Staff Development Plan

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Biblionasium Professional Development

Carrie Doker

FRIT 7734

Face-to-Face Instructional Design Unit

Morrison, Ross, & Kemp Instructional Design Model

Fall 2020

Part I: Identification of Learning Problem

General Audience
The primary audience for the Instructional Design professional development will be 44 K-5th
grade teachers at Sugar Hill Elementary School (SHES). The certified teachers who are a part of
this audience range in age from their mid-20s to late-50s with a variety of experience levels,
qualifications, technology ability, and subject area backgrounds. The students they serve vary
from ages 5-11 in grades kindergarten through fifth grade.

Problem Identification
According to our Local School Plan of Improvement (LSPI) goals, SHES would like all students
to score 70% or better on reading unit assessments during the 2020-2021 school year. In order to
help students become successful, teachers must use the Interactive Read Aloud and Mini-lesson
Framework Models adopted by Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) during the 2019-2020
school year. The lesson plan incorporates a read aloud, connection to a previous lesson, teaching
point, modeling, active engagement, and a link to students’ learning. The mini-lesson concept is
new to many teachers within our school.

As we move forward this year, we are also expected to integrate the new reading-focused
program GCPS’s Media Services has purchased called Biblionasium. Biblionasium is a resource
that fosters excitement for reading and aligns with reading promotion for students. As we receive
training on how to implement the mini-lesson framework and interactive read aloud model, there
is a lack of knowledge on how to access and use Biblionasium. The expected outcome of this
instruction will be to implement this reading program into classroom teachers’ lessons to
increase students’ overall excitement in reading. Implementing Biblionasium can positively
affect and improve students’ reading experiences and motivation to read; thus, improving unit
assessment grades.

Instructional Goals
The goal for instruction is for K-5th grade teachers to learn how to access and use the
Biblionasium Reading Program via the Destiny Media Catalog to promote healthy reading habits
for their students.

 Teachers will learn how to log into Biblionasium from their Destiny Media
 Teachers will receive an introduction or overview to Biblionasium.
 Teachers will learn how to put books on their digital bookshelf.
 Teacher will learn ideas on how to challenge their students with reading goals.
 Teachers will learn how to generate reports for individual students, challenges,
reading logs, and bookshelf books.

Part II: Learner Analysis

The targeted group of learners are K-5th grade teachers at Sugar Hill Elementary School in Sugar
Hill, GA ranging in age from the mid-20s to mid-50s with various years of teaching experiences.
There are three teachers in their first year teaching, while others have up to 28 years of
experience. There are 40 females and 4 males. The faculty consists of 38 Caucasians, three
African Americans, and three Asians. Sugar Hill Elementary has seven kindergarten, 8-first
grade, 7-second grade, 8-third grade, 7-fourth grade, and 7-fifth grade teachers. With our recent
pandemic, our teaching staff is currently at the school building; however, part of our teaching
staff has in-person students in the classrooms and some have digital learners. In kindergarten, 4
out of 7 teachers are teaching in-person as compared to digital; in first grade 5/8; second grade
4/7; third grade 4/8; fourth grade 4/7; and fifth grade 4/7. Regardless of whether teachers are
instructing in-person or digitally, they will redeliver how to use Biblionasium to students. In
order to create cohesive instruction for students, the instructor created videos for teaching
students how to use Biblionasium. Teachers are taught staff development through their
Collaborative Learning Time (CLT) each week (approximately 45 minutes three times a week).
During the weekly CLT, teachers receive instruction and/or collaboratively plan.

Entry Skills and Prior Knowledge

 Knowledge of students’ reading ability
 Knowledge in basic reading instruction for K-5th grade students
 Overall understanding of the LSPI goal

 Able to log into their GCPS employee portal account to access Destiny Media

Attitudes Towards Content and Academic Motivation

According to survey results regarding school-wide programs, which was taken at the end of last
school year, teachers had mixed reviews about which programs promoted pleasure reading and
those that aligned with academic standards. For the purpose of this professional development, the
Accelerated Reader program data was used from the survey. The reading program had been in
place for over 24 years. Of the 52 teachers who took the survey, 61.5% percent were happy with
Accelerated Reader, while only 9.6% were not happy with the program. What was surprising
was the number of comments that suggested our old program did not meet county reading
standards or expectations. Comments ranged from “…literal questions only,” “doesn’t represent
rigor,” and “It [AR Program] has become less exciting over the years.” Most teachers are seeking
ways to promote reading in their classroom to help students develop a love of reading even with
programs like Accelerated Reader. However, with increased academic rigor, many feel it does
not meet current teaching expectations. One component that was not assessed and fairly
communicated to staff was the ratio of cost to number of student use. Accelerated Reader’s cost
was almost $8,000 last year to serve students in second through fifth grades (approximately 850
students). Thus, Accelerated Reader was eliminated from the budget.

