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Asynchronous course, no zoom meetings or anything

Job is to guide student to content

Beginning of the week announce projects, weekly reminder
Add own bio and picture to history of rock and roll, PUTE EMAIL: ADDRRESS
Office hours Mon 10:30-11:30, Thurs 11:30-12:30

Update course syllabus to reflect office hours 2 hours and virtual, by appointment

Discussions: create 2 prompts, students respond to both and have to respond to 2 other classmates
threads. 15 points to start a thread, each reply is 5 points. Max of 50 points.

Discussions are timed, I can always see but it will go away for students. Post prompt by 9AM Monday

Keep timezones in mind, make announcements that you are on pacific time.

Keep student roster on phone (or word doc), add up their points

Exams: 2 parts, most exams are short answer portion, and a listening portion.

Grade exam: looking for specific identification, not too worried about grammar. 10 songs, answer all, full

Short response, more correct and specific answers there. Goal is to get some sort of descriptors of a

Movie report: pretty lenient, looking for length and good prose. Has to be 750 words. Lenient of
grammar, but has to be comprehensible

Can have multiple students who do 0% work, IS ILLEGAL TO TELL THEM TO DROP THE CLASS. Ask Dr. R if
you have a problem student or a question that you don’t know how to answer

3 times in semester when need to submit grades in vandalweb

Early warning grades: students who don’t do any work.

After midterms

After week 13, enter in final grades

Update bio and picture tomorrow, announcement as well

Dr. R cell: 2088924450

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