Geologic Setting and Epithermal Silver Veins: of The Arcata District, Southern Peru

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Vol. 85, 1990, pp. 1473-1490

Geologic Setting and Epithermal Silver Veins

of the Arcata District, Southern Peru
MauricioHochschildy C{a.Ltda., S.A.,AvenidaRep•blica de Panamd3055, Lima 27, Peru

MackaySchoolof Mines,Universityof Nevada-Reno,Reno,Nevada89557


U.S. GeologicalSurvey,345 MiddlefieldRoad,MenloPark,California,94025


Arcata,situated180 km north-northwestof Arequipaat an elevationof 4,600 to 4,900 m,

is the youngestknownadularia-sericite-type epithermalpreciousmetaldistrictin the broad
Miocenevolcanicbelt of southernPeru. Total modernproductionfrom 1964 through 1989
was1.902 X 106kg Ag and4.489 X 103kg Au at anaveragegradeof 17.5 oz/metrictonAg
and 1.3 g/metricton Au.
The veinsare hostedby intermediatelavasandbrecciasdatedat 6.1 _+0.2 Ma. Theserocks
overlie silicicash-flowtuffs about 6.3 Ma and are intrudedby domesof phenocryst-poor
rhyolite datedat 5.9 _+0.2 Ma. The districtmaylie nearthe marginof a smallcollapsecaldera
related to the ash-flowtuffs. The veins are hostedby faults of a west-northwest-trending
grabenthat possiblyoverliesa buried intrusion.SixK-Ar ageson vein andwall-rockadularia
and aluniteclustercloselyaround5.4 Ma, indicatinga shortbut definiteintervalbetween
volcanicactivity and hydrothermalmineralization.
Preciousmetaloresaretypicallyfinegrainedandbanded,with grainsizetendingto increase
downward.Hydrothermalbrecciais presentand severalepisodesof fault movementduring
ore depositioncancommonlybe discerned.Principalore mineralsincludepyrargyrite,other
Ag sulfosalts,argentiantetrahedrite,acanthite,andelectrum.Thesemineralsare accompanied
by pyrite, sphalerite,galena,andchalcopyrite,localearly arsenopyriteandpyrrhotite,and
marcasite andstibnitein the upperlevels.Ganguemineralsin the ore zonearequartz,adularia,
calcite, rhodochrosite,Mn silicates,and chlorite with minor fluorite and late siderite. Adularia,
radialaggregates of white fibrouscalcite,andchloriteare preferentiallyassociatedwith ore.
Most veinswere reopenedrepeatedlyby structuralmovementduringvein depositionand
showevidenceof both tectonicand hydrothermalbrecciation.
Ore shootsare muchmorecontinuous laterallythanin manyepithermalveins.Subhorizontal
to undulatingupper and lower surfacesenclosingthe shootsare 250 to 350 m apart and are
locatedat similarabsoluteelevationsthroughoutthe district.Averageveinwidthsrangefrom
1.2 to 2.5 m. Upper boundariesof the ore shootsare sharperand more regularthan lower
limits,andbarrenprismaticcalcite_+quartz,in part chalcedonic, extendsabovethe productive
partsof veins.In the Mari6nveinbodiesof richpolymetallicore projectdownwardto greater
depths;theserootsmay reflectwider zonesof greaterfluid flow. Althoughdepositedwithin
a relatedsystemof structuresduringa relativelyshortperiodof geologictime, the ore shoots
of the severalveinsdisplaydifferences in mineralogy,texture,chemistryandverticalzoning
that suggestdepositionfromseveralhydrothermalsubsystems.
Preciousmetal orescontainlow concentrations of Cu (generally0.025-0.15 wt %), Pb
(0.1-0.5 wt %), andZn (0.15-1.0 wt %). The veinsareassignable to the silverandbasemetal-
rich epithermalsubtypeof Healdet al. (1987). Preciousmetalparageneticstagesin the Luisa,
Marciano,and Mari6n veinsshowmodestincreasesin the ratio of baseto preciousmetals
with depth.In the Mari6n vein, an earlybasemetalstageextendsfrom 150 m or morebelow
to about50 m abovethe economicbaseof the preciousmetal stage.Oresdominatedby this
stagemaycontainmorethan20 wt percentleadpluszincaccompanied in manycasesby high
contentsof Ag and Au. Becauseof increasingproductionof thesebasemetal-richores,the
mine beganto producePb and Zn concentrates in November1989. The Ag/Au ratiosin
preciousmetal oresrangefrom •200 to >1,000 and basemetal oresalsoshowsignificant
variations.Overall,the Ag/Au ratio showslittle variationwith depthbut rather appearsto
reflect temporalvariationsin solutioncomposition.


Wall rocksin the ore zoneare K metasomatized;

they containadularia,sericite,chlorite,
andcalciteandgradeoutward to propylitized
dacite.Alongtheupperpartsof theTresReyes
veinandthe westernpartof the Bajaveinwallrocksare alteredto kaolinite,locallywith
alunite,gradingoutwardto montmorillonite. Theseselvages of advanced
No significantorebodies havebeenfoundin the highlyvisibleTresReyesstructureat
depthsof 500 m or morebelowthe originallandsurface.Thismayreflectunfavorable structural
conditionsand/orhigherCO2 contentsof the fluids,resultingin ore depositionat greater
depthsthan in the producingveinsof the district.
Fluid inclusionstudiesgive Th between175ø and 275øC, with Th for sphaleritebetween
230ø and270øC.Salinitiesarehigherfor inclusions in sphalerite,pyrargyrite,andsomequartz
andfluorite(>-3 equivwt % NaC1)thanfor mostquartz(<2.5 wt %).

