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Assignment 1 Education system


Mirpur University of Science and Technology

Department of Education
MA Education 1st Semester
Course: Contemporary Trends and Issue in Education
Topic: Education System of United States of America

Assignment by:
 Somia Zaheer
 Dur E Sameen Ashraf
 Kainat Ahmed
Assignment to: Mr. Munawar Hussain

Assignment 1 Education system

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Education System of America......................................................................................................................3
Educational System Structure......................................................................................................................4
Early Childhood Education......................................................................................................................4
Pattern of Pre-primary Education............................................................................................................5
K-12 (Primary and Secondary)................................................................................................................5
Teachers Training....................................................................................................................................6
Various institution.......................................................................................................................................7
Normal schools: -....................................................................................................................................7
Teachers’ training college........................................................................................................................8
Department of Education: -.....................................................................................................................8
University Education...................................................................................................................................9
Different Universities..............................................................................................................................9
Private Universities............................................................................................................................10
State Universities...............................................................................................................................10
Government Universities.......................................................................................................................10
Separation of State and Religion...............................................................................................................11
Parental Involvement.................................................................................................................................11
REFRENCES: -.........................................................................................................................................11

Assignment 1 Education system

Education System of America

American education system is unlike that in many other countries. The U.S Federal government
contributes almost 10% to the national education budget. In America education is primarily the
responsibility of state and local government.

For instance, in Minnesota, 80% of public education funds come from state sources, then 5%
from the federal government. Every state has its own department of education and laws
regulating finance, the hiring of school personnel, student attendance, And curriculum.

The number of years of compulsory education is also determined by the state. In most states,
education is compulsory from five or six to sixteen and in some states its 18.

The state has control over what is taught in its schools and the students should meet their
requirements and it is also responsible for the funding of the school.

In many states, the public education system is further divided into local school districts, which
are managed by a school board, representing the local community. According to their local
policy, they are responsible for coordinating education policies, planning for changing
educational needs in the community, and often even establishing programs and curricula.

All children in the United States have access to free public schools. Private schools are available,
but students must pay tuition to attend them. Many states and communities provide schools or
special classes for children with special educational needs, including those with emotional and
behavioral problems, and severe learning difficulties, communication problems, partial hearing
or physical disabilities.

Assignment 1 Education system

Educational System Structure

Early Childhood Education

Daycare is one form of early childhood education. Day Care refers to early childhood settings
that focus their goal on substitute care for children in the absence of their parents. Day Care is
not free or required; in fact, depending on the setting, it could be quite expensive. Day Care
programs usually offer daily programs, for up to 12 hours. Meals, depending on the school, may
be provided by the family or by the school.
Transportation to and from the program is
generally the responsibility of parents.
Some private day care programs might
offer private transportation.

In 1865, the first kindergarten school of

USA was established in Wisconsin state.
The first nursery school was established in
New York in 1919, but significance and
development were taking place in the 20th
century. In 1920, enhanced need for early
education was felt and arrangements for
nursery education were made in Columbia
(University). The economic depression between 1920 and 1930 gave it a fair chance to make
headway and in 1940’s it got sufficient funds from federal government for putting it on a firm

Pre-School (also called Pre-K or PK or Pre-Kindergarten) refers to the first formal academic
classroom-based learning environment that a child customarily attends in the United States. It
begins around the age of three.

Some pre-school programs have adopted specialized methods of teaching, such as Montessori,
Waldorf, High Reach Learning, High Scope, The Creative Curriculum, Reggio Emilia
Assignment 1 Education system

approach, Bank Street and various other Western pedagogies which contribute to the
foundation of education. Pre-School is not required. In addition, it acts as a way to prepare
children to better succeed in a kindergarten. Pre-School programs usually offer two- or three-
hour sessions per day, a few days per week. Children learn the alphabet, colors, and other
elementary basics.

Pattern of Pre-primary Education

It can safely be divided into three stages:

 From the day of conception to the age of two years.

 From the two or three years of age.
 From three to 5 or 6 years of age.

