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7 + Ask-students to repeat the process, swapping roles so Student A is the candidate, and Student B isthe examiner. Follow the same procedure as before Interactive phase 1 O159 + Remind students that during the Interactive phase of the exam they have o respond to an examiner prompt. As this forms the basis ofthe following discussion, itis important that they leary understand the prompt. Remind students ‘hatin the exam situation ifthey dont initially understand the prompt they can ask for repetition or clarification. Doing this shows an ability to manage a conversation naturally, anc shouldn't be considered bad practice. The aim isto show you can interact with 2 native speaker + Play the recording so students can complete the gaps. lay again to check answers asa whole lass. Transcript (and answers) Td ike to ty ling ina new ety and ive been offered anew job. But ve made mistakes in the past and am nct sue if this new if wll be 5 good a5| hope. 2 ‘+ Askstuclents to work together, generating comments and ‘questions using the Grade 9 functions. Monitor this stage, assisting with grammar and vocabulary. ‘+ Follow up by noting examples on the board, and ding chorally or individually for accuracy and fluency, paying attention to natural pronunciation and intonation. Conversation phase + Inform students that this section they are going to practise asking and answering exam questions forall sx Grace 9 subject areas. They should answer the questions asf they were in an exam ~ using full sentences as much as possible 115.10 ‘+ Play the recording and instruct students to complete the gaps in the examiner’ questions. Transcript (and answers) Dreams and nightmares 1 amines Do you ever ememiber your dreams? Tel me about one you remember, 2 Examiner Why do you think people have recurring dreams or recurring nightirares? 3 Examiner Think about the lst time you woke up sudden in the ‘middle of the night, What had you been dreaming about? 4 Examiner Do you remember dreaming about sornething that you ‘wish were true? 5 Examiner Given the choice, would you prefer to have regular ‘dreams orno dreams at al? Ist beter to remember or forget ‘your dreams? 6 Examiner Sometimes, the word nightmares used to expain real ‘events that happened, not usta dream. What do you think people "mean when they use‘nightmare!in this way? Jnit 15 7 xaminer Some people think that dreams have meanings and thet they canbe interpreted, What do you think? 8 Examiner Can dreams or nightmares tell us anything about ‘ourselves? 9. Examiner Sometimes, a dream is just something we wish for. ‘What dreams do you have in your life and do you think theyll ever come true? 10: Examiner What would be 2 nightmare seenatio for you? 11 Buaminer Ask me 2 question about dreams and nightmares, 2 «Follow the rubric. + As students go through these sections, monitor to ensure they are using appropriate Grade 9 language, 3 @15.11 + Play the recording and instruct students to complete the eps in the examiner’ questions. Transcript (and answers) ime and punishment 1 Eraminer Mobile phone thefts one of the most common crimes among young people, What other crimes are common? Why do they happen to young people? 2. Examiner Should more people be imprisoned and given stricter sentences? Would it reduce the numberof crimes? What can be done to reduce crime? txaminer Have you ever done anything you shouldn't have done, bout you got away with 4 Baminer Does prison work? What would the possible alternatives be? 5 miner What types of punishment are comman for young people? 6 Examiner How are you punished ifyou do something wrong? 17 xaminer The ast time you were punished, what had you done? 8 Examiner Have you ever been punished for something you didett do? 9. raminer What might happen i there were no punishments? 10: Examiner Have you ever been punished for something that you don't regret? 11 Examiner Have you got a question for me abou punishment? * Follow the rubric, 5 15.12 * Instruct students to listen and complete the gaps. Transcript (and answers) Technology 1 Examiner What types of modern technology do you use on a daily basis? 2 xaminer Is modern technology an essential or just a luxury? 3 faaminer What plece of technology could you never lve without? ‘What would you doifyou had to Ive without ifr aay? 4 Examiner What types of technology do you wish you had? What difference would itrmake to your life? 5 xaminer Does technology make life easier move complicated? 6 Examiner Do you remember getting your fst mobile phone? How id you feel Toray poste or 3 bt disappointed? 7 Eramine |stechnoiogy a modern-day obsession? Examiner What technology do you wish they would invent? 9 Graminer if they hadn't invehted the mobile phone, what would life belike today? 10 Examiner Are we being tricked into buying and updating our technology all the tine? 11 Braminer Ask me a question about technology. 6 * Follow the rubric, 7 @15.13 + Instruct students to lsten and complete the gaps. ‘Transcript (and answers) Habits and obsesions 1 Examiner Vihar litle habits do youhave? 2 Examiner Oo you have any habits that might annoy other people? 3. Examiner Have you ever developed a habit that you regret starting? \What should you have done? 4 raminer Is there enything you wish you could stop doing now? Have you ever tried to stop? How di it go? 5) Examiner What habits irritate you in other people? What do you ‘wish they would or wouldn't do? 6 xaminer How do you break a hablt? Examiner Why do you think people end up being addicted tothings? Examiner Have you ever been obsessed by anything? For example, celebrity or something you own? 9 Examiner The national mecia seem to be obsessed with cleting, football, celebrity, realty TV. Why do you think this might be? 10 Examiner Can an obsession produce postive outcomes? 11 Examiner What would you lke to ask me about habits and obsessions? 8 «+ Follow the rubric. 9 @15.14 «Instruct students to listen and complete the gaps ‘Transcript (and answers) Global environmentalissues 1 Examiner What ae the biggest environmental threats facing the planet? 2 raminer What should have happened before now? 3 Examiner What would life be lke now if weld made diferent decisionsin che past? Examiner What would your dream fora greener planet be? Examiner What do you wish the government would do? fxaminer Does big business care about green issues? Examiner Some people say that today’s global environmental ‘concerns area problem created by previous generations tobe solved by the younger generation, What do you think they mean? {8 Examiner What do you think the merits and dangers of wind power and nucleer power might be? 9 xaminer Should we be worried about the extinction of animal and plant species? 10 Braminer How much beter would the environment be now if we'd made different decisionsin the past” What would be better now? 11 raminer Do you have any questions for me about global environmental concerns? 10 * Follow the rubric 11 @15.15 * Instruct students to listen and complete the gaps. Transcript (and answers) Design 1 Examiner Are there any new o fous buldings in or near yout town that stand out because oftheir design? 2 Examiner Do cities need good design? What benefits could good architetue bring? 13 Baminer Should we preserve old bulldings or demolish ther and design fantastic new ones? 4 aminer What building in your town was 2 mistake? What should they have bul instead? 5 bxaminer Thinking about the design of modern gadgets what's ‘most important: style ofunetion? 6 Examiner Have you ever bought something because of its looks and then egtetted once you started using i? 7 Braminer What doyou wish you could change about your mebile phone? 8 Examiner i 900d design worth paying for Examiner What do you hope they'l design Inthe future? 10 Examiner Some people sy thet good design is invisible What do you think they mean? 11 Examiner Have you gota question for me about design? 12 * Follow the rubric. Unit15 95

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