Introduction widespreadsheetsof ash-flowtuff related to medium

ARCaTaisthe youngestof a largenumberof presently to large collapsecalderas.Petrographicfeaturesare
or formerly producing epithermal precious metal typical of continental-margincalc-alkalinevolcanic
miningdistrictssituatedwithin the broadbelt of Mio- suiteserupted through a thick crust. Many chemical
cene volcanicrocksin southernPeru (Anonymous, analysesobtainedby Klinck et al. (1986) and other
1972; McKee andNoble, 1989). The districtislocated workersfroma largeregionto the southeast of Arcata
demonstrate the K-rich calc-alkaline character of the
in the southeasternpart of the Huanzo Cordillera 180
km north-northwestof Arequipa at an elevationof intermediaterocks.Ash-flowtuffsappearto be com-
between about 4,600 and 4,900 m above sea level posedmostlyof low silicarhyolite, althoughtuffs of
(Fig. 1). Other major producingdistrictsare Orco- probable dacitic to rhyodaciticcomposition,and
pampaand Caylloma(Stephan,1974; Arenas,1975; compositionallyzoned ash-flowsheetscomposedof
Silberman et al., 1985; Gibson, 1988; Gibson et al., both low andhighsilicarhyolitecontainingabundant
1990; Petersenet al., 1990). Smalleroperatingmines phenocrystsof quartz and sanidinewith minorsodic
include Sucuitambo,SanMiguel, and Tumiri. Shila, plagioclaseand biotite, are common.
an important epithermal Au-Ag property located The Neogenevolcanicrocksunconformably overlie
southeastof Orcopampa(Fig. 1), recently went into unitsof Mesozoiclimestone,quartzite, and siltstone
production. thatwere deformedduringCretaceousandPaleogene
Two of the veins at Arcata (Marciano and Baja) time (e.g., Audebaudet al., 1976; Noble et al., 1985;
were mined on a small-scaleduring Spanishcolonial Vincente, 1990). Early Neogene rockswere folded
times.Modernoperationsbeganin 1964, andthe total by the early MioceneQuechua1 event(M•gardet
productionduringthe last25 yearsthrough1989 has al., 1984), but late Neogenevolcanicsare fiat lying
and undeformed.
been 1.902 X 106kg Ag and4.489 X 10a kg Au at
an averagegradeof 17.5 oz/metricton Ag and 1.3 g/ Geologyand Structureof the Arcata District
metric ton Au. Presentproduction,mainly by con- Precious metal ores in the Arcata district are found
ventionalcut-and-fillundergroundmining methods,
is about900 metrictonsper day. Until 1989 a single within a number of fissureveins hostedby a thick
preciousmetalconcentratewasproducedby standard sequenceof lava flowsof biotite daciteand andesitc
froth flotationmethods.However, an increasedpro- containingintercalationsof flow breccia,tuff, andtuff
ductionof Pb- and Zn-rich polymetallicores,mainly breccia of similar phenocrystmineralogy(Fig. 2).
fromthe lowerpart of the Mari6nvein,led to changes These rocksoverlie a sequenceof ash-flowtuff and
in plant layout, and sinceNovember1989, the mine are in turn intrudedby domesof aphyricto pheno-
hasalsoproducedPb and Zn concentrates, cryst-poorrhyolite lava.Potassium-argon agesof 6.3
ñ 0.2, 6.1 ñ 0.2, and 5.9 ñ 0.2 Ma have been obtained
The purposeof thispaperisto describethe geology
and mineral depositsof the Arcata district and to on specimensfromthe ash-flowunit, the sequenceof
summarizea numberof topicalstudiesthat havebeen intermediatelava, and a rhyolite dome, respectively
carried out by variousworkers. (Table 1). Farrar and Noble (1976) reportedan age
of 6.3 Ma (recalculatedusingpresentlyacceptedde-
RegionalGeologicSetting cayandisotopicabundanceconstants) on the ash-flow
unit, whichwasnamedthe Ulmachulcotuff by them.
The Arcata,Caylloma,andOrcopampadistrictsare The appreciablyyounger age of about 3.7 Ma re-
situated within a broad belt of intermediate to silicic portedby Fornari et al. (1983) andSoleret al. (1986)
volcanismof early Miocene to late Pliocene age for specimens of lavafromthe Arcatadistrictprobably
(McKee and Noble, 1989; Noble et al., 1989; D.C. reflectlossof argonfrom the whole-rockmaterialan-
Noble and E. H. McKee, unpub. data). Intermediate alyzed. Postmineralizationlava flowsof andesitc,ba-
to silicic lavas are common, as are voluminous and saltic andesitc, and basalt of late Pliocene to Holocene
PERU 1475



,-"'" ,'i ./. ..coVERD•
• (C,)tf...•./

20 0 20 40

FIG. 1. Map showinglocation of the Arcata district and other major operating preciousand base
metal mines in southern Peru.

age locally overlie the late Miocene volcanic host magmabody (Petersenet al., 1977; Noble and Sil-
rocks. berman, 1984; Shelnuttand Noble, 1985). Geologic
The veinsof the Arcatadistrictare localizedby a datasuggestthat the Arcatadistrictlieswithin or near
number of subparallel, generally west-northwest- the southeasternmargin of a smallcollapsecaldera
trending normal faults (Fig. 3). Veins in the north- that marksthe sourcearea of the Ulmachulcotuff (in
eastern part of the district dip to the southwest, a mannersimilarto the many depositsand prospects
whereasveinsin the southwestern part of the district associatedwith the nearby Chonta caldera;Peterson
dip to the northeast,resultingin the progressive et al., 1983). Moreover,the complexgrabenstructure
downdropping of rockstowardthe centralpartof the definedby the Arcatavein systemmayoverliea high-
district(Fig. 4). The resultantfault patternis remi- levelpostcollapse intrusionthatin turnmaybe related
niscentof that of the centralgrabenstructureof re- to hydrothermalactivityand mineralization.
surgentdomesin largecollapsecalderasystems(e.g., The Arcata district has been sculptedby one or
Carr and Quinlivan,1968; Smithand Bailey, 1968) more Pleistoceneglacierscenteredto the northwest
and of the vein systemsof the Julcanidistrict,Peru, in the centralpart of the HuanzoCordillera.The steep
wherea centralgrabenstructureisinterpretedto have wallsof the resultantU-shapedvalleyshave caused
resulted from extensionabove a large ascending widespreadgravitygliding,in placesfor distances of

v v v v v



v v

v v
v v

v v v v v v v v v

v v v v v v v v • v v v v




v\v vv v\'vv•Lv •'"• v v v v
"'-• v v v v
v v V.... V V •
v v V V ¾ V

v v v v v ARCATA v
• v v
v V V ,,___...,m..• V V

v v v v

¾ v v

ß ..


20'W 0 2 4

ß Glacialandlandslide
• BoseItendbosolticondesite(Quoternory
,•'•1Rhyolite domes endloveflows(LoreMiocene)
v•'•- I Daciteendondesite
•/1•-•1Nonwelded toportiolly

FIG. 2. Geologicmapof the Arcataminingdistrictshowingmajorrockunitsandmajorveinstructures

(heavylines).Generalizedfromunpublished mappingby D.C. Noble.Gridsare in UTM coordinates.