K-12 (Primary and Secondary)

U.S. educators frequently use the terms K-12 education to refer to all primary and secondary
education, from Kindergarten to the first year (or 1st grade) of formal schooling, through
secondary graduation (12th Grade). Around the age of 5 American children enter the formal
schooling. Elementary students are in one classroom with the same teacher most of the day.

After Elementary school, students proceed to junior high school (also known as middle school)
in each period they move from class to class, with a new teacher and a new mixture of new class
mates. Students can choose from a wide range academic and elective classes.

Children generally stay in the classroom an average of 6.5 to 7 hours during both Elementary
and junior school. Before and after school programs are available through the school for
families. However, these programs are not free, families have to pay their cost and if the location
of the program is different from the school grounds, transportation will be provided by the

In High School, students in their first year are called freshman, in their second-year sophomore,
in their third-year junior, and in their last and fourth year senior.

There is an even greater variety of subjects than before. Students generally stay in the classroom
an average of 7.5 hours and must earn a certain number of credits (which they get for a

Assignment 1 Education system

successfully completed course) in order to graduate and be awarded with a High School
Diploma – there is no final examination like in many other countries.

Students can enroll in postsecondary education only with a high school diploma. Sometimes
the colleges and universities require certain high school credits or tests (e.g. SAT) for admission,
and students must plan their high school with those requirements in mind. Students are given
“grades” for all their courses throughout their high school which are recorded.

The ACT test is another standardized test for college admission in the United States. The ACT
test assesses high school students' general educational development and their ability to complete
college-level work. It consists of a multiple-choice section covering four skill areas (English,
mathematics, reading, and science), and a Writing Test, which is optional, measuring skill in
planning and writing a short essay.

Generally, colleges require one or the other test for college admission.

Teachers Training
In the middle of 19th century, the suggestion of teachers training was put forward. In 1839, the
Government teachers training institution was established in Massachusetts state for the first
time. In 1860, the one-year curriculum of Lexington School was converted into two-year
curriculum. Till then mostly teachers for primary schools were trained for whom no qualification
for admission was prescribed. So, the educated and passionate persons were selected according
to the felt need from time to time.

Till then, the normal schools provide teacher training. In 1873, a training department was started
in university of lowa by providing short term and part time courses. In 1879, the University of
Michigan did an incredible work by providing full-time teacher training. In 1887, university of
Columbia in New York not only organized training for teachers, but it also planned for the
training of school managers.

In the second decade of the 20th century, due to efforts of educationists, teacher training was
given a technical shape and education as a subject was recognized as teacher education and it
was considered necessary to include this subject in the curriculum of the normal schools.

Assignment 1 Education system

Various institution

In USA, in the held of education, private and community efforts have been quite significant. In
1823, 15 years before the government effort, private normal school had been established in
Vermont. Similarly, in 1827, a training school (normal school) has been opened in Lancaster’s
of Massachusetts; established as a public effort. Thus, before the beginning of 20th century about
170 Normal schools had been established.

The following types of teachers-training institutions are found in U.S.A: -

 Normal schools
 Teachers’ college
 School education
 Department of Education

Normal schools: -
In USA, the extension of teacher training has been based on European traditions.
Normal schools are those schools which give training in ‘Rules of Teaching’. In the
beginning the normal school course was of one year in which teaching pertained to
general education. Later on, when the course become of two years, in the first education
was taught as a subject and in the second-year teaching methods were taught.
During the first 25 years of the 20th century, it was found that during two years of normal
schools, the subject of primary level was repeated and the teacher training included
methods of teaching, principles of teaching and practical teaching training. In 1920,
considering the two years course as an inadequate, it was converted into four-year course
and all the normal schools were changed into teachers training colleges.

Teachers’ training college: -

About 125 years ago, a Teachers Training college had been established in 1857 in
Illinois. The college provided higher professional education to college teachers. Up to
American civil war, this college continued to give higher professional training to college

Assignment 1 Education system

teachers. During this period in many liberal art colleges arrangements were made for
lectures on the art of teaching. The period from 1920 to 1950 may be said to be a period
of awakening and expansion from the point of view of development of teacher training.
During this period, the importance of education as subject came down and the
importance of art of teaching increased.

