide sheet on the bed and now one. And you scan the items we need to order. For placr
example, we need new hospital gowns and sheets for nelgi
we'll roll you over again onto your back.
the patient rooms on the fourth floor. So you scan the N: Yon
code like this ... and you enter the number we need. We and r

1 A: Hello, is that the Porter's Office? need nine of each. To finish that order, press 'enter' on E: Sour
B: Yes, it is. Can I help you? the scanner. N: Wha
A: Yes, please. This is Sister Marshall from Kelmann C: OK, I understand. I know we need to order some E: I like
Ward, and I'd like a patient transferred to more bedpans. And we need a lot more gauze and yest{
Occupational Therapy, please. surgical tape. hear
B: Certainly. Can you give me the name of the patient L: OK. We also did a lot of blood tests this week during the s
and the room number, please? the blood donation campaign, so we need some more N: Wec
A: Yes, that's Room 211 and the patient's name is Tony specimen tubes and lV bags. go fc
Montana. Shall I spell that for you? Wea
2 A: Yes, the Porter's Office, please. you
I ordered, tied, changed
B: Yes, you're through. How can we help you? 2 worked, fixed, stopped

A: Good morning. This is Staff Nurse Ania Pershik after

3 disinfected, protected, needed
E: I mis
in Paediatrics. I'm calling to ask for a porter to
transfer one of my patients to Radiology for The
his scan. I organised, reviewed, showed, used, continued N: Yes,
B: No problem. Can you give me the patient's 2 purchased, passed, decreased gooc
details, please? 3 participated, decided, included, created, reported mor(
A: Yes. It's Ali Murad, ID number 992163 ... abor
3 A: Good evening, Porter's Office.
E: Mys
B: Yes, hello. I'd like a porter to transfer a patient of
mine, please.
A: OK. Can I have some details, please?
N: I can
B: Sure, the patient's name is Karina Abramowicz.
She's in Room 210 and she needs to go to
the Maternity Department. As quickly as
E: Sure
possible, please.
A: OK. I just need to take a few more details first ...
[N = Nurs
N: Goor
DG: Nice
N: Now
DG: Yes,
N: First
DG: I pre

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eqJ'lr€tua fq lreluoc u1
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aur11 3uo1 e loJ > l,uer 1 aldruexe -ro; ,sdoqs s,11 ralnduoe eql asn ol eturl e alJesal o1 eapl poo8
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'ssoJJp Jaulalul sem eleql pres .ra8eueu eq1
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leuulns eql ul :DCI
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ddJylu ^.,-- -.---...
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^\oq bulssesse pue fuenoceg g ilun
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education and for employees in training at work. Written by health care
practitioners, it combines a strong grammar syllabus with the specialist
vocabulary and skills that learners need to succeed in their
chosen field.

Level English for Nursing is designed for students with a basic knowledge

of general English, who now require an elementary (CEF level A1-A2)

course in this specific field. It includes:
. topics that reflect the latest developments in nursing, making them
immediately relevant to students' needs.
. clearly defined language and function objectives which are backed up by
comprehensive on-the-page language boxes.
. essential online support for teachers, including teacher's notes, fully
editable tests and multilingual glossaries.
. a student CD-ROM with interactive glossaries in both British and
American English and full course book audio in MP3 format.

Other titles in the series include:

English for Banking & Finance

English for Construction

English for Information Technology

English for Oil & Gas

www.pearsonElT. com/vocationalenglish

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