102 to 103 m, of largeblocksof daciteand andesitc importanceß The veinsare persistentandpossess

over glassytuffs of the ash-flowsequence.Although ativelyconstantstrikesanddips.Classicopen-space-
significantmovementhastaken place in the north- filling texturesand structuresare common,and ore
shootsexhibit well-defined upper and, to lesserex-
easternpart of the district, it has resultedin little
disruptionor offsetof vein structures. tents,lowercontacts. Structures
well developedaboveore horizons,but in somecases
Ore Deposits massiveledgesof barrencalcite_ quartzare exposed
Major veinsof the Arcatadistrict,exposedover an well aboveproductiveportionsof the veins. Based
areaof approximately
20 km2,are,fromsouthwest
to on the nature and relative abundance of vein minerals
northeast,the Tres Reyes,Alta, Baja,Macarena,Mar- and on the absolute and relative abundance of base
ciano,Mari6n, Luisa, and RamalD veins(Fig. 3). Al- and preciousmetals,as describedin followingsec-
thougha few minor structurescut the major veinsat tions,the veins of Arcata would appearto belong to
high angles,they are of little structuralor economic the informal silver and basemetal-richsubgroupof
PERU 1477

T^BLE1. K-Ar Age Determinationson Specimensfrom the ArcataMining District, SouthernPeru

Specimen K20 4øArø• 4øArø Age

no. Field no. Mineraldated (wt %) (mole/gX 10-•ø) (%) (Ma + la)
Marion vein

1 AMW-2 Adularia 15.66 1.2026 44.1 5.3 ___


Luisa vein

2 AL-120B Adularia 13.57 1.0720 55.4 5.5 ___


Tres Reyes vein

3 ARC-83-ALUN2 Alunite 6.44 0.4757 16.3 5.1 ___0.3
4 ARC-ALUN-1 Alunite 4.68 0.3666 32.6 5.4 q- 0.2
5 TR-AD-1 Adularia 15.63 1.2166 71.3 5.4 ___0.2
6 TR-83-40 Adularia 15.00 1.2156 54.8 5.6 ___0.2

Host volcanic rocks

7 ARC-OB Nonhydrated glass 5.45 0.4621 34.0 5.9 q- 0.2

8 ARC-TACAZA Biotite 8.76 0.7736 47.4 6.1 q- 0.2
9 ARC-TUFF Biotite 8.06 0.7308 11.4 6.3 ___0.2

Specimenlocations:1 = -160 level; 2 = -120 level; 3 and 4 = surface,centralpart of structure;5 -- surface,westernpart of

structure;6 = -40 level, southeast
7 = lat 15ø00'50"S, long72ø18'50"W; 8 = lat 14ø56'20"S, long72ø21'00"W; 9 = lat
15ø02'10" S, long 72ø16'30" W
4øKX½= 0.572 X 10-•ø yr-•; 4øKX½•
= 8.78 X 10-•a yr-t; 4øKX/•= 4.962 X 10-•ø yr-•; atomicabundance
4øK= 1.167
X 104 mole/moleK
• * = radiogenic

the adularia-sericitetype of epithermaldepositsof metric

Heald et al. (1987), which includessuchwell-known uncertainty,and no interval of geologictime over
depositsasColqui,Peru;Comstock,Nevada;Creede, which hydrothermalactivity and mineralizationoc-
Colorado;and Guanajuato,Pachuca-Realdel Monte, curredcanbe demonstrated(cf. Noble andSilberman,
and Topia, Mexico (LoucksandPetersen,1988). 1984).
Wall-rock alteration Vein mineralogyand textures
The veins of the Arcata district are excellent ex-
The intermediatevolcanicrocksexposedin the area
of the Arcataveins are pervasivelyaffectedby low- amples of rich base metal-bearingsilver-goldepi-
gradepropyliticalteration.Productiveveinsare sur- thermal veins of the adularia-sericitetype. Open-
rounded by zonesof moderateto locally strongpo- space-fillingtexturesand structuresare typical,and
tassiummetasomatismresulting in rocks consisting combstructure,crustification,symmetricalbanding,
largelyof adulariaandquartzwith or withoutsericite, and vugs lined with crystalsof ore and/or gangue
albite,chlorite,and/orcarbonate.With the exception mineralsare common.Preciousmetals are mostly
of the Tres ReyesandBajaveins,argillicalterationis containedin pyrargyrite,otherAg sulfosaltminerals,
argentian tetrahedrite, acanthite, and electrum ac-
weaklydevelopedor absentboth within, andasmuch
as several hundred meters above, the ore zone. companiedby downwardly increasingamountsof
sphalerite,galena,and chalcopyrite(Fornari, 1973,
Timing of hydrothermalactivity 1978; Fornari and Vilca, 1979; Sohnius, 1979; Matzat,
1981; May, 1981; Allen, 1983; Heuberger, 1983;
Six K-Ar age determinationson vein and wall-rock Larson, 1983; Prutek, 1984; and other workers).
adulariaandalunitefromthe TresReyes,Mari6n,and Sphaleritecommonlyincludeschalcopyritein chal-
Luisaveinsclusteraround5.4 Ma (Table 1). The hia- copyrite diseasetexture (Barton, 1978; Eldridge et
tusof about0.5 m.y. betweenthe youngestpremin- al., 1983). Microscopictexturalrelationssuggest
eralvolcanismandhydrothermalactivityis similarto basemetalsulfidesare generallyearlierthanthe pre-
that reportedfor other adularia-sericite-type
epi- cious metal minerals. Other sulfosalt minerals rec-
thermalsystems(e.g., Silbermanet al., 1972; Silber- ognizedlocallyincludemiargyrite,stephanitc,pear-
man, 1983; Noble and Silberman,1984). The radio- ceite, polybasite,stromeyerite,and jalpaitc, and/or


A JA 5• ø

66 ø

FIG. 3. Map showingthe major veins of the Arcata district.