Educational Ability Levels

Our teachers’ degrees range from a Bachelor’s to Doctorate level, although most teachers hold
either a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree. All teachers take professional development courses
throughout the year as mandated by our state policy. Most of the professional development is
completed in-house led by other staff members of our school or by using district leaders from
various departments (i.e., language arts department) who are invited in to present during teacher
planning time. Teachers have not had exposure to Biblionasium in the past. This program is new
to our school and to almost all elementary and middle schools within our district.

General Learning Preferences

By implementing the Mini-lesson Framework, teachers have learned how to work as a team and
to divide and conquer to accomplish planning of each subject area. They prefer collaboration and

hands-on learning as preferred to lecture. They also expressed the added pressure they feel with
COVID, online teaching, the framework models, and the various new tools implemented for
digital teaching; leaving them feeling overwhelmed and exhausted with all the new items they
have to learn and/or implement in their teaching.

Attitude Toward Students and Programs

In our last Leadership Advisement Team (LAT) meeting, teachers expressed a preference for a
reading program that affects and improves students’ reading experience and motivation to read.
They expressed respect for their coworkers and that collaboration is key between team members
for planning and programs to work. However, many teachers are overwhelmed with learning yet
another program, and they know teaching digital students how to use this program will be
difficult or even impossible.

Group Characteristics
The target group of teachers all teach at Sugar Hill Elementary School in Sugar Hill, GA. Most
teachers are focused on learning about Biblionasium, but probably not at the same desire they
would on a typical year. The school community is composed of a diverse population of students.
Our population consists of 41.5% White/Anglo, 17.3% African American, 11.3% Asian, 24.3%
Latino/Hispanic, 6% mixed, and .3% Arab/Middle Eastern.

Part III: Task Analysis

Task Analysis
The purpose of this staff development is to provide teachers with training on how to implement
Biblionasium into their reading instruction. For my task analysis, I chose the topic analysis
because I want learners to gain the procedures or skills to use Biblionasium. The needs and goals
of my instruction are to provide teachers with interactive steps needed to access and use
Biblionasium effectively in order for them to teach students how to use the program. The timing
of when teachers instruct students to use Biblionasium is based on personal timeframe, grade
level mini-lesson timeline, and students’ developmental ability. To complete the task analysis, I
wrote down the steps or procedures I used to access and use Biblionasium. I also included a list
of items teachers need to know in order for students to correctly use the program.

Task Analysis Outline

I. Have teachers log into GCPS employee portal
a. Have teachers click on the Destiny Media Catalog
b. Have teachers use the Main Menu to select Biblionasium
II. Once Biblionasium is open, teachers will view Home Page.
a. Have teachers observe their bookmark choices.
III. Have teachers open “Books.”
a. Discuss the books on My Books
i. Favorites
ii. Recommended
iii. Required
iv. Classroom Wish List
v. Classroom Library
b. Discuss My Recommendations
i. Books others suggest
IV. Open Students
a. Discuss Books (personal bookshelf)
b. Discuss Students
i. Ways to Look at your Students
1. Bookshelf
2. Active Challenges
3. Awards
4. Logs
5. Reviews
ii. How to Send a Message
V. Open Challenges
a. Show teachers how to view any challenges created for students
b. Have teachers create a challenge under “Start a new challenge”
VI. Open Reports
a. Show teachers how to generate reports on their students
i. Wish list
ii. Favorite list
iii. Book Reviews
iv. Individual Students
v. Challenges
vi. Reading Logs
b. Show teachers how to export reports via email
VII. Show teachers where to find instructional videos for students
a. Google Drive
b. Shared Folder

i. How to Biblionasium Videos for students

1. Lesson 1: Introduction
2. Lesson 2:
3. Lesson 3:
4. Lesson 4:
5. Lesson 5;
ii. Complete Google Form

Subject Matter Expert (SME)

I, Carrie Doker, will serve as the subject matter expert for this instructional plan. I have a
Doctorate Degree, and I am working toward a certification in School Library Media. I have
taught kindergarten, second, and fourth grades. I am currently in my second year as the media
specialist at Sugar Hill Elementary. I have taken multiple trainings on how to use Biblionasium
from our Media Services office at the county level.