By including humanity in the field of general education, department education,

physical education, social studies, natural sciences, art, educational sociology,
educational psychology, educational philosophy and principles of education, efforts
were made to lay teaching foundation for the teacher through specific knowledge.
The American schools of education are like different departments of education are quite
independent in organization and management.

Department of Education: -
In 1873, the Lowa University started part-time teacher training by recognizing pedagogy
of science education as an independent subject. Later on, Michigan University
conducted full time course with a view to make teaching vocational. Thus, many art
colleges and universities established separate department of education considering
pedagogy of science of education and independent subject and conduct teaching training

University Education
The nature of European and American education is not considerably different from
each other. The higher education because of specialization and being research oriented
was not universal and accessible to all in USA and proved useless for persons with
vocational interests. So, it begun to be emphasized that higher education should be made
universal, accessible and useful for all.

Assignment 1 Education system

So, in 1949, acts were made in Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey that no
person would be debarred from receiving higher education on the basis of caste, creed,
religion and nationality. According to the acts these columns were removed from the
admission forms which required information regarding these.

By providing equality of opportunity, the number of universities rose in about 200 in

1983 and the higher education colleges became about 1,500. The number of students in
liberal arts colleges increased to 50, 00,000. In professional schools and separately
organized schools which are about 1,800 in number, 18, 00,000 students are receiving
education. The increase in populating and need for education have affected educational
institutions of all levels. In USA, the number of government colleges is about 35% of
total colleges for higher education the rest are managed by private, collective and
community, religious and municipal agencies.

Different Universities: -
There are two types of universities for higher education in USA:
1. Private Universities
2. State Universities

Private Universities: -

These universities are based on old and conservative traditions. They are mainly
influenced by European traditions. These universities have specialization and
research provisions. Consequently, only brilliant students can take admission in these
universities. These universities have to face the problem of financial stringency due to
limited number of students and lack of state interference. The finances are met from
tuition fees paid by students as a result, the fees charged are quite high due to which
common people can not admit their wards in these universities. Stamford, North

Assignment 1 Education system

Western, Johns Hopkins, Columbia, Perinton, Yale and Harvard universities are
such universities.

State Universities: -

Some universities are known as state universities. Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota,

Wisconsin, California and Michigan are such state universities. These universities
are controlled and aided by the state’s Governments. Consequently, the number of
students is quite large and charged fees aren’t very high. Those students who come to
these universities from other sates have to pay more fee. This fee is almost five times
more than the locals are charged.

At the time of admission preference is given to students of the related state. These
universities provide education according to the new and revised curriculum. These
universities try to fulfill desired objective based on national ideas.

Complete co-operation and contact with affiliated colleges is found and they fulfill a
great need of the nation by trying to make higher education useful, for life practical
and public specialization and research spirit are getting weaker and weaker, day by
day in these universities.

Government Universities
These universities and colleges which are run by state Governments, get their
income from municipalities. State universities and colleges are run by state or federal
Government in the USA. These universities only charge nominal fees.

Although the state Government has arranged various sources of income for these
universities and colleges, but still there is shortage of funds which are met from
donations, gifts and fees. These educational institutions demand more gifts and fees
from those students who come from other states for study.

Separation of State and Religion

The US constitution requires the separation of state and religion and forbids religious
observance in public schools, but in some schools, children are still expected to

Assignment 1 Education system

participate in the ritual morning pledge of allegiance to the American flag in many
schools (although the words ‘under God’ are optional).

Parental Involvement
Parent involvement plays a very important role in American educational system. ‘Parent
power’ isn’t only accepted, but is welcomed and encouraged through local Parent
Teacher Associations (PTAs) attached to every school. PTAs meet regularly and
concern themselves with many aspects of a school’s affairs including the curriculum,
facilities, school hours and after-school activities and programs. Parents are encouraged
to attend meetings and show an interest in the school and their children’s education.
Schools organize parent days, ‘back to school’ nights and parent-teacher conferences,
where parents can meet teachers and examine their child’s school timetable.

 BY ANTONELLA CORSI-BUNKER ISSS International Students and Scholar Services
University of Minnesota


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