mckinstryite. Early-{brmed arsenopyrite has been Form of ore shoots

withinpyritehavebeenrecognizedby Allen (1983); The ore shootsat the Arcata mine are more per-
thesephaseshave been reported in few epithermal sistentbothlaterallyandverticallythanin manyother
preciousmetal systems.Native silveroccurslocally adularia-sericite-type
epithermalvein districts(e.g.,
andmarcasiteandstibniteare foundin placesin the Kamilli andOhmoto,1977; Buchanan,1980, 1981).
upperpartsofveins.Precious metaloresaretypically Ore zonesdisplaya stronghorizontalaspect,extend-
finegrainedandwellbanded,withgrainsizetending ingdowndipfor 250 to 350 m andverticallyandalong
to increasedownward.Individualcoarsegrainsof strikefor considerably greaterdistances.The Mari6n
pyrargyritecanbe foundin lowerlevels,particularly vein hasbeenminednearlycontinuously alongstrike
in the Mari6n vein. for more than 2 km (Fig. 6) and the Marciano-west
Ganguemineralsare quartz, adularia,calcite,rho- Luisa structure has been mined for a distance of 1.9
dochrosite,rhodonite,chlorite, green fluorite, and km. Ore zonesare generallycontinuous in their upper
late-formedsiderite.Chalcedonicand milky quartz, parts, becoming progressivelymore discontinuous
opalinesilica,prismaticcalcite,and/orillite-smectite with depth.In the LuisaandMarcianoveinsprecious
are foundlocallyin the uppermostpartsof veins,and metal values decreasemarkedly between the -160
epidoteis presentbelow the -235 level in the Mari6n and-210 levels,with only restrictedportionsof the
vein. Spectacularwhite radiatingfibrouscalcite,sim- veinscontainingore on the -210 level. In the Mari6n
ilar to that describedby Ransome(1923), occursin vein (e.g., cymoid zone, Fig. 7), downwardlypro-
many areasand is especiallyassociatedwith ore in jecting rootscontainingrich silver-and gold-bearing
the Mari6n vein (Fig. 5). polymetallicoresappearto mark wider zonesof the
PERU 1479

,S6o0 m _

•4oo A A' -


5000 • - REYES
J eaJa ......... MARIA
• LEVEL t 80

• V • t • • • " '" '" ' ' t -- 80

4200 ' • - • • > •---- ' •'k •' • • '•< •

4000 m


• Andesitc
• Volcanicbreccia
o 1
v•v-• 1Dacite i I i
=J---• Dacitic-andeeitictuff
."• Tuff- breccia
>•,•--• Phenocryst-poor andesitc

FIG. 4. Generalizedcrosssectionconstructedapproximatelynormal to the vein structures.View

is northwest.See Figure 3 for location.

structurewith greaterthanaveragefluid flow.Within orebodiesat Arcatathusappearsto differ fromthose

the cymoid zone the ore shootalsoextendslocally of epithermaldistrictswith subhorizontal
lower limits
abovethe generalupper limit of economicmineral- (e.g.,Buchanan,1981) andthat of the ore zoneof the
ization (Figs. 6 and 7). The form of certain of the Manto vein of the Oreopampadistrict, Peru, which

FIC. 5. A. High-gradeore of the preciousmetal stagefrom the -160 level of the Mari6n vein.
White radiatingaggregates on right sideof specimenare composedof fibrouscalciteintimatelyinter-
grownwith quartz,manganese silicate,andadularia.Left sideof specimen
largelyof manganese
quartz,andadularia.Fine-graineddarkbandsare composedof sphaleritewith
lesseramountsof galenaand other sulfideand sulfosaltminerals.B. High-gradesilverore from the
-120 level of the Luisavein. Late-stagefluoriteon right sideof specimenwasdepositedin banded
aggregatesof adulariaand quartz. Remainderof specimenconsistsof a mixture of quartz, adularia,
calcite,and fine-grainedore minerals.Elongatecavitiesare apparentlythe result of hydrothermal
leachingof calcite.Unitsof scalesare I cm.
PERU 1481

has a highly irregular upper limit (Petersenet al.,

The wider portionsof the veinstypically contain
highergradeores(,C•a. Minasde Arcata;
Prutek, 1984). Vein width is mostly controlledby
changes in strikeanddipof the structures.
In addition,
rich ore is found in severalcymoidloop structures,
for examplethe 12-m-widecymoidof the Mari6nvein
on the -120 level and the loop in the northeastern
part of the RamalD vein, from which mostof the
productionduringthe latterpartof 1988 wasderived.
The Marciano,RamalD, Macarena,andespeciallythe
Mari6nveinsshowevidenceof extensiveandrepeated
reopening,tectonic and hydrothermalbrecciation,
andfilling.In the veinswhere earlyprismaticcalcite 2111