Task Diagram

Part IV: Instructional Objectives

Terminal Objective 1: To log into the Destiny Media Catalog and Biblionasium.
Enabling Objectives
1A. Log into eClass
1B. Log onto Destiny Media Catalog
1C. Log into Biblionasium and view Home Page
Terminal Objective 2: Open Books from the bookmark
Enabling Objectives
2A. Click on “favorites” on bookshelf
 Do a search for books
2B. Click on “recommended” on bookshelf
 Do a search for books
2C. Click on “required” on bookshelf
 Do a search for books
2D. Click on “classroom wish list” on bookshelf
 Do a search for books
2E. Click on “classroom library” on bookshelf
 Do a search for books
Terminal Objective 3: Open Students from the bookmark
Enabling Objectives
3A. Click on Books to add books for your group (students)
3B. Click on Students to select a student
 View this student’s bookshelf, active challenges, awards, logs, and reviews
 Send this student a message
3C. Click on Challenges
 View the challenges that already exist for your students by clicking on their title
3D. Read and approve reviews your students have created
Terminal Objective 4: Open Challenge from the bookmark
Enabling Objectives
4A. Under “My challenges,” view the current challenges you or others have created for
your students or the entire group.

4B. Under “Start a new challenge,” select a reading challenge for students based on a
current reading standard or choose a fun challenge to encourage students to read.
 First, pick a classroom, group, or student for the new challenge.
 Second, give the challenge a fun name.
 Then select the category or the books for the challenge.
 If you prefer, give a deadline to the challenge.
 Lastly, save the challenge.
Terminal Objective 5: Open Reports from the bookmark
Enabling Objectives
5A. Choose a report that you would like to print.
 Wish list
 Favorites
 Book Reviews
 Individual Students
 Challenges
 Reading Logs
5B. Select all students or those students from whom you want a report.
5C. Export report, which will be sent to the registered email address in Biblionasium.

Classification of Instructional Objectives

Content Recall Application
Fact 1A, 1B 1C
Concept 1C 1C
Principles 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, , 3A, 3B, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, , 3A, 3B,
3C, 3D, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 5C 3C, 3D, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 5C
Procedure 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 3A, 3B, 3C, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, , 3A, 3B,
3D, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 5C 3C, 3D, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 5C

Instructional Sequence

Sequence Description Objective

1 Log into eClass and open Biblionasium 1
2 Open Books to add books to the bookshelf 2
3 Open Students to see students shelves and send a student a message 3
4 Open Challenge to create a reading challenge 4
5 Open Reports and choose a report to export 5

Part V: Development of Assessments

Instructional Goals Objectives UDL Assessments

Lesson 1: To learn how Objective 1: Students will log Teachers are being Teachers will use
Teachers will to access into eClass to get to taught how to access their personal
be introduced to Biblionasium. Biblionasium. Biblionasium using login to log into
Biblionasium 1A: Teacher will log into their laptop by first eClass to gain
using the eClass. logging into Destiny access to the
Destiny Media 1B. Log onto Destiny Media Media Catalog to Destiny Media
Catalog. Catalog optimize their Catalog.
1C. Log into Biblionasium reading instruction
and view Home Page in the classroom.
Lesson 2: To learn how Objective 2: Teachers are being Teachers will
Teachers will to “Open The teacher will learn how to taught how to use to Open Books and
use the Books” within Open Books within Open Books while put one of each
directions to Biblionasium. Biblionasium to later teach to using Biblionasium kind of book on
Open Books students. to optimize their their bookshelves:
from the 2A. Click on “favorites” on reading instruction favorite,
bookmark in bookshelf and do a search for in the classroom. recommended,
Biblionasium. books. required,
2B. Click on “recommended” classroom wish list
on bookshelf and do a search and classroom
for books. library.
2C. Click on “required” on
bookshelf and do a search for
2D. Click on “classroom wish
list” on bookshelf and do a
search for books.
2E. Click on “classroom
library” on bookshelf and do a
search for books.
Lesson 3: To learn how Objective 3: Teachers are being Teachers will find
to “Open taught to use to a book to add to