(seebelow) is present,hydrothermalbrecciationtook
placeonly after its deposition.
J v., Vl,•wlI
metal contents,and zoning
I 2 • 4 5
In only one vein, Mari6n, has more
than one economicallysignificantparageneticstage FIG. 8. Schematicsectionof the Mari6n vein in the cymoid
beenrecognized.However,systematic detailedstudy zone,-235 level,lookingnorthwestandshowingearlybasemetal
such as that carried out on the Calera vein at Orco- andlateprecious
by narrowbandsofgreen
fluorite. 1 -- wall rock of altered intermediatelava; 2 = hydro-
pampa(Gibsonet al., 1990) may reveala more com- thermal brecciacontainingfragmentsof intermediatelava ce-
plicated history. Early barren prismatic calcite is mentedby prismaticcalcite;3 = basemetalstageconsisting of
presentthroughoutthe Mari6n, Marciano,andRamal bandscomposed mainlyof coarse-grained sphaleriteandgalena
D veinsandin placeswithin the LuisaandMacarena with quartzandpyrite;4 = narrowlayersof greenfluorite;5 =
lateprecious metalstageconsisting ofwell-bandedorecontaining
veins;suchcalciteplus quartz extendsbeyond, and finergrainedpyrargyriteandotherpreciousandbasemetalmin-
is better developedabove, the ore zone. Late pris- eralsin a gangueof quartz,rhodochrosite, Mn silicatemineral(s),
matic calcite is found in the Ramal D vein, and a late adularia, fibrous calcite, and ohiorite.
fiuorite-sideritestageispresentin Luisaandpossibly
in other veins. There are, however, differencesin the
proportionsand/or texturesof vein mineralsand in
absoluteand relative metal content. For example, the lowerpartof the Marcianoveinis alsosuggested
preciousmetal oresof the Mari6n vein containmore by a channel
sample showinghighcontents ofPband
manganesesilicatesand carbonatesand radiatingfi- Zn (Table2). Megascopic and microscopic relations
brouscalcite,andhavehigherAg/Au andbasemetal suggestthatsilver-bearing
to preciousmetal ratios,than oresof the Luisavein. in boththe baseandpreciousmetalstages.
These variationssuggestthat severalore-depositing Thespatialdistribution
hydrothermalsubsystems were activeat varioustimes stages,
aswell asbarrenportionsof the veinacross
in the district(cf. Petersenet al., 1977). the structure is, however, in some cases,more com-
Two distinct ore-bearingparageneticstagesare plicatedthanisshownin Figure8. Anexampleofthis
presentin the Mari6n vein. As recognizedby Larson complexity is illustratedby assays
(1983) in drill core, and subsequentlyconfirmedin distinguishable portionsof the Mari6n vein on the
mine exposures(Fig. 8), in the lower part of the -200 level(Fig.9). It isnotclearto whatextentsuch
structurean early basemetal stagecontainingsphal- alternationof basemetal-andpreciousmetal-richores
erite, galena,and chalcopyritewith minor late acan- reflectsalternatingdepositionand to what extentit
thite is cut by a later stageof finer grainedandmore is a resultof tectonicreopeningof the structure.
stronglybandedsilverore containingpyrargyriteand Multielementanalyses of channelsamples takenat
argentiantetrahedrite.The basemetal stageis pre- 2-m intervals on the -235 level of the Mari6n vein,
cededby barrenprismaticcalciteandfollowedby a however,suggest thatthe degreeof reopeningprior
thin but persistentband of green fluorite that was to deposition of the preciousmetalstageandthecon-
depositedbeforethe veinwasreopenedandin many tinuityof the resultantfluid channelway washighly
placesshearedand brecciated(Fig. 8). The position variable.Silver,lead,andzinccontentsvarymarkedly
of the preciousmetalstagewithinthe structurevaries, over shortdistancesalongthe vein, and a strongan-
but mostcommonlyis locatednearor onthe hanging tithetic relationexistsbetweenAg andZn and,to a
wall. The possiblepresenceof a basemetalstagein lesserextent,Pb (Fig. 10). The Ag/Znratio (Fig. 10)

TABLE2. AverageConcentrations
of Metalsin Ores fromArcata

Level Width No. of Cu Pb Zn Ag Au Fe As Sb

(in meters) specimens (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (oz/metricton) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %)

0 0.45 3 0.02 0.09 0.'21 '26.1 0.05 '2.2 0.0'2 0.0'2

-40 0.97 4 0.09 0.19 0.33 67.3 0.16 '2.2 0.0'2 0.03
-80 1.19 4 0.04 0.1'2 0.'20 '28.9 0.09 1.6 0.01 0.0'2
-1'20 1.14 4 0.09 0.64 1.1'2 75.6 0.18 1.7 0.01 0.03
-160 0.94 4 0.09 0.'27 0.34 35.4 0.15 '2.7 0.0'2 0.0'2
-318D 0.58 1 0.06 0.64 0.79 '2.6 0.03

Marciano and Marciano Sur

0 0.59 '2 0.01 0.05 0.08 1'2.7 0.06 '2.7 0.0'2 0.04
-40 0.37 4 0.04 0.09 0.13 '21.6 0.06 1.8 0.0'2 0.04
-80 0.51 4 0.06 0.46 0.98 83.1 0.14 3.9 0.0'2 0.11
-120 0.51 10 0.15 0.6'2 1.01 60.9 0.14 '2.2 0.03 0.08
-160 0.50 1'2 0.15 0.56 1.05 56.6 0.17 4.'2 0.03 0.07
-160B 0.65 1 0.'25 1.9 3.0 76.7 0.38 3.'2 0.03 0.09


-40 1.58 3 0.02 0.07 0.17 19.9 0.06 9.3 0.04 0.04
-80 1.76 3 0.03 0.'26 0.46 3'2.5 0.09 5.'2 0.04 0.05
- 1 '20 1.37 3 0.03 0.18 0.37 '29.8 0.07 5.1 0.03 0.06
-160 1.39 3 0.17 0.84 1.8 41.2 0.18 6.8 0.04 0.17
- 160B 1.70 1 0.48 3.4 6.6 86. '2 0.17 8.4 0.09 0.'21
-235 '2.46 81 0.30 4.1 6.5 60.3 0.'21


-1'20 1.'2 0.04 1.0 1.5 37.3 0.08

-264D 0.18 0.05 1.'2 3.0 1.9 0.01
-297D 0.4'2 0.0'2 0.53 1.1 1.1

Channelsamplesfrom the Luisavein are from between coordinatesE30350 andE20410, samplesfrom the Marcianoand Marciano
Sur veins are from various localities between mine coordinatesbetween E19850 and E20650, and those from the Mari6n vein are
from between coordinatesE19260 andE19220 within the cymoidzone (Fig. 6); valuesfor Cu, Pb, Zn are from analysesby Hunter
Mining Laboratory(Sparks,NV); remainderof datafor the Luisa,Marciano,andMari6n veinsare basedon analyses by C. H. Plenge
y Cia., S. A. (Lima); valuesfor the -235 level of the Mari6n vein are width-weightedaveragesof 81 channelsamplescollectedat 2-
m intervalswithin a rich portion of the cymoid ore shootand analyzedby the mine laboratory, Cia. Minas de Arcata; data for the
Macarenavein are width-weighted averagevaluesfor 410 m of vein averaging>10 oz/metric ton Ag basedon severalhundred
channelsamplesanalyzedby Minas de Arcata; suffixB on level indicatesbase metal-richsample;suffixD indicatessamplesfrom
diamonddrill cores,which provide only qualitative indicationsof metal contentsand proportions

providesan approximatemeasureof the relativepro- and Mari6n veinsthat are relatively rich in silverwas
portionsof preciousmetal and basemetal stages. madeby Noble (1982). Mostof the samplescontained
Metal contents:The basemetal contentsof many between 0.025 and 0.15 wt percent Cu, 0.1 and 0.5
epithermaldepositsare poorly knownbecausemine wt percent Pb, and 0.15 and 1.0 wt percent Zn. Av-
operatorstypically analyzeonly for one or both of eragevaluesfor theseelementsand Ag, Au, Fe, As,
the preciousmetals.•The elementsCu, Pb, and Zn and Sb for the differentveinsand levelsare givenin
are usefulin evaluatingzoningpatternsandinferring Table 2 and selectedratiosare plotted in Figure 11.
the downwardpersistenceof orebodies.A studyfor Baseand preciousmetal data for a large numberof
this purposethat utilized 66 channelsamplestaken samplescollectedduring 1987 and 1988 during the
at differentlevelsin segmentsof the Luisa,Marciano, developmentof the -235 level of the Mari6n vein
and the -120 level of the Macarena vein are also
• Before 1988 C{a. Minas de Arcata routinely analyzedonly summarized in Table 2. Thallium contents of <0.5
for silver.However, systematicanalysesof Cu, Pb, Zn, andAu in
addition to silver presently being carried out in the Macarena ppm have been determinedby Hunter Mining Lab-
vein andin the lower partsof the Mari6n andRamalD veinswill oratoryon twelve specimens,oneeachfrom the -40,
eventuallyprovidean importantbody of geochemicaldata. -80, - 120, and - 160 levels of Marciano and Mari6n

dropsharplywithina verticaldistance
of about10 m.
Anotherexampleis providedby the Mari6n vein,
which on the surface 80 m above one of the richest
portionsof the structure(sectionD-D', Figs.3, 6, and
7) containsonlytraceamountsof Ag (mean8 ppm)
andAu (ca.80 ppb) accompanied by about40 ppm
Sb and 450 ppm As.
The productivepartsof the veinsshowa general
upwarddecrease in baserelativeto preciousmetals,
• . 30 particularlyin Pb/Agand(Pb+ Zn)/Ag(Figs.11A,
13). The recognition of thesepatternsis madediffi-
cult,particularlyin the Mari6nvein,by the presence
of basemetal-richstage(s), becausebandscomposed
• •o largelyofsphalerite andgalenacanhavePb/Agratios
ashighas5,000+. Specifically, valuesofPb/Agof>5
o 8.3 on the -160 and -120 levelsprobablyreflect the
DISTANCE ACROSS VEIN, IN METERS localpresence ofbasemetal-stage ore.Thereislittle
changein the relativeamountsof basemetalsverti-
FIG. 9. Plots showingconcentrationsof Ag, Pb, and Zn for
ten megascopicallydistinguishable
partsof split 1280 on the -200 cally,althoughthereis somesuggestion that within
level of the Mari6n vein within the cymoid zone, coordinates preciousmetaloresCu/Pbmayincreaseslightlyup-
11080N, 18590E. ward (Fig. 11C). Drill hole datafrom beneaththe
Mari6n, Luisa, Macarena,and Ramal D veins (Cia.
Minasde Arcata, a generalde-
and one each from the 0, -40, -80, and -120 levels creasein vein width, baseand preciousmetal con-
of the Luisa vein. tents,and preciousto basemetal ratio with depth
Vertical zoning:As in many epithermalprecious below the presentworkings.
metal vein deposits,the ore shootsat Arcataexhibit Similarvariationsare shownby 15 channelsamples
a sharpupper limit. A goodexampleis providedby fromthe Bajavein (Prutek,1984). A generalupward
the 80NW chimneyabovethe -120 level of the Ma- decreasein Pb/Agfromabout30 to 1 correlateswith
carenavein (Figs. 12, 13). Total basemetalsdecrease a decrease in thehomogenizationtemperature of fluid
stronglyand preciousmetal to basemetal ratiosin- inclusionsin quartzfrom about265ø to 205øC, with
creaseby an order of magnitudeupward,and with ratioslessthanabout2 occurringbetweenabout220 ø
continuedincreasein elevationpreciousmetalvalues and 205øC. Similarrelationshold for Zn/Ag and, as

Range of Values
• A9 5-324 oz/TM
Pb [] Pb 0.4-9.2 wf. x
[] Zn 0.8-17.7 wf. x
[] Ag/Zn
ZN [] Pb/Zn



0 41 82 123 164


FIG. 10. Plot showingthe variationof Ag, Pb, and Zn contentsandAg/Zn andPb/Zn ratiosalong
a 162-m sectionon the -235 level of the Mari6n vein within the cymoidzone. Averagevein width in
this zone is about 2.5 m.

o o o
0 0++ 0 0 + +

-80 **

-120 + oo

-160 + ++• 0 +

-200 • , ,,I
1 i i i i i i i•10 _ i L•1•1
1 O0 i i i i i iiii

Pb/Ag Cu/Au

o o o
o 0 +0 0 + +

O0++ 0 +0•

-80 +o o + O00 %+
o o • +

-120 o

o+•o++. o +O•

i i i i i i • i i •J i i • i i i i i I
-200 • $11 ß
loo lOOO

Cu/Pb Ag/Au
FIo. 11. Plots of the ratios (A) Pb/Ag, (B) Cu/Au, (C) Cu/Pb, and (D) Ag/Au versuselevation for
channel samplesfrom the Luisa vein (diamonds),Marciano and Marciano Sur (crosses),and the MariOn
vein (open circles). The points for the Luisa and MariOn veins have been shifted 5 m up and down,
respectively,to facilitate plotting. See Table 2 for sourcesof data. The medianAg/Au value for the
-235 level of the Mari6n vein is about 260.

in Macarena,there is a suggestionof an increasein Au ratio from about 210 on the -160 level to about
Pb/AgandZn/Ag abovethe ore shoots.The Pb/Cu 315 on the -120 level, a changeconsistentwith the
ratio decreases from about 5 to 50 to <3 to 10 with datain Figure 11D. Assayson 34 channelsamples
increasingelevation. from the -120 level of the Mari6n vein between
Althoughthere appearsto be little overallchange 1660-1700 NW containing>3 oz/metrictonAg have
in the Ag/Au ratio verticallywithin individualveins a medianAg/Au of 1,150, and 18 samplesfrom the
(Figs. 11D, 13), there are significantvariationsbe- -80 level of the Ramal D vein between 1662-1698
tweenveins,portionsof veins,and/orsuccessive de- NE with >4 oz/metricton Ag havea medianAg/Au
positionaleventswithin a vein. A studyby Fudinaga of about340. The averageAg/Au ratio for the -120
(1984) utilizingchannelsamples specifically
collected level of the Macarenavein is about480 (Table 2).
forthe studyandanalyzedby Geolab(Chile)provides More detailedsystematicanalysesfor the -235 level
additionaldata.Numeroussamplesfrom portionsof of the Mari6nvein reveallargevariations in Ag/Au
the Luisavein suggest an upwardincreasein the Ag/ in bothbasemetal-rich
PERU 1485