Teachers will Students” The teacher will learn how to Open Students while their students’
use the within Open Students within using Biblionasium bookshelf, check
directions to Biblionasium. Biblionasium to later teach to to optimize their one student’s
Open Students students. reading instruction bookshelf, and
from the 3A. Click on Books to add in the classroom. send one student a
bookmark in books for your group message.
Biblionasium. (students)
3B. Click on Students to
select a student
*View this student’s
bookshelf, active challenges,
awards, logs, and reviews
*Send this student a
3C. Click on Challenges
*View the challenges that
already exist for your students
by clicking on their title
3D. Read and approve reviews
your students have created
Lesson 4: To learn how Objective 4: Teachers are being Teachers will
Teachers will to “Open The teacher will learn how to taught how to use to think of one of
use the Challenge” Open Challenge within Open Challenge their standards in
directions to within Biblionasium to later teach to while using any content area
Open Challenge Biblionasium. students. Biblionasium to and create one
from the 4A. Under “My challenges,” optimize their reading challenge
bookmark in view the current challenges reading instruction for their students.
Biblionasium. you or others have created for in the classroom.
your students or the entire
4B. Under “Start a new
challenge,” select a reading
challenge for students based
on a current reading standard
or choose a fun challenge to
encourage students to read.
*First, pick a classroom,
group, or student for the new
*Second, give the challenge
a fun name.
*Then select the category or
the books for the challenge.
*If you prefer, give a
deadline to the challenge.
*Lastly, save the challenge.

Lesson 5: To learn how Objective 5: Teachers are being Teachers will

Teachers will to “Open The teacher will learn how to taught how to use to choose one of the
use the Reports” Open Reports within Open Reports while types of reports to
directions to within Biblionasium to later teach to using Biblionasium generate and
Open Reports Biblionasium. students. to optimize their export it.
from the 5A. Choose a report that you reading instruction
bookmark in would like to print. in the classroom.
Biblionasium.  Wish list
 Favorites
 Book Reviews
 Individual Students
 Challenges
 Reading Logs
5B. Select all students or
those students from whom
you want a report.
5C. Export report, which will
be sent to the registered email
address in Biblionasium

1. Teachers will complete an online survey to determine their viewpoint on current
technology programs within our school.
2. Teachers will go through the steps of Biblionasium and put books on their bookshelf,
send one message to a student, create a reading challenge, and export a report.
3. Teachers will be able to apply their knowledge of Biblionasium by using the videos and
then showing their students how to use it.
4. Lastly, teachers will complete a “Biblionasium Exit Ticket” evaluation.

Instructional Design Summary

The introduction for this professional development will be presented using Google Slides. The
presentation will be held whole group and one grade level at a time. During the instruction,
teachers will be using their laptops to explore Biblionasium individually as I provide directions
for each objective. After each objective is taught, teachers will have time for review and to
discuss any questions they have about Biblionasium. At the end of the presentation, teachers will
be guided to the videos in the shared Google Folder that they will share with students about how
to use Biblionasium. At the conclusion of their instruction with students, teachers will complete a

“Biblionasium Exit Ticket” survey as an evaluation.

The Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning will be provided through:
 Engagement: Teachers will put a book on their virtual bookshelf, create a challenge to
students, and generate a report to export.
 Expression: Teachers will be able to express their ideas through whole group discussions
and by providing their opinion on the “Biblionasium Exit Ticket” evaluation.
 Representation: Teachers will be able to view the Google Slides presentation on the
projector. They will also have access to the Google Slides to review picture cues. The
student videos are available for teachers to refer to; so they know how to access each
element on the bookmark in Biblionasium.

Formative Evaluation Plan

The creation of challenges to students and adding books to the virtual bookshelf will demonstrate
teachers’ ability in using Biblionasium. Using the Biblionasium activity report will allow the
instructor to see which students are using the program; therefore instructed by their teachers
about how to use the program. Furthermore, the “Biblionasium Exit Ticket” will serve as the
evaluation piece and will advise the instructor of changes to make to the professional learning to
better fit the need of future teachers.

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