--0--0-- Ag. oz / TM
--o--o-- Au. gr/ TM
--+--+-- Zn. %
--o o--Pb. %

-40 Level

- 120 Level

Pb- Zn% 2.0 1.0 0 Ag.oz/TM 0 40 I•0 160 200

Au. gr/ TM 0 I0 20 50 40

FIG. 12. Plotsof Pb, Zn, Au, and Ag contentsversuselevationin chimneyCH-80NW, Macarena
vein. TM = metric ton.

majorvariations in thepreciousmetalcontentsofbase teration,characterizedby a zoneof kaolinitcpassing

metal-richsubstages (D. C. Noble and H. Candiotti outward to montmorillonite,bordering the central
R.,,1989-1990). Thesefeaturesappar- and most of the easternportionsof the compound
entlyreflectlargevariationsin therelativemetalcon- structure(Fig. 14A; Eyzaguirreet al., 1981). Coatings
tents of the hydrothermalsolutionswith time. of opalwith desiccationcracksare presentlocallyat
the surface,and alunite is presentin wall rock along
Tres Reyes vein partsof the centralpart (Veta Principal)of the struc-
The Tres Reyesvein, the southwesternmost and ture. The northwestern(and topographicallyhigher)
longeststructure(Figs.2, 3), is somewhatdifferent part of the surfaceexposureof the Tres Reyesvein is
from the other veinsof the district.It is more complex, surroundedby resistantmoderatelyto stronglyadu-
possessing manysplitsand strandsaswell asa large larized rock. In the -40 level (equivalentin elevation
cymoidloop.Moststriking,however,is the presence to the -120 level of the Mari6n-Marciano-Luisa-Ra-
of a well-developedselvageof advancedargillic al- mal D vein area) in the easternpart of the structure


-'-'- 60 60

C 40 40



I • i i i iL•
1000 10000
Ag/Cu' Ag*.500/(Pb+Zn) Cu/Au' Ag*5/Au
FIG. 13. Plots of Ag/Cu, Ag,300/(Pb + Zn), Cu/Au, and Ag,5/Au versuselevationin chimney
CH-80NW, Macarena vein. Elevation is above the floor of level -120.

adularizedwall rock is overprintedby strongad- The Tres Reyesvein hasbeen exploredwithin 150
vancedargillic(kaolinitc)alteration.The Bajavein is m of the surfaceby a numberof inclineddrill holes
the only other structureto possess an intensekaolin- and at greater depth by two crosscutson the -40
ite-montmorillonite alteration halo at the surface, level that intercept the compositestructure in its
whichgradesto adularization in the southeastern part southeastern (RamalTres)andcentral(VetaPrincipal)
of the structure.The zonesof advanced argillicaltered parts.In the southeasterncrosscutthe TresReyesvein
rock surroundingthe Tres Reyesand Bajaveins,al- was intersected about 275 m below the surface and
thoughtypicallylessthan 20 m wide, producea suf- an inclined drill hole from the crosscut intersected
ficientlystrongcontrastin albedowith the surround- what appearsto be the samestructureat a depth of
ing propyliticallyaltered rocksthat the structurecan about 450 m beneath the surface. In the northwestern
readilybe recognizedon high-altitudeaerialphoto- crosscutthe Tres Reyes vein was intersected at a
graphsandevenon standardLANDSAT imagery. depth of about 330 m. In these workingsthe Tres
The alterationpatternfitsthe patternof high-level Reyes vein does not possessa strong,well-defined
advancedargillic alterationdescribedby Buchanan structureand lacksthe banded charactertypical of
(1981), althoughthe zone of alteration is narrower the productive veins of the district. Only small
and more closelyrelated to the vein structuresthan amounts of ore were found in the drifts north and
in his model.In manyplacesvein materialis leached south from these intersections. Late-formed stibnite
and porous(Fig. 14B). No calciteis presenton the is common, and Ag/Au ratios are lower (median
surfaceor in undergroundworkingsanddrill holein- < 200) than in other veins.
tercepts.The transitionsin the Tres ReyesandBaja Fluid inclusion studies
veinsalongstrike from advancedargillicalterationto
adularizationprovideadditionalcomplexity.It is not Heating-andfreezing-stage measurements on fluid
clear whetheradvancedargillicassemblages every- inclusionsfrom Arcata have been made by May
where postdated adularia-sericitealteration at the (1981), Allen (1983), and Prutek (1984). Homoge-
Tres Reyes vein, or whether in some casesthe two nization temperaturesrange from lessthan 200 ø to
alteration types formed simultaneouslyin different over 275øC, with mostfalling between about 230 ø
segmentsof the samevein structure.Within the pro- and 270øC. Specimensfrom ore shootsin the Baja
ductiveportion of the Baja vein, however,isotherms vein, however, have yielded temperaturesas low as
definedby fluidinclusionfillingtemperatures plunge 200 ø to 220øC (Prutek, 1984). Most freezing-stage
20 ø to 40 ø to the northwest(Prutek, 1984), and the measurements havebeen on quartz andindicatevery
advancedargillicalterationexposedat the surfacecan low (<2.5 equiv wt % NaCI) salinities.A few mea-
reasonably be interpretedasoverlyingdeeperadu- surements on sphalerite(probablyfromthe earlybase
laria-sericite alteration and ore on the northwestern metal stage)and pyrargyrite from the lower parts of
flank of a thermal culmination. the Mari6n and Marcianoveins, respectively,show
PERU 1487

•;-' •" - •'• ' }..•;.....•.:..;•......

: •,.:
- ... -•.:
,.,<.....•. :.:
,.• '•½ :;.•.•,
- . .
' • '• '• •:•"
:• ,-•,:"
..... •.•.

ß ß ".....

.* -" /:.; ½7'
. . •'..•

:, ..,..-%:'•
,.?.. & . ½.'. . •, .;•.-

...•,...½-*,*.... , ½ :½½•"..,.,...• ' .

'- .?*' C* • '-.-,.:.;- ß':;'...'•'/" ..• :-• ;..-, .

..•;•S• , ,.-ß .. ;.' . ' ..,:: .' .2. :.• •: '

, -' .-- -' •-, "2/-' •-.. ½-• 7'. -....

. , ..:,• '.- ,. •? •., ½•:,, .. •.- ..• .


FIG. 14. A. View of the central part of the Tres Reyesvein lookingeast-southeast showingthe
selvageof advancedargillicallyalteredrock.B. The TresReyesveinin contactwith argillicallyaltered
wall rock showingporousnatureof leachedvein material.

salinitiesof >3 wt percent (Fig. 15). Preliminary are present but are not as commonas reported in
measurements by J. Manrique(writ. commun.,1988) someepithermalvein systems.
tend to corroboratethe relativelyhighersalinitiesof No stableisotopedata are availablefor mineralsor
fluidstrappedin oreminerals.It isnotknownwhether hydrothermalfluidsfromArcata.A specimenof pres-
the dominantpopulationof low-salinityinclusions in ent-daygroundwatercollectedfromwithin the mine,
quartzare of primaryor pseudosecondary originor however, has a •iD of -142 per rail (D.C. Noble,
a mixture of the two types (cf. Foley et al., 1989)., 1985). Becausethe Andesof Peru had
Fluid inclusionswith texturessuggestive of boiling beenupliftedto approximately theirpresentelevation
(e.g.,KamilliandOhmoto,1977; Bodnaret al., 1985) during the middle Miocene (Noble et al., 1989) the

metal ratio may be due to verticalzoningwithin a

singlestageor chemically similarstages
and/orto the
presenceof discretebase and preciousmetal-rich
ß + stages,whichmay,themselves, in turnbe zoned.Only
systematic and detailedundergroundstudiesof the
veins,preferablyat varioustimesduringdevelopment
Ore shootsat Arcataare muchmorepersistentboth
250 verticallyandlaterallythanin manyepithermalbo-
nanza districts. This is consistent with data from the
literaturethat suggestthat ore shootsof morebase
metal-richepithermalAg-Audeposits tendto be more
continuousthan thoseof very basemetal-poorde-
190 positsor stages.This continuityalsoindirectlysup-
portsthe conclusionof Loucksand Petersen(1988)
that in manyepithermalvein systemsore lies within
a subhorizontal,but sinuousor undulating,zone of
highpreciousto basemetalratioratherthanforming
I I • I I discrete and unrelated bodies within the vein struc-
-0.6 - 1.4 -2.2 ture.

Tm ,øC The TresReyesvein is an intriguinganomaly.Ore

hasnotbeendiscovered at depthsof 500+ m beneath
FIG. 1,5. Plot ofhomogenization temperatureversusfreezing- the original surface,althoughthe vein is long and
point depressionfor fluid inclusionsfrom the Arcatadistrict.Q
= quartz(opencircles= primaryinclusions, specimen230U from
persistentwith manysplitsandstrandsandpossesses
level -160, Mari6n vein; closed circles = inclusionsfrom other a spectacularhigh-level alteration envelope (cf.
veins);S = primary inclusionsin sphalerite,specimen230U; P Buchanan,1981). One possibilityisthat the structure
= primary inclusionsin pyrargyrite,specimen280U from level lacksore, perhapslargely becauseit was not open
-80, Marciano vein. Data from May (1981). when metal-bearinghydrothermalfluidswere pres-
ent.Anotherpossibilityisthatthe orezoneliesbelow
the presentlevel of exploration.Geologicrestoration
valueshouldapproximate thecomposition of meteoric suggests that the deepestexplorationof the structure
water at the time of mineralization. is about 500 to 550 m below the surface at the time

Discussion and Conclusions

of hydrothermalactivity and mineralization.This
depth is similarto the depth at the top of the ore
The Arcatamine is situatedwithin a majorbelt of zonesat Pachuca,Mexico (400-500 m), Creede, Col-
Neogenecalc-alkaline intermediateto silicicvolcanic orado(500-600 m), and Eureka (Sunnyside),Colo-
rocks.Hydrothermalactivity and mineralizationis rado (400 m) (see Heald et al., 1987). At Colqui,
spatiallyandtemporallyrelatedto someof the youn- where CO2 contents of inclusion fluids were deter-
ger volcaniceventsin the belt. Geologicrelations mined,a depthto ore of about1,000 m wasinferred
suggestthat the districtis locatedovera possiblyge- (Kamilli and Ohmoto,1977). A depth of 300 to 350
neticallyrelatedintrusionsituatedwithina small-to m hasbeen givenfor Guanajuato,Mexico (Buchanan,
medium-sized collapsecalderathat formedlessthan 1980; Heald et al., 1987), but CO2 data were not
a millionyearsearlier.The districtprovidessupport available from fluid inclusions to allow calculation of
for the conceptof a closegeneticrelationbetween the total vapor pressureof this system.Some epi-
epithermal preciousmetal systemsand high-level thermalpreciousmetal veins,suchas thoseof the
magmatic activity. Nationaldistrict(Vikre, 1985), were depositedcloser
Smallbut significantamountsof zinc, lead, andto to the originalland surface;suchdeposits,however,
lesserextent copper,are presentin the ores;Ag/Au lack the appreciablebasemetal contentsand differ
ratiosare highbut variable.Althoughthere is a pat- in othersignificantwaysfromthe veinsof Arcataand
tern of upwardincreasein preciousto basemetals, similar districts.
particularlyAg/Pb, basemetalsare an integralpart Although 'opalwasdeposited nearthe surface at
of the metalsuitein the preciousmetalores.Zoning TresReyes,the greatverticalextentof argillicalter-
patternsanddeterminationof the composition of the ationsuggests that at othertimesthe fluidlevel in the
preciousmetal oresfrom assaydata are obscuredby TresReyesvein mayhavebeensituatedwell below
the presenceof a discreteearly basemetal stage.At the land surface.Moreover,the strongkaoliniticand
Arcata and other similar districts in Peru and else- alunitic alteration suggeststhat the hydrothermal
where, generalvertical changesin baseto precious fluids of the Tres Reyes vein may have had higher
PERU 1489

H2S contentsthan those of the structureswith known fluids:Chemicaleffectson mineralprecipitation:Unpub.Ph.D.

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of Minas de Arcata and Hochschildgave assistance de Cayllomay Arcata, sur del Per6 [abs.]:Cong. PeruanoGeo•
andsupportin variousaspectsof ourwork. S. S. Howe, Iogia, Soc. Geol. PerG, 5th, Lima, Peru, 1983, ResGmenes,p.
S. Ludington, and two EconomicGeologyreviewers GM-